Burned Once, Twice

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Burned Once, Twice Page 9

by Trinity Blacio

  “Nope, but it feels good going down, and it’s something I’m used to.” She poured another shot. “On some nights, this was all I had.”

  Gordon took the glass out of her hands and downed the shot. “But you have us now. We are here to help. Talk to us.” Gordon set the glass down as Jake reached over and took the bottle out of her hand placing it back in its space.

  “How can I talk when I don’t even know where to begin? This is all normal to you.” Faith waved her hand around. “You know what’s normal to me? Always watching my back. Never staying in one place too long. Living as if the day will be my last.” She shook her head. “Hell, I always believed I’d be dead by the time I was forty.” She snorted. “It would have been nice not going through the hot flashes.”

  Jake wrapped his arm around her and yanked her back into his body. “Don’t say that!” he growled. “We wouldn’t have had our mate. Don’t you want to be with us?”

  “Jake.” She rubbed his arm and rested her head back against his chest, loving his arms around her. “Of course I like you, and I recognize there is something between us, all of us.” She stared up at Xfra. “But that does not mean I’m not confused. I have so many thoughts going through my head. I never planned to be here so long. I even have a plane ticket to Vegas for….” She looked up at him. “Oh my, for today. Forgot what day it was there for a minute. Anyway, Vegas was my next destination. Had a condo all picked out, too. I’ll be changing my whole way of life, and it’s going to be hard.”

  “But you are safe here. This can be your home now. Change anything you want upstairs. There is plenty of room, isn’t there?” Jake asked.

  She shrugged. “To tell you the truth, I haven’t really checked it out. Just came down here. What about you, Xfra? Where do you want to live? Can you even stay here on Earth?”

  Xfra held out his hand as some strange music started to play. “Come dance with me, and I’ll tell you.”

  His hand was large, but Faith wasn’t afraid as she put her smaller one into his. “You know how to dance?” He pulled her out onto the dance floor. “And I haven’t heard this music before. What is it?”

  “It’s music from my world. Used to court our mates. We are not so different from your people but not exactly the same and highly advanced. We keep to ourselves mostly and, yes, I can live anywhere I choose. My body will adapt to the different living.” He lifted her off her feet, holding her tight, twirling around the dance floor, dipping and grinding his hips against her.

  “Damn, you’re good.” She laughed as he lowered her feet to the floor.

  “I try to be, but, really, where would you like to live? If you had a choice to live anywhere in this world or any other?” Xfra led her to the table where Gordon and Jake sat waiting for them.

  “Showoff,” Gordon grumbled and pulled her down onto his lap when she was close enough for him to reach.

  Xfra laughed and pulled out the chair next to them. “My job is to keep my mates safe and happy. Now, little Faith, where would you like to live?” Xfra sat next to them waiting.

  “You keep forgetting I have no idea what worlds are out there, but I would still want to live here, where my family and friends are. Living above your club would be okay for now, but, if, and that is a big if, we have children, I’d want a separate home. I’m sure you have a nice place here, but it’s not for a child.”

  “What do you mean if?” Jake asked. “You want to have our children, don’t you?”

  “Jake, you always take things so personal. If I decided to have children, of course I’ll have your children, but, with all this change, I need time. Plus, before I even think about another baby, I need to find my daughter.” She lowered her head, staring down at her hands. “What if one of those things got hold of her? I need to know she’s safe, and I want to make sure Wynter knows she is always welcome in our home and has a brother and sister.”

  Xfra stepped closer. “Your blood is from a place called Ireland. I could pinpoint her more if we went there.”


  Gordon wrapped his arms tighter around Faith. Tears filled her eyes and her hand shook as she reached over and touched Xfra’s shoulder. “Are you sure?” A whisper of her voice came out.

  “Yes, we could go there if you like.”

  “I don’t see why not,” Gordon said. “I’ve never been there. We’ll head there tomorrow, but, first”—Gordon lifted Faith up and set her in front of him—“strip, Faith.”

