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Dazon Agenda: Complete Collection

Page 15

by Kit Tunstall

“Dr. Ha will navigate that problem. I have faith in him.”

  She couldn’t help the hint of anger lacing her words. “How pitiful to pin the hopes of your race’s survival on an arrogant scientist who has no regard for the sanctity of life.”

  “His priorities are straight, Ambassador Williams. He’s focused on the sanctity of Dazon life, which is far more valuable than a mere human. Your women will cooperate, or they will be forced to. We will handle the situation either way.”

  She was close to screaming at him, which wouldn’t further diplomatic relations or help find a solution. Instead, Embeth took a deep breath and turned her attention to the Emperor. “Emperor Talek, if you share your son’s point-of-view, is there any point to continuing these talks?”

  The Emperor didn’t clarify his position. He simply sighed heavily. “Today is not a good day for this, I fear, Ambassador. There is something which requires my attention, and I need to postpone our talks another Dazon day. In the interim, I entrust you to Ysaak, who will act as your guide and show you some of our planet. I hope you find that plan agreeable.” His tone made it clear he wouldn’t be swayed even if she protested and insisted on continuing the talks that day.

  To be honest, it would be nice to escape the room and Aryk’s presence. She was currently agitated and not capable of thinking as clearly as she should for the grand scale of negotiations that must be undertaken. She nodded her agreement and turned her attention to Ysaak, giving him a small smile. “Thank you for taking the time to be my guide, Prince Ysaak.”

  “Second Prince,” corrected Aryk with an arrogant sneer as he got to his feet. “That means he has little say in the outcome of these events, Ambassador Williams.”

  She didn’t even look at the First Prince as she got up and walked around the table to meet Ysaak in the middle of the room. Instead, she nodded to the Emperor, adding, “I’ll see you in the morning, Emperor Talek.” It was a relief to turn away from Aryk and walk beside Ysaak as they left the room, with Damon falling into step behind them.

  “I apologize for my brother,” said Ysaak. “He’s stubborn and refuses to see any point-of-view besides his own. Unfortunately, he’s close friends with Jorvak, and he would have been predisposed to support his friend even for the most heinous actions, which Ha has clearly demonstrated his capability of committing.”

  Before she could think better of it, Embeth reached for his hand and squeezed it lightly. “It means a lot to me to know you don’t support your brother and Ha’s position.”

  He hesitated for a moment, having stiffened at the touch her hand, but then held tightly to hers. “Unfortunately, Aryk was being truthful when he said I hold little sway in the matter.”

  She nodded. “Still, it’s nice to have an ally, especially when your father is so close-lipped about his stance.”

  Ysaak’s expression softened. “That’s my father’s way. He is often aloof and carefully hides his opinions as he weighs others’. Aryk thinks Father is swayed by those opinions and incapable of forming his own without influence, but he fails to see the strength in our father. I have no doubt the emperor has already decided his position on the matter, and he’s simply getting a feel for all sides. He won’t be swayed by anything Aryk says if it’s contrary to what he’s decided.”

  She sighed heavily. “Which means he also won’t be swayed by any of my arguments if the emperor agrees with your brother and Ha. It’s worrisome.”

  He still held her hand, which he squeezed once more before letting go, seemingly with great reluctance. “It is, but I would ask you to set aside all that for the day. I thought I would take you on a tour of the planet—at least as much as we can accomplish during the time we have. I’d like you to see the beauty of Dazonia Major and try not to worry about the issues before us for the next thirty-one hours.”

  The prospect was exciting, and she nodded her agreement even as her insides turned to mush at his use of the word us. She hadn’t been exaggerating when she’d said it was nice to have an ally, and she firmly believed she and Ysaak shared similar views.

  How much easier negotiations would have been if he had been Emperor, or even First Prince, but it would do no good to wish for something that couldn’t be. Instead, she would attempt to push aside thoughts of the mission she had focused on for the last three months and enjoy herself. A small respite, especially in Ysaak’s company, was more than welcome.

