buffalo, 296
Buffalo Creek, 536
buffer, 238
buffet, 292, 347
bug, 12, 86, 233, 310, 577
bugaboo, 144
Bug-eater, 552
bug-eye, 117
bugger, 314
buggy, 583
bug-house, 186
Bugtown, 554
build, to, 429
builder-upper, 586
building, 414
building-lot, 121
build-up, 576
built, 384, 429, 438
bull, 286, 301, 302, 308, 309, 361, 577, 585; -fist, 218, 581; -frog, 114, 308; -snake, 12
Bulldog, 536
bulldoze, to, 141, 142, 263
bulldozing, 148
Bull Head, 514
Bull Run, 535
bullsh, 378
Bulltown, 537
bully, 229
bullyrag, to, 232
Bulow, 410
Bülow, 410
Bulpitt, 505
bum, 92, 155, 156, 170, 263, 306, 310, 581; -bum, 500
bum, to, 156
bum-bailiff, 310
bum food, 156
bummelei, 156
bummelig, 156
bummelleben, 156
bummeln, 156
bummelzug, 156
bummer, 93, 156
bummery, 156
bumming-place, 156
bummler, 156
bump, 184
bump, to, 564, 586
bump a block, 261
bumped off, to be, 40
bumper, 147, 238
bump off, to, 578
Bumpus, 482
bum’s-rush, 156
bum steer, 156
bunco, 92; -steerer, 37
buncombe, 92, 144, 148, 225
-bund, 219
bundling, 12
bung-starter, 149, 236, 244
bunk, 92, 170; -shooter, 263
Bunker, 481
bunker, 562
bunkum, 558, 572
Bunnie, 552
bunt, to, 191
Buonaparte, 479
burden, 389
bureau, 12, 100, 108, 254
bureaucracy, 406
bureau-of -information, 238
burg, 263, 539
burgh, 539
Burgh de Walter, 479
burglarize, to, 93
burgle, to, 141, 192
burial-abbey, 288
buried, to be, 581
Burl, 522
burlesk, 406
burly, 128
burn, to, 429, 581
Burnett, 503
Burning Bear, 536
burnt, 429, 536
buro, 403
burocracy, 406
burp, to, 309, 564
burro, 152; -load, 152; -trail, 152; -train, 152; -weed, 152
Burroughs, 499
burst, 429, 439, 602
burthen, 389
Burton, 498
Burtyce, 521
bury deep, to, 465
bury the hatchet, 106, 232
bush, 108, 532; -fighting, 108; -league, 108; -leaguer, 191; -ranger, 108; -town, 108; -whacker, 108
bushel, 462
busher, 108
bushwah, 301
business-block, 247
business-suit, 235
bust, 92, 102, 150, 185, 350, 422, 439
bust, to, 429
busted, 429, 439
buster, 102
bust-head, 429, 568
Busyjack, 489
but, 203
butch, to, 192
Butcher, 496
butcher, 344; -shop, 587
Butrus, 513
Butt, 499
butt, to, 198
butte, 151
Butte Creek, 535
butterine, 86
butter-krust, 407
Buttermilk, 505
butter-muslin, 234
butter no parsnips, to, 565
butter-nut, 114
butt in, to, 198
buttinski, 103, 222
buttle, to, 192
buttonwood, 12
but what, 454
buy, to, 429
buz, 401, 403
Buzzard, 552
buzzard, 587
buzz-saw, 144
B. V. D., 208
by God, 316
by gosh, 316
by gum, 316
by Jove, 313
by-law, 243
Byrd, 367
by ’r Lady, 312
Byron, 516
by way of being, 256
c, 383. 386, 394, 401, 402, 404
cab, 169, 343
cabaret, 347
cabeca, 216
Cabinet, 245
cablegram, 171
caboodle, 231
caboose, 146, 238
Cabot, 498
cach, 400
cache, 98, 108, 182
cacodemonize, to, 117
cacogen, 175
cactuses, 413
caddy, 579
-cade, 180
cadet, 283
Cadogen, 503
Caesar, 523
café, 177, 292, 347, 409
cafeteria, 176, 221, 228
cag, 383, 384
cage, 583
cahoots, 263
Caillé, 481
Cain, 498
Cairo, 541
Caitlin, 513
cake-eater, 561
cakery, 176
caketeria, 177
cake-walk, 145
Cal, 183
calaboose, 98, 152, 263
calabozo, 152
Calais, 348
calamity-howler, 145
calculate, to, 24, 99
cald, 401, 403
Caldeno, 538
calendar, 246
Calexico, 537
calf-slobber, 583
caliber, 394
calibre, 383
California, 349
call, to, 191, 198, 613
call down, to, 198
called to the bar, to be, 246
Callowhill, 503
calm, 334, 335, 338, 371
calox, 173
calumet, 106
calv, 461
calvary, 353
Calvert, 540
calves, 335
Calvin, 512, 517
Cam, 522
Cambria, 530
Cambridge, 527
Camdenite, 549
came, 430
camelcade, 179
camerado, 75
Cameron, 486
camino, 153
camouflage, 347
Camp, 503
