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Dazon Agenda: Complete Collection

Page 29

by Kit Tunstall

  “They say Dazon males’ cum tastes delicious. It’s super sweet, and some women claim it’s addictive.”

  He let out a small moan as her head dipped lower, realizing her intent. It was more than he’d ever dreamed of, and when her warm mouth slid over his cylindrical shaft a moment later, he bucked his hips on instinct. “Amelia,” he said, more of a sigh than a true utterance.

  She swirled her tongue around the tip, moaning her own pleasure. Apparently, she had verified the rumor as true. He hoped fervently that she grew addicted to him, because it would give her another reason to keep him around.

  He didn’t think she could actually become physically addicted to his essence, but he could hope he became as necessary to her existence as she was to his. That she was allowing him in her bedroom and being so intimate with him boded well for their future, and his shea seemed to sense they would bond as mates eventually.

  She did amazing things with her mouth and tongue, things he was certain his friends would have believed impossible, all being as inexperienced as himself, aside from experimenting with each other. It sent a jolt through his stomach and made his testicles tighten when she took almost all of his shaft into her mouth, the tip resting against the back of her throat.

  He moaned and arched his hips, stilling a moment later when she pulled back. He feared he’d hurt her, but if he had, it had only been a brief pain and clearly hadn’t dampened her ardor. She continued to suck and caress him with her cheeks and tongue until an intense orgasm escaped him. It wasn’t the first time Titus had ever come, because he had seen to his own needs for years, but it had never been like this.

  Even in his youth, when he had experimented with other Dazon males, none of them had elicited this sort of pleasure. He wasn’t certain if it was because she was so thorough in her attention, or if it was simply because of the connection he felt with his mate that he’d lacked with anyone else.

  When her mouth left him a moment later, and she sat on her calves, she looked smugly satisfied. “That’s one rumor that’s actually true,” she said with a wink. “You’re delicious. It’s different from humans. Not as thick, and almost too sweet. A bit bitter to start with, but very pleasant.” The way she licked her lips and eyed his cock, already stirring back to life, suggested she wanted to do it all again.

  Before she could, he grabbed her gently and flipped their positions, so he was lying on top of her. He wasn’t opposed to allowing her free access to his cock anytime she wanted to suck it, but at the moment, he wanted to be buried in her body instead. With single-minded determination, he stripped off her pants and shirt, leaving her in just white panties and a white bra. They were simple, but contrasted beautifully with her dark skin. He couldn’t hide his pleasure when he saw the folds of her pussy through the white underwear, having grown translucent with her own juices. He pulled them away from her body eagerly, slipping his fingers between her folds to stroke her. “I’m not sure what you like.”

  She let out a small moan. “I like that. I like it even more if you go up about an inch. Yeah, there…almost there… Right there.” She let out a small moan.

  Her moans increased in intensity when he rubbed the spot a little more forcefully, making her hips buck off the bed. In curiosity, he parted her folds as wide as he could with his fingers and examined her anatomy. He quickly discovered the spot she liked so well was a glistening pink bud, and he bent his head to taste her as she had done for him.

  She was sweet and salty on his tongue, and he realized he was the one in danger of becoming addicted as her juices flowed into his mouth, and he licked her, exploring her slit from that little bud all the way down to her opening. When he plunged his tongue inside her, she cupped his head, unable to grab handfuls of his short hair, but holding him locked against her as she writhed against him. He was certain she was approaching an orgasm of her own, and he continued to lick her in what he hoped was the right way as she thrashed underneath him.

  She almost screamed his name when her channel tightened around his tongue a moment later, and more of her fluids escaped. She was soaking wet, and a swell of pride filled him to know he had done that to her.

  “Enough foreplay. Fuck me, Titus. I need you now.”

  He couldn’t ignore the command in her tone, and he didn’t want to. He switched positions, moving higher up the bed to bring his cock against her wet folds. “Guide me in so I don’t hurt you, love.”

  Amelia grasped his shaft, finding just the right spot, and pulled him gently inside her. He arched his hips to take possession of his lover, as she claimed him. When he sank inside her completely, an unknown emotion swept through him. It was deeper than the mating flare, and even more meaningful somehow. It was confirmation that he had found the woman for him, and he didn’t question it. Having lived a life led by his shea, he was unsurprised when it burned brightly in him, assuring him this was where he belonged.

  She clung to him, her fingers digging into his buttocks as she held him against her. He moved slowly at first, testing her boundaries and finding spots that made her most responsive. Once he determined how and where to thrust, he got caught up in the rhythm. She clearly was as well, clinging to him as she moaned occasionally, a look of complete concentration on her face.

  Her gaze locked with his, and tenderness passed between them. There were details to figure out, but he was confident he’d found his mate, and his future was with the woman beneath him. She came first, her sheath tightening around him in a rhythmic fashion that coaxed another orgasm from him. He emptied himself completely inside her, clutching his mate for dear life, never wanting to let her go.

