by K. M. Keeton
Placing me on the bed he stares down at me, relinquishes his clothes to the floor and I don’t blame him, I wanted them off even more than he did. The moment his erection frees itself from the confines of his jeans, my mouth waters at the sight, and my insides tighten as he grasps at it pumping once. Jesus this man could turn me on without even touching me. I’d do anything to touch him so casually, to grasp him as he is grasping himself, to know what touches he likes, to own each and every orgasm this man had with or without out me from now on. My tongue snakes out wanting to taste that sensual skin once again. He pumps himself once again, and I groan aloud. I might not have intended to but that is how I feel, it’s physically painful to watch and not take part.
“Do you want this Sara?” his voice comes out tight, and low.
Mine is just a pant, “Yes.”
“Get on your knees and show me just how much.”
I won’t be told twice, and I don’t think I’ll even need to be. I’ve enjoyed blowjobs before, but with him it’s different somehow. More pleasurable for me, maybe because he hides nothing even though I’m the one on my knees in a compromised position.
His groan I answer with one of my own as I crest the head into my mouth. Still the same sweet yet salty taste, the best of both worlds hits my tongue and I could stay here long after he’s ready to come. But when the moment arrives that I’ve tasted, licked, and teased bringing him to the brink his skin growing so tight, his ball jerking upwards in preparation, he pulls from me. His breath comes out in pants, and I look into his face with what I know has to be bewilderment, and maybe a little frustration. Ok a lot of frustration.
“Get on the bed,” he commands.
I shake my head and try and reach for the precome at the tip of his erection, but with one quick movement he has me up, and as if I weigh nothing tosses me onto the bed.
“When I come I’m going to be so far up that cunt of yours you’ll feel me for days.”
Getting to his own knees, he yanks me down by my thighs, and his mouth is on me before I have time to steady myself. Letting my head fall back into the tangled sheets, I let myself get lost in the strokes that make me molten inside. He is skilled with his tongue, and when he changes strokes or changes the pressure it’s exactly when I need him too. Soon I am so close, gripping the bed sheets below me for some kind of rein, bucking my hips in time with his languid strokes at my nub, and at the second I’m about to let go he moves away. My body doesn’t care that I cry out in frustration, my insides pulse, my eyes tightly shut against the onslaught, so when he plunges inside of me I’m caught by surprise. I’m not even done with the orgasm he’s already brought, but as he plunges inside of me again with purpose another roars up right behind it, crashing over me without a breath in between. This time instead of frustration I cry out in pleasure.
“That’s right Sara come for me. Jesus you’re so fucking beautiful,” he starts to pound into me even harder. His hands digging hard into my hips keeping me in place, but I would not have gone anywhere even if he asked. As he angles himself slightly downward the tip of him rams into my g-spot and only a few thrusts more I’m coming for a third time. Never in my life have I ever come this much within such a short amount of time. It’s amazing the power this man holds over my body.
“Fuck,” I say between clenched teeth, as I feel the first prick of tears as the orgasm slowly ebbs away. The edge of another is there, and I’m not sure if I could handle any more. Thankfully I won’t have to find out because a few seconds, and thrusts later he comes with a shout. Crying when being fucked would not have been good no matter how you look at it.
He pulls out after what seems like forever and lies next to me on the bed. We lay there for several minutes in complete silence. I know that for me it is to catch my breath, nothing so far in my life had prepared me for what just happened. I’m not sure if that was sad or if he was just that good. Shifting I gaze at the beautiful man lying besides me. His eyes are closed, his body relaxed, his dick softening against his stomach. His dick was also something else. I jolt up in bed, my hand going straight for the fluid that is too much to be just my own.
“Shit,” when I look back, his eyes already open his body propped up on his elbows.
“We didn’t use a condom.”
His eyes grow wide, “Oh shit, I’m sorry I was so caught up in the moment and forgot. Are you not on anything?”
“No. I haven’t exactly been regularly sexually active up until yesterday. There has been no reason.”
“I’ve never forgotten before, taking care of Teddy was the best reminder to be careful with this sort of thing. Well fuck what do you want to do?” he says solemnly.
I could feel the tears building in the back of my throat. The panic starts to rise, the instinct to run and get out before he can is so strong that I shift and get off the bed to collect my robe still laying on the kitchen floor. I don’t hear him behind me, but I feel his eyes on me. Going to the table where my coffee still waits for me I sit. I'm surprised to find it still warm. I gesture to the seat across from me, and I see his jean clad legs before he takes it.
“You realize the odds of anything happening from one slip up is unlikely right?”
“It's not that. I didn’t tell you everything. I need to tell you why he left.”
For a second he looks confused, “The MC guy in Chicago?” his eyes clear the moment I nod.
“I got pregnant,” sorrow instantly overwhelms me.
“Ummm OK, but what does that have to do with him leaving?” Vince asks.
“He accused me of sleeping around, and it couldn’t be his. It was, I swear it was,” I could feel the familiar panic rise.
“I believe you,” his face doesn’t change from the intense one he’s had since I've started talking, and I believe him. The panic starts to ebb away again.
