aid work 14, 274–82
AIMS (Association for Improvements in Maternity Services) 222, 230, 294, 325
air travel
first time 56
hatred of 11
Alan, SK’s cousin 23
Alternatal Foundation 257
alternative medicine, and SK’s mother 21–2, 35
amniotomy (breaking waters) 174, 176–7, 216–17
Amsterdam 53–4
animals, learning from 142
Anne of Cleves 125–6
antenatal clinics 172–3
antenatal education 72–85, 163 see also childbirth education
anthropology, SK’s academic studies in 44, 46, 69, 357–8
anti-abortion, SK accused of being 207
apartheid, SK standing against 153
Arnold, SK’s cousin 23
by children in Dubrovnik 277–8
Nell Kitzinger 13, 342
Polly Kitzinger 13, 191
self image in pregnancy 344–6
SK’s own 12, 34, 39–40, 131–3, 132 (pic), 271, 342
Artemis (goddess) 235–7
Arthur, Uncle 23–4
Ashcroft, Professor 98
Ashford, John 165–6
Association of Radical Midwives 224
asthma 23
asylum seekers 318–24
attachment parenting 93, 181–2
aunts, SK’s 18, 23–5
Australia 226–7, 254, 267–9, 296, 334
autonomy, women’s need for 173–4, 193
Ayres, Pam (poem in the style of) 85
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (UNICEF) 281–2
baby mix-ups 220–1
Bages (France) 129–37
Baker, George (‘Father Divine’) 57
Balaskas, Janet 77, 189, 191, 308
banned books 153
Barr, Margaret 34
Baum, David 166
Beard, Richard 168
Becoming a Grandmother (Kitzinger, 1997) 304–5, 306
bed, SK’s 12–13
beds, hospital 180
Beech, Beverley Lawrence 294, 325
Beesley, Pat 69
Before I Die festival 343
Being Born (Kitzinger, 1986) 204–7, 310
lending to children 95
standing up for 38, 153
belly dancing 240–1
Benedict, Ruth 101
Bennett, Louise 103
based on model of male orgasm 143
childbirth as a political issue 8, 77, 91–2, 156, 224, 342
and feminism 154–6
as part of wider women’s issues 339
presence of children at 87, 88, 91, 310–12
as psycho-sexual experience 10, 76, 83–4, 89, 144–5, 217, 300
similarity to death 10, 164
SK’s first experience of witnessing 50
of SK’s own babies 68–71, 86–8, 90–1
Birth Companions 325
birth control/contraception
abortion as 247–8, 251
birth control clinics 22
birth control pill 194
and feminism 212
foisted on developing world 212
Germaine Greer on 209, 213
and ‘romance’ 331
in Russia 248
SK’s experiences with 63
SK’s mother’s interest in 19–20, 22
withdrawal method 209, 213
Birth Crisis Network 10, 306–7, 333–4, 359
birth partners 252 see also fathers
birth plans 263, 269–73, 284, 310
birth practices influenced by SK’s work see also Good Birth Guide; midwifery
acceleration/augmentation of labour (with drugs) 160, 162, 174, 184, 262
amniotomy (breaking waters) 174, 176–7, 216–17
clockwatching 174–5, 176, 181, 264, 268
continuity of care 168, 172–3, 193–4, 252, 263, 267, 298
creating a non-medical language to talk about birth 8–9, 84, 89, 138, 204–7, 335
enemas 176, 225, 246, 252, 262
epidural anaesthesia 171, 179, 228
episiotomy see entry for ‘episiotomies’
home birth see entry for ‘home birth’
induction of labour 157–63, 241, 252–3, 262, 268, 334
involvement of fathers 177–8
patient advocacy 286–8, 296
physical comforts in hospital 185, 264
positions and movement in birth see entry for ‘positions and movement’
respecting women’s privacy 172, 229–30, 248, 263–4, 298
separation of mother and baby post-birth 151, 167, 181, 247, 269, 281, 323, 325–7