  Afterward, they laid together, breathing heavily and not speaking for a long moment. Finally, his mate stirred slightly. “Wow,” she said with a sigh.

  “Wow?” he repeated questioningly. “Is that a good thing?” His translation program indicated it was, but he didn’t know how it applied to the situation.

  She nodded, giving him a small grin. It seemed to be all she was capable of at the moment. He had a flash of guilt for having reduced her to this exhausted state when she was still recovering from the ROMKS and her dose of nanotechnology.

  “It’s a very good thing. Considering you’d never done that before, you’re pretty amazing. I can’t wait to see what you can do when you learn some more tricks.”

  “I’ll learn whatever you wish me to, as long as you’re the one teaching me.”

  Amelia giggled. “I have a feeling you can teach me a thing or two as well, love.”

  His hearts stuttered in his chest at the word. He was certain she was simply mimicking the endearment he had used earlier, and she was nowhere near ready to confess love for him, but just hearing the word on her lips was enough to make his hearts race in his ears. He knew someday he would hear those words from her in the context for which he most longed, and that was all he needed. The promise of the future was enough to sustain him until they reached that point.

  He had found his mate, and after she had accepted him in her bed, he was certain she believed it as well. The future would work itself out, and he was certain he would be beside the woman in his arms. Folding across the stars and all the other things he’d done to reach her had been worth it to find his true home with Amelia.


  Co-Authored By Juno Wells and Aurelia Skye

  © 2016 Juno Wells

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.


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  Amourisa Press and Kit Tunstall, writing as Aurelia Skye, reserve all rights to EMPEROR’S ASSASSIN BRIDE. This work may not be shared or reproduced in any fashion without permission of the publisher and/or authors. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  © Kit Tunstall, 2016

  Cover Images:; SpinningAngel

  Edited by N.G. and J.T.

  Join Kit’s Mailing List to keep up with her new releases across all pen names.

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  Jordan Saunders has the misfortune of being Emperor Aryk’s ideal genetic partner and future mate. The power-mad emperor doesn’t care if she wants the union, and he’ll use any tactic to claim her. She’s appalled when her mother tells her she’s brokered a ceasefire with Dazon, but Jordan is the cost of securing the peace. Involved with Sash Darvig, she can’t stomach the idea of marrying the ruthless emperor. Fortunately, her mother has a different plan in mind. She isn’t going there to marry him, but to assassinate him.

  Sash doesn’t take the news well and realizes too late Jordan is his mate. By the time he has his epiphany, she’s already gone. He’s determined to rescue her, but that proves difficult when she won’t allow him to “save” her from her critical mission. She has to kill the emperor or die trying, even if it costs her the love of her life.

  Chapter One

  Jordan’s stomach was rumbling, and she remembered she had skipped breakfast, having woken late and rushed into the office. It was a little early for lunch, but the cafeteria would be open, and food was all she could think of once she realized she hadn’t had any since dinner the previous evening.

  She pushed away from her desk and stood up, pausing to stretch for a moment, before leaving her office and heading down the corridor in the direction of the cafeteria. Unlike the stereotypical café, the cafeteria in the consulate was delightful. In the months she had been living on the Moon consulate, she hadn’t yet encountered a dish that didn’t taste really good, all the way up to amazing.

  She was so busy speculating on what might be on the menu for the day that she didn’t comprehend someone was following her until it was just the two of them in the corridor, and he took advantage of the moment to shove her into an alcove maintenance people used to change the power packs that provided light, heat, and atmospheric control for the Moon consulate.

  Before she could cry out, a large body pressed against her own, and a hand clamped over her mouth and most of her face, due to its large size. Her eyes widened as she got a look at the Dazon male holding her captive. He was the tallest and broadest one she’d ever seen, and she wondered if the emperor had chosen him because he was efficient, or because he was also likely to make whomever he retrieved tremble in fear?

  From what she knew of Aryk, it seemed likely he’d want his messenger boy/delivery person to inspire fear and cooperation. She squared her shoulders, determined not to show terror or capitulate.

  Being determined not to show any fear didn’t make it any easier not to feel it, and she gulped down the lump in her throat as she realized he was holding her close because he planned to fold out of the consulate with her. She eyed the device on his wrist with interest and surprise, realizing it was quite different from the ones she had grown accustomed to seeing on the Dazons living on the Moon consulate or mingling among Earth’s population. “How did you get through the security shields? They’re supposed to keep out anyone without authorized access.”

  For a moment, he looked like he wouldn’t answer, but then he shrugged. “It’s a prototype with different capabilities than their old model.” His voice was rough and gravelly, and he imparted each word as though it cost him dearly.

  She was going to have to be content with that answer, because he clearly wasn’t going to explain the finer nuances of how the bracelet managed to bypass one of the most sophisticated computer systems in existence, at least to her knowledge.

