by K. M. Keeton
“You…,” she moans out.
“I love when you beg. Beg for it Sara.”
“Please make me come Vince,” her voice hitches. I’d give anything to be right there watching her. Her fingers spreading herself open, as she rubs furiously at her clit. Her eyes glazed over with lust, “Vince, oh God I’m so close. Please.”
My fingers twitch to grasp myself to make the edge bearable, but they stick firm, turning white, on my bikes
“Fuck baby, I love when you beg. I’d reward you with a quick plunge into your sweet heat. You feel me there don’t you?”
“Mhhhmm yes,” comes her breathy reply.
“You squeeze around me like a vice, and I pump into you even harder,” I take a steadying breath, “Fuck, I can imagine how your sweet pussy would feel so hot and wet around me.”
“Oh God,” she moans out.
“Deeper sweetheart, put your fingers in deeper, and tighter circles now on that hard clit,” I husk out.
“Oh, Fuck yes! Jesus fucking Christ, Vince!” I smirk as she shouts into my ear. I listen to her breath calm and steady, and try and ignore the pulsing in my jeans.
“Night Vince,” she hangs up without letting me say anything in return. The fact that she just used me to get herself off only makes me hotter for this woman.
Heading home, the way she sounded when she came, echoes in a loop in my mind. When I get home I finally take myself in hand and it takes me an embarrassingly short amount of time to find my own release.
⨳ ⨳ ⨳
Chapter 10 - Sara
When he leaves somewhere between night and early morning he tells me it's only because he's got to be sure Teddy wakes for his tutor job. That was the last I heard from him for several days. Hair mussed, eyes hungry, and the sweetest kiss. My cheeks blush thinking of my boldness when he had called me that evening after he didn’t show up. Then I sober thinking of how long it’s been since I heard from him. After day two I started to believe the kiss was sweet because he was saying goodbye for good, not just a goodbye until next time. By the fourth day I was exhausted from lack of sleep I was getting, aggravated from the lack of communication, so yes when I saw Teddy I had to ask him. Now I understood the rule that teachers don’t get involved with students families outside of the profession.
“No he hasn’t said anything, but I haven’t really had a chance to talk to him either. He comes home late at night, goes straight to bed, and then he’s gone right after he wakes me for school,” he shrugs, “I’ll try and tell him to send you a text or something if I can get a word in.”
“Thanks Teddy.”
“Sure thing Ms. Halaway.”
When the whole school week goes by without a word from him it convinces me this was my past repeating itself. God I was such an idiot thinking this could work. Here I thought I had learned from my mistakes, yet I wind up in the same position I had been in. At least I had stayed out of MC business this time. At least I thought I had, but when I get to my car, Bear sits next to it straddling his bike.
“Sara,” he nods , “Have you seen The Kid?”
“Who? Teddy? He left with the other kids. Why is something wrong?” I reach for my keys ready to jump into action if Teddy’s involved.
“No, sorry,” he waves off my concern, “Not that kid, I meant Vince. That’s what we call him in the club. Sorry I thought you knew.”
“Oh,” I deflate, “I haven’t seen or heard from him since Sunday.”
“Shit,” he says to the concrete.
“Bear? What is it?”
“We haven’t heard from Vince since Sunday morning.”
“What?!” my body grows cold. It wouldn’t take much if someone were to touch me for me to break.
“Tell me what you know,” he says breaking through my thoughts.
“He was with me almost all day Saturday at my house. He called me once on Sunday saying I wouldn’t see him. Since then nothing, but I haven't been blowing up his phone. I figured…”
“What did you figure?”
I bite my lip, “That he changed his mind,” I shrug.
“That boy loves you.”
My head jerks up, “What?”
“He does. He’s never worked that hard for someone's attentions, and he gets that gross starry eyed look when he’s thinking about you. Plus the Kid is not a quitter.”
“He loves me?” I say bewildered.
“That’s what I just said, you love him too.”
I snort, “I couldn’t possibly, we’ve only known each other a few weeks.”
He snorts right back, ”Time has nothing to do with love. It’s there or it isn’t, and both of you got it bad. But you guys can pull your head out of each other’s asses later. I have to find him.”
He kicks his hog to life. I reach out my hand, ”Wait, tell me whats going on.”
“I can't.”
“Then bring me to someone who can.”
For several tense seconds he stares at me, “Get on,” and not for a second did I hesitate. When we pull up to the seemingly abandoned warehouse I recognize it for what it is. I follow Bear up a flight of stairs. He doesn’t even try the knob, he just bangs on the steel door.