  He led her from the palace to the docking bay where she had first arrived. This time, rather than one of their intergalactic ships equipped with a space-folding system, there was a much smaller shuttle awaiting them. She glanced briefly at the small vessel before looking at Damon. There would be room for him too, but she would feel crowded with her guard present. She turned slightly to Ysaak, saying, “I must speak with my guard for a moment. Please excuse us.”

  He inclined his head and walked toward the ship as she turned to face Damon. “You have my tracking signature, right, Damon?”

  He nodded, wearing a frown. “I do, Ambassador, but I don’t like the idea of you leaving alone with just the alien to guard you.”

  “I trust the Second Prince, Damon. I’m certain I’ll be safe with him.”

  Damon surprised her by nodding his agreement. “It’s not Prince Ysaak I worry about, Ambassador Williams. I’m simply concerned about you being left in a vulnerable position with only the prince to guard you. I have no idea if he can watch after you properly.”

  “I think we’ll be fine, Damon, but if not, I can contact you with my transmitter. I remember how to use it to let you know I’m in trouble.” The device was clever in its design. Besides being a GPS unit, she could also use it to transmit Morse code. She simply pressed and held the back in the right pattern to transmit a code to Damon. She didn’t know all Morse code, but she knew how to send the most basic SOS message, and Damon would be able to track her coordinates.

  “Very well, Ambassador Williams.” Damon made the concession with clear reluctance, but apparently had realized she wouldn’t be dissuaded.

  “Feel free to enjoy yourself and unwind a bit too, Damon.”

  He glanced around him and shook his head. “I don’t think I can relax here. It’s all too clear the opinion many have of humans, particularly human males. We’re expendable.”

  She let out a small sigh as she nodded. “It’s our duty to change that opinion, Damon.”

  He didn’t look optimistic, but he humored her with a nod. “Enjoy your tour, Ambassador.”

  She nodded and shared a quick word of parting before she walked closer to Ysaak, where he stood near the small shuttle. She gave him a big smile. “I’m all yours then, Prince Ysaak.” Only after she uttered the words did she realize how suggestive they were, and she could feel heat creeping into her cheeks. She was thankful for her darker complexion and its ability to hide her embarrassment.

  “Then let’s begin, Embeth.”

  He assisted her onto the shuttle, though she could have climbed the ramp easily by herself. She wasn’t certain if it was a show of chivalry, or if he just used it as an excuse to put his hand on her back. Either way, she didn’t mind.

  Her attraction to the prince had only increased in the intervening hours they had last seen each other. He could quickly become a craving, and though she should be alarmed by that thought, she couldn’t feel anything but mild concern at the moment. She was too excited by the prospect of touring the planet and spending the day with Ysaak to allow gloomier thoughts to intrude.

  He piloted them himself, and she had been right in her assessment of the interior. There would have been room for Damon, but it would’ve been a tight fit. She likened the shuttle to the typical Earth sports car, which was designed for two, though three or four could cram inside. “Where do we begin, Ysaak?”

  “I’m afraid we’ll have to take an aerial tour of most of the planet if you want to see everything, or at least as much as we can, but we’ll have a chance to stop at least once.”

  “I’m ready.” />
  It didn’t take long to learn the shuttle moved rapidly, zooming over the landscape so quickly that she couldn’t see most of the details. They covered what must have been hundreds of miles in just a matter of minutes as he increased the altitude, angling them higher into the sky.

  At first, it was a little frightening, and she held tightly to the handles built into the sides of her seat as they zoomed through the air. When she adjusted to the speed, and especially as he started to slow down when he approached what was apparently the first point of interest on the tour, she was able to relax her white-knuckled grip and start to enjoy the experience.

  He paused in midair, just hovering there, as he pointed to a large arrangement of mountains capped with what looked like snow, though faintly blue in color. “Those are the Temberzan Mountains, and the highest point on the planet. It’s so cold at the top that no life can survive there, save for a tenacious…snow beast that lives on a type of rodent that also thrives there.”

