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Shadow Fire

Page 19

by Wheaton, Kimber Leigh

  "I'm sorry. I didn't have time to prepare anything in advance. I know your time is valuable, and I appreciate you taking the time to let me speak."

  My voice is soft. Lord Nolan and the elder that spoke to me both sit. I glance up and scan the face of each elder in turn. They're all staring at me with varying degrees of impatience in their eyes.

  "This is my first time away from Verdane. You all know my quest and the most likely consequence. I accept my fate and will do everything in my power to fulfill this quest and restore the Goddess Statue to its rightful place." I pause again, trying not to choke on my words. "Your prisoner, Zane Elistaire, was hired by the people of Verdane to assist me in this difficult trial. I never would've made it this far without him."

  "While we respect the quest you have undertaken, we will not release a criminal simply because he has helped you," Lord Nolan states. A low rumble permeates the room as the elders start talking among themselves. To my dismay, I realize I'm losing their interest.

  "Please hear me out!" I say a bit louder than I intended. Seven pairs of eyes stare at me in indignation. "I mean no disrespect. You must understand. The man I love is an hour away from being executed." The elders quiet down and I continue. "All Zane did was save my life. How can you execute someone for that?"

  "My dear, I am truly sorry you are in love with this criminal. But the fact is he did break the law against magic use," Lord Nolan advises.

  "How can healing someone be bad? I can understand punishing someone who used magic to harm others, but shouldn't a healer be exempt?" When none of the elders speak, I continue. "He knew the Palma militia was coming. I begged him to let me die. Not to use his healing magic. The thought of being without him overwhelmed me. A world without Zane would be meaningless. I guess he felt the same way about me since I'm alive to stand before you now. I would take his place. Can I take his place?"

  My words are received with blank stares. These men don't care about Zane or me. Perhaps they're too jaded to care about anything. Tears start falling from my eyes, streaking hot paths down my icy cheeks. I force myself to keep my head high and not crumble emotionally.

  "I am truly sorry, Lady Ashlyn. But the law was broken and punishment will be rendered," Lord Nolan says. The expression on his face surprises me. There's sorrow reflected in his bright green eyes. I can't give in yet.

  "Please listen. The law is wrong!" I shout. "How can you use the same punishment for someone who saves a life with magic as someone who takes a life with magic? Can't you see how profoundly wrong it is?"

  "Lady Ashlyn, you are excused," Lord Nolan barks at me.

  Hanging my head in defeat, I turn and walk to the door. Pushing through the heavy wooden doors, I don't bother to close them as I walk into the lobby. I trudge across the large atrium, not caring where I'm going. It's over — Zane's as good as dead, and I was useless. My chest constricts in pain, my heart squeezed by an invisible fist.

  In my blinding grief, I don't notice the small child before me until I almost fall over her. She's a beautiful, vibrant young girl from the neck up, with long flowing blonde hair. Below her neck she is hideously mutilated. Horrible bite wounds pepper her arms and legs where they peek out from her dress. Most are scabbed over but some are oozing and appear infected. A monster must have attacked her. She limps closer to me, dragging her right leg behind her. My knees buckle and I collapse on the floor beside her. She reaches out, touching my tear-stained cheek with her tiny hand.

  "Why are you crying, pretty lady?" she asks in a sweet, melodious voice.

  Her demeanor surprises me. She must be in horrendous pain from her injuries, yet she worries about my sorrow. I'm filled with an overwhelming need to help this little girl. Closing my eyes, I gather all the light in my soul. I draw on all the love, pain, determination and sorrow I feel right now and then push it into the girl. My mind pictures healing every wound she has including any I can't see. I just picture her whole and well, unmarred by the grievous injuries. When the light energy fades, I open my eyes. She's standing before me, all trace of injury gone. I watch her awed expression as she gazes first at her arms, then her legs. She runs around me in a circle giggling.

  "You made me better!" she cries, falling into my arms in a giant hug.

  "It's the least I could do," I murmur into her hair, my lips curling into a melancholy smile.

