batting-average, 191
battle, 399
battle, to, 199
battleship, 583
battle-wagon, 582
Bauer, 483
bauer, 157
Baughman, 479, 482
baulk, 389
Bauman, 483
bawd, 349
bawl, to, 198
bawl out, to, 198
Bay, 492, 552
bay, 124
Bayard, 516
bayberry, 124
Bayle, 481
bayou, 98, 151
Bay State, 101
bay-window, 128
bazaar, 234
bazoo, 557
b.d.t., 209
be, to, 427, 445, 613
beach, 236; -comber, 231
beagle, 580
bean, 328, 341, 428, 557, 563
beanery, 176
Bear Creek, 529
beat, to, 428
beaten, 428
Beatha, 521
beatingest, 143
Beatrice, 541
beat the Dutch, to, 259
beat up, to, 198
Beauchamp, 480, 503, 522
Beaufort, 541
beau pré, 105
beaut, 169, 564
beautician, 179, 229, 284, 288
beautiful, 463
beautifuler, 420
beautifuller, 463
beautifullest, 463
beautorium, 179
beaux-arts, 411
Beaver, 514, 529
beaver, 536
Beaver moon, 106
became, 428
becassine, 214
becaus, 404
because, 339
Becker, 485
become, to, 428
becuz, 339
bed, 308
bed-bug, 86, 233, 310
Beddow, 495
bed-rock, 227
Bedrosian, 497
bed-spread, 144
Bee, 537
beech, 124
Beecham, 503
beef, 128
beef, to, 609
beefsteak, 155
beeg, 368
bee-hive, 583
bee-line, 116, 231
been, 328, 341, 373, 374, 427, 441
beer, 243; -garden, 112, 155, 219; -mallet, 236, 244; -sort, 112
bee’s knees, 561
bees too bee busy, 260
Beethead, 552
beet, 228; -root, 228
began, 428, 440
began (n), 428
beggar, 368
begin, to, 422, 428, 447
begob, 160
begorry, 160
begun, 428, 441
begunnon, 428
behavior problem, 293
behaviorist, 178
behaviour, 395
behind, 252
Behla, 496
behoove, to, 415
behove, 392
behove, to, 415
Be-jesus Be-johnson, 510
bel, 403
Bela, 496
Belair, 533
Bel Air, 533
belch, 309
belch, to, 578
Beldo, 493
beleev, 381
belgiumize, to, 193
Belgrade, 530
Belič, 489
believ, 403
belittle, to, 7, 14, 22, 100, 118, 224
Belko, 489
Bellair, 533
Bellaire, 533
bell-boy, 227
Belle Aire, 533
Belle Ayr, 533
beller, 353
Bellevue, 533
Bellfontaine, 525
bell-hop, 145, 186, 263
Bello, 493
bellow, 602
Bellows, 493
bell-ringer, 583
belly, 309
bellyache, to, 196
belly-laugh, 560
belly-robber, 573
belovéd, 438
Belsnickel, 159
belt, 239
Belva Dula, 522
Belvidere, 543
Ben, 519
ben, 341, 428
bend, 260
bend, to, 428
benefice, 248
Ben Hur, 534, 537
Benjamin, 506, 515
Benld, 538
Bensonhurst, 529
Bent, 523
bent, 528, 538
berceuse, 347
-berg, 500
Berg, 484
Berger, 484
Berinthia, 522
Berkeley, 503
Berkeleyan, 549
Berks County Dutchman, 550
Berlin, 530
Bernalilo, 534
Bérnard, 504
Berneita, 521
Bernheimer, 498
Bernstein, 499
berries, 45
Bert, 506, 507, 519
Bertha, 510
Besma, 522
bespoke, 234
Bess, 511
Bessie, 507
best, 463
best, to, 199
best bib and tucker, 232
best end, 236
best end of the neck, 236
best of the bunch, 565
bet, to, 428
betcha, 258
Beth, 519
Bethene, 521
betrayed, 302, 310
Betsy, 511
Bettelarm, 501
better, 463
betterment, 145
betterments, 98
better’n, 464
Betts, 483
Betty, 507, 509, 511, 519
between, 472
Betz, 483
Beulah, 535
Beverly, 520
beyond, 343
bhoy, 162
B.I., 579
Bianca, 509
Bias, 537
Bible, 505, 584
bible, to, 196, 578
Bible Belt, 230, 239
bid, 239
biergarten, 112
bierstube, 219
biff, 564
biff, to, 609
big, 368, 377; -chief, 106; -day, 580; -fella, 226; -gun, 144; -horse, 577, 580; -ox, 583; -shot, 580; -stick, 174
Big Baby, 514
Big Chimney, 537
Bighorse, 514
bil, 401, 403
Bilbo, 505
bild, 402, 403
bile, 102, 161, 346
Bilious, 505
Bill, 509, 512, 519
bill, 159, 233; -board, 95, 233, 266; -fold, 239; -of-lading, 238; -poster, 579
Bille, 537
billiards-saloon, 237
billiard-studio, 292
billion, 144, 255
bilt, 381, 384
