A Passion for Birth
Page 47
as artistic expression 344
and feminism 154–6
in Jamaica 103–5
SK’s anthropological studies of 99–100
SK’s experiences of 11, 92–7, 197–8, 302–3, 347
movement see position and movement for birth
mummified baby 47
Murray, Jenni 14, 215–16, 332
Muscat, Josie 294, 295
music 27
Muslim birth culture 77, 80–2, 152
Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo 149
Mynitt, Miss 30–1
Nagorno-Karabakh 315
‘natural’ birth, SK doesn’t use term 218, 219
Natural Childbirth Association 72, 73–5
NCT (National Childbirth Trust)
collaborative meetings of birth professionals 165
establishment of 74–7
Expectant Fathers’ leaflet (1970s) 155–6
and the Good Birth Guide 170
and Janet Balaskas 191
march for rights in childbirth 230
and political pressure 162
publication of research into episiotomies 271
and rights-based work 168
roots of 245
SK on national committee 88
and women in prison 325
Nell, Aunt 23
Netherlands 181, 253, 296–7
New College, Oxford 57
New Good Birth Guide, The (Kitzinger, 1989) 261–73
New Midwifery: Science and Sensitivity, The (Page, 2000) 297–9
New Zealand 240, 246, 250, 253, 285–8, 296
Newman, Yeshi 243
Newton, Niles 144, 147–8
Nicaragua 242–3, 298
Nightingale, Cass 294
night-times, and hospital births 183–4
Nilson, Lennart 205
Nimmo, Walter 266
non-conformist people, world needs 20, 38
non-violent second stage 284
Nuffield College, Oxford 87, 338
in Jamaica 121–2
separation from midwifery 191, 251
Sis, SK’s aunt’s sister 24
SK’s mother 17, 34, 36
SK’s voluntary work in 39
nutty nibbles (recipe) 352–3
Oakley, Ann 271–2
obedience, in children 20, 95, 97
obedience, sought by obstetrics from ‘patients’ 9, 13, 155, 245–7, 272–3, 300–1
obituary, SK’s self-written 357–9
O’Brien, Maureen 167
Observer serialisation of Experience of Childbirth 90
obstetrics, modern
Active Management of birth 157–63, 176, 184, 313
causing humiliation to women 148
compliant patients as basis of 9, 13, 155, 245–7, 272–3, 300–1
interventions of convenience 158, 159–60, 241–2, 262
modern vs traditional views in conflict 238–41
and normal birth 140
role of midwives in 250–4
routine use of interventions 158
threatened by birth plans 273
Odent, Michel 189, 190, 257, 294
Oldenburg, Zoe 33
Open University 358
Orbach, Suzie 326
breathing in 142
male vs female orgasm as model for birth 143
orgasmic birth 83–4
women’s experience of 195
O’Sullivan, Jack 326–7
Our Bodies Ourselves (Boston Women’s Health Collective, 1976) 141, 156
OutRage! 340–1
outreach work (midwifery) 253, 296
Owen, David 162–3
Owen, Wilfrid 40–1
Oxford, University of 45–66
Oxford Business School 338
Oxford University Press 167
oxytocin 144, 147–8
oxytocin, synthetic 161, 174, 184, 262, 292
Ozanne, Louis 65
Pacific Islands 288–92
Celia Kitzinger 137
David Webster (SK’s brother) 52–3
SK’s early experiences of 20–1, 40–1
SK’s mother 20–1, 40
Page, Lesley 257, 259, 294, 295, 297
pain, in labour 73, 75, 88–9, 138–9, 142, 144, 147, 155–6
pain relief
changes in practice 269
drugs for 138–9, 161, 171, 178–9
epidural anaesthesia 171, 179, 228
and Grantly Dick-Read 73, 74
in Japan 228
SK portrayed as being against 218–19
as substitute for emotional support 171
Twilight Sleep 138–9
