Burned Once, Twice

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Burned Once, Twice Page 8

by Trinity Blacio

  “He told you his name?” Jenn said.

  “Yes. Of course he seemed shocked I would ask. Was I not supposed to? I didn’t like speaking with someone without knowing his name. Plus, he and your family have done much for us so I had to thank him. Why, did I offend him?”

  “No, he does not share much. He must like you. Please come sit while we wait for the others to wake. I have coffee, donuts, Danishes, bagels and all sorts of breakfast things you humans like.” She sat down and took a sip of her coffee, watching Faith.

  “You don’t hunt with your husbands?” Faith was starving, and she loaded her plate.

  Jenn laughed. “No, I’m lucky to be allowed here. You will find out my sons are like their fathers, very protective. Even now you are being watched and protected.”

  “Who is watching? My son?” Faith joined her at the table with her food and coffee.

  “Nope, Xfra can personally speak with our men no matter where they are,” Jenn informed her.

  “So are you ready for the change?” Jenn didn’t mince words. Faith’s sip of coffee burned the hell out of her tongue on its way down the wrong pipe. She coughed, tears filling her eyes.


  “Mom, we haven’t had the time to even speak with our mate.” Jake snarled and he totally agreed, but right now they didn’t need this distraction.

  “We’ll deal with this later. Move to the left. We’re close. I want this threat gone. He’s hurt too many already.” Gordon was in full shift. His outer hard shell flowed with his body when changing directions. Not even the humans’ radar could spot them as he and Jake flew over Florida, following the scent that didn’t belong here on Earth.

  “Our dads are approaching the other scent. It looks like one of these things is in New York. How many do you think are here?” Jake scanned the area below.

  “I have no idea.They have been here for years, and we’re just finding out. Let’s hope the Guild can find out what these things want and how many are here. I sure don’t want to spend the next few weeks tracking them.” Gordon lifted his head, his gaze zeroing in on the warehouse by the port below.

  “Alexander, Cain, Jacksonville Port city. Have your men move in. There are three buildings holding these beings. Remind your men what can happen to them if they encounter any of them. Don’t take chances.” Jake sent out the call. “Where do you want to go in?”

  “Middle building has the strongest scent. We take them down unless you see this Xack. We burn him.” The air around him vibrated, and he groaned. “Fine, we’ll try and keep him alive, but I won’t risk anyone’s life.”

  Jake flew through the window on the north side, while he took the one on the south. What he saw inside had even his stomach twisting with unease. Six females, shifters, and vampires, lay dead, strapped on beds, blood covering everything.

  At a movement to Gordon’s left, he swung and knocked the being away with his spiked tail. The thing screeched, a horrible long scratching sound that hurt his ears. Yet the being still exploded when the poison from Gordon’s tail made contact.

  “So the great Nella is here for us?” One thing stepped to the side, but Jake had moved in behind them, allowing Gordon to focus on the thing that stepped out in the open. Xack. The one and only monster there in the warehouse.

  The thing sniffed the air. “So, you have been close to Faith. She is a wild one, isn’t she? It was really too bad I never had the opportunity to lay my seed in her. She would have created a wonderful son for me, but her husband always found a way to distract me.”

  The ringing in his ears entered his head. He lifted it and roared. The windows shattered and the walls shook when Gordon rotated his head, Xack’s dead eyes held fear as his form started to disappear.

  Gordon’s rage grew at the idea the thing might get away but the Guild settled over him, taking Xach where no man or beast ever wanted to be. Gordon shivered, remembering the experiments he had witnessed when he dropped the other thing off for the Guild.

  Humans had been right about alien kidnappings…sort of. The Guild had been experimenting even on them for the past sixty years, while protecting them. No one should ever go through such treatment. Well, almost no one. Gordon moved on to help his brother destroying everything in the building while Cain and Alexander took out the ones who ran for the doors.

  Then he came upon a small room lined with cribs. Gordon shifted as did Jake as Cain and Alexander moved up next to them.

  “The thought of killing children goes against everything in me.” Jake blew out a breath.

  “But we have no idea how they will survive and then there is the threat they could pose.” Alexander stated what all of them were thinking. “They appear human enough, but I’m afraid to touch them.”

  “Looks like we don’t have to worry about that.” A member of the Guild moved towards the seven infants.

  “We will take them back with us and try and figure out the best place for them. But, be warned, even though you have destroyed this personal threat, there are others on this planet. The two groups you have encountered today were not alone. I know it’s asking much, but you do know to track them.”

  The babies disappeared as did the Guild member, leaving the thought lodged in their heads.

  “Not only you two. It is something we could do as a family. We’ll discuss this later. Clean up your mess and we’ll meet you where our women wait for us.” Wrath stated.

  “Father is right. Let’s clean this place and return to our women. There is much to be discussed.”

  Jake and Gordon stood on either side of the building and let go of the fire inside them, incinerating the building and its dead.

  Chapter Twelve

  The men told them Xack had been taken care of. There were no visits to the so-called playroom either, which had been a very big disappointment to all of Faith’s friends. The tension was worse than earlier. It was like nothing had changed. The only thing the men had done was to meet behind a closed door, talking, while Faith and her friends walked around the complex they were in, totally confused and a little pissed off.

