mecanic, 401
mecca, 183
media, 412
mediæval, 393
medic, 170
medical lady, 272
medical man, 272
medical woman, 272
medicine-man, 106
medieval, 391, 401
mediocer, 402
Meek, 523
meen, 381, 384
meeou, 184
meet, to, 433
megaphonia, 175
Meier, 500
Meilach, 498
Meilachson, 498
Meister, 485
melancholy, 267, 325
mêlée, 409
Melkonian, 497
Melrose Abbey, 522
melt, to, 436
melted, 436
Melvin, 508, 516
member, 242
memo, 170
memorandum-book, 247
memorial-park, 288
Memphian, 549
mendery, 176
Mendes, 506
menhaden, 104, 105
ment, 381, 433
mental-hygiene, 588
menu, 347
merchantor, 179
Mercy, 516
mercy, 339, 340
merged, 561
Merl, 522
Merrimac, 527
mes, 401
mesa, 152,153
mescal, 152
Mesdames, 412
Meshach, 515
meshuggah, 216, 217, 580
meshummad, 217
mesquite, 152
mess, 346
Messiah, 524
Messieurs, 412
Messrs., 282
Mészáros, 496
met, 433
metals, 147
metaphor, 395
Metella, 522
meteorological-office, 239
meter, 402
Methodist, 462
Methodist New Connexion, 249
meticulous, 211
Metsa, 492
Meyer, 477
mezzo-brow, 186
Miamian, 548
Michael, 507, 511, 512, 518
Michaelis, 483
Michaels, 483
Michal, 511
Michayil, 510
Michel, 498
Michigan, 532; -der, 552
michigouen, 106
mick, 295
middle-aisled, 561
middle-aisle it, to, 259
Middlemarch, 537
middle-neck, 236
middle-rump, 236
Middletown, 536
midsommarfest, 215
Miechyslawa, 510
Mielnik, 488
might, 99
mightily, 467
mighty, 467
Miguel, 514
Mihai, 509
mijn, 379
Mike, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513
Mikha’il, 512
Miklavec, 489
Mikul´š, 511
mil, 403
Mila, 524
Milavič, 489
Mildred, 510, 519
mile, 462
mileage, 120, 147, 231, 389
mileage-book, 147
Miles, 524
Miley, 524
militaire, 75
militia-armory, 239
milk-churn, 260
milk-engineer, 290
mill, 116
Millar, 477
millenial, 16
Miller, 477, 478, 484, 485, 486, 488, 494, 520
milliard, 255
Millicent, 519
Millie, 519
milligram, 391
Millin, 499
millinteria, 177
mills, 539
Milton, 505, 506, 515, 516
min, 449
Minas, 524
mince, 260
mince-pie, 578
Minda, 524
mind-set, 588
mine, 379, 447, 449
Miner, 482
minerals, 86, 149, 237
minestrone, 222
Mingo, 524
minim, 250
minima, 250
minion, 250
minion-nonpareil, 250
minister, 245, 249
ministry, 245
Minnesota, 526
minni, 353
minnow, 353
minor-leaguer, 191
minster, 248
minum, 449
mirage, 338
Miriam, 507
Mirnada, 521
Mirrle, 522
mirror, 395
mis, 401
Mis’, 124
mischievious, 353
mischievous, 325
misdemeanour, 396
miserable, 465
Misha, 508
misogynist, 341
mistaken, to, 193
Miss, 124
missil, 406
missile, 406
missionary, 24
missionate, to, 98, 140,150
mission-festival, 220
mission-stiff, 582
Mississippi, 526, 528
Missouri, 525, 532, 541
Missouri Compromise, 517
misstep, 231
Missus, 412
Mister, 273, 274, 280, 412
mistook, 442
Mitchell, 490, 498, 507, 512
mit-joint, 584
MiXail, 490
mixer, 227
mixologist, 179
mizzen-brow, 186
Mile., 348
Mlynář, 486
mob, 126, 169, 182, 368, 558
-mobile, 180
mobile police, 226
mobster, 178
moccasin, 101, 102, 105
mocho, 153
model, to, 194
moderately, 253
Modjeska, 489
Modjeski, 489
modren, 353
Modrzejewski, 489
mods, 243
Moe, 507
mohel, 217
Möhr, 477
Mohr, 477
Moiseyev, 498
Moishe, 506
moke, 296
molasses, 62, 128, 235, 462
mold, 386, 402
moldering, 388
mollagausauger, 568
Möller, 477
Mollie, 519
mollusc, 390
mollusk, 394
molt, 436
momentum, to, 194
momzer, 218
monarc, 401
monarchy, 401
monastery, 325
Monat, 482
mon cher, 75
Monday-man, 585
moneybund, 219
money-to-burn, 227
moniker, 582
Monimea, 524
monitor, 268