  “What?” she squeaked and looked around her.

  “There is no one here, and there won’t be till tonight. We’ve decided to spend the rest of the day with our woman and that means you will be naked the whole time.” He sat back, waiting to see if she would do as he ordered.

  She bit her bottom lip. “You know I’m not young, right? I have sagging boobs, stretch marks, and a few rolls.”

  Jake growled. “Do not put yourself down again. You are beautiful. No one can compare to you as far as we are concerned, and we’ve already seen your body.”

  She hesitated only for a second then slowly took off the dress, panties, and bra. She’d been barefoot since they arrived.

  “Stunning. Her body is small, round, but perfect.” Xfra scooted a little bit closer. “Where did these come from?” Xfra traced the scar on Faith’s lower back.

  “My ex found me about a month ago. I was lucky I have two handsome men who appeared out of the blue and saved me.” She reached up, running her fingers through her hair.

  “We didn’t get there soon enough,” Gordon growled, taking her hand and kissing each finger. “You’ve been hurt too much.”

  “Call it life lessons. That is what my father would have told me when he was alive,” Faith told him.

  “Tell us about your family. Are there any still alive? Gordon is right. You have too many scars.” Xfra’s voice dropped down to a growled whisper.

  “My mother is still alive, but we are not close. I haven’t seen her in years. She never once came to meet her grandkids, either. I have two sisters and one brother, but none of them want anything to do with me.” Faith moved to face Xfra. “You see, in my world, to get pregnant at the age of sixteen was very much frowned upon. I was sent away to have Wynter and they ripped her from my arms as soon as she was born. I had no say in the matter. My mother comes from a very wealthy family, and they didn’t want the so-called shame. I want to make sure my daughter knows I didn’t want to give her up. I had no choice.”

  “We will find her and make sure she is safe always. What is that scent?” Xfra dropped to his knees in front of her.

  “Our mate, and she tastes just as good.” Jake cupped her breast. “We are very lucky to have found you, Faith. Every day I will thank the fates for giving you to us.”

  “Agreed.” Gordon sat forward and licked her delicate skin up her spine, placing kisses where he licked while squeezing her ass cheeks.

  Jake seemed to have the same idea. “Yes, very nice.”

  “Agreed,” Xfra said. A bed now stood on the dance floor. The lights dimmed and Xfra lifted Faith into his arms, carrying her to the mattress. “You’ll be ours soon.” Xfra placed a kiss on her lips while he climbed onto the bed, still holding her.

  Gordon stood and stripped out of his clothes. They would spend the next few hours sealing their bonds before the club opened. Their woman would be at their side as they welcomed their guests. They planned a very private surprise party tonight—in her honor.

  Both Jake and Gordon climbed onto the bed and lay at her sides, while Xfra licked and kissed his way down Faith’s body to stare at her pussy. “Never did I believe this would happen to me.” Xfra raised his head, his eyes a reddish-white color. The floor shook. “The thought of anyone touching our woman, hurting her….”

  Jake and Gordon squeezed his shoulders. “No one will touch her and live. She has us now to protect her and love her.” Gordon reinforced their pledge they had made earlier staring down into Faith’s face. “We’ll give her what she craves
and needs, even when she protests too much.”

  Faith glanced at him. “And how would you know what I need?”

  He lowered his head and nipped her nose. “Faith, you are part of us now, and, after today, our bond will be sealed. There is no going back. Do you understand?”

  She reached up and cupped his cheek. “I don’t want to go back. There was nothing but pain back there.” She smiled at Xfra then back at Gordon. “But can I keep you three happy? Will I be enough to keep you from seeking others? I am too old to play games. If you need someone else, don’t do this, because I couldn’t handle it.”

  Xfra slapped her thigh, shocking not only her, but Gordon. “Do not ever say that. You are ours, and we have no wish to see anyone else. Plus, are you forgetting these two men are mine, also?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Faith had opened her heart and told all three men about her past. She stared up at Xfra and could see the emotion play across his face. It was the same for Jake, but heat flared in Gordon’s eyes. Faith sucked in her breath. “Why are you angry?” She reached up and ran her fingers across his cheek.

