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Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1

Page 42

by Harley, Lisa M.

  He pulled away then, leaving me confused and alone. “I have to make some calls. You’re leaving tomorrow, Kate.”

  He disappeared into his room and I heard his muffled voice talking on the phone. Sharp, demanding, and angry.

  What would happen to him? Was he sacrificing his assignment, his life, to get me out of here?

  Chapter Seven

  That night, I lay in his bed wide awake and fearing what the next day would bring. He’d hardly spoken two words to me the rest of the day, but at least he was sleeping next to me. Well, he was sleeping in the same bed, but he was as far away as he could possibly be. I knew my comment about staying had infuriated him. I hadn’t actually meant it. No sane person would mean it, right? It was just a last stitch effort to stay near him, to make sure he wasn’t going to jeopardize everything for me.

  But he wasn’t the devil I thought he was. Yes, he was a hard, unyielding man, but he’d protected me. He’d put his life and job on the line for me.

  I kept tossing and turning, trying to find solace, but nothing worked. Eventually, I saw Adam roll onto his back out of the corner of my eye. He blinked and took a heavy breath. He was wide awake, just like me.

  Without a thought, I rolled over, climbed on top of him, and pinned his thick biceps under my hands. It was a facade, my hands barely covered his, but it felt good to be in control for once. To have him pinned under me.

  His hard, sinful stare found my eyes and I could see the shifting in his mood. I ground my hips on top of his, pouring lighter fluid onto a burning match.

  “Come with me. Come back to the states with me. Don’t stay. Please,” I begged, trying to make him see his other options. His life wasn’t worth this assignment. But I didn’t know him. Maybe he thought it was. He was sacrificing his life for the greater good.

  He never answered my plea. His hand reached up to grip my hair and bring my lips down to his. It was a meeting of souls when our tongues danced together. He consumed me from the inside out. I could feel his thick cock grow hard beneath his boxers and I kept undulating on top of him, coaxing it to absolute firmness.

  “You’re killing me,” he moaned as I slid down his body. We both knew what I wanted. I needed to feel him in my mouth, give him peace of mind and clarity. Maybe if I was good enough, he’d come home with me. Maybe he’d see that there was more than one option.

  My lips slid down his abs and I bit his boxers, dragging them down his legs with my teeth. His smooth cock sprang out and a seductive smirk coated my lips. I knew he’d taste divine and I loved the way his hooded eyes stared down at me with supreme lust.

  I wrapped my lips around him and pushed him into my mouth, feeding off his grizzly moans. To bring a man like him to his knees made me feel so deeply powerful. My tongue swirled along his length as I brought him in and out, sucking hard and then backing off to prolong his pleasure. My hand cupped his balls and his hands gripped painfully into my hair. He pushed me onto him and I took him, sucking him deeper and deeper.

  I could taste his salty pre-cum and I wanted more. I wanted him to lose it. My hand stroked down his shaft, jerking him off as my mouth stroked his head, sucking hard and fast. It was too much, I knew he was about to explode. Just before he did, I pushed him all the way in, I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care. I held my breath as his hot cum shot down my throat and he moaned my name with dark carnal pleasure. Over and over again, he called my name, making me wet and needy for my own release.

  The second I’d swallowed everything, he flipped the script. He tossed me off his body and spread my legs wide. He ripped my panties off and my eyes rolled back as his fingers dove in and out of me. There was no slow-build, no teasing. This was hard and fast, as if we couldn’t get enough of each other. Every single cell, molecule, thought, belonged to Adam in that moment. He sucked my clit and stroked my entrance until I thought I’d pass out. Then his dick pressed into me and I cried out from the force and pure shock of pleasure.

  He gripped my lower back, bringing me off the bed so that I was resting in his arms. He was doing all the work, thrusting in and out of me hard and fast. I lay limp in his arms, letting him fill me until I was sure there was no separation between us. He was so deep. When his hand found my clit, he didn’t slow his pace, he thrust into me harder and I exploded in his arms, giving him everything and taking all of him in return.