campaign, 228
camp-meeting, 116, 150
campo santo, 153
campus, 144, 263
can, 228, 243, 334, 339, 420, 446, 581
can, to, 199, 263
Canaan, 535
canary, 587
canary’s tusks, 561
canch, 361
Carlotta, 509
Carlson, 492
carnal connection, 303
carniceria, 177
carnival, 145; of crime,
Carol, 506
Carolinas, 526
carom, 236
caroussel, 236
Carpenter, 484, 485, 498
carpet-bagger, 144, 148, 227, 228, 558
carriage, 85; -paid, 238, 240; -rug, 237
carrid, 401, 403
carrier, 147
carriole, 108
Carroll of Carrollton, 504
carry-all, 108, 117, 582
carry on, to, 265
cars, 147
cart, 334
Carthage, 530
Carthagenian, 551
car-toad, 583
carton, 347
cartoon, 347
cart-wheel, 564
carv, 401
car-washery, 176
carwhacker, 583
casa, 152
sp; Casalegno, 493
Casbergue, 487
cascaret, 173
case, 287
case, to, 578
casement-window-engineer, 290
case work, 292
Casey, 487, 510
cashateria, 177
cash in, to, 191
Casitas Springs, 534
casket, 287; -coach, 287
casketeria, 177
Cassels, 503
Cassia, 503
cast, to, 429, 439
casted, 429, 439
casting-couch, 587
Castle, 485
castrate, to, 302
Castro, 494
Cataline, 509
can cha, 446
cand, 402
candidacy, 30, 148, 245
candidate, 283
candidature, 245
candour, 395
c. & s., 209
candy, 41, 234; -shop, 266; -store, 234; -studio, 292
candyteria, 177
cane-brake, 116
canitist, 179
canned, 568; -goods, 234; -music, 186
cannibal, 112
cannon, 236, 578
canon, 3, 57, 112, 155
cañon, 248, 279
canon, 411
canoodle, to, 142
can-opener, 234
can’t, 334, 336, 446
Cantabrigian, 550
can’t come it, 99
Canton, 537 1
can’t you, 446
canuck, 151, 295
canvas-back, 114
canyon, 57, 152, 231, 411, 543
Cap, 523
cap, 170, 614
Cape May, 533
capitalize, to, 101
capitan, 153
capitol, 11
Capone, 494
capote Anglaise, 296
captain, 243, 273, 274, 583
cap the climax, to, 142
car, 85, 182, 247, 335
caracter, 401
Caranguejo, 495
carborundum, 172, 173
carburetor, 559
card, 101
Cardozo, 501
care, 339
careless, 466
carencro, 214
Caress, 537
care-taker, 235, 247
caribou, 104, 105
Carl, 506, 510
Carlo, 509
catalog, 391, 399, 400, 402, 403, 406
catalogue, 406
Catalpa, 522
catalpa, 104, 105
catapult, 239
catarrh, 360
catawba, 106
cat-bird, 114
cat-boat, 86, 116, 117
cat-burglar, 243
catcal, 380
catch, 339, 400
catch, to, 429
catched, 429
Catchpole, 505
catcht, 339
catch you up, to, 251
catch up, to, 251
caterpillar, 336
caterpillar-engineer, 289
Catfish, 536
catfish, 114
Cathill, 505
Cathleen, 513
Catholic, 249
catnip, 246
Cato, 523
Cato Sabo, 524
cats, 257
Catskill, 532
cat’s pajamas, 561
catsup, 391
cattle, 368
catty-cornered, 128
caucauasu, 107
caucus, 57, 98, 102, 107, 147. 225
caucusdom, 225
caucuser, 225
caught, 339, 429
cauliflower-ear, 562
cause-list, 246
cavalieress, 101
Cavannah, 524
cave in, to, 99, 558
cawcawaassough, 107
cayuse, 150
C.B., 183
C.C.C., 209
cedarblade, 491
cede, 401
cecil, 516, 518, 519
Cecil Manor, 546
Cedar Bayou, 535
Cedric, 518
ceed, 401
cellarette, 178
cellarman, 243
cellophane, 172
celotex, 173
Cement, 536
Cenék, 511
census, to, 196
cent, 116
centenary, 325
center, 393, 402, 539
Centerville, 537
centre, 383
centurion, 398
cereal, 227
cerebras, 413
ceremony, 325
Cerné, 489
Cerro, 543
certain, 6, 339
certainly, 253, 467
Cerviček, 486
cesspool, 128
ch, 335, 382, 384, 401, 404
chafer, 304
chaff, 336
chafing-dish, 227
chained, 375
chain-gang, 144
chain-store, 229, 234
chair, 302, 339, 614; -car, 147, 238; -warmer, 62, 145, 186
chairman, 244
chaise, 382
Chalene, 521
Challman, 491
chamber, 335
chambers, 247
chamois, 343, 347
chamois, to, 194
Champ, 522
champ, 169, 346
champeen, 346
champion, 346
chancellor, 241