painless birth, myths around 155, 156
Painless Childbirth (Lamaze, 1958) 89–90
painting, SK’s 131–3 see also art
Palestine 315–18
Palo Alto 146–7
Pankurst, Sylvia 154
Pantin, Louise 200
parenting, SK’s style of 20, 92–7, 211, 347
parody of ‘Good Birth Guide’ 266
Parsons, Betty 76
participant observation method 101
Pat, SK’s friend 37
pathologisation of birth 155, 167, 192–3, 217, 312, 313
patient advocacy 286–8, 296
‘patients,’ good 155, 245, 272–3 see also compliant patients, obstetrics seeks
Peace Pledge Union 38, 40
Pelling, Rowan 219
pelvic examinations 86, 159, 298
pelvic floor exercises 85
perineal shaving 176, 224–5, 246, 252, 262
Peristiany, John 50
‘persuasion’ of women 300
pethidine 161, 171, 178–9
at Manor House 127
Toby 28
phallic symbols 234–5
for Being Born 205
of breasts 329
causing ‘Experience of Sex’ to be banned 153
SK accused of obscenity 188
of SK giving birth 88, 90, 91
of women giving birth 89
piano lessons 27–8
pistou soup 349, 351
Place of Birth, The (Kitzinger and Davis, 1978) 167, 269
poetry 39–40
Poland 250, 260
campaigning on the induction issue 162
childbirth as a political issue 8, 77, 91–2, 156, 224, 342
and the Peace Pledge Union 38
SK’s own 339
polygamy 241
Polynesia 192
population growth (world) 211–12
pornography 330
position and movement for birth
affected by technology 175–6
anthropological evidence for 216
in Cape Town 150–1
dance, labour as a 70, 240–1, 244, 289
learning from other mammals 142
lithotomy position 143 (pic), 162, 179–80
and the Royal Free Protest 189–91
SK demonstrating positive birth movements 232–3, 244, 249
SK demonstrating the ‘wrong’ way to do birth 143 (pic), 143–4, 225, 249, 357
supine position (women on their backs) 70, 142, 147, 175–6, 179–80, 189–91, 216, 225
upright positions for birth 8, 78, 142, 180, 191, 229, 233, 262, 265, 335
value of movement 8, 179–80, 190–1, 224, 262, 289, 335
post traumatic stress 10, 193, 254, 333
post-natal counselling 283
post-natal depression 203
post-natal wards 298
potato scones
memories of fathers’ 34, 343, 350
recipe for 350
practical nature, SK’s 58
prison, giving birth in 324–8
privacy, respecting women’s 172, 229–30, 248, 263–4, 298
Proctor, A
nn 77
Professorship, SK’s 296
prolongation of life, unnecessary 10, 163–4, 342–3
prostitution, SK learning about 50–1, 53–4
psychology 300–1
psychoprophylaxis 69, 75, 79, 141, 245, 292–3
psycho-sexual experience, birth as 10, 76, 83–4, 89, 144–5, 217, 300
publishing see also books, SK’s own authored/edited
advice from Decca Mitford 146
books published across the world 7, 250
Carroll & Brown 204
Dorling Kindersley 188
first book – Experience of Childbirth (1962) 88–90
Mary Clemmey (SK’s agent) 146
Orion 90
Oxford University Press 167
Penny Simkin’s publishing company 271
Simon and Schuster 304
statistics on SK’s 7
translations 7, 293
Victor Gollancz 90
Viking 204
and breathing 142
changes in practice 253
commanded pushing 143, 174–5, 217, 225, 249, 252, 264, 313
SK demonstrating the ‘wrong’ way to do 143 (pic), 143–4, 225, 249, 357
and conscientious objection 53
influence of Quaker thinking on birth plan development 270
in Oxford 47, 49–50
pre-meal silence 96
SK’s daughters at Quaker meetings 95–6