  “Kate,” he moaned, setting me down onto the bed and kissing me with so much tenderness that it broke my heart. It was a good-bye kiss.

  It held such profound sadness, and I knew it.

  He pulled himself out of me, rolled off the bed, and slammed the door behind him with a hard snap.

  I didn’t see him again that night or the next morning.

  Chapter Eight

  I was pacing in the living room, moving back and forth across the concrete. I had no clue where Adam had gone the night before, and he still wasn’t back. My worst fear was that they’d already killed him. They’d been suspicious of him already and I feared the steps he took to protect me further proved their suspicions.

  I wrung my hands through my hair, trying to stay calm, but nothing helped. I needed to get out of there. There was nothing in the suite. No phone, no way to communicate with the outside world. The windows were all bullet proof and I’d already tried slamming a chair into them to no avail.

  When I’d all but given up hope, a loud bang sounded against the door and then four armed guards rushed into the suite with military gear covering them from head to toe. I screamed. My hands flew to my face and my wild eyes tried to figure out which side the men were on.

  They spanned out and covered the suite in a matter of seconds as I stood frozen in the living room. Their camo looked like they belonged to the U.S. ARMY but I had no way to be sure if they were a rebel group or not. My body shook as I tried hard to remain calm.

  “Ma’am, are you Kate Winters?” one of them finally said to me.

  He flipped the sun visor on his helmet and, hesitantly, stepped closer to me. My eyes grew wide and I backed up.

  “I’m Sergeant Williams from the U.S. ARMY. We’re here to transport you to safety. Our helicopter is positioned outside.”

  Holy hell. I was going home. He’d done it. Adam had rescued me.

  My body started shaking even more, and the next few moments passed in a blur. The four men circled around me on all sides. One of them looped an arm beneath my shoulders so he could act as a body guard and help carry most of my weight as we sprinted out. The last time I’d stepped outside I’d been blindfolded and I wasn’t prepared for the elements I’d missed the past few days. The sun shined bright overhead as we maneuvered through a back alley and up a fire escape on a neighboring building. I could hear their helicopter waiting for us on the roof.

  There were sounds coming from every direction. Shouts and the shuffling of heavy boots, but I couldn’t think of anything other than the fact that I was being rescued and that I’d never see Adam again. My feet carried me up the stairs with mindless movements. The army guys were shouting commands to one another, but I couldn’t concentrate on their words.

  My breaths grew heavier as we ascended the stairs. The whirring of the helicopter blocked out the noise from the streets below, but it couldn’t replace the shouts of a man on the roof.

  “Let me go help them get her!” the man yelled, and I could have sworn it was Adam. I would’ve recognized that sharp commanding voice anywhere, but the helicopter was loud and I couldn’t be sure that my mind wasn’t playing a trick on me.

  “They’ve got her, Agent Black. You need to calm down or we’ll leave your ass here,” another voice yelled.

  Agent Black. Was Black Adam’s last name?

  I didn’t have much time to consider the possibility because soon we were cresting the top of the stairs and stepping onto the roof. One of the soldiers still had his arm tucked under my shoulders to support me. The other two soldiers stood in front of me and one brought up the rear, confirming we weren’t be
ing followed.

  “Finally!” I heard the man yell. It was Adam. It had to be Adam.

  I looked up, trying to spot him, but the two soldiers were only then beginning to disperse to their vantage points on the roof.

  There he stood. All six foot something feet of him. He wore the same clothes from yesterday and a stern look across his features. When his eyes landed on me, the midnight black cooled to a warm brown, but then his gaze fell on the soldier still supporting my weight.

  His jaw clenched, and with quick steps, he moved in front of me. He didn’t need to say a word. His domineering personality was visible to anyone with a pulse and it was clear he didn’t like the solider touching me. Even if the guy had just saved my life.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, gently gripping my chin and eying me up and down.

  I couldn’t speak yet. I was in shock and I didn’t know what would happen in the next few seconds. Was he ensuring I was okay before going back down those stairs? Was he about to say goodbye?

