Laudenschläger, 483
Laudenslager, 483
Laudensläger, 483
laugh, 334, 336, 366
laughingest, 463
laugh in your sleeve, to, 563
laugh like a hyena over a dead nigger, to, 137
laugh that off, to, 560
La Una, 521
launch, 344
laundry, 344
laurel, 124
Lauria, 493
Lauten, 484
Lautenberger, 483
Lautenschläger, 483
Lautenschleger, 483
L’Auvergne, 482
lava, 338
Lavake, 482
lavandera, 376
Lavar, 516
lavatory, 373
Lavaun, 521
La Verne, 512, 516
law, 577
law-abiding, 120
lawn, 349
Lawrence, 494, 507, 509, 511
lay, 420
lay, to, 309, 433, 439
lay off, to, 40
lay-reader, 249
Lazarre, 507
lazo, 152
ld, 438
lead, to, 433, 437
leader, 228
leader of the orchestra, 289
leads, 238
Leadville, 536
leag, 402
leakingest, 463
lean, to, 433, 439
leaned, 439
leap, to, 433, 439
leapt, 392
learn, 339
learn, to, 433, 435, 440
learnéd, 438
leather, 406
leather and finding store,
Leatherhead, 552
leather-neck, 187, 263, 570, 573, 574
leave, to, 433, 440
Lebenschweiler, 485
leberwurst, 155, 220
LeBlanc, 495
lecturer, 242
led, 433, 437
Lee, 492, 498, 506, 507, 508, 513, 517
Leebakken, 492
leech, 272
leery, 464
Le Esta, 522
Leetha, 522
leetle, 346
lefse, 215
left, 433, 440
left at the post, to be, 142
Left Hand, 537
left-luggage room, 238
leg, 302, 308, 309, 340
legal holiday, 237
légion d’honneur, 409
legion of honor, 409
legislate, to, 118, 119, 120, 191
Lehi, 516
Lehman, 500
Lehn, 480
Lehnert, 479
Leider, 514
Leilabeth, 521
Leipzig, 530
Lejitta, 522
Lekander, 491
Lem, 523
Le Maine, 479
Lemon, 525
lend, 439
lend, to, 433, 439
length, 360
lengthy, 15, 100, 119, 120, 223
leniency, 121, 165
lens-hog, 587
lent, 433, 438, 439
Leon, 506
Leonard, 479, 508
Leonhard, 479
Leonhardt, 479
leopard, 383, 384
Leora, 522
lep, 161, 433, 437
leperd, 384
lepero, 153
lepper, 269
lernt, 433
Les, 507
les, 352, 401, 402
Leser, 484
Leslie, 512, 516
Lester, 506, 507
let, to, 433, 440, 604
let George do it, 572
let-George-do-it-itis, 179
lether, 406
Let her go, Gallegher, 566
Letitia, 519
let it slide, to, 143
Letizia, 509
let on, to, 99
let’s, 352
letter-box, 235
letter-carrier, 85, 235, 238, 266
letters, 238
Leuvenmark, 490
Levay, 498
levee, 98, 151
level-crossing, 260
leveler, 389
leveller, 389
Levene, 498
l’Evěque, 482
lever, 340
Levering, 480
Leveson-Gower, 503
Levey, 498
Levie, 498
LeVie, 498
Levien, 498
Levin, 498
Levine, 498
Levitt, 498
Levoy, 498
Levvy, 498
Levy, 477, 498, 500
lewdness, 303
lewd woman, 303
Lewis, 494, 499, 505
Lewy, 498
ley fuga, 221
L.G., 183
Li, 513
Liam, 513
liar, 306
libertad, 75
Liberty, 537
liberty-cabbage, 155
libretti, 412
lib’ry, 353
-lic, 464
-lice, 464
license, 394, 462
licensed trade, 243
licensed victualler, 243
Liceta, 524
Lichtenstein, 498
Lichtman, 498
lickety-split, 114
lick to a frazzle, to, 95
lid, 368
lie, to, 433, 439
Liebel, 506
Liebering, 480
lied, 433
lieutenant, 243, 345
lieutenant-colonel, 283
lieutenant-commissioner, 283
lifebelt, 252
lifeboat, 252
lifeguard, 252
life-preserver, 252
lift, 234, 239, 368
liftman, 234
Lige, 519
light, to, 198, 433
lightning-bug, 114
lightning-rod, 100
light out, to, 142, 167, 198
Liisa, 510
like, 420,424,425,458,472
likeable, 389
like a snowbird in hell, 314
like greased lightning, 563
like hell, 314
likely, 99, 100, 128
Liliecrona, 491
lilj, 490
Lilja, 510
Liljedáhl, 491
Liljegren, 491
Liljeqvist, 491
Lillian, 510, 520
Lillquist, 491
Lilydahl, 491
Lilygren, 491
Lilymary, 521
Lilyquist, 491
lim, 402
lima-bean, 260
limb, 302, 304
limberger, 295
lime-juicer, 295
lime-tree, 115