monkey-doodle, 176
monkey-house, 583
monkey with, to, 232
monkey-wrench, 235
monolog, 394
monologuist, 178
Monongahela, 526
monoxide, to, 196
Monroe, 506
monsignori, 412
monsignors, 412
Montagu-Stuart-Wort-ley-Mackenzie, 502
Montana, 339
Montereyan, 549
Monte Vista, 534
Montréalais, 550
Montrealer, 549
Monumental City, 101, 553
mony, 402; -mony, 325
Mood, 524
moom-pitcher, 561
moonshine, 576
Moor, 477
moor, 115
Mooradian, 497
Moore, 477, 497
Moosa, 524
moose, 104, 536
moosu, 104
Mop, 582
mop, 368
Morais, 494
moral, 341
Móran, 504
Morariu, 494
Mord, 522
More, 477
more, 328, 349, 463, 538
more better, 420, 463
more looser’n, 464
more queerer, 463
more ultra, 463
more uniquer, 463
more worse, 463
Morgan, 499
morgen, 110 Morgenthau, 500
morgue, 563
Mork, 490
Mormon, 57
moron, 174, 570
Moroni, 516
moronize, to, 193
morphician, 289
morphine, 155
morphology, 155
Morris, 494, 506
mortgage-shark, 144
mortician, 86, 178, 284, 287
Mortimer, 507
Morton, 506, 507
moscheto, 112
Moscowite, 549
mose, 104
Moses, 506, 507, 513, 535
Mosetta, 522
mosey, to, 152
Mosie, 507
moslem, 409
Mosnička, 486
mosquito, 112
moss-back, 116, 145
most, 463, 468
most Almighty God, 463
Most Hon., 277
most principal, 463
Most Rev., 282
mote, 347
Motel, 506
mother, 349
motorcade, 179
motor-car, 233, 247
motoritis, 179
motortorium, 179
mototeria, 177
mought, 347
mould, 386, 390, 393
mouldering, 388
moult, 393
mound mainstay, 570
mountain-dew, 568
mountainious, 353
Mountbatten, 500
Mount Ohio, 530
mourners’ bench, 150, 250
moustache, 392, 393
mouth-organ, 120
mouthpiece, 576
moveable, 380
movey-star, 108
movie, 95, 169, 170, 187;
-cathedral, 188, 292;
-filling-station, 188;
-house, 237; -mosque, 188; -parlor, 188; -synagogue, 188
moviedom, 178
mow, to, 433
mowed, 433
mown, 433
moyder a skoyt, to, 263
Mozingo, 524
mozo, 153
M.P., 573
Mr., 275, 278, 281, 413
Mraáčk, 487
Mr. Chief Justice, 279
Mr. Justice, 279
Mrs., 124
Mrs. ex-Senator, 274
Mrs. Major, 283
Mrs. Professor, 274
Mt. Rainier, 532
Muccia, 494
much, 110, 374
mucilage, 235
mud, 582; -guard, 236;
-hen, 114; -scow, 116;
-show, 585; -splasher, 573
mudhop, 583
Mueller, 484
muffler, 237
mug-joint, 584
mugquomp, 106
mugwump, 106, 107, 148, 231
Mühler, 477
Muir, 477
Mulcahy, 504
mule-skinner, 167
muletress, 168
Muller, 484
Müller, 477
mulligan, 582
multiple-shop, 234
Mummy, 269
muncheon, 171
Munger, 503
municipial, 353.
munnawhattecug, 105
Munsing Underwear, 525
Muqabba’a, 496
Murdena, 522
Murphy, 477, 478, 504, 520
murphy, 566
Murray, 507, 508
mus, 104
Musallem, 496
muscato, 112
muscle in, to, 198, 580
mush, 116
music, 380, 603
music hall, 237
muskeito, 112
musketa, 112
muskmelon, 360
Muskogeean, 549
Muskrat, 552
muskrat, 114, 360
muslim, 409
musqueto, 112
muss, 99, 128, 346
muss, to, 142
must, 443
musta, 443
mustache, 325, 394
mustang, 152
mutt, 169
mutual, 168
mutual-society, 239
my, 447, 449
my dear, 311
My Lady’s Manor, 537
Mylonas, 485
My Lord, 279
Myra, 507
Myron, 511
Myroslava, 511
myself, 459
Myšička, 488
Myčka, 488
my word, 269
n, 335, 375, 397, 405, 425, 445, 451; -n, 549; ñ, 543
na, 469
nab, to, 199
nabisco, 172, 173
nabor, 383, 406
naborhood, 406
Nadia, 511
næfth, 469
naht, 469
naïve, 410
naïveté, 409, 410
name, to, 109
nameable, 101
nance, 305
Naneta, 524
nanitch, 150
-naper, 180
naphtha, 352, 407, 408
Napoli, 493
Nappy, 520
narcissis, 413
narcissuses, 413
narrator, 325
narrow, 359
nary, 129, 470
Nash, 490