“No one else did. He told lie after lie until no one from the club would listen. I was young and naïve and I pushed harder than I should have which didn’t help my case. I had to leave town. They were making my living there unbearable, and I wasn’t going to get any help, not even from my parents. They never approved of my relationship in the first place. Thankfully I was just out of high school. I applied to several colleges, and I went to the first that accepted my late submission,” when I didn’t speak for a long minute, he asked the question I was preparing myself to answer.
“So where’s your kid?”
“I lost it. I was about five months along.”
“Shit I’m a tactless bastard,” he reaches out taking my hand, “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“It’s OK, It’s been years ago, but I thought you should know,” I look at him for a long moment, “You know I haven’t been with anyone else right?”
“Yeah I know,” he rubs a thumb against the back of my hand, “I’m glad you told me, and I think I see why you are worried, but I still need to know what you want to do.”
I shrug. Touched he even still cares, “I don’t think there is anything for you or even I to do right now. It’s a waiting game from here, and I’ll have to wait until I either have my period or a positive pregnancy test to call the doctor to make an appointment. But if I'm not I'll get on the pill right away so we won't have to worry about this again.”
“No matter what, we’ll be alright. Now come on, I'm not done with you or making up for not seeing you yesterday,” he gives me a wicked smile, and despite my worries my body heats for him. When he holds out his hand for mine I take it. Maybe to forget for a little while the old pain, and the fresh fears, or maybe no matter what mood my body seems to want his. By the end of the day still in bed with this man I couldn't reason why I had followed him, but anyone that makes me feel this satisfied, worn out, and has the ability to turn off my brain I’d follow him to the ends of the earth.
Chapter 9 - Vince
I cradle her body closer to mine not wanting to move from this spot, but knowing I must. Kissing the shell of her
ear, then down her neck because I can’t help myself. She arches in my hold trying to get just that much closer, and I can’t hold back my smile. Everything about his woman makes me feel complete. I watch her as she slowly wakes and stretches out her sore limbs. When her eyes focus on me she smiles.
“Good morning,” she says.
I kiss her gently on those lips I can’t seem to get enough of, “Morning.”
Brushing a few errant strands of her dark auburn hair so I could take in the full view of that beautiful face; she kisses my palm as I make a pass. My words are husky when I finally speak, “I have to leave.”
Her face falls, “So soon?”
“I need to get Teddy ready for his weekend job.”
“Oh, for his tutoring,” she nods absentmindedly.
Bending down I kiss the tip of her nose, “Believe me I’d rather stay here and kiss every sweet part of you, but adulting sucks sometimes yet that doesn’t stop it from needing done.”
Her lips tip up in amusement, “I know exactly what you mean. It’s even harder being constantly forced to converse with teenagers that have no sense of responsibility. Their habits try and rub off on you.”
My alarm goes off in my jeans lying somewhere nearby, and I groan, “I really have to go.”
Her arms go around my middle and she snuggles into me, “When will I see you again?”
“Maybe in the next few hours, but at the latest tonight,” I kiss the top of her head, before extracting myself from her arms. It was harder than I could think possible.
“Need anything before I go?” I ask.
“No, I’m pretty self-sufficient,” she watches the slow progress of my jeans. I fucking love how this woman looks like she would eat me up. If only I had the time. Her eyes are glued to the erection that is quickly making itself known as I zip and button my pants.
“Oh darling, I am quite aware that you are,” she doesn’t even look up to see my smirk.
“I’ll text you later, okay?”
This time she looks up, “Okay, are we having a night in?”
“It will definitely start out that way. And when we do leave to go out I want everyone to know what you had been doing. Hair wild and untamable, eyes glazed over with lust, cheeks a pretty pink,” I growl, “Oh yes, I want everyone in town to know you're mine.”
Her blush is so beautiful, and I wish I trusted myself to pull down the sheet to see all of where it is coloring her skin. Leaning on the bed I kiss her lips one more time.
“Think of where you want to go.”
I leave with the image of her mischievous smile lighting her face, and I can’t wait for what she has in store for us after I have my way with her.
The roads are dead at this time of the morning. Too late for the church, and too early for the bar. I arrive just in time for Teddy to dress and make it out the door for his ride. The girl that picks him up is cute. Emma I think Teddy said. Blonde hair, petite, and roughly the same height as Teddy. That’s all I can really tell from this distance. I don’t remember her coming around before, but from the way he doesn’t hesitate kissing her on the lips I’d say that he’s pretty comfortable in her company. When had I missed my little brother getting into a relationship for the first time? I question as I go room to room gathering the clothes that need laundered. There is enough laundry here to keep me busy for two days. So I do the guy thing and pick out the bare minimum that will get us by for another week, and promise my inner self, that doesn’t follow through, that the rest will get done in the next few days.
While the washer does it’s thing I clean the kitchen, and organize a few things that have found their way out of their designated places.
After three loads of laundry, and I finally feel like the house is in liveable order once more, the phone rings, with my hands busy I don’t even check the caller ID, knowing it can only be a few people.
