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DIANE D The Musical Drama - Volume 1 - Part 1

Page 3

by Doris Miller

It is 8:00 Saturday evening. The theatre lobby is packed full of excited people waiting to get inside the theatre.

  Backstage, Diane D and her family and relatives are backstage, so are the Dianettes. Many Diaz-Davidson Youth Show performers are backstage, so are Michael and the Diaz-Davidson Band and The Diaz-Davidson Choir and many other performers. Barry, Mary and Marilyn approach Nicolas and Mickey as Barry says, “Okay guys. Are you ready to start your act?”

  “Yeah Dad, we’re ready,” Mickey says.

  “Okay let’s get ready to go out there,” Mary says. Mary and Barry walk Nicolas and Mickey towards to front.

  Inside the theatre, thousands of people are in the audience screaming and cheering. A white male announcer around his late 30’s come up on the stage. He goes right to the microphone. He speaks into it and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization is here!” The crowd starts to cheer! The announcer then says, “Their first performance is ready to come out! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents The Diaz-Davidson Brothers, Nicolas and Mickey!” The crowd screams and cheers.

  Nicolas and Mickey come out on stage and wave to the crowd. They go to two stools that are on the stage. They sit on the stools with their guitars and smile to the crowd as Nicolas says, “Good evening everyone. My brother Mickey and I have a great song for you.” The crowd screams and cheers as Nicolas turns to Mickey and says, “Let ‘em hear it Mickey.” Nicolas and Mickey start to play the guitars and sing some tunes.

  After 4 minutes, Nicolas and Mickey finish their act. The crowd cheers and applauds. Nicolas and Mickey stand and take a bow. They turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mike and makes another announcement saying, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was! Let’s give it up one more time for The Diaz-Davidson Brothers, Nicolas and Mickey!” The crowd cheers and applauds again! “Okay ladies and gentleman!” the announcer says. “We have another wonderful performance, by another family member! Nicolas and Mickey’s sister is about to come out and perform!” The crowd screams and cheers! “Yeah, you all know who I’m talking about! You’ve all seen and heard her before! She has performed plenty of times for charity! She is beautiful, talented and gifted! She’s here to perform with six other beautiful, talented and gifted young ladies, wow!” The crowd screams and cheers more! “Yeah you all seen and heard them before too! Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Diane D and The Dianettes!” The crowd jumps and cheers louder!

  Diane D and The Dianettes come out on the stage wearing the orange outfits Mary purchased for them. Diane D and The Dianettes smile and wave to the crowd as they approach seven stools that are out on the stage. Diane D and The Dianettes sit on the stools. Diane D speaks into the microphone and says, “How is everybody doing, y’all feeling alright?” The crowd cheers. “Good,” Diane D says. “Ladies and Gentleman, the Dianettes and I are gonna perform a wonderful song for you tonight. It’s called ‘Don’t go away’.” The crowd cheers again. Music starts to play. Diane D and The Dianettes start to sing. The crowd jumps and becomes excited.

  Four minutes later, Diane D and the Dianettes finish their performance. The crowd cheers. Diane D and The Dianettes stand then turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was, wasn‘t it?! Let’s give it up one more time for Diane D and The Dianettes!” The crowd cheers and applauds again. “Okay ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer says. “We have another wonderful performance, by another family member! Diane D’s husband Michael is about to come out and perform!“ The crowd screams and cheers! “Yeah, you all seen and heard him before!” the announcer says. “He’s here to perform with his band. You all seen and heard them before too! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!” The crowd jumps and cheers louder.

  Michael and the six young black and Hispanic men come out on the stage. They smile and wave to the crowd. Michael speaks into the microphone and says, “How is everybody doing?” The crowd jumps and cheers! “You’re feeling alright?!” Michael says. “Good. Ladies and Gentleman, The Diaz-Davidson Band and I are gonna perform good music for you tonight. It’s called ‘The Scene.’ Here we go.” Michael and The Band start to play the instruments. The crowd cheers, jumps and becomes excited! Michael and The Band continue to perform.