limey, 55, 295
limited, 147
limited liability company, 244
Limmer, 524
Limus, 524
Lina, 509
Lincoln, 480, 498, 508, 517
Lindbergh, 491
linden, 115
line, 147
linen-draper, 85
Lingo, 525
lingon, 215
lingreese, 216
Linkhorn, 480
Lionel, 507
lip, 566, 576
liqueur, 347
Lisi, 510
Lister, 516
listerine, 172, 173
lit, 368, 433
lite, 406
literat, 75
literature, 352
lithographic-engineer, 289
Little, 493
little, 346
Little Giant, 101
Little Mary, 310
Little Snoring, 537
liturgy, 249
Litvinoff, 499
liv, 399, 401, 403
livd, 403
lived, 368
live-oak, 100, 114
liver, 463
livercheese, 220
liverwurst, 155
live-wire, 37
living, 248
I living-room, 219
, 235, 266
Livingston, 499
Lizard, 552
Lizzie, 509, 510, 519
lj, 491
Ljung, 491
Ljungdahl, 491
ll. 401; -ll, 380
LL.D., 273
Llewelyn, 508
Lloyd, 516
(l)m, 335
load, 586
loaden, to, 193
loaf, 156
loaf, to, 156
loafer, 99, 155
loaflng-place, 156
loan, 439; -office, 292; -shark, 186
loan, to, 128,195,433
loaned, 433
lobby, 237
lobby, to, 148, 232
lobby-display, to, 195
lobbyist, 254
Lobe, 484
Lobenstein, 498
Lobenstine, 498
locate, to, 7, 31, 118, 119 120, 165, 191, 232
loch, 544
locker, 368
locoed, 153
loco foco, 99
locomobile, 173
locomotive, 149
loco-weed, 152
locum tenens, 248
locust, 100, 115, 536
lodger, 235
Loeb, 484
Loeser, 484
log-cabin, 57, 115
log-house, 115
logroll, to, 114
log-rolling, 227, 228
lohengrined, 561
Lom, 519
Lomoe, 492
Lömoe, 492
London, 527, 528
Lonesomehurst, 546
Lone Star, 552
Lone Wolf, 514
Long, 483
longa, 250
long-distance, 235
long-haul, 239
long-horn, 582
long primer, 250
long sauce, 100
Longstreet, 480
Lonnquist, 490
Lony, 523
look, 159
loom, to, 199
loop-hole, 128
Loose Creek, 533
loosen, to, 433
loosened, 433
Looson-Gor, 503
loot, 169
Lopes, 495
Lopez, 494, 495
Lord, 272, 305, 318, 349
lord, 328
lorn, 349
los, 401
Los Angeles, 542
lose, to, 433
lose out, to, 198
Los Gatan, 549
loss, 603
lost, 433
lot, 98, 121
Lotawana, 522
loud, 465
Loudenslager, 483
Louis, 505, 506, 515, 524
Louisviilain, 552
Louisville, 529, 541
Louisvillian, 550
lounge, 243; -lizard, 187, 263, 569 572; -suit, 235
Lourenço, 494, 509
louse, 305; -cage, 583
lousy, 566
Louvenia, 524
lov’d, 438
love, 308, 406
loved, 438
lovefest, 218
love her up, to, 308
lovely, 257
love-nest, 186, 570
Lovern, 482
low-brow, 186
low-down, 102, 231
Lowe, 482
Löwe, 482
Lowell, 498
Lowery, 493
low-flung, 143
Low Freight, 533
low-gear, 237
low-life, 564
lowly, 467
lozenger, 353
Ltd., 244
lubritorium, 179
lucer, 402
Lüchow, 482
Lucien, 508
Lucille, 507
lucky-dip, 239
lucre, 386
Lucybelle, 521
Luda, 522
Ludie, 524
Ludwig, 505, 507
luggage, 85, 233, 254; -shop, 266; -van, 147
Luiz, 494
Luke, 506
Lum, 523
lumber, 7, 12, 57,122, 123; -jack, 123; -man, 123; -room, 123; -yard, 123
lump, 582
lump o’ lead, 578
lunatickest, 463
lunch, 240
lunch-counter, 239
luncheon, 171
lunchery, 176
luncheteria, 177
Lundquist, 514
Lunette, 521
lunger, 563
lure, to, 199
lustre, 383
lutfisk, 215
Luther, 512, 513, 515, 517, 525 535
lux, 172
lv, 335 401 -ly, 464, 465, 466, 467
lynch, to, 141, 231, 232
lynching-bee, 142
lynch-law, 98
Lynner, 549
Lyons, 499
lysol, 173
M., 348
m, 375
ma, 170, 284
Mabel, 512, 513
mac, 235
Macá, 486, 488
MacEochagain, 504
machete, 221
Macheyovsky, 489
machine, 148, 227, 382, 384
machine-shop, 123
MacIlleathiain, 479
Mack, 490
Mackey, 492
mackinaw, 105
mackintosh, 235
Mackis, 512
MacMahon, 489
MacSuihhne, 504
Macy, 486, 498
mad, 12, 143
madam, 305
Madame, 283, 503
Madames, 412
Madames of the Sacred Heart, 412