  She arched a brow. “Snow beast?” He couldn’t mean something like a yeti, could he?

  Ysaak hesitated, and then shrugged. “The translation program can’t find a more appropriate word. It’s a small, hairy creature with large fangs and long claws. I don’t know how to describe it, and I can’t think of an Earth equivalent. Apparently, neither can the translation program.”

  She nodded to indicate her understanding, uncertain if she was relieved or vaguely disappointed to know there weren’t abominable snowmen prowling the Temberzan Mountains.

  Soon, they zoomed off again, and this time when he slowed, it was to hover over a large urban center, also enclosed by a dome. “You’ve been to the capital, or Sector One, and this is Sector Two, our other major urban center. The population here is approximately three million, and this is where the breeding quarters are located. The facility where children are reared is located at the capital.”

  She shivered at the unpleasant reminder of why she was there. “Why aren’t the children kept with their mothers?”

  “It’s more of a production facility than a mother-child relationship,” said Ysaak, his disapproval clear. “It takes too long to raise a child, or even two or three children, in a proper context with a mother, so the duties have been separated over the generations following the use of that biological weapon against our ancestors.”

  She shook her head, unable to comprehend the cold disconnect in such a system. “Okay, but why aren’t there rearing facilities near the breeding facilities? It would facilitate mothers being able to visit their offspring.”

  “It leads to too many ambiguities. They made the deliberate decision to separate the facilities because too many Dazon women grew deeply depressed when seeing the children raised away from them. For their sakes, it was critical to separate motherhood from reproduction.”

  She shuddered as she imagined how awful it must be for both the mother and the babies. The women were valued for their eggs, but would never know their offspring, and the resulting babies were raised in government facilities that had to be similar to orphanages. She could feel tears pricking the backs of her eyes as she imagined the sad scenario, and she blinked several times until the urge to cry had passed. “And this is the future Ha and your brother envision for Earth’s women?”

  Ysaak shook his head. “I assume it would be an acceptable version, but Ha envisions integrating human women back into Dazon society and restoring a semblance of the civilization we once had.”

  She curled her lips. “He’s exceedingly naïve in thinking he can control millions or billions of Earth women who have been ripped from their lives.”

  Ysaak gave her a reassuring smile. “I have no doubt of that, especially having met such a perfect specimen of female humanity.”

  She blinked. “Me?” He nodded, and she laughed. “I’m hardly an example of perfection, but thank you for the compliment.”

  Swirls of gold mixed in his green irises. “You’re utter perfection, Embeth.” All semblance of teasing had gone, and he seemed completely serious, as though he truly believed that.

  It wasn’t the first time a man had shown appreciation for her curvy frame and generous butt, so why was she feeling so breathless from a simple compliment? Her heart raced in her chest, and she was thankful when he continued the tour a moment later, distracting both of them with the next point of interest.

  After they had been flying for a few hours, he set down the vessel for the first time at a cliff. She gazed out in awe at the sight before her. The day was clear, with a purplish-green cast to the sky, and the two suns blazed overhead. The closer one was brighter and added a faint hint of orange to the atmosphere.

  It wasn’t the sky that really caught her attention though. The landscape spread out before her was rugged and beautiful. They were perched on the side of a cliff, far from the edge, of course, which afforded them a beautiful view. The walls of the cliff were smooth, but with occasional jagged chasms and sheer drops.

  Some kind of purple-white flower covered most of the ground, and there were a profusion of vines bearing golden globes that she recognized as the dahlia fruit from the state dinner. “Can we get out?”

  “Yes, we can. Remember the oxygen content is a little lower here than on Earth, so you might feel dizzy or lightheaded for a few moments until you acclimate.”

  She nodded to indicate she’d heard his warning as she fidgeted in her seat, feeling like a little kid about to enter Disneyland for the first time. He stood up a moment later and extended his hand to her. She took it and followed him from the small craft out to the cliff. She drew closer to the edge as he paused to set something on the ground before joining her.