  Startled gasps catch my attention, and I glance up into several astounded faces. I make brief eye contact with every person in the massive atrium. All seven elders are standing near the doors to the council chambers, mouths agape. Under other circumstances it would be humorous. Rising to my feet is difficult after expending so much energy healing the little girl. Gathering my remaining strength, I march up to the elders, glaring at each in turn.

  "That's right. I just used magic to heal the little girl. Now you can execute me alongside Zane," I say, voice dripping with derision. The little girl runs up to Lord Nolan and throws her arms around his legs.

  "Grandpa, look what the nice lady did. The horrible pain's all gone! And I can run again!" she squeals, jumping up and down around the lord.

  Lord Nolan's forlorn eyes meet mine. He untangles himself from his granddaughter and faces the other elders. Without a word they all walk back into the council chamber and close the doors. I'm left standing in the atrium unsure of what to do. Clara runs up to me.

  "Ashlyn that was amazing," she says, drawing me into her arms. "Poor Riala was attacked a couple weeks ago. We really didn't think she'd make it."

  When she releases me, I stand staring at the floor. The amount of energy it took to cast the healing spell was immense. My knees buckle. I sink back to the floor to await my fate. Before long two guards arrive and haul me to my feet. They drag me out of the Elder Hall and into the town square. The plaza is filled with townsfolk all chattering like this is an exciting celebration — for them it probably is. The seven elders file past me without a word. I watch them mount the stage in the distance. The guards lead me forward through the crowd, up to the dais where the elders wait. A wooden block with a giant double-bladed axe embedded in it catches my eye. I can't suppress an involuntary shudder. The guards force me to my knees near the elders then step back.

  The crowd is roaring at this unusual turn of events. I watch as Zane appears from the jail surrounded by guards, shackled at his wrists and ankles. The guards push him up the steps. All remaining color fades from his cheeks when his eyes meet mine.

  "Ashlyn, what did you do?" he asks, his voice filled with anguish. The stricken fear in his eyes makes me cringe. A guard kicks him in the back of the leg, and he falls to his knees beside me.

  "I'm so sorry, Zane," I whisper, my breath catching in my throat. "I tried to talk to them but they wouldn't listen." Silence falls over the crowd as Lord Nolan rises and steps forward.

  "Today we have two prisoners who have broken the law forbidding magic use. Please know neither used magic to harm. In fact they both used it to save a life through healing. Last night this man saved this woman after she was mortally wounded. I have come to understand that he did it out of unconditional love for her. He healed her in full view of the militia knowing the consequences of his actions." He pauses for a moment. The crowd is utterly silent.

  "A while ago this woman came to the Elder Council to plead for his life. She offered herself up in his place." I cringe at Zane's gasp. When my distraught eyes meet his, I watch in helpless silence as several tears fall from his eyes, running down his cheeks. "The council dismissed her and refused her request." There's a quiet murmur in the crowd as they absorb the Elder's words.

  "After she left the Council Chamber, she ran into my granddaughter in the atrium. In full view of ten witnesses and the entire Elder Council, she completely healed Riala of all her terrible injuries from the monster attack two weeks ago."

  The crowd parts as a lady and a man lead Riala to the stage. She runs up the stairs and into Lord Nolan's arms. Startled gasps race through the crowd. The noise level in
creases as people begin speaking over one another. Lord Nolan holds up his hand and waits for silence.

  "The woman then turned to us and demanded to be executed with the man she loves," Lord Nolan says, all but yelling to be heard above the raucous audience.

  The noise of the crowd is even louder now. Feeling Zane's eyes on me, I stare at the ground, unable to meet his gaze. I remember I'm not shackled, and I throw my arms around his neck, burying my fingers in his hair. Finding his lips with mine, I ignore the crowd and try to lose myself in his kiss. I'm somewhat surprised when the guards don't stop me. Not wanting to waste such a boon, I pour all the love I feel into our last kiss. His lips part and I explore every inch of his mouth with my tongue, trying to commit the feeling to memory. When I pull away, I kneel next to him, holding him in my arms. He leans into me, resting his head against mine. Silence fills the plaza, as if the townsfolk are too stunned to speak. The absolute silence is broken by Lord Nolan's voice.