  I nodded and licked my lips, trying to meet his eyes. My gaze pleaded with him to come with me.

  The edge of his lip curled up a millimeter. “You’re worth it.”

  “Worth what?” I asked, finding my voice and confusion all at once.

  “Walking away from a five year mission,” he answered, bending down and stealing a kiss. I arched toward him, pressing my hands to his hard chest. My heart soared at what that meant. To know that he wouldn’t be in danger; that he’d be coming back with me. I had no clue where we would end up, but for now, this was enough.

  The Sergeant ushered us all into the helicopter and we quickly buckled in and adjusted our bulky headsets. Adam sat next to me and I kept itching to touch him, to be closer to him, and confirm that we were both escaping the darkness that had almost swallowed him whole.

  A moment later, his hand reached out to clasp mine, engulfing it in warmth and security. I peered over and gave him an appreciative smile accompanied by a quiet sigh of relief.

  He reached out with his other hand and pushed aside my bulky headset. His seatbelt prevented him from turning all the way, but he leaned in and spoke loudly so I could hear him over the helicopter blades.

  “Where do you live?” he asked with a hint of a smile.

  The question made me laugh. It was a strange concept to realize we had so much ground to cover. The massive life changing things were checked off, yet I wasn’t even sure what his last name was.

  “California,” I shouted. “You?”

  A thoughtful smile spread across his lips gently. “Technically, nowhere. I used to have a condo in Chicago.” His brown eyes never left mine as he continued, “I’ve got a sister in California, though. Thinking I’ll pay her a visit.” His warm eyes held just the right amount of mischief.

  I smiled and squeezed his hand gently.

  His forehead hit mine and I closed my eyes, inhaling his scent and appreciating the first moment of peace I’d had since meeting him.

  “I’m Kate Winters, by the way. Winters is my last name. I’m a reporter for the LA Times,” I offered the last comment with a wistful smile. My work in Los Angeles seemed like a million years ago. I’d been researching LARK for the past year and I wasn’t sure what I would do with all of my intel once I returned.

  “I’m Adam Black. CIA Agent, no longer undercover.” He shook his head at the ridiculousness of introducing ourselves this late in the game, and then pressed his lips to mine, reassuring me of the feelings that had sparked between us.

  He didn’t let go of my hand the entire trip to the US embassy in Kosovo. I didn’t know where our future would take us. I didn’t know the demands of Adam’s job or when he would have to go undercover again, but his grip held mine like he never wanted to let me go, and in my gut, I truly believed it. Life threw me into the pits of hell, but in that place I found a man willing to risk everything to save me.

  About the Author

  R.S. Grey writes New Adult and Adult Romance. Her other books include Behind His Lens and With This Heart. She lives in Texas where she spends her free time writing, reading, and playing with her black lab puppy!

  Find other books by R.S. Grey at the following links:



  Twitter: @AuthorRSGrey

  The Naughty Au Pair


  Janice Baker

  Chapter One


  Padding down the hallway in my bare feet, I paused in front of his door and pressed my ear up against the cold wood. My heart always pounded like a drum when I did this. The anticipation was enough to light my body on fire, even though a shameful feeling always accompanied it.

  The guilt, however, quickly fades once I’m in his arms. I forget about this part. It’s the before and after that always leaves a mix of emotions.

  Hearing only the TV, I rapped lightly on the door. My answer prepared just in case Lauren was actually in the room this time. Although tonight, I was positive she wouldn’t be home since I double-checked her itinerary to verify her arrival was tomorrow.

  I swallowed hard as I heard footsteps and watched the gleam of the silver doorknob turn. My breath rushed out of my chest as the door opened and a smile crept over my lips seeing Gordon standing there. His espresso eyes shined that devious way it always does when they scan my body. He pulled me into the room, checking the hallway before closing the door.