“I’m coming!” the door wrenches open, and I’m staring into the iciest of blue eyes, and the best looking older man I think I’ve ever seen. Comparing him to what I know of MC’s he shouldn’t fit. More like a model than anything close to an MC member.
“Who’s this,” I know he’s talking to Bear, but he doesn’t shift his gaze from me.
“The Kids girl,” at the mention of Vince his eyes soften, “Sara this is Ric the President of the Lost Angels.”
“That’s all swell, but what’s she doing here?” Ric gruffs out.
“I want to know what’s going on,” I say bypassing the talking over my head bullshit.
His well groomed eyebrow raises, “Is that so, and what makes you think I'll tell you anything?”
“Because I want to help find him.”
He takes me in for a long second, “No,” his tone is resolute, “Even if I wanted to you’re not part of the club, and we don’t talk club business with non members.”
“Then I’ll become a member. What do I have to do?” I must be out of my mind, or Bear was 100% right about my feelings for Vince.
A genuine laugh erupts, “Sweetheart, we know some clubs allow women to become members, but we’re not one of them. Secondly even if that weren’t the case, membership doesn’t come cheap, and we’re not talking about money. Nice try though. I commend your determination. Bear?” he finally looks away from me.
“You’ve got barn duty for bringing her here.”
“Don’t punish him for bringing me here. It was all my idea.”
A chuckle, “Man you are something else,” he gestures a hand towards Bear, “Look at him, no way did you make him do anything. He knew he over stepped, he’s man enough to take his punishment. Actually he’s damn lucky that’s all the punishment he’s getting. And I see your wheels turning, if you say another word I’ll punish him even more.”
My mouth opens, then shuts.
“Self-sacrificing. That’s commendable,” he looks again at Bear, “Take her where she needs to go, then start your shift.”
Bear grunts, taking my arm, he turns my body towards the stairs. Before we even take the first step the door is banged shut and the click of the lock audible.
“Sorry, I thought he might tell you something.”
I shrug, “I knew there was little chance. Being caught up in this kind of life before I know the rules first hand.”
“You have?” Bear looks shocked.
“Vince didn’t tell you?”
“Nah, he doesn’t repeat shit, that’s why Ric trusts him above the other officers,”
I nod, “I can see that.”
“So how’d you get mixed up in MC life?” Bear asks.
“Old lady once upon a time,” I could fe
el the heat in my cheeks as I admit the fact twice in such a short amount of time.
“No way. Who’s old lady?”
“I’m sure you don’t know him, but the Ripper from the…”
“Chicago Soldiers? Are you fucking kidding me?” Bear spits out.
“Ummm yeah that’s him,” I say hesitantly.
“Does Vince know?”
“I told him about being an old lady, but I don’t think I mentioned who I belonged to.”
“You’re not his anymore right?” there was actual concern in his brown eyes.
“No, I’m not.”
“Jesus, thank him for that, because he’s got the worst kind of reputation. He’s known to screw underage girls, get them pregnant, then leave them. He’s got so many kids up and down the coast it should be criminal, but since they’re 1%ers it's not going to be stopped within the club.”
“I wish I had known,” I really wish I had. It would have saved me from a lot of heartache.
“Well you know now, so stay away from him. I’m just glad he didn’t do the same thing to you,” No reason to contradict his statement. Telling my story serves no purpose. It’s done and over with. Part of my past now.
“I’ll take you back to your car,” Bear reaches out for my hand.
“Okay. Thanks.”
⨳ ⨳ ⨳
When I make it home I go straight for my bedroom I bring out the day bag that can hold a few pairs of clothes. First I'll head to his house, then to everywhere I can think of around town. I should grab a light jacket in case it rains, I turn back to the closet, and come face to face with the barrel of a gun. My first instinct is to duck, but my limbs are stuck in place. The man on the safe side looks at me with eyes that seem familiar. I knew before he swung his gun hand back what he was going to do, yet frozen as I was I did nothing. There was pain in my temple, then nothing.
Chapter 11 - Vince
Kicking the stand in front of the club a little harder than necessary, I head towards the door. The leads Ric had me checking out all week were dead ends. I need a break; a week riding out first thing till late at night has to stop. I could still look, but I need more help.
Not even a second in the door someone shouts my name, "Where the fuck have you been?" Bear calls.
"I've been on the road looking for Brianna. I got a text from Ric letting me know that he got a tip. Where the fuck do you think I've been all night? Hell all fucking week."