  "So I ask you, citizens of Palma, is this law just? Can you look at my granddaughter and say Lady Ashlyn was wrong to heal her? You all saw the horrendous pain she was suffering. We all know she would have most likely succumbed to her injuries. Is it right to punish someone who uses magic to heal the same as someone who uses it to kill? Can we close our hearts and minds and execute these two people for the simple act of caring? I have spent my life upholding the laws of Palma. But even I understand the law is not absolute, that sometimes changes must be made when the law is so obviously wrong. So it is the decision of the Elder Council that these two prisoners be immediately pardoned and released."

  The crowd roars its approval. Riala runs to me, throwing her little arms around my neck. I exhale a mighty sigh of relief as I watch the guards remove Zane's shackles. Riala runs back to her grandfather. Zane helps me up off the ground, and I collapse in his embrace. When his lips meet mine again, the screaming crowd becomes deafening. Lord Nolan pats me on the shoulder, and I pull away from Zane. He motions for us to follow him. The guards clear the way through the celebrating crowd. Taking Zane's hand, I follow the Elder Lord through the throng of cheering people and up the steps of the Elder Hall. The blessed silence that greets us inside is welcome after the rambunctious crowd. Lord Nolan leads us through the central atrium and down a long hallway to a large office.

  Chapter Twenty


  After entering the office, Lord Nolan directs us to a sitting area in the corner of the room. He takes a seat in a large black armchair. Zane and I sit in the two smaller chairs facing him. For the first time I notice how tired the elder appears. There are dark circles under his eyes, and his shoulders slump a bit. When Zane takes my hand, I glance at him, flinching at the colorful bruises decorating his face. Returning my eyes to the elder, I wait for him to speak. We sit in silence for a few moments.

  "I have no idea where to begin," the elder murmurs.

  "I'm sorry for all the trouble we've caused," Zane says. "You were put in a difficult position."

  "True," Nolan responds. "But I can never express the full extent of my gratitude to you, Lady Ashlyn, for healing Riala."

  "It's just Ashlyn, milord. I'm not of noble birth."

  "I beg to differ, milady," Nolan replies. "You have all the characteristics of a Lady: love, honor, compassion, determination and humility. In my opinion the title 'Lady' is not one to be born into but one to be earned through actions."

  "Thank you," I say, my heart swelling from his words. His kindness is overwhelming and a bit unexpected.

  "I'm truly grateful for what you did," the lord says. "Though, I'm worried now about the future implications of our actions this morning."

  "Delistaire will be furious," Zane says. "He was counting on my death so he could easily capture Ashlyn. Of course he's been plotting my death for years. I've had a bounty on my head since I was twelve."

  Zane's eyes are sparking with rage. It's such a relief to see emotion back in them even if it is anger.

  "You're his son are you not?" The elder continues at Zane's nod, "I take it you defy him."

  "Every chance I get." Zane's lips curl into a feral snarl as he spits out the words. There's such emotion in those words, each syllable stressed. My heart cries out for the suffering he endured at the hands of his own father.

  "Why?" Nolan asks. "He's your father. We're taught to honor thy father."

  "He's evil incarnate," Zane says. "I could never condone his malicious actions or the pain he's inflicted on so many." A haunted expression steals across his face for a moment then disappears.

  "What will Lord Delistaire do to us for releasing you?" the lord asks, his green eyes filled with worry.

  "Hopefully nothing right now," Zane replies. "He'll be too busy dealing with us to worry about Palma." He pauses for a moment. "If he manages to kill us, then you may have a problem."

  "You told me why he wishes you dead," Nolan says. "But why is he after Lady Ashlyn?"

  "It has something to do with the Goddess Statue," I say. "We just don't know what that something is."

  Lord Nolan sits back in his chair, steepling his fingers under his chin. He appears to be deep in thought. I glance over at Zane, and I'm rewarded with a smile somewhere between a smirk and a leer. My heart starts beating faster just from the expression on his face. I wish Lord Nolan would think of something he needed to accomplish elsewhere.

  "Well, you need to get to the island of Karina and fast," the elder says. "I'm sure I can find a ship willing to take you in the morning."

  "Can't we just fly over on Freya?" I ask Zane.

  "She can't fly that far in one day," he replies, smiling. "As far as I'm aware there's no place for her to land between Palma and Karina."

  "If I might ask, who or what is Freya?" Nolan asks.

  "Freya is a griffin. It seems Ashlyn has a way with magical creatures. We also have a fenrir wolf traveling with us," Zane answers. "Both will need to accompany us on the ship." He pauses, glancing at me then back to the lord. "Ashlyn is learning light magic. She needs to learn how to attack with it in order to defeat Delistaire. Light is his main weakness. I don't think we can successfully stop him without it."

  "So now I'm an accomplice in this," Nolan murmurs.

  I start to interject but am silenced when he raises his hand.

  "I'm not upset. I hope you defeat that dastardly sorcerer. The world will be a much better place without him." He leans forward, his eyes thoughtful. "So you need a ship that will allow a fenrir and a griffin on board, as well as a crew willing to turn a blind eye when you practice magic."

  "Yes. That about sums it up," Zane says laughing. "It seemed more realistic until you put it into words."

  "Actually, my nephew is a bit of a rogue," Lord Nolan says, rubbing his hand over his chin. "He's a never ending embarrassment to my sister, but he has a good heart. He is, for lack of a better term, a pirate."

  Well this is a stunning development. To think the head elder of Palma has a pirate for a nephew!

  "He has a ship docked in the harbor right now. I'll write a letter for you, asking for his assistance. Of course, it will ultimately be up to you to convince him. If he doesn't accept, come back and let me know. Otherwise I wish you the protection of the Goddess on your journey."

  The elder walks over to his desk to write the letter for his nephew. I'm dying to speak to Zane, but when I open my mouth he shakes his head then mouths later. While the elder is busy writing the letter there's a knock on the door. A young woman pokes her head into the room and the elder waves at her to enter. Two men enter behind her and hand Zane his weapons and gear. After they have exited the room, I busy myself helping Zane with his armor. I've just finished buckling the shoulder guard into place when Lord Nolan rises and hands the letter to Zane. He tucks it into his pack and we bow then take our leave.

  "There's a bathhouse at the rear of the building," Lord Nolan says when we reach the door. "I'm sure you'd like to clean up. I'll have my assistant show you the way."

  "Thank you," Zane says. "That would be most appreciated."

  The assistant appears again as if from out of the woodwork and leads us down another long corridor. I realize I'm covered in blood and my clothes are torn, it must've made for quite the sight earlier in the town square. This is the same outfit I was wearing when I fell in the river. I wonder if it's cursed…


  For the second time this morning I exit the grand Elder Hall. The first time I thought I was headed for my death. This time I'm snuggled next to the man I love. He's dressed all in black, the gleaming silver armor set off by the dark contrast. As soon as we pass through the doors, Zane pulls me to the side and into his arms. I cling to him as all the fear and sorrow I experienced over the last few hours crashes down on me. Somehow, I'd managed to keep myself mostly under control even though my heart felt shattered beyond repair. Now standing in his arms, the reality of what almost happened becomes overwhelming. The adrenaline I was using all morning deserts me, and exhaustion eats away at my body.

  Zane cups my cheek with his hand and gazes into my eyes. I'm mesmerized by those twin pools of fire. His affectionate smile warms my aching heart. Leaning forward, I press my lips to his. The kiss is slow and gentle; I'm lost to the sensation as he smoothly parts my lips with his tongue. He explores my mouth with meticulous tenderness. Cheering erupts around us, and he pulls away, his dark eyes glinting with annoyance. There's a crowd of people gathered around us and it's growing. Zane takes my hand, leading me away from our admirers. When we reach the harbor, the crowds are much thinner.

  "By the Goddess, Ashlyn," Zane says, slowing our pace. "When I saw you up on the dais this morning my heart shattered."

  "How do you think I felt?" I murmur, gazing up at him. "I would've done anything to save you. Barring that, I'd rather die by your side than go on without you."

  He stops and pulls me into his arms again.

  "I can't seem to stop touching you," he says with a small laugh. "I guess part of me can't believe this is real. On some scale my mind still wonders if this is a dream, if I'm still in that dank cell about to wake up any minute."


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