  “I’m furious you have been so alone, but I, no, the three of us, promise never again.” Gordon sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  “Shit!” she moaned. All three men touched, sucked, kissed parts of her body. “What?” Faith raised her head and peeked down at Xfra.

  “Do you like that, little Faith?” Xfra purred into her head while his super-thick, long tongue moved in and out of her pussy.

  “Don’t stop.” She tried to reach down, but Jake latched onto her hands and lifted them over her head.

  “No, do not touch now. Later, Little Star,” Jake said before his lips covered hers, his kiss soft at first. He licked and nipped her lips before sliding into her mouth, distracting her for a few seconds. Jake grabbed one of her legs and Gordon the other, lifting them, holding her open.

  Xfra had his tongue in her pussy and his big gelled finger in her ass, playing and stretching. She moaned and tried to bring her hands down again but couldn’t. Somehow they had been tied.

  Jake broke the kiss, laughter in his gaze. “Do you feel stretched? Are you ready for both of his cocks? Because you have to be ready, Xfra is claiming you, Faith. There is no going back. You will belong to all three of us. Once he spills his seed inside you, he will bind you to him however long we live.” Jake placed a kiss on her forehead.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  The mattress dipped as Xfra shifted from his human appearance to his natural form before he knelt before her and slowly inched his cocks into her. Xfra was thick, both of his cocks stretched her, and he swirled a finger around Faith’s clit. The pleasure, sexual tension was through the roof, but were his cocks were actually vibrating?

  “Doesn’t it feel amazing? It’s like a live vibrator sliding in and out of you, but, wait, there’s more,” Gordon whispered in her ear, nibbling it as he pulled and pinched her nipple. “You’re so beautiful. Your skin is flushed, sweat is coating your skin, your hair is damp, and the scent coming from you is driving us crazy.”

  Her eyes rolled back in her head as something seemed to come out of his cock and rub the inside of her walls. “Son of a bitch!” she screamed, pleasure so intense it had her shaking all over. The orgasm seemed to never stop, his hands glided over her sweat-coated skin.

  “I can’t believe how lucky I am,” he snarled, the thing inside her latched onto that special spot only one other ever had touched, sucking.

  “No. Oh my god. Stop, too much,” she cried and tried to buck him off, her nails digging into her palms, but three sets of hands held her, working her body to a fever pitch.

  His roar shook the floor, ceiling, and bottles on the wall. Xfra’s warm seed poured into her as he lowered his body over her and placed his hands on each cheek staring down at her as Jake and Gordon backed away. “Mine,” he roared before covering her mouth with his. His tongue didn’t enter her, but a strong force of air rushed into her mouth and down to her lungs confusing her.

  Faith tried to focus on Xfra, but couldn’t.The room started to spin, her stomach cramped up, and her breathing was off. “Xfra?” she finally gasped out.

  “It will pass in a minute.” He placed a small kiss on her lips before lifting up and separating their bodies. “You are mine now, Little Faith. There is no going back. You can go anywhere I can; your body will change and adapt to any planet we visit.”

  His words really didn’t register, but Jake moved to take Xfra’s place. “There are so many worlds we want to show you and show you off,” Jake told her, running his hands over her thighs and staring down at her. “Are you ready for me, Little Star?” He rubbed his cock up and down her pussy lips.

  “Jake,” she forced out as he begun to push his cock into her.

  “Amazing, so tight, and your skin is so soft. I will never get enough of you, my Little Star. He covered her body with his, long hair hanging around his face. You can’t hide your passions like you do everything else. Your eyes shine like stars, our star.” Jake started to thrust in and out of her slowly.

  Faith watched Jake’s eyes change. She knew their other form was always present, but it seemed more so when having sex. His skin shimmered every couple of seconds. But what really convinced her was his cock inside her. She swore at times there was a hard shell like that of her glass dildo….