"Ric is the one that had me out searching for you,” Is that a blush on his cheeks? “You've been MIA for days. I even had to bring in Sara because he couldn't get a hold of you. You weren't answering anyone else’s texts either. What the fucks up with that."
"I was doing club business. I thought you guys wanted to hang out or some shit. What the fuck do you mean Ric asked you to go searching for me?" I bite out exasperated.
"Just like I said, go ask him yourself if you don't believe me."
"I will," I walk down the hall and burst into Ric’s office.
Ric stands up the moment he sees me, "Where the hell have you been!? I've had half the club out looking for your ass. You better have a good explanation," he scowls.
"What the fuck are you talking about! You've been texting me nonstop the last few days telling me to go check out tips you've had about the missing girl."
"Fuck if I have," he looks taken aback, “I only called you Sunday afternoon to go search on the south side. That didn’t mean for you to go gallivanting around town all week.”
I pull out my phone from my front pocket, and flip through the texts, "Here, see," I shove the phone at him thinking that would be the end of it.
His brows knit together, "This isn't my number.”
"What?" I take the phone from his grasp and look it over as if the numbers will arrange themselves correctly in my vision. I've known his number for years. First because of him calling my dad, and for the past fourteen years calling me. Now that it's brought to my attention I know he's telling the truth.
"What the fuck?" is all I can think to say, and Ric says the next obvious question.
"If it's not me, then who is it?" Ric demands.
"I don't know, but I'm sure going to find out! Whoever it is had run me all over the damn place," I run a hand through my hair in frustration and grip the phone in my hand tighter.
Typing the number in Google, it comes up as a burner phone. Shit that gets us no closer to who has been wasting my time.
"It sounds like someone wanted you out of their way. But why, and what for?" Ric asks.
“Was there a time you usually got texted?” Bears voice inquires behind me making me start. I scowl over my shoulder at him. I hadn’t even heard him follow me in.
“Yeah, now that you mention it. Every time I got close to the club house, Sara’s, or the north side of town.”
“Bear, go grab Mac,” Ric orders, “I put him on this too I wonder if he’s been having the same problems. Though I doubt it since I’ve actually seen him twice this week.”
“He was with me,” I state.
“What?” Ric looks truly puzzled.
“Mac was with me checking a lot of your tip’s out. At least what we thought were your tips.”
“Well if you were getting tips that kept you away from the clubhouse, why didn’t you stop in like Mac did?”
“I didn’t think about it. Whoever had me on a wild goose chase had me going from morning till night, leaving little room for much else.”
Ric’s head moves in the direction of the doorway again, “Mac, look under my contact and read off the number,” when he does, there is a collective curse.
“Who has access to both of your phone's?” Bear asks.
“What’s going on?” Mac asks. When we fill him in he looks outraged.
“I’ve only gotten a few texts, but I haven’t been near the same areas as you on my own. But I still don’t know who had access to our phones that is common between us.”
“You haven’t met his girl have you?” Ric asks.
“Back off Ric there’s no way she’d do this,” I state adamantly.
He shrugs, “I’m exploring all possible options. Mac, have you?
“Works at the school?” when Ric nods he continues, “I ran into them while they were having dinner at the diner. But that’s the only time I’ve seen her. Otherwise I’ve got no reason. Tracy, my wife, goes if there is anything up with the kids at the school.”
“Who else then?” Ric asks.
“Everyone in the club without a phone…,” Bear says.
Ric raises an eyebrow, “Smartass. Lets try and be helpful here.”
Mac and I look at one another. Sure it’s been done, someone forgets and needs to borrow your phone to call someone. I jerk my head, “I let someone at the Snake Eyes use it. I haven't let anyone else for a while since then. Maybe a few months before that.”
“Yeah,” Mac agrees, “Someone asked to use mine too.”
“What did he look like?” Ric and I ask in unison.
“Ummm, late middle age, maybe forty-five, grayed out hair,” Mac says.
“That’s the same guy. He told me he couldn’t use mine and said he’d borrow someone else’s,” I say.
“This guy actually called someone on mine,” Mac adds, “I don’t remember him being in the club when I was part of the Snakes.”
“Who else?” I ask.
“Well like Bear said anyone in the club, maybe it was a joke or something,” Mac says.
“Not a funny one,” I say with a bitter taste in my mouth.
“I’ll bring it up in church. Alright gentlemen thanks for joining us for the pow wow, but I need to talk privately to The Kid here before