  The bedding was slightly mussed on the four-poster bed. His laptop sat in the middle, as if he were comfortably working while awaiting my arrival. I was just about to start walking toward the bed when shivers ran through me as he wrapped his strong hand around my hip and pulled me close to him.

  Gordon is such an experienced man, unlike the boys I’ve been with before. As such, older men are more my preference now. Despite promising myself that the next man I was with would not be attached, I’ve now made the same mistake twice, only this time knowingly.

  “Is he asleep already?” Gordon whispered as he cupped my cheek with his other hand. I nodded, feeling the relief wash through me, knowing we were safe to be with each other tonight.

  I’d prefer not to come into their master bedroom, wishing we could use one of the guest rooms instead. I acquiesced with Gordon’s reasoning that the maid would question why she had to make that bed.

  His sensuous soft lips brushed mine and then continued to caress the sensitive skin near my ear and just below. My breathing picked up when his mouth tenderly swept over my neckline. My hands slid around the sides of his chest, gripping his shirt. I moaned as I rolled my head to the side, giving him full access to that perfect spot.

  His fingertips ran lightly under my sweater, feeling my delicate skin. He growled as his hands clutched my waist and picked me up. Hitching my legs around his waist, my skirt hiked up and his fingertips dug into the flesh of my buttocks. I squealed as my body was thrown onto their bed. He stood proudly in front of me as I gave him a small seductive smile. My eyes grazed his bare chest and flicked further down when I noticed his hardness straining against his pants. I inhaled an excited deep breath knowing what was hidden beneath that fabric.

  Resting on my elbows, I pulled one of my legs up, giving him a slight glimpse at what he would soon have. He loves my smooth sexy thighs. I always tried to keep in shape, knowing my body is the first thing men notice.

  Ballet was always my true passion, but my mother never had the money for lessons, so I used to make up my own routines and kept myself fit that way. As I watched Gordon’s eyes scan my body, especially the rounds of my breasts, which peeked through the buttons on my cardigan, I could tell he appreciated my figure too.

  He reached toward me and gave me a sly smile as if he were tricking me. Picking up his laptop instead, he moved it to the cherry wood nightstand. Their whole bedroom suite was in
dark rich wood, draped in alluring shades of rich red and grey tones. The room was decorated with romance in mind. Clearly their marriage wasn’t that way; if so, I wouldn’t be here. I often wonder if this will be our bedroom once he finally divorces her.

  “You know it might be a couple of days before we can be together again, right?” He asked as he placed his knee on the bed, leaning his muscular body over mine.

  “Oui,” I purred in French, knowing it turns him on even more. Add in the pout of my lips and I was able to make his breath hitch. A thrill ran through me that I had such power over him.

  The corner of his mouth turned into a slight smile as he pressed his body on top of mine. “God, I love your accent. You sound so seductive,” Gordon whispered to me as he kissed my lips tenderly. He should talk. His voice sends shivers throughout my body. Just hearing Gordon in another room makes my whole body tingle.

  “Mmm,” I moaned as I felt his hand slide up my thigh, squeezing slightly, this time making my breath hitch. The firm grip he had on me sent a surge of fire through me.

  “Undress for me,” he seductively ordered as he rolled on his side and then sat up. He knows how much I love it when he’s demanding. Excitement shot through me, wondering what he would want tonight. My pussy clenched in anticipation of what he would do next.

  “Avec plaisir, Monsieur,” I whispered, tasting his lips before I stood and slowly turned around. I reached up and with one move pulled the clip from my hair, freeing my long dark hair from its twist. Thick and wavy, it cascaded down my back as I turned my head to the side to make sure he enjoyed what I was doing. Trying to conceal my excitement, I cast my eyes down to my hands, watching them slowly slide the zipper on my skirt down, holding the ends together for a brief teasing moment. I casually skimmed the garment over my backside, letting it fall and then cupped my tight firm globes. I snapped the side of my thong and slowly turned around for his viewing pleasure. My hands glided along my thighs, slowly lingering along the lace barely covering my sex. I peeked at him through my lashes making sure I commanded his full attention.


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