  She licked her lips as her stomach churned. “What do you want with me?”

  He gave her look that was part exasperation and part amusement. “I’m certain you know what I want with you, president’s daughter.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I have my own identity, you know. I’m Jordan Saunders, not just Evelyn Saunders’ daughter.”

  Her would-be abductor smirked at her. “Fortunately for you, you’re about to acquire a new title. Empress.”

  His posture had relaxed as she spoke to him, though he was still watchful and alert. She figured this was the best opening she was going to get, especially since he was about to press a button on his bracelet. As he looked down, she brought her knee up into his groin as hard as she could, pleased by the air rushing through his lips in a pained hiss. He collapsed to his knees, but he was still solid and hard to move. As long as he held her, he could fold away with her, and no one else would know what had happened to her. They’d speculate, but they wouldn’t know for sure.

  That sent a pang through her, and it fueled her desperation. She leaned back against the wall as much as she could, gathering her momentum, and lifted her feet to kick him as she braced her back against the wall.

  He saw it coming, but he was still moving sluggishly from what was likely to be intense anguish in his genitals, and he didn’t get his arm up in time to block her. She kicked him square in the face, making him drop backward. As soon as she regained her footing, she scrambled over him and ran down the corridor, screaming for help.

  Guards surrounded her in seconds, and she pointed to the alcove where the abductor lay, hands between his legs as he moaned softly. “You need to arrest him, but first, take off the wrist device or else—” That was as far as she got before the abductor winked out of view, clearly having managed to press the button on his folding device before security could reach him. She let out a small sigh. “Never mind.”

  Another group of Dazon soldiers filled the corridor, and she was mildly surprised to see the station commander among them. She inclined her head to him when he stood before her, feet shoulders’ width apart and arms at his sides, hands clasped behind his back. “Commander Darvig, I didn’t expect to see you for a minor security breach.”

  “That anyone could breach the system requires personal attention. Will you accompany me to my office and debrief me on the events that occurred?”

  She nodded, falling into step beside him a moment later. They were surrounded by guards and other Dazon soldiers, so she was unsurprised when he didn’t start questioning her until they had reached his office, and the hydraulic door closed behind them with a hiss, isolating just the two of them from the guards posted outside.

  “What were you thinking?”

  She arched a brow at the even tone, which betrayed nothing. “I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific.”

  “What were you thinking to go wandering around the consulate without an escort? When you made me promise not to post guards outside or inside your office, I reluctantly agreed with the caveat that you would send for an escort any time you left your office. Why didn’t you do so?”

  Jordan groaned softly. “I honestly forgot, Sash. I was hungry and preoccupied with thoughts of eating, and it didn’t occur to me. I’m still getting used to having someone shadow my every movement.” There was a heavy dose of bitterness in her last words she hadn’t intended to reveal.

  He frowned at her severely. “You don’t have the luxury of just forgetting or being lax with your safety. If Aryk gets his hands on you, you know what fate awaits you.”

  She nodded, surprised that she had been so careless. Perhaps it was because it seemed like such a distant threat, though she knew folding technology made it easy for Dazons to cross the galaxy as long as they had the right coordinates and avoided any black holes. It was vaguely surreal that someone she had never met was sup
posedly her ideal genetic match, and he was determined to have her as his mate whether she agreed to the idea or not.

  That shouldn’t surprise her, since he and his cohort, Dr. Ha, had been perfectly fine with killing twenty percent of the Earth’s population after infecting everyone with the retrovirus that made all human women compatible mates with Dazon males. Presumably, human males would be compatible mates with Dazon females as well, but there simply weren’t enough Dazon females for anyone to know for sure. The ones who were of breeding age were stuck in breeding facilities, and when they retired, they were probably too old and too highly prized in their own culture to be bothered with finding a human companion.

  “Jordan, dammit, are you even listening to me?”

  She blinked, realizing she hadn’t been. With a rueful curve of her lip, she shook her head. “I’m sorry. My brain went off on a tangent. What were you saying?”

  “I asked if you knew how he got through the computer’s defenses? It’s programmed to filter out any unknown Dazon presence and refuse to allow the folding to complete.”

  She shrugged again. “I’m really not sure, but he did have a different wrist device than the rest of you wear. It looked more complicated. When I asked him the same question, he was vague with his answer, but it seems like they found a way to bypass the filtering protocols on the security system.”

  His jaw tightened, and his anger was obvious. “That means they could take you any time or any place. You can’t be alone at all. Ever.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I refuse to be followed around all day every day. It would drive me insane.”

  His lips compressed into a tight line. “You need to be protected.”

  “I protected myself today.”

  He snorted. “You were lucky he didn’t shield his testicles, and the next team might not make the same mistake. Next time, Aryk could send ten or more of his soldiers to retrieve you, and you’d have no way to escape him.”


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