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DIANE D The Musical Drama - Volume 1 - Part 1

Page 10

by Doris Miller

It is 7:00 Saturday evening. The theater lobby is packed full of excited people waiting to get inside the theatre.

  An hour later, the theatre is packed with thousands of excited people.

  The entire Diaz-Davidson Organization is backstage surrounding Mary, Margarita, Tomas, Diane D, Michael, Mike and Mitch as Mary holds a stack of papers. Mary turns to Nicolas and Mickey and says, “Venga chicos, preparate para subir al scenario.” Mary turns and starts to walk through the crowd as Nicolas and Mickey follow her. They head to the backstage door towards to front.

  In the theater, the announcer comes out on stage with a microphone in his hand. He speaks into the microphone and says, “Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization is here!” The crowd becomes very excited and starts to cheer! The announcer then says, “Their first performance is ready to come out! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Nicolas and Mickey Diaz-Davidson!” The crowd cheers more as Nicolas and Mickey come out on stage. Nicolas and Mickey wave to the crowd as they approach some stools on the stage. They sit on the stools and start to play the guitars. They start to sing some tunes as the crowd continues to cheer.

  Around four minutes later, Nicolas and Mickey finish their act. The crowd cheers and applauds. Nicolas and Mickey stand then take a bow. They turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage.

  The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was! Let’s give it up one more time for The Diaz-Davidson Brothers, Nicolas and Mickey!” The crowd cheers and applauds again! The announcer then says, “Okay ladies and gentlemen! We have another wonderful performance! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!” The crowd jumps and cheers again! Michael and the six young black and Hispanic men come out on the stage. They wave to the crowd as they approach a set of instruments. Michael and The Band start to play the instruments. The crowd jumps and becomes excited! Michael and The Band continue to perform.

  Around five minutes later, Michael and The Band finish their performance. The crowd cheers. Michael and The Band turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage.

  The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “Wow what a great performance that was! Let’s give it up one more time for Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!” The crowd cheers and applauds again. The announcer then says, “Okay ladies and gentleman! We have another wonderful performance! The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Diane D and The Dianettes!” The crowd cheers again. Music starts to play. The Dianettes come out on the stage looking around. The crowd cheers more! The Dianettes continue to look their heads around. They start to sing ‘Where’s The Flyy Girl’ as they walk around the stage looking around. They continue walking around the stage looking around singing ‘Where’s the Flyy Girl’. Diane D suddenly appears on the opposite side of the stage singing ‘I‘m Right Here, I Am Here Right Now‘. The crowd jumps and becomes excited. The Dianettes turn around to look. They see Diane D and become excited also. They look at each other as they point to Diane D singing ’There’s The Flyy Girl’. They turn back to Diane D and hurry to her as Diane D sings to them, ”What’s up Ladies, how y’all feeling now?”

  “Feeling fine girl,” the Dianettes sing back.

  “What’s going o-hon, what are you doing now?”

  “Killing time girl.”

  “Come on Ladies, come follow me right now,” Diane D sings as she leads the Dianettes across the stage.

  “What’s your guide girl?” the Dianettes sing back.

  “I got to show you, I got to show you now.”

  “What you find girl?”

  “I found a fellow, have y’all seen him yet?” a handsome black man is found sleeping on the stage.

  “All the time girl.” the Dianettes sing.

  “Has he seen you? What does he call you girls?”

  “Sugarpie girl.”

  “Should I wake him, should I wake him now?”

  “Won’t you try girl.”

  “I can’t wake him, I can’t wake him now.”

  “Tell us why girl.”

  “His eyes are open, I’m outta here right now.”

  “Don’t you hide girl.”

  “What should I say to him, what should I say right now?”

  “You say hi, girl.”

  “I can’t say that, I’m feeling sad right now.”

  “Don’t you cry, girl.”

  “I won’t cry now, I’m gonna say hi now,” Diane D sings as she walks towards the man.

  “Take your time, girl,” the Dianettes sing.

  “I’m gonna take it, I’m gonna take my time.”

  “Hit it high, girl.”

  “What’s up fellow?” Diane D sings. She then holds her hand out to the man as she sings, “How you doing now?” The man smiles at Diane D.

  “Say goodbye girl.” the Dianettes sing.

  “I just spoke to him, I’m not leaving now.” Diane D sings.

  “It is time, girl.”

  “It’s time already, it’s time to go right now.”

  “Say goodnight, girl.”

  “I’m gonna say it, say it.”

  “Wave goodbye, girl.”

  “I’m gonna wave by, I’m gonna wave goodbye.”

  “Oh wave it high, girl.”

  “I’m gonna wave high, I’m gonna wave it high.”

  “Shake it high, girl.”

  “I’m gonna shake it, I’m gonna shake it high.”

  “Tell him bye, girl.”

  “I’m gonna tell him, wo-oo oo oo ooh.”

  “You know why, girl.”

  “I don’t know why, I don‘t know right now.”

  “Cause you‘re the Flyy Girl.”

  “Let’s put our hands in the air, hands in the air right now!”


  Diane D goes towards the audience and sings, “Wave your hands in the air, wave in the air right now!”


  The audience wave their hands in the air as Diane D sings to them, “Come on and wave it, come on and wave it now.”


  “Come on and wave high, come on and wave high now.”

  “Wave it high, now.”