in SK’s teenage years 40
wedding of SK and Uwe 62–3
qualitative research 51
mothers encouraged not to ask 158, 160–1, 171
SK encouraged daughters in asking 158
race relations 51, 56–60, 122–3, 152, 243, 358
Radakrishnan, Professor 47
radical, SK portrayed as 222, 358
radical midwifery 191, 224
about female genital mutilation 200
as part of research for Good Birth Guide 169
SK told not to be ‘explicit’ 329–30
Woman’s Hour 14, 215–16, 331–2
randomised controlled studies
in birth studies generally 159, 163, 230, 268, 305
into episiotomy 225, 266
into water birth 305
Rankin, Gwen 72, 76, 128
Rantzen, Esther 186–7
disempowered birth as similar to 10, 226–7, 307
as war weapon 318
Rape Crisis 10, 288, 342
reading, women advised against 160–1, 171
recipes, SK’s 349–53
Rediscovering Birth (Kitzinger, 2000) 151
family taking in 31, 32–4, 35
giving birth 318–24
relaxation techniques 73–4
religion and spirituality see also Quakers
in Cape Town 149, 150
in Jamaica 105–8
SK’s brother’s 53
SK’s family’s 19, 29
SK’s Gran’s 36
SK’s own 39, 47, 49–50, 95–6
Unitarianism 16, 19, 29, 40, 209
Remembrance Sunday 21
Remington, Dee 187–8
Research and the Midwife conferences 224–5
research ethics 286–7
responsibility, women taking 261, 272
restaurants, and vegetarianism 345–6
retained placenta 150
Richards, Martin 166
Richman, Joel 166
Riddiford, Eian 277
risk assessment culture 251
rites and ceremonies around childbirth
in Fiji 290–2
genital surgery 198–201
hospital practices as 158, 167, 176–7, 192–3
in Jamaica 106–14
Maori birth traditions 285–6
in Palo Alto 146–7
ritual cleansing in Russia 246
as SK lecture/workshop topic 284
in South Africa 149
in Turkey 239
Rose, SK’s cousin 25
Ross, Deborah 85
rota, household 347
routinised feeding 203–4, 247
Royal College of Midwives (RCM) 255, 257, 281, 335–6
royal family 335
Royal Free Protest 156, 189–91
Rubinstein, Helge (SK’s sister-in-law) 56, 90
Rubinstein, Hilary (SK’s brother-in-law) 90, 169
Ruby, SK’s cousin 25
Rudman, Michael 78
Rumwell 35–41
Ruopp, Phil and Frankie 55
Ruskin College, Oxford 46, 54
Russia 244–50, 251
sailing 129, 132–7, 348
Salter, Sir Alfred 40
same-sex marriage 340–2
Sandra, SK’s mother’s help 98
Sanger, Margaret 212
Saunders, Cicely 164
Savage, Wendy 230–2, 244, 249, 255, 257
Savage Enquiry, A (Savage, 1986) 232
scopolamine 138–9
Scully, Diane 139–40
second stage labour, unforced 71, 284
second-degree tear 71
sedatives, for crying babies 202
self-confidence, giving to your children 95, 331
self-image and pregnancy 344
Semmelweis, Ignaz 247
separation of mother and baby post-birth
asylum seekers 323
changes in practice 269
in Johannesburg 151
as routine practice 167, 181, 247
in Sarajevo 281
women in prison 325–7
birth as psycho-sexual experience 10, 76, 83–4, 89, 144–5, 217, 300
and breastfeeding 148
in Cape Town 149
and female psychology 140
honeymoon 65
in Jamaica 105, 106, 108–9, 114
and obstetrics 140
and ‘romance’ 329–31
sex education 330
sexual energy flows 145, 195–6, 330
sexual ‘liberation’ of women 195, 329
SK discovers 48–9
as SK lecture/workshop topic 284
SK told not to be ‘explicit’ about 329–30
SK’s writing about 194–6
and the withdrawal method 213–14
Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility (Greer, 1984) 208–15
sexual abuse 195, 307
sexual surgery 71, 198–201
shaving of pubic area 176, 224–5, 246, 252, 262
Shaw, Kathleen 168
Sheppard, Rev. Dick 20
Sherr, L. 300
Shrimpton, Alan 336–7
sidecar cribs 181
Simkin, Penny 270–1
Sis, SK’s aunt’s sister 24
Sister Links and Your Health 200
sleep training 93
sleeping pills/ sedation of labouring women 139, 184
Smith, Nina 281
Smith, Tony 168
Soames, Christopher (Churchill’s grandson) 67, 338
Social Anthropology studies 46, 49–51
Social Construction of Lesbianism, The (Kitzinger (C), 1987) 197
Society of Friends see Quakers
‘Some Mothers’ Experiences of Induced Labour’ (Kitzinger, 1975) 162
South Africa 148–53, 310–12
Soviet Union 244–50
Spain 251, 253
Spanish Civil War 31
Spare Rib (feminist magazine) 155–6
speaker, SK’s skills as 141, 335 see also dramatic skills
special care baby units 181
spiritual midwifery 300, 345
Spiritual Midwifery (Gaskin) 345
in Cape Town 149, 150
in Jamaica 105–8
Splash Down water birth services 294
sport, and SK 70
St Hugh’s, Oxford 46, 51–2
Stack, Prunella 22
Stan, Uncle 18, 23
Standen, Brenda 277
Standlake Manor House 12, 95, 124 (pic), 124–9, 305
Stanislavski acting method 43–4, 77, 82–3
Station Road Elementary, Taunton 30–1
Stetson hat 189
stitching, perineal 71
Stockholm Syndrome 268
Stonewall 340–1
Stopes, Marie 19–20, 212
Strasbourg 62, 65, 68
Suffragette, The (Pankhurst, 1911) 154
supine position (women on their backs) 70, 142, 147, 175–6, 179–80, 189–91, 216, 225
surrogacy 78
swaddling 239, 248
Sweden 292–3
Swenson, Norma 138, 141, 269
Sylva, Kathy 188
Sylvester, Martin 180
taboos 111–13, 285
Talking with Children about Things that Matter (Kitzinger, S and Kitzinger, C, 1989) 359
Tao Te Ching 250, 267
Taunton 15–35
teachers (school)
Miss Lloyd 37–8
Miss Mynitt 30–1
teaching, SK’s
childbirth classes 72–85, 141–2, 344
combining with early motherhood 92
drama teaching 40
SK teaching of midwives 295–7
SK’s philosophy on birth 215
continuous fetal monitoring 174, 175–7, 217, 298
invasion of 268–9
ultrasounds 331–2
teenage years, SK’s 37–41
appearance on Late, Late Show 222
in Canada 244
increasing the fear of birth in women 158–9, 293, 300, 312
as part of research for Good Birth Guide 169
SK told not to be ‘explicit’ 329–30
Templeton College, Oxford 338
Ternovszky, Anna 257
Tew, Marjorie 166
textile patterns of fertility 235
Thailand 241–2
Thames Valley University 296
Thank You, Dr Lamaze (Karmel, 1959) 89
third stage labour, management of 150, 225
Thorndike, Sybil 33, 40
Thornton, Jim 331–2
thunder and storms 26
Times Educational Supplement award 206
Toby House, Freeland 74, 94–5, 124
Torr, Hannah 42–3
Toynbee, Polly 219
toys 95
travel see also holidays; Jamaica; lecturing tours
as feature of SK-UK’s marriage 67
hatred of air travel 11
Scilly Isles trip 128–9
SK’s first trip abroad 41–2
Treuhaft, Robert 145
‘Trouble’ (boat) 134–7
Truby-King child-rearing method 19
Turkey 234–41
Turnbull, Alec 158, 159, 334
Twilight Sleep 139
birth of SK’s 86–8
breastfeeding 93
ultrasounds 331–2
uncles, SK’s 18, 23–5
Understanding Your Crying Baby (Kitzinger, 2005) 204
Unitarianism 16, 19, 29, 40, 209