mad as a hornet, as, 144
mad as a March hare, as, 144
mad-dog, 144
made, 433
made-to-measure, 234
mad-house, 144
Madison, 537
Mae, 507, 520
ma femme, 75
mafia, 222
Magazine, 525
magazine, 325
Magdalene, 510
Maggie, 509
Maggio, 493
magnisonant, 118
Magnus, 510
Mahala, 522
Mahmoud, 513
Máhoney, 504
Mahonri, 516
maid, 266
maiden, 308
Maija, 510
mail, 238, 256; -bag, 238; -box, 238; -car, 238; -carrier, 238; -clerk, 147; -order, 238; -man, 238; -matter, 238; -train, 238; -van, 238
Main street, 547
maiz, 122, 384
maize, 3, 106, 122, 234, 384
major, 242, 274, 283
makai-ewa, 377
make, to, 433, 604
make a get away, to, 198
make a kick, to, 143
make good, to, 227, 229
make out, to, 229
make the fur fly, to, 142
make the grade, to, 565
make tracks, to, 142
make whoopee, to, 561
Maki, 492
Mäki, 492
Makláry, 496
Makohon, 489
malafee, 113
malaise, 409
Malcolm, 497, 507
malease, 409
male-cow, 301
male-hog, 302
Malen, 523
male-sheep, 302
mama, 585
mama-san, 373
Mamie, 519
Mamie Taylor, 149
mamma, 325
managing director, 244
manaña, 221
man-and-woman it, to, 561
mangelwurzel, 246
mangle, 261
Manhattan, 532
manhattanize, to, 193
manicure, 178
manicurist, 178
manifest, 582
manitee, 106
Mann, 484
männerchor, 157, 347
Manney, 479
Manoel, 509
mansions, 247, 414
Månsson, 491
Manuel, 508, 509
map, to, 199
marathon, 180
March, 493
march, 614
marcy, 339, 340
Mar-Del, 537
mare, 302
Mareda, 524
Marenisco, 538
Marg, 519
Margaret, 509, 519, 520
Margarida, 509
Margorilla, 524
Maréa, 509
Maréa, 508
Marian, 509
Mariano, 509
Marie, 511, 513
Marilyn, 511, 512
Marin, 509
Marinaccio, 493
Marinace, 493
Marion, 537
Marjette, 521
Marjoribanks, 503
Mark, 506, 507
marketeria, 177
marketing-expert, 291
Marks, 494
Marlborough, 503
Marques, 494
marriage-certificate, 235
marriage-lines, 235
marrid, 402
marsh, 246, 339
Marshall, 515, 517
Marshbanks, 503
Marston, 487
mart, 183
Marth, 519
Martha, 519
Martin, 494, 507, 509
martin, 536
Martinez, 514
Martini-cocktail, 85
Martins, 494
Marttinen, 479
marvelous, 388
Marvin, 507, 516
Mary, 183, 506, 507, 509, 510, 513, 519
Maryland, 540
Marysville, 529
Masculine, 505
ma’sh, 246, 350
masheen, 382, 384
Mason, 486, 498
mass, 249, 334
massa, 271
masseur, 347
massive, 334
mass-meeting, 98,144,148, 231
Masten, 487
master, 241, 242, 268, 281, 334, 583; -maniac, 583; -mind, 583; of ceremonies, 586; of properties, 289
masterpiece, 155
Master (s), 485
masticate, 334
mastiff, 386
mat, 261, 614
match, to, 256
mater, 338
Matha, 524
Mathias, 507
Mathushek, 487
Matilda, 519
matineé, 409
matins, 268
Matoka, 524
Matoušek, 487
matrimonial-engineer, 290
Matrimony, 536
mat-roller, 261
matron, 289
Mattagomonsis, 531
Mattawamkeag, 531
matter, 336, 349
Matthew, 506, 510
Matthews, 487
Matti, 510
mattins, 249
mattress-engineer, 289
Matuscheck, 487
matzoth, 216, 217
Mauch Chunk, 532
mauka, 377
Mauna Loa, 522
Maurice, 503
Maury, 516
mauvaises terres, 108
Mauwauwaming, 532
maverick, 144, 188, 189
maw, 328, 349
Mawlbra, 503
Max, 507
Maximilian, 507
Maxwell, 507
may, 420
Maybeth, 521
Maynard, 497
mayorality, 353
mazuma, 216, 217, 263
mazzaltov, 217
mb, 402
McClautz, 489
McCleary, 496
McCoy, 580
McDonald, 514
McKaba, 496
McKeesport, 529
McLane, 479
McLoud, 487
McShane, 477
McSweeney, 504
M.D., 272
me, 447, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458; -me, 390, 391
meal, to, 196
Mealy, 524
mean, 25, 384, 466
mean, to, 433
measure up, to, 256
measure up to the standard, to, 229
meat, 373, 614
American Language Page 107