  “Glass dildo?” Jake growled. “We are so going to explore your belongings.”

  Jake untied her hands and pulled her up, so she was sitting on his lap. He gripped her hips. “Grab my shoulders and don’t let go.”

  His strength amazed her as Jake lifted her, thrusting in and out of her hard and fast. His concentration on her every reaction showed her Jake meant what he said. It was all about her.

  They really weren’t going to leave her. An older woman who had already lived one life could start anew. Tears swelled up in her eyes as she hugged him tight, her orgasm sending the tears down her cheeks, while she cried out in pleasure, emotional and physical.


  Gordon stiffened when he noticed the tears running down Faith’s cheeks. Even Jake knew something was wrong right after he released his claim to her. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” His voice filled with worry, his emotions were all over the place. Jake glanced up at them. “What did I do wrong?”

  Faith squeezed his shoulder. “You did nothing wrong. These are happy tears.” She placed a kiss on his lips. “You really mean, it don’t you?”

  Jake moved to her left as Gordon knelt down next to her. “Mean what, Little Star?” He brushed her sweaty hair back away from her face and scooped her up into his arms. “I’m going to take her upstairs. We can both use a shower. We’ll be down in a little while,” he told the others.

  “We’ll take care of everything.” Xfra cupped her cheek. “You never did answer Gordon’s question.”

  She rested her head against his chest. “For the first time in over twenty-five years, someone really wants to take care of me. You like me for me.”

  “There is no like. We love you, Little Star, and of course we’re going to take care of you.” Jake squeezed her knee.

  “You really love me?” She couldn’t believe it.

  Gordon laughed. “Yes, Faith, we love you. It’s more than a human love. We couldn’t live without you. If you are upset, we are. There is no in between. Give us forty minutes.” Gordon moved towards the stairs.

  “Gordon?” Faith stared at him. “What are you up to?”

  “It’s a surprise.” He stepped into their home. “We want you to fix this place up the way you’d like it. When we start thinking of a family, we’ll buy you the home you want.” He went from the hall into a massive area. “This is my room, it’s the largest. I thought we could make this the master suite and use the other two as an office and guestroom?” He stepped into the suite bath and she whistled.

  “Wow, this is nice. We aren’t changing anything here.” Faith took in the gar
den spa tub in one corner overlooking the back of the place, and to the right a standing shower big enough to hold the four of them easily.

  “Did you know there would be all of us? Any hint?” Faith held onto him while he stepped into the shower and set her on the built-in bench.

  “No. I knew I would share my woman with my brother, but I never thought I would have another mate. I’ve been with males before and so has Jake, but we prefer women, as does Xfra.” He adjusted the water.

  “Have you two already bonded with Xfra?” she asked.

  He turned his dark gaze on her. “What you really want to know is if we’ve fucked, right?” he snarled and Faith actually blushed.

  “Well yeah. I mean that would be pretty hot.” She peeked up at him. “So have you fucked him?”

  Gordon knelt down in front of her and spread her legs as he pulled her to the edge of the seat. “Hold on.” He pushed two fingers into her, his other hand placed on her lower stomach, watching as he slid them in and out. “Yes, we fucked, and it was hot. Soon you’ll see us together, but now it’s you and me.”

  “No wonder you knew all about him and his people when you hadn’t before.”

  He felt the little rough spot inside her and started to rub and hold her down at the same time. She tried to lift her hips but couldn’t move as he lowered his head, sucking her little nub into his mouth.

  “Gordon!” she screamed, a stream of her juice coming out of her. He placed a kiss on her before pulling his fingers out and lifting her up into his arms.

  “Wrap, your legs around me, Little Star.” He braced her up against the wall. He worked his cock into her quivering pussy. “You are amazing.” His arms rested beside her head and he placed a kiss on her nose, waiting for her to focus on him. “How sore are you?”

  Her gaze met his. “A little tender. Make love to me, Gordon,” she whispered reaching up and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I want the water running down on us, as you take me. The two of us clinging to each other, loving.”


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