  Faith opened three bottles of wine she had found while pacing the rooms. Between the six non-pregnant women, they had finished the bottles while taking a tour. But it seemed taking some of Gordon’s blood had screwed up her drunk, and she wasn’t the only one.

  The place was huge. All through their tour, Xfra had followed them, watching them. Offering answers to their questions, he guided them to a large underground cavern with glowing walls and faded away again. They exclaimed at the three hot spring pools and lost no time stripping out of their clothes.

  Xfra was gone, but who had been watching them?

  Back in the main room, she shook her head at last night’s activities and took a sip of coffee. Last night she had fallen asleep with her daughter and son next to her. Both Gordon and Jake never did make it to bed, telling her this morning when she’d seen them they didn’t need sleep if they didn’t want it.

  The sound of footsteps had Faith setting her coffee on the table to see Maria and Alexander come into the room, followed by Tara and her mate, Cain.

  Faith hugged Maria tight, tears rolled down her cheeks. “I will see you in a month, my friend,” Faith whispered. “I’m really sorry about all of this.”

  “Count on it. I think all of us need this separate time to deal with everything that has happened. We’ve lost a lot this week, but we’ve also realized nothing can stop our friendship.” Maria stepped back into Alexander’s arms, while Gordon came out of nowhere and wrapped his arm around Faith.

  “I’m sorry about your house, Alexander.” Faith felt totally at blame for this whole mess.

  “Stop,” Alexander growled and glared at her. “You couldn’t have stopped this and it’s not your fault. I do not hold you accountable.” Alexander’s gaze went up to Gordon’s. “We will speak soon.”

  Cain swung his mate up in his arms as Alexander did the same to Maria.

  Jake took the four to Alexander
’s father’s estate until they could rebuild their home. Faith took in the sight of her daughter and son. Behind them, Vepar and Bethany stood. “You sure you won’t stay?” Faith hugged Chance tight.

  “No, you have two men you need to get used to, not to mention figure out where you are going to live. I’m going to spend my time with Grandma and Vepar.” The man hated to be called Grandpa. “Plus, I want to spend what time I can with Dad before he becomes too crazy.”

  “Well, I’m here when you need me and when your time gets close, I’ll be there for you. I can’t have my granddaughter born without me around.” She patted her daughter’s little bump.

  “How do you know it’s a girl?” Gordon asked, looking at her daughter’s stomach.

  “I have my ways,” Faith said over her shoulder at him and winked. “And where are you off to, Denver?”

  “I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks with Vepar, too, give you three the time you need alone. But I’d like to come back. I thought maybe Gordon and Jake could help me with a few things?”

  “You want them to train you, don’t you?” She sighed.

  “Yes, is that okay?” Hope lit Denver’s face.

  “I don’t like it, but, I guess, in these times, I’d rather you be prepared. I’ll see you in a few weeks, then. Wait, we haven’t even discussed where we are going to live.” She glared at Gordon. “What did you do?”

  “My cue to leave. Love you, Mom.” Denver placed a kiss on her cheek, and Gordon’s father took them back to Vepar’s home.

  They were alone. Faith stared up at Gordon. “So what now? Everyone has left. Are we going back to Earth?”

  He took her hand and pulled her out of the common room and down the hall. “Gordon, where are we going?” She laughed.

  “When we got back yesterday, all of us agreed. For the next few days, it’s about you, Little Star.” Gordon pushed open a door and pulled her in.

  She stood there taking in everything around her. Light came from an entrance to the cave. It was a massive opening, almost large enough for two busses or a dragon. Views of what appeared to be mountains were the most beautiful thing Faith had ever seen. Plants were everywhere, a waterfall could be heard to her left. Jake stood near a table set for three. He had no shirt on, his feet were bare. “We thought we’d stay here for a few days and get to know each other.” Jake handed her a glass of wine.

  “You should know this isn’t over, Little Star. The Guild want Jake and me to join forces with our fathers to hunt down the others on Earth.” Gordon stared down at her.

  “So what does that mean for me and my family?” Faith’s stomach dropped; she was scared all over again.

  “We’d like you to stay here where it’s safe, while we hunt.” Jake took a sip of his wine watching her.

  Faith shook her head. “No, I will not be cut off from my friends and family. If you want me to stay in your home on Earth, then I’ll think about it.” She took a drink. “We haven’t had time to get to know each other.” She swirled her drink in the glass. “How about I help you out at the club? I had to quit my job after the last attack, and I could get to know you at the same time while you hunt. Plus, I love to dance.”

  Jake growled and stepped towards her. “You will only be dancing with my brother or me.” Jake turned his attention towards his brother. “Do you think the Guild can keep these things out of the club now that they have two of them?”

  “I can help if you would like,” Xfra said from the side.

  “What? How?” Gordon asked.

  The being actually smiled. “Do you actually believe this is my form? My people are older than your Guild, but we have kept ourselves away from others. I can go anywhere I choose. Time means nothing to me, and nothing can penetrate my shields once I raise them.”