  When she looked down, she gasped. Spread below them was a waterfall, and the water was lavender tinted. It dropped down the face of the cliff in a torrent, hitting the bottom pool with enough force to create foamy waves. It was dangerous, yet incredibly gorgeous.

  At that moment, a flash of lightning lit the sky and reflected on the water below, and it was a breathtaking sight. She turned to him in her excitement and was suddenly woozy. Ysaak’s arms clamped around her to keep her from falling, and she was pressed against his body.

  She looked up at him, and her heart hammered in her ears. The excitement of the landscape had morphed to the excitement of being held by him, and it took every scrap of control she had not to stretch her neck upward in an unspoken invitation for him to kiss her.

  He held her for a moment longer than necessary before clearing his throat and carefully sending her completely upright again. Once assured she was steady, his hands fell from her shoulders, and he waved his hand in the direction of the items he had placed on the ground. “Are you hungry?”

  She looked to the spot he indicated, and she was surprised to see a table and chairs set up. “How did you do that?” All he had carried from the shuttle was a small bundle.

  He grinned at her. “It’s all automated. It’s a picn…icking kit.” He seemed to stumble over the word, and it was clear the translator had struggled to find the proper term. “I had to modify it from existing technology, since we don’t often eat outside, but I thought you would enjoy a pic…nicking after observing the custom from the data available to me about Earth.”

  “I do enjoy a good picnic.” She walked to where the table and chairs were arranged, complete with a checkered cloth on the top. There was also a wicker-looking basket, though of a color she had never seen before. Somewhere between violet and lavender, she wasn’t certain if it was the natural color of the material used to make the basket, or a decorative addition. “This is really impressive, Ysaak. I haven’t been on a picnic since I was a sophomore in high school.”

  That had been with an ex-boyfriend, and the date had been pleasant, but not a memory she had cherished. Now was the first time she had thought about it in years. She was certain this picnic would be far more memorable than the one she’d shared with Billy—no, Willie, she mentally corrected.

  He assisted her into her
seat before taking one across from her and opening the basket. A plethora of unfamiliar items soon appeared before them, and she was surprised the table didn’t bow under the weight of all the food. She also wondered how he managed to squeeze it all into the small basket, but assumed the basket used the same kind of physics they used for their suits, which were capable of holding weapons and other items that remained invisible until needed.

  She enjoyed the delicacies he offered, though her attention wandered occasionally to the sky whenever a flash of lightning lit it up. “Will it rain soon?” she asked as lightning flashed again, a bit closer than it had the last time.

  He shrugged. “It’s possible, but it isn’t the rainy season. If it does, we’ll simply move our picnic to the shuttle.”

  “I don’t think there’s any need for that. I’m about to explode. If I eat another bite, I probably will.” She rubbed her tummy in a comical fashion, though it truly was almost uncomfortably full. She had continued trying delicacies even after she’d run out of room for them, wanting to taste everything and experience as much as possible of the Dazon culture before her mission ended.

  He stretched from his chair, not needing to leave it to pick a fresh dahlia fruit from one of the nearby vines. His movements were slow and sensual as he rubbed the golden fruit on the front of his black suit, having opted for comfort rather than tradition today apparently. He took a bite, and light-yellow juices trickled down his chin for a moment before his napkin could catch them. “Surely you want to try the naked dahlia fruit? It’s lovely dressed up, but nothing compares to it in its natural state.”

  His words were sensual, and they seemed to be discussing something far more intimate than fruit. Her nipples tightened against her jacket, and though she really had no more room in her stomach, she leaned forward to take a bite from the fruit. He had deliberately offered the side where he had bitten from, and her teeth grazed the edge of his bite mark.

  She closed her eyes a second later when the flavor of the fruit exploded on her tongue. It had been lovely last night with that amber sauce, but it had also muted the flavor. Without adornment, the fruit was naturally tart and crisp, while being incredibly sweet. For some reason, that reminded her in the notes she had read from Earth women that some had commented Dazon males’ semen was exceedingly sweet. She wondered if it was from their ingestion of dahlia fruit, or just their own natural flavor.


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