Biltmore, 538
bimeby, 129
bin, 341, 428
bind, to, 428
bindery, 176
bindle, 582
bindle-stiff, 582
bing, 184
bingle, 263
bint, 569
biograph, to, 194
biology, 604
biorque, 214
bird, 367, 564
Birdene, 521
Birdie, 507
birdie, 562
Birdsong, 485
Birmingham, 540
Birquelle, 487
biscuit, 123, 233, 234, 255, 267
bishop, 149
biskit, 406
Bismarck, 529, 537
bit, 580
bitch, 301, 302
bit of a lad, 569
bitten, 428, 429, 444
bitter, 244
Bittinger, 484
bizar, 401
Bizjak, 489
bj, 490
Bjerstjerne, 510
Björnson Björnstjerne, 510
Black, 482, 485, 489
Blackbear, 514
blackbird, 124
black-coated, 239
blacked, 247
black-eye, 12
/> Blackfoot, 485
black-hand, 222
black-ink, 255
blackleg, 239
black-stripe, 149
black treacle, 235 -blad, 491
Bladder, 159, 584
blah, 185, 557
blame, to, 199
blamed, 375
Blancamano, 493
blanch, 335
blanche, 214
Blanco, 493
bland, 337
blankety, 316
blarneyfest, 218
blasphemious, 353
blast, 182, 184, 315
blasting-engineer, 290
blather, 338
Blaustein, 500
Blauvelt, 481
bleachers, 191
bleater, 587
Bleba, 521
bled, 429
bleed, to, 429
bleeding, 316
blessed-event, 561
blew, 429, 440
blighty, 573
blimp, 573
blind, 36; -baggage, 147; -pig, 149; -tiger, 100
blintzes, 217
blizzard, 144, 219, 231, 568
Bloch, 482
Block, 482
block, 12, 239, 247, 554, 557
blockhead, 563
Block Island, 533
block of flats, 233, 247
block of service-flats, 233
blond, 411, 412
blonde, 411, 412
blood, 312, 382
blood count, to, 197
blood disease, 307
blooded, 120
bloodfest, 218
blood-poison, 304
bloody, 311, 314, 316
Bloom, 482
Blooma, 522
Bloomer, 523
bloomer, 144
Bloomingdale, 498
blotter, 243
blotto, 573
blow, 315, 602
blow, to, 118, 429, 440, 566, 581
blowed, 429, 440
blow in, to, 227
blown, 429, 440
blow-out, 144
blow smoke, to, 583
blud, 382
blue, 231, 345
Blue Ball, 536
blue-blazer, 149
blue-grass, 114
Blue Hen’s Chicken, 552
Bluehill, 539
Blue Jay, 537
blue-law, 150
bluf, 401, 403
bluff, 3, 57, 115, 231
bluff, to, 231, 609
Blum, 482, 484
Blumenthal, 498
blummie, 109
blurb, 557
blustiferous, 568
blut, 312
blutarm, 312
blutwurst, 155
bo, 170, 581; bo-, 491
B. O., 586
boar, 302, 308
board, 349
boarded, 604
board-school, 241
boat, 182
bob, to, 373
bobateria, 177, 179
bobatorium, 179
bobby, 243
Bobo, 505
bobolink, 12
Bob Ruly, 533
bob-sled, 115
boche, 295
bock-beer, 112, 155
bodacious, 359
boddy, 397
body, 397; -snatcher, 577
boedel, 109
bog, 115, 246
bogie, 147
bogue, 214
Boguehomme, 547
bogus, 108, 120, 231, 373, 538
Bohdan, 511
Bohdanka, 511
bohee, 295
boheme, to, 192
bohick, 295
bohoe, 295
bohunk, 263, 295
boid, 350, 367
boil, 346
Boileau, 495
boiled, 568; -dinner, 247; -shirt, 144
boiler, 585
Bois Boulogne, 348
Boiseite, 549
boko, 260
Bolander, 491
boll-weevil-expert, 291
bologna, 391
boloney, 391, 263, 560, 572
bolt, to, 148
bolter, 148
bolts, 119
bom, 402
Boman, 491
bomb, 580
bonanza, 152
Bonaparte, 478
Bon Cœur, 481
bond, 244
bonds, 244
bone-dry, 565
bone-head, 187, 563, 564
bone-orchard, 577
bones, 566
bonnet, 236
Bonne Terre, 542
Bon Pas, 482
Bon Secour, 539
Bons Enfants, 547
boob, 37, 170, 263
boobarian, 560
boobariat, 560
booberati, 560
booboisie, 560
boobomaniac, 560
boobuli, 560
boocoo, 573
boocoop, 573
boodle, 108, 231
boodle, to, 148
boodler, 148
boogie, 296
Boohum, 524
book-concern, 150
bookdom, 178
Booker, 485
bookfest, 218
booking-clerk, 238
booking-office, 147
bookseller’s shop, 99
bookstore, 12, 99
boom, 167, 227, 565, 602
boom, to, 93, 141, 167, 227
boomer, 142, 582, 583
boom-town, 142
Boomy, 524