  After four minutes, Michael and The Band finish their performance. The crowd cheers. Michael and The Band turn and wave to the crowd as the leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mike and says, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was! Let’s give it up one more time for Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!” The crowd cheers and applauds again! “Okay ladies and gentleman!” the announcer says. “We have another wonderful performance, by some talented youths!” The crowd screams and cheers! “Yeah, you all have seen them before!” the announcer says. “Two young twin brothers are about to come out on stage!” The crowd screams and cheers more as the announcer shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents two of the Diaz-Davidson Youth Show Performers! From Long Island, New York, here are 12-year old identical twin brothers, Michael and Mitchel otherwise known aaazz….. Mike and Mitch!” The crowd jumps and cheers louder as Mike and Mitch come out on stage wearing matching dark jacket outfits with matching caps. Music starts to play. Mike and Mitch start to walk in circles around each other. They stop circling each other. Mitch suddenly takes off his cap and tosses it to one side of the stage as Mike suddenly takes off his cap and tosses it to the other side of the stage. They then perform a break dance routine with each other.

  After four minutes, Mike and Mitch finish their act. The crowd cheers and applauds. Mike and Mitch throw their fists in the air towards the crowd as they turn and leave the stage. The announcer comes on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was! Let’s give it up one more time for Mike and Mitch!” The crowd cheers and applauds again as the announcer says, “Okay ladies and gentleman! We have another wonderful performance!” The crowd screams and cheers! “Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents The Diaz-Davidson Choir!” The crowd jumps and cheers louder as 30 members of The Diaz-Davidson Choir come out on stage wearing matching robes. Gospel music starts to play. The Diaz-Davidson Choir starts to sing. The crowd jumps and becomes excited! The Diaz-Davidson Choir continues to sing.

  After four minutes, the Diaz-Davidson Choir finishes their performance. The crowd cheers. The Diaz-Davidson Choir turns and wave to the crowd as the leave the stage. The announcer comes on stage. He speaks into the mic again and says, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was! Let’s give it up one more time for The Diaz-Davidson Choir!” The crowd cheers and applauds again.

  Backstage, the entire Diaz-Davidson Organization are all surrounding Mike, Mitch and the other pre-teen boys as Mike shouts at the other pre-teen boys, “It is not your damn turn to be on the baseball team!”

  “It is too our turn," shouts Nathaniel.

  “No it isn’t man!” shouts Mitch.

  Diane D‘s family and the rest of the people try to break up the fuss between the boys. “Okay now break it up guys!” Barry shouts.

  “You guys better cut it out right now or none of you are gonna play on the baseball team next month!” Mary shouts.

  Mike and Mitch turn to Mary and shout, “But Miss Mary!”

  “No ifs ands or buts about it!”

  “I’ll tell you what we’re gonna do,” Barry says. “We’re gonna go back to the office at the organization and check on the list to see who’s gonna play at the next game, alright! All you guys come with me.” Barry turns to Mary and tells her, “We’ll be right back Mary.”

  “Okay Barry.”

sp; “Now where’s the car keys?”

  “Here’s the car keys Dad,” Diane D says as she hands Barry a set of car keys.

  “Thanks Diane. I’ll bring the keys back to you later.”

  “Okay Dad. And can you make sure the boys keep the car clean this time? I don’t want them trashing it like they did before. Michael and I had a tough time cleaning it up.”

  “Okay Diane, I‘ll make sure.” Barry turns to Mike, Mitch and the rest of the boys and says, “Let’s go guys!” Barry leads Mike, Mitch and the rest of the boys away towards one of the exit doors as some staff members follow them.

  At the backstage door, a group of excited people burst inside the door. They approach Diane D and Michael. Diane D and Michael turn and look as an excited woman shouts, “Oh Diane D, we think you and your family‘s organization is all wonderful!”

  “Thank you,” Diane D says.

  “We’ve all seen your family perform for charity several times before!” says an excited young man. “We think you are all dynamite!”