Chancie, 522
chanct, 360
Chandler, 498
change, to, 302
change cars, to, 147
channel, 246
chant, 334, 337
chaparejos, 152
chaparral, 98, 152
chapel, 249, 268, 287
chaperon, 126
chaps, 152, 263
chapter, 284
char, 128, 266
char-a-banc, 237
character, 376, 382
charade, 338
chargé, 410
charged, 234
charge-sheet, 243
Charity, 516
Charles, 506, 507, 510, 512, 515, 516, 520, 527
Charleston, 497, 591
Charley, 510
charley-horse, 191
Charlie, 513
Charline, 521
Charlotte, 507, 529
Chartres, 547
charwoman, 128, 266
chase, 115
chase one’s self, to, 609
chaser, 150
Chatahospee, 539
chauf, to, 192
Chaurfe, 487
chauffeur, 347
Chauncey, 512, 516
chautauqua, 221
chaw, 161, 570
Cheapside, 546
cheap-skate, 187
check, 159, 389, 391, 604
check, to, 198
check against, to, 198
check-book, 244
checkers, 236
check in, to, 198
checkinqumin, 105
check out, to, 198
check over, 198
check-room, 238
check up, to, 198, 229
check with, to, 198
chee, 462
cheek, 375
cheer, 339
cheerio, 265, 269, 573
cheese, 462; -cloth, 234
cheese it, 562
Cheesewright, 505
chef, 347
cheka, 209
chelly, 375
chemist, 234, 385, 401
chemist’s-shop, 234
Chemquasabamticook, 539
cheque, 390, 391, 392; -book, 244
chequered, 392
Cherubim, 516
cheskey, 295
chest, 340, 346
Chester, 508, 510, 515, 516
chest of drawers, 254
chevalier, 382, 384
Chevy Chase, 115
chewing-gum, 231
chew the rag, to, 198, 573, 609
chianti, 222
one, 493
Chicago, 528; -an, 548; -rilla, 552, 561
chick, 375
chicken, 240, 569
chickenburger, 220
chicken-yard, 234
chiclet, 173
chico, 153
chicory, 260
chief, 182; -constable, 243; -lithographer, 289;
of police, 243; of the ushers, 289
chiffon, 347
chigger, 152
chigoe, 152
chigre, 152
Chilberg, 490
chilblained, 558
children, 353, 614
childs, 614
child-welfare, 588
chile, 152
chile con carne, 221
Chilgren, 491
Chilson, 512
Chilstrand, 491
chimbley, 353
chimist, 385
chimly, 22
chimny, 402
China jack, 373
Chinberg, 490
chinch, 128, 152, 233
chinche, 152
Chindbloom, 490
Chinee, 111, 461
chink, 295
chink, to, 141
chinkapin, 104, 105
Chinlund, 490
chin-music, 187
chip in, to, 191, 609
chipped beef, 144
chippy, 305
chiquito, 153
chiropodist, 288
chiropract, to, 196
chiropractic, 263
chiropractor, 179
chirotonsor, 288
chisel, to, 567
chist, 346
chit, 376
chlorid, 394
Chloride, 536
chloride, 604
chlorine, 341
Chmielewski, 489
chocolate, 112, 152
chocolateria, 177
choir, 612, 614
cholic, 382
Cholmondeley, 503, 605
chomp, to, 346
choo-choo, 240
choose, to, 429
Chopper, 488
chops, 236
chop-suey, 162, 263; -joint, 162
chore, 128, 234, 266
chorine, 180
chortle, 171
chorus, 382
chose, 429
chosen, 429
Chotau, 495
Choto, 495
Chouteau, 495
chow, 162, 376, 573
chowder, 108
chow-mein, 162
chowmeinery, 176
Christ, 305, 318
Christiaanse, 485
Christiania, 530
Christians, 485
Christides, 486
Christie, 486
Christkind’l, 156
Christkindlein, 156
Christopher-Columbus-Who-Discovered- America, 523
Christos, 512
Chrome, 536
chromo, 169
Chronos, 486
chrysanthe’em, 353
chuck, 236, 582
chucker-out, 236
Chumly, 503
chump, 129
chump-bone chops, 236
chunky, 120
church, 249, 489
churchman, 249
chute, 98, 151
Cicognani, 494
cider, 389
cigaret, 401, 403
cigarette, 325; -butt, 234; -end, 234
Cilstrom, 490
cinch, 37, 152, 565
cinch, to, 152
cincho, 152
cinder-cruncher, 583
Cinderella, 537
cinema, 95, 237
cipher, 390, 396
circuit-rider, 150
circus, 547; -catch, 191; -play, 562
cite, to, 199
cited as correspondent, to be, 310
citified, 141
citizenize, to, 140
cits, 573
City, 244, 292
city, 539
City editor, 244
City man, 244
American Language Page 100