Nassau, 533
nasty, 268, 464, 467
Nat, 519
nat, 469
Nathan, 506, 512
Nathaniel, 506
nation, 614
nativ, 403
natur, 345
nature-faker, 174
naturelogues, 171
naught, 393
naughty, 467
Nauwagesic, 514
naval-yard, 239
Na villa, 522
navvy, 239
navy-yard, 239
Nazarene, 524
Nazary, 503
na zdar, 216
Nazi, 183, 209
Nazro, 525
nch, 446
nd, 438
ne, 469
near, 93, 384, 466
near-, 180, 181; -accident, 103, 181; -antique, 181; -beer, 181; -champion, 181; -finish, 181; -leather, 181; -mahogany, 181; -porcelain, 181; -seal, 181; -silk, 181; -silver, 181
nearby, 229
Neary, 496
neat, 466
Nebraska, 532
necessarily, 267
necessary, 325
neck, 115
neck, to, 199, 309, 564, 565
necktie, 235
née, 347
Needa, 521
needle, to, 580
needless, 401
neer, 381, 384
negative, to, 118, 232
neger, 385
négligé, 287, 347
negligée, 409
Negolia, 524
Negress, 300
Negro, 299, 385
ne-hæfth, 469
neighbour, 383, 395
neither, 341, 472
neither don’t, 471
Nell, 511
Nelly, 511
Nelson, 477
neolin, 173
N.E.P., 209
nephew, 352
Nephi, 516, 518
nerts, 226, 309, 572
nerve, 367
nervous, 126
nerz, 367
ne singan, 469
-ness, 178
nestes, 360
net, 390, 396
net, to, 199
nether-garments, 302
netop, 106
nett, 389, 390
Neuta, 522
Nevada, 339
New, 529
New Amsterdam, 532
Newberlin, 539
New Boston, 528
Newbranch, 491
New Dorp, 532
Newer, 487
Newhouse, 485
p; ne-wiste, 469
Newlake, 492
New London, 528
Newman, 485, 487, 499
Newmann, 485
ne-wolde, 469
New Orleans, 531, 541
Newport, 528
Newport News, 537
newspaperdom, 178
newspaper men, 228
Newt, 519
New Thought, to, 196
Newton, 492, 519
New York, 532; -er, 549
Ney, 499
ng, 348
N.G., 92, 205, 208
’ngombo, 113
Niagara, 527, 531
Nias, 523
nib, 239
nice, 71, 210, 464, 557
Nicholas, 486, 511, 515
nichts kommt heraus, 157
Nick, 511
Nicolo, 509
Niemi, 492
Nieuwhuis, 485
nifty, 581
nigger, 296, 299, 305
night-rider, 102
nigmenog, 577
Nikolaou, 486
Nils, 510
nine-pins, 237, 248
Nineveh, 530
nip, 35
nipple, 303
Nira, 209
nit, 157
nite, 406
niter, 394
nitsky, 157
nix, 157, 573
nix come erous, 157
nixie, 157
nixy, 157
N.M., 206
no, 469
no-account, 114, 117
Noble, 484
nobody home, 561
no-end, 269
no flies on, 232
no-how, 114, 117, 470
noise, 367
noive, 367
no kerry, 376
nolde, 469
Nolte, 487
nominated, 245
non-committal, 143, 231
non-committalism, 143
non-committally, 143
nonconformist, 248, 249
nonconformist conscience, 250
none, 451, 469, 471
Non Intervention, 536
nonpareil, 250
Noodle, 536
noodle, 112, 155
noodle-hook, 359
nook, 344
nope, 229, 354
Nopie, 522
no place, 204
Norfolk-Howard, 310
Norlina, 537
Norman, 507
Norse, 183
Norsworthy, 503
North, 529
north and south, 578
North Clove, 532
north-east corner, 247
Norwich, 540
nose-paint, 568
no-siree, 161
no slouch, 232
Nosodak, 537
not, 343, 445, 446, 469
notaseme, 407
notch, 115
note, 233
note-case, 239
not has, 469
nothin’ doin, 95
nothing, 469, 470
nothing doing, 227
notice, to, 7
notify, to, 6, 122
notions, 254
not my funeral, 232
not nothing, 424
no (t) -one, 451
Notre Dame, 525
not so hot, 585
not to sing, 469
no two ways about it, 99, 232
nought, 392, 393
nourish, to, 303
Novák, 487
novel, 343
noways, 468
nowheres, 22
nowheres else, 204
N.R.A., 209
nt, 446; n’t, 445
nucleuses, 412
nuf sed, 407
null, to, 199
number-dummy, 583
Number Four, 536
number-grabber, 583
numbers, 222
Nunes, 495
Nunez, 495
Nurse, 240
nurse, 240
nurse, to, 303
nurse a constituency, to, 245
nursery, 235
nursery-school, 235
American Language Page 108