  “Thank you.”

  Mary angrily approaches the group of people and says, “Excuse me, what are you people doing back here? You’re not supposed to be back here!”

  “Oh we’re sorry!” another man says. “We just want to tell Diane D that her and all the other performers were wonderful out there.”

  “Okay you told them already, so now you all can go.”

  “Mom, do we have to be rude to the people?” Diane D says.

  “Yes we have to be rude to them Diane! We just can’t have folks barging in back here whenever they feel like it!” Mary turns back to the people and says, “I’m sorry people, but you have to leave! This area is for private personnel only!”

  “We just want to get a chance to meet Diane D, The Dianettes and some of the other performers and want to know if they can perform at our children’s school next week,” says the woman.

  “Perform at your children’s school? We have several charity events to do! We cannot make any decisions right now!”

  “This is for a charity event,” says another woman.

  “There are other charity works we have to do before we can just stop and deal with your children’s school right now, okay? I’m sorry folks, please leave,” Mary points her arm and finger towards the door. The people become disappointed. They look at Diane D and Michael. They turn around and head towards the door as Mary follows behind them. They leave the room and walk out into the hallway as Mary stands in the doorway waving them away.

  Diane D approaches Mary and says, “Mom, you didn’t have to be so rude to those people. After all, they did support this organization. They paid to see our performances.”

  “I understand that Diane, but what will happen if we let everybody who supports this organization barge back here? We can’t allow that.”

  “Well at least let our organization perform at their children’s school. I thought we were supposed to do charity and look out for the children.”

  “Diane, we are looking out for the children. I never said our organization couldn’t perform at their children’s school. I’m just saying their children’s school is just gonna have to wait their turn, that’s all.”

  “Yeah Diane,” Nicolas says as he approaches Diane D and Mary with a glass of punch in his hand. “Mom’s right. It’s nothing wrong with that school waiting its turn like everybody else. So here, have a drink.” Nicolas hands Diane D the glass of punch.

  Diane D annoyingly takes the glass of punch out of Nicolas’ hand. She starts to drink the punch and looks towards the opened doorway. She notices a Caribbean looking guy standing out in the hallway with the group of people. “Oh my God,” she says.

  Mary and Nicolas puzzled look at Diane D. “Oh your God?” Mary says. “Oh your God what?”

  “What’s wrong Diane?” Nicolas asks.

  “That guy standing right out there in the hallway,” Diane D says.

  Mary and Nicolas turn and look towards the doorway. They see the Caribbean guy standing out in the hallway. They turn back to Diane D. “Oh come on now Diane,” Mary says. “You’re not gonna get hot over these Caribbean guys again, are you?”

  “Yeah. Why not?”

  Nicolas waves his hand right in Diane D’s face and says, “Hello Diane, you already have a man. You’re married to Michael, don’t you remember? So forget about these guys, okay?”

  “Nicolas I just want to talk to that guy. Maybe I can invite him to our next performance.” Diane D is about to walk towards the doorway. Mary grabs Diane D by the arm. Diane D stops and looks at Mary.

  “Diane, you’re not gonna talk to that guy,” Mary says. “We have to get ready to leave now.”

  “Mom, I just want to invite the man to our next charity event. What’s wrong doing that?”

  “Diane, we all know you have the hots for these Caribbean men. If you go out there and talk to that fellow, you might try to follow him home like you tried to do before to another Caribbean guy.”

  “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about Mom. I never tried to follow any Caribbean guy home.”

  “Yeah, sure Diane,” Nicolas says.

  “Listen Diane,” Mary says. “You’re not going anywhere near that Caribbean guy, okay? Now finish up your drink so we can all pack things up and get back to the hotel.”

  “Okay Mom,” Diane D says. “Y’all go get ready. I’ll be right there.” Mary and Nicolas look at Diane D. They turn and walk away. Diane D starts to drink her punch as she secretly stares at the Caribbean guy.




  Chapter 3

  Diane D And Dana Ride Motorcycles


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