  “Right there could be a problem,” Gordon considered. “We run a place for others; how will customers be able to come if you shield the place?”

  “Again, I am old and know the difference between a threat and non-threat. I would not stop your business, but protect our woman. In other words, anyone coming there to do harm will not be allowed to enter this establishment. Think of it as an added protection to your establishment, a safe zone for her and her friends.” Xfra seemed to disappear for a second. “Good, I just got word from one of our elders they will send the Guild all the information we have on these destructive beings.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Jake gulped down the rest of his wine and placed it on the table loaded with food.

  She went over Xfra’s words when her stomach growled, drawing everyone’s gaze. “Ignore me. I’ll eat; you talk.” Faith tried to figure out what had been said without trying to get into this science fiction talk. It was as if Faith was watching the Syfy channel and she was the star. “Wait! Ours?” she squealed and plopped down in a chair at the table.


  Gordon studied Xfra, totally confused. Xfra had never been so forward, exposing what he was to him or Jake. “Or us either. It seems this Xfra has taken a liking to your woman.” Wrath sent him.

  Faith’s squeal started to make sense. “Why are you doing this? You never offered help to my parents. Or gave them information,” Gordon said. “What is our mate to you?”

  Faith’s gaze snapped to him. “What are you talking about?” Xfra stepped farther into the room.

  “I knew you two were important to me,” he said to Jake and Gordon. “It was one of the reasons I sent the coordinates to your fathers, allowing them to explore this place. You were small then, but I knew something was different. I’ve spoken with others over the years and it’s happened before, though it’s rare. Did you ever wonder why you two were always drawn back here over the years?”

  Gordon sat next to Faith at the table. “Are you our mate?” He had taken a male before, both Jake and he had, even though they preferred women.

  “I don’t know, but there is something. The thought of you going back to Earth and having Faith exposed to danger….” The ground shook, Faith grabbed onto Gordon’s arm, squeezing it. “When you left to hunt, you were not alone. I was there and here.”

  “How can this happen? I mean, can you even, do you have?” Faith’s skin pinkened and she stuffed her mouth with a bite of her food. “I’m so screwed,” she mumbled.

  “Why would you be screwed? And I can mate with each of you. I have the body parts, just a little different.” The room glowed.

  Gordon shifted in his seat and watched. Xfra’s shift was not like Gordon’s. It was as if water or some kind of fluid move around until his form settled into place. Even Gordon was shocked to see the giant being in front of him.

  His skin was almost transparent, his eyes white with no pupils at all, and he had no hair. He was bald. Matter of fact there was no hair on his body either. His arms were twice the size of Gordon’s, and he had clawlike hands, but what had Gordon doing a double take were the two cocks between his legs.

  “Son of a bitch,” Faith whispered. “No way….”

  Even Gordon had to admit to some kind of attraction to him, which shocked him. Yes, he and Jake had made many trips here, but Gordon had always believed it was to regenerate. It would explain the need to be here, though. Even the thought of Xfra touching Faith didn’t bother him.

  From the expression on Jake’s face, he was just as confused. “Pants, please. It appears we have more to discuss than we thought.” Jake pulled out the other chair and sat down as another chair showed up at the table. “Sit,” Jake offered.

  “Eat, Faith, we’ll figure this out,” Gordon told her, and pointed to her plate.

  “You’re not my boss,” she grumbled but took a bite, watching as Xfra sat down across from Faith, next to him.

  “Tell us about yourself? Why is this rare?” Gordon ignored Faith’s outburst. Oh, he knew she was confused and a little pissed off about last night, but they would deal with that soon.

  Gordon wanted to know about this new development. “Can you stop the attacks on Eart
h?” The first question that popped in his head came out.

  Xfra shook his head. “If I was faced with one, yes. Could I track them? Not as a single person? If more of us visited this planet, we could possibly help.”

  These things are not rational. They focus only on having children. Faith was very lucky her ex-husband kept these beings away. He protected her from getting pregnant or she would be dead like those women you found yesterday.”

  “What women?” Faith’s gaze snapped to his and he moaned. They had hoped not to discuss this, but it seemed he had no choice now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Faith moved around the empty club, one of her favorite songs playing on the juke box. They hadn’t stayed at the safe place Gordon had taken them to. Didn’t even enjoy the beautiful setting they had set up for her, Xfra’s special place. No, all four of them had moved back here to where Gordon and Jake had their home above the club.

  She hadn’t even taken the time to explore where they wanted her to live at the club. Faith’s thoughts were all over the place. Was she attracted to the men? Yes. Even Xfra was attractive in the form he took. She shook her head and moved behind the eight-foot bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey along with a glass.

  Even though it wouldn’t do any good, she needed to feel the burn of the whiskey going down her throat. She was fifty-three years old, had three adult children, and had been going through the change, but now it seemed her whole life was starting over again. Did she want this? Did she want to have more children, not to mention be bonded to them?

  She swirled the whiskey before swallowing it, closing her eyes. “How do I change, after running for so long?” When she opened her eyes, Gordon was standing in front of her. “You are a quiet one. Where—” she stopped mid-question, sensing Jake and Xfra behind her.

  “Do you think whiskey will help?” Gordon asked.


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