“I need you to go to the south side of town. Got a tip that Brianna has been spotted still in our territory,” Ric’s voice gravels over the line.
“Yeah, alright I can do that,” I say.
“I’ll be busy with church, so if you can’t get ahold of me later you’ll know why. Just leave a message with a report.”
“Okay, though I think this girl doesn’t want to be found.”
“Let’s just hope it’s that,” he hangs up. No greetings, no salutations, Ric’s got some manners.
Folding the last bit of laundry I head out. It’s quiet on the South side as usual, being the only thing out here is the corner bar, and a few houses. Walking into the bar I see the usuals hanging about. Town alcoholics, trouble makers barely legal. Asking all of them in turn, but they tell me they haven’t heard a thing about the missing girl. They don’t even seem to know who sent out a tip.
By the time I get back on the road it’s already five in the afternoon. When I’m almost home and stopped at a light I hear another bike close. I swivel in my seat finding Mac slowing to a stop besides me.
“Hey, where you headed?” I ask.
“Actually looking for you. Ric said that you may be headed home after checking the south side, he wanted me to join you on your next stop.”
“Next stop?” I pull out my phone and find a text that I’ve missed.
I need you to go to Brianna’s friends house, heard a report that she was seen leaving there. 1835 Huntin LN.
Mac hits my arm and points at the light. We speed through the green light, and head again towards the south side. The friend a short black haired, petite girl, with bright colored clothes, and weird rainbow eye glasses perched on her nose answers the door.
“Ummmm, did you take a wrong turn somewhere?”
“Brianna’s friend?” Mac asks bluntly.
She starts to nod, but folds her arms under her chest, and leans against the door frame, “What’s it to you?”
“It’s nothing to me, but I bet it means something to you. Have you seen her lately?” I ask.
She jerks her head in the negative, “No, and she won’t even return my texts which is unusual for her. We even had plans two days ago, but it’s as if she disappeared. Maybe she left with that guy she was seeing.”
She straightens, and her hands ball up at her sides, “That jerk is not her boyfriend.”
Mac raises his hands in a placating gesture, the crease in his eyebrows tightening, “We don’t need the details, we just want to find the girl.”
She waves her hand in irritation, “Look I haven’t seen her, the guy she was seeing I don't even know his name, just that he's older than her, if you do see her tell her to call me. Unless you need something else get off my property,” she slams the door making it clear that asking something else is out of the question.
“I’ve got Grant’s address from the original request we can go check it out,” I suggest.
“No need, Ric sent me there already today.”
“So what, he’s got both of us on this?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Exit buddies until we find her.”
I groan, and he chuckles, “I know,” he says, “It never gets any manlier to say does it?”
Mac chuckles again, “So where next?”
Pulling out my phone I check the time, “It’s a little late. Lets call it a night.”
Mac pulls out his own phone, “Fuck already 9 o’clock! Tracy is going to have my ass.”
“Ah shit! Sara!”
“What?” Mac asks confused.
“I forgot that we had plans tonight,” I confess.
“Awh shit, Both our asses will be had tonight.”
“Go home,” I gesture to his bike parked by the curb next to my own. “At least you can go home to yours.”
He snorts, “The fact you think that’s an advantage only means you are deeper in it than you think. Night Kid.” he waves over his shoulder. Calling her once the roar of his bike has faded; I shift from one foot to the other in nervous anticipat
ion for her to pick up.
“Oh good you’re alive,” she bites out.
Okay so mad, maybe even pissed. Though considering; I can’t blame her. I had completely forgotten, and after yesterday I should have been more mindful. I seem to keep making mistakes with her.
“I’m really sorry Sara. I was out doing some stuff for the club and lost track of time. I don’t expect it to let up anytime soon either, but believe me I'd rather be spending time with you,” could I tell her what's going on? Would it help?
A long tense silence before she sighs heavily, “I understand.”
I can feel my eyebrows raise into my hairline. That is not what I was expecting. It must be a trap, so I continue to grovel, “I promise I will make it up to you.”
“I said I understand. I’ve been keeping myself occupied.”
“Oh yeah?” I question, “With what?”
“Wearing only my lingerie, coming at the thought of you catching me in the act…”
I groan, “You tease.”
“It curbed my anger some, so you should be thanking me.”
My jeans are suddenly very tight, “Oh darling, next time I see you I will thank you over and over again with my mouth.”
A little gasp from her makes me lose my own breath. Fuck, this woman!
“You like the thought of that don’t you.”
“Mmhhh,” she moans in my ear.
I grip the handles of my bike to keep them from grasping my dick in public and finding the same edge she is teetering on.
“Spread you open, lick every part of you until you break apart under my tongue. Lap at your clit until you push my head away because of the intensity.”
Her groans are sharper, and her pants are getting closer together.
“Then I’d do it all over again. Your fingers in my hair, while mine are at those thick nipples of yours until you are squirming.”
“Uhhhh fuck, please.”
“What do you want darling?” I hum into the receiver.