boor, 614
boost, 171
boost, to, 35, 141, 231, 567
booster, 47, 263, 565
boot, 122, 158, 233, 235, 266, 344, 391
bootchkey, 295
bootee, 12
bootery, 176, 266
bootician, 179, 288
Bootjack, 524
bootlace, 235
boot-legger, 149, 288, 565
boot-maker, 122, 266
boots, 85, 247
boot-shop, 122, 266
booze, 244, 566 -fest, 218; -foundry, 564; -hister, 346
boozer, 244
boozery, 176
Boozeville, 536
borax-house, 218
Borbély, 496
Bordeaux, 348
Borecký, 512
bored, 349
boredom, 178
boric-boracic, 415
boro, 402, 403, 539
borracho, 153
borrow, to, 433
bosch, 532
bosom, 302
boss, 24, 69, 98, 108, 231, 372, 570, 609
boss, to, 609
boss around, to, 262
boss-rule, 148
Boston, 527, 528
Boston Common, 115
Bostonia, 529, 548
bother, 315
bottle, 587, 603
bottom, to, 15
bottom, 359; -dollar, 144; -land, 99, 115; -round, 236
bottoms, 115
Bouchevaldre, 487
Boughman, 479
bought, 429
boughten, 425, 429, 438, 442
boulevard, 546, 547
bouncer, 142,149, 236, 245
bound, 428
bound’ry, 353
Bourbon, 547
bourbon, 263
bourgeois, 250
bout, 182
bower, 157
Bowers, 483
Bowery, 533
bowl, 368
bowler, 234, 239
bowling-alley, 236
bowls, 248
Bowman, 479, 483, 491
bowsprit, 105
Bowzar, 524
box-canyon, 152
box-car, 146, 238
box-engineer, 290
Boyd, 367
boyologist, 179
bozart, 411
Bozo, 497
bozo, 564, 585
Bozoian, 497
bracelet, 335
braces, 85, 235, 239, 391
ken, 115
brains, 583
brain-trust, 186
brainy, 143
brake, 429
brake-van, 238
brakie, 572
branch, 115, 334, 336, 337
brand-new, 352
brandy-champarelle, 149
brandy-crusta, 149
brang, 429
Brasby, 523
brash, 143
brassiére, 347
brass-mounted, 137
brass-pounder, 583
Braswell, 516
Braun, 477, 483
Braunstein, 477, 499
brave, 108
bravo, 108
bread-basket, 566
breadery, 176
breadstuffs, 12, 35, 120, 122
break, 235
break, to, 429
breakaway, 587
break away, to, 609
breakbone, 563
breakfast, 240
breast, 302, 303, 308, 309
bred, 381, 401, 403
Bredevelt, 485
breeze, to, 16, 578
breezer, 579
brekfast, 401
brekfest, 403
brekker, 568
Bremen, 530
bresh, 360
brest, 381
brethren, 353, 614
breve, 250
brevier, 250
brevis, 250
Brian, 487
briar, 392, 393
briars, 580
bribd, 402
brick, 603
brickstein, 159
Bridgewater, 479
brief a barrister, to, 246
brief-case, 246
brier, 393
brigadier, 283
brigghity, 110
Brigham, 516
brile, 346
Brill, 482
brilliant, 250
bring, to, 429
brioche, 214
briqué, 214
brisbanality, 175
Bristol, 527, 528
broad, 305, 577
broad-bean, 260
broadcast, to, 197, 439
broadcasted, 439
broad-gauge man, 147
Broadway, 546
Brodie, 578
broil, 346
broiled, 234
broiler, 240
broke, 422, 429, 565
broken, 428, 429
broker, 244
bromid, 401
Bromide, 536
bromide, 227
bromo-seltzer, 172
bronc, 152, 170
bronchitis, 341
bronco, 152
bronichal, 353
Bronislawa, 510
Brookfreed, 485
Brooklyn, 532; -ite, 549
broom, 344
brother, 280, 614; -act, 562
brought, 429
Brown, 477, 478, 483, 486, 498, 514
brown, 247; -skin, 296
Bruce, 492
Brühl, 482
brung, 423, 429, 437
brush off a hat, to, 251
brush your hat off, 198
brusk, 394
Bruss, 492
bryanize, to, 193
Bryant, 516
Bryn Jenkins, 546
Bryn Jones, 529
b. s., 209
bt, 401
Bubble, 536
Bucher, 485
buchershelf, 159
buchta, 216
Buchwalter, 487
Buck, 520
buck, 302, 308, 582
buck, to, 263
buckaroo, 152
bucket, 243; -shot, 228
Buckeye, 101, 552
buckeye, 12
Buck moon, 106
buck-private, 573
buckra, 98, 112, 113
buckshot, 308
buck the tiger, to, 143
buckwheat, 85; -cake, 12
Bud, 519
budge, to, 126
Buena, 543
Buerckel, 487
Buffalo, 529, 536; -nian, 549
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