  “Put your hands in the air. So put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. Put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. So put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. Put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. So put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. Put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. So put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. Put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. So put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. Put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. So put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are. Put your hands up in the a-a-air and wave it up like you just don‘t ca-a-are.” The audience continues to wave their hands in the air. Diane D and the Dianettes start to do an African dance routine as the music continues to play. The crowd screams and cheers as Diane D and the Dianettes continue their performance.

  Diane D and the Dianettes finish their performance as the crowd cheers. Diane D and The Dianettes bow to the crowd. They then turn and leave the stage.

  The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “Wow what a fantastic performance that was! Let’s give it up one more time for Diane D and The Dianettes!” The crowd cheers and applauds again! The announcer then says, “Okay ladies and gentleman! We have another wonderful performance!” The crowd screams and cheers! The announcer then says, “Ladie
s and gentlemen, from The Dominican Republic, here are The Rangos!” Music starts to play as the crowd cheers. 5 male dancers and 5 female dancers come out on stage. They start to do a Latin dance across the stage as the crowd cheers.

  Around four minutes later, the Rangos finish their performance. The crowd cheers. The Rangos turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “Great performance! Great performance! Let’s give it up one more time for The Rangos!” The crowd cheers and applauds again!

  In the backstage area, Diane D, her family and relatives are gathered around packing up their belongings. Barry approaches Mary and says, “Mary, I’m going to bring some things downstairs. You need me to bring any stuff downstairs?”

  “Yeah, take all those bags downstairs Barry,” Mary says as she points to some bags on a table.

  “Sure.” Barry takes the bags off the table.

  Diane D secretly grabs a bath oil bottle that is lying on top of a dresser. She puts the bath oil into one of her bags. She then approaches Barry and hands him a bag saying, “Here Dad, could you take this bag downstairs for me too?”

  “Sure Diane.” Barry turns to everybody else and asks, “Anybody else need me to bring anything downstairs?”

  “No,” says Margarita. “I think that’s it Barry.”

  “Okay then.” Barry goes to the front door and opens it. He walks out into the hallway and closes the door behind himself.

  It is a few days later. Barry comes out of the organization meeting room into the hallway. He walks down the hallway as Mike, Mitch, the rest of the teen and pre-teen boys come down the hallway towards him being loud and rowdy. “Let’s go everybody!” Barry shouts. Mike, Mitch, the rest of the teen and pre-teen boys look at Barry. They turn their heads back forward and run past him. Barry stops and turns his head back looking at Mike, Mitch, the rest of the teen and pre-teen boys as they start to be loud and rowdy again. Barry turns back forward and continues to walk down the hallway. Diane D, the Dianettes, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael, other performers and staff members come down the hallway towards Barry. Some of the Diaz-Davidson Organization members walk behind them. “Come on everybody!” Barry shouts. Everyone looks at Barry then look forward as they head to the meeting room. Barry stops and look at the end of the line as the rest of the organization continue come down the hallway. He turns around and starts to head back to the meeting room.

  The entire Diaz-Davidson Organization is inside the meeting room. They start to surround Mary, Mike and Mitch as Mike and Mitch talk and smile with Mary. Mary then turns to everybody else and shouts, “Okay everybody! We’re ready to get this meeting started because we have a lot to talk about!” Mary starts to walk away through the crowd as Diane D, Barry and Michael follow her. Mary, Margarita, Diane D, Mickey, Nicolas, Barry, Tomas and Michael walk to the front of the room where the long table is. The crowd starts to sit down facing forward as Mike, Mitch and several teen and pre-teen boys stand right in the front of the crowd talking with each other being loud and rowdy.

  Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas go behind the long table as Diane D, Mickey, Nicolas and Michael go to the side of the room where the windows are. Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas read some letters. They soon stop reading the letters and look up at the crowd as Mike, Mitch and the rest of the teen and pre-teen boys continue to be loud and rowdy. Mary shouts to Mike, Mitch and the rest of the teen and pre-teen boys, “Okay now fellows let’s have a seat!”

  Mike, Mitch and the rest of the teen and pre-teen boys turn around towards Mary and quiet down. They sit down facing Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas.

  Mary starts to shout to everyone, “Okay now listen up everybody! We’re going to do more events next month!”

  “That’s right!” Margarita shouts. “We have the Dirt Bike Competition coming up and another show coming up!” Mike, Mitch and the rest boys become very excited as they jump out of their seats and cheer with Mike shouting to the other boys, “See! I told y’all man, I told y’all!”

  “You mean we told you!” the other boys excitingly shout.

  “No you didn‘t man!” Mitch shouts. “We told you!”

  “No you didn’t!” shouts another boy. “We told you!”

  “Don’t give us that man!” Mike shouts as he, Mitch and the other boys excitingly become loud and rowdy again!

  “Okay let‘s settle down guys!” Margarita shouts. Mike, Mitch and the other boys turn around towards Margarita as Margarita says, “Let‘s just settle down!”

  Mike, Mitch and the other boys quiet down and sit back down on the chairs as they giggle and smile to each other.

  Margarita then says, “Okay everybody we’re going to raise a lot of money again for ourselves and for charity!”

  “That’s right!” Mary says. “We raised so much money last time, you all did a great job!” Everyone cheers and shouts again.




  Chapter 10

  Dirt Bike Competition


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