shaving of pubic area 176, 224–5, 246, 252, 262
water birth 70, 226–7, 293–5, 305, 310
Birth Rights rally 189–91
birth supports (chairs, cushions etc) 180
birth supports (people) 286, 291–2, 335
birth symbols 13, 234–41, 242, 285, 354
birth trauma 228, 306–7, 333–4
birthdays, family 21
Birthrights 257
Bishop Fox school 37–9, 45
blood, selling 58–9
Bloss, Aunt 23–4
Blumfield, Wendy 316
Bonaventura, Wendy 240
and mixed-up babies 220–1
new emphasis on 181–2
prenatal bonding 283
SK’s uncertainty over the term 10, 182
time limitations on post-birth cuddles 175
and ultrasounds 331–2
books, influential 20, 38, 39–41, 69, 306
books, SK’s own authored/edited
Experience of Childbirth, The (Kitzinger, 1962) 8, 88–90, 93, 138, 216, 293, 358
Giving Birth: Emotions in Childbirth (Kitzinger, 1971) 154–5
Education and Counselling for Childbirth (Kitzinger, 1977) 79, 163
Place of Birth, The (Kitzinger and Davis, 1978) 167, 269
Good Birth Guide, The (Kitzinger, 1979) 168–85, 260, 358
Woman’s Experience of Sex (Kitzinger, 1983) 152–3, 188, 194, 196
Celebration of Birth, A (Kitzinger, 1984) 271
Episiotomy and the Second Stage of Labour (Kitzinger (ed), 1984) 271
Being Born (Kitzinger, 1986) 204–7, 310
Freedom and Choice in Childbirth (Kitzinger, 1987) 78
Breastfeeding Your Baby (Kitzinger, 1989) 329
Crying Baby, The (Kitzinger, 1989) 204
New Good Birth Guide, The (Kitzinger, 1989) 261–73
Talking with Children about Things that Matter (Kitzinger, S and Kitzinger, C, 1989) 359
Year After Childbirth, The (Kitzinger, 1994) 307
Becoming a Grandmother (Kitzinger, 1997) 304–5, 306
Rediscovering Birth (Kitzinger, 2000) 151
Understanding Your Crying Baby (Kitzinger, 2005) 204
Boston Women’s Health Collective 141, 269
Bourne, Gordon 231
Bowlby, John 182, 193
Brandt, Janette 77, 292–3
and caesarean births 181
in Cape Town 149
and crying 201, 204
in Dubrovnik 280–1
and Esther Rantzen 187
and hospital births 182–4
Jamaican women 118–21
Niles Newton’s research into 147–8
on post-natal wards 298
and prisoners 327
as SK lecture/workshop topic 285, 292
SK’s experiences of 93, 292
Strasbourg hospital nurse ‘brace yourself’ 68–9
in Turkey 238–9
in USA 329
Breastfeeding Your Baby (Kitzinger, 1989) 329
breastmilk cakes, landlady’s 50
breathing see also commanded pushing
breathing techniques, taught 73–4,
79, 142, 144–5, 246
natural breathing during labour/birth 142, 233
Zulu women’s experiences of 150–1
breech babies 268
Briance, Prunella 72, 75
Brittain, Vera 33
brother, SK’s see Webster, David
Brownies 33
Bryanston School 336–7
Buchmanites 65
Bulgaria 260
‘bundling’ 214
Bunkum Hill, Mother’s Day 30
Burns, Ethel 309, 315
Byng, Elizabeth 141
Byrne, Gay 222
caesarean births 181, 241, 268, 316
Cameroons, the 321–2
campaigning for change see activism and campaigning
Canada 233, 243–4, 250, 259, 289, 340
Cape Town 148–9
capes 143, 189, 194
Carcassonne Ramparts 312–13
Carluccio, Antonio 346
case-load midwifery 193, 252
Catholic hospital, Strasbourg 68–9
Cavell, Edith 18–19
Celebration of Birth, A (Kitzinger, 1984) 271
celibacy 194
cervical cancer 286–7
Chalmers, Beverley 257
Chalmers, Iain 157, 166, 177, 269, 334
‘Changing Childbirth’ report 163
charity work 39, 274–82, 338
Charles, Prince 335
checkpoints, babies born at 316, 317
Chicago 57–9
childbirth education
improvements in 13
needs to be controlled by women themselves 245–6
in Russia 245, 249
SK as childbirth teacher 72–85, 141–2, 344
Childbirth Without Fear (Dick-Read, 1959) 89
childcare 304
child-rearing philosophy
in Jamaica 103–4, 122–3
SK’s own 20, 92–7, 211, 347
SK’s parents’ 19–20, 28
children’s book (Being Born) 204–7
Chittey, Henry 126
autonomy of 173–4
as human rights issue 230
informed choices 173, 215, 300–1
informed refusals 10, 342
Christmas 353
Christmas puddings in Croatia 276–7, 280
circumcision, female 198–9, 320
civil partnership 340–1
Clemmey, Mary (SK’s agent) 146
clitoridectomy 198–9
clockwatching 174–5, 176, 181, 264, 268
clothes, SK’s 141, 143, 189, 308
coitus interruptus 213–14
colic drops 201–2
collaborative working 165, 168, 244, 284
colour, SK’s love of 12
commanded pushing 143, 174–5, 217, 225, 249, 252, 264, 313
committee-style working, SK not suited to 187
Communism 246
community-based care 166, 173, 231–2
complementary feeding 72
compliant patients, obstetrics seeks 9, 13, 155, 245–7, 272–3, 300–1
compliant prisoners, justice system seeks 326
conscientious objectors 18, 40, 52–3
consent 231, 287, 301 see also informed choices
continuity of care 168, 172–3, 193–4, 252, 263, 267, 298
continuous fetal monitoring 174, 175–7, 217, 298
contraception see birth control/contraception
controlled crying 93
controversy, SK stimulating
accused of rose-tinted view of birth 215, 216
anti-abortion, SK accused of being 207
with the Good Birth Guide 185
with Israeli midwives 229–30
midwives upset by SK’s teaching in Australia 226
with other feminists over birth 155
over photographs in books 153, 188
portrayed as being against pain relief 218–19
work seen as ‘over the top’ 198
convenience, interventions for 158, 159–60, 241–2, 262
conversation analysis 333–4
cooking 24, 34–5, 346–53
Cornfoot, Jan 227
cousins, SK’s 23–5, 37
Cox, Caroline 198
Craft, Ian 190–1
cribs, clip-on 181
criminalisation of midwives 183, 254, 255–60
Croatia (Dubrovnik) 274–82
Cromwell, Thomas (SK’s home belonged to) 125–6
Crook, Frances 327
Crossroads Women’s Centre 319
crying babies 93, 201–4
Crying Baby, The (Kitzinger, 1989) 204
Czech Republic, SK’s work in 251, 257, 260
Czechoslovakia, SK’s trip to 41–2
dance, labour as a 70, 240–1, 244, 289
dance classes, SK’s 22
Davis, John 165, 167, 326
Advanced Decisions 10–11, 342
African-American way of death 58–9
of Decca Mitford 146
Before I Die festival 343
maternal death rates 339
similarity to birth 10, 164
of SK’s brother 55
of SK’s mother 163–4
of SK’s paternal grandfather 164
of Toby the dog 28
Death Festival 343
delayed third stage 150
DeLee, JB 313
demand feeding 202
depersonalization of childbirth 138, 155
depression 128–9
detective stories 306
Diana (goddess) 237
Diana, Princess 335
Dick-Read, Grantly 69, 72, 73, 74–5, 89, 151, 191
Dick-Read, Jess 74
dicyclomine 202
diplomatic wife, SK as 65, 68
directed pushing see commanded pushing
domestic work 28, 347, 353–5
Domino Scheme 231
Dorkenoo, Efua 201
Dorling Kindersley 188
doulas 271, 325
Doulas of North America 271
dramatic skills, SK’s
breathing a baby out 233
demonstrating positive birth 232–3, 244, 249
demonstrating rites in childbirth 146–7
demonstrating the ‘wrong’ way to do birth 143 (pic), 143–4, 225, 249, 357
drama studies 40–1, 43–4, 77, 80
SK demonstrating birth whilst on a protest march 233, 244
Stanislavski acting method 43–4, 77, 82–3
using to make an impact 82–4, 141
Drife, James Owen 266
for pain relief 138–9, 161, 171, 178–9
for sedating babies 202–3
Dublin 222–3
Dubost family 133, 135, 137
Dubrovnik 14, 274–82
early cord clamping 225
‘earth mother,’ SK portrayed as 218, 219, 357
ecstasy, in Jamaican revivalism 107–8, 117
Edie, Aunt 24–5, 25 (pic)
education (SK’s) see also childbirth education; midwifery education
primary (Station Road Elementary) 30–1
secondary (Bishop Fox) 37–9, 45
undergraduate (Ruskin College, Oxford) 45–51
post-graduate (St Hugh’s, Oxford) 46, 51–2
gap year 43–4
SK’s mother’s views on 19, 28
Education and Counselling for Childbirth (Kitzinger, 1977) 79, 163
Edwards, Margot 146–7
electronic fetal monitoring 174, 175–7, 217, 298
elimination control 121
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital 232
Emily, Aunt 23
emotional aspects of birth 10, 75–6, 79–80, 154–64, 344
emotional support, mothers need 201, 203
empathy belly 146, 332
endorphins 144
enemas 176, 225, 246, 252, 262
energy flows
of birth 83–4, 89, 144–5
sexual 145, 195–6, 330
Enquire Within Upon Everything (Philp, 1928) 93
environment (physical), hospital 185, 264
epidural anaesthesia 171, 179, 228
changes in practice 253, 265–6, 313–14
as female genital mutilation 170, 193, 198
lack of record keeping on 170
midwife’s research on episiotomy vs tear 225
as ritual intervention 176, 193
as SK lecture/workshop topic 284
SK’s research into 271
Episiotomy and the Second Stage of Labour (Kitzinger (ed), 1984) 271
equality and justice see also activism and campaigning
early experiences of 30–1
encouraging daughters to fight for 194, 197, 303, 359
family discussions about 96
SK and Uwe working together for 337–8
SK campaigning for 319–20
SK’s brother’s work for 52–5
SK’s mother fought for 9, 17, 21, 209, 342
Ernest, Uncle 24
eugenics 212
European Community 251, 254, 257, 338
evacuees, family taking in 31, 32–4
Experience of Childbirth, The (Kitzinger, 1962) 8, 88–90, 93, 138, 216, 293, 358
expert witness, SK as 319–20
experts on their own babies, mothers are the 204
failures, constructive use of 83
Fairacres Road, Oxford 50
Family, The 210
Family and Youth Concern 329
Farm, The (Tennessee) 300, 345
father, SK’s see Webster, Alec (SK’s father)
after the birth 175, 181
and Agnes Gereb 257
at births 13, 177–8, 184, 192
in childbirth classes 141
Expectant Fathers’ leaflet (1970s) 155–6
in Ireland 223
in Jamaica 192
research into 166
in Russia 248–9
SK’s campaign for involvement of 177–8
in South African maternity homes 151–2
in Turkey 240
and ultrasounds 331–2
fear-tension-pain cycle 73
Federal Union 40
Female Eunuch, The (Greer, 1970) 209
female genital mutilation
as cultural practice 198–201, 320
episiotomy as 170, 193, 198
‘husband’s stitch’ 71
birth and motherhood as important aspects of 154–7
and Celia Kitzinger 336–7
and domestic chores 346–9
feminist research 100–2
feminist tree 354–5
and flexibility 209
and Germaine Greer 208–15
for non-Western women 215
‘post feminism’ 218–19
SK’s mother’s 9, 17, 19
SK’s own 46, 100–2, 338, 354–5, 357
and ‘Twilight Sleep’ 139
in USA 269
fertility symbols 234–5
Fiji 285, 288–92
film-making 186–7, 200, 325, 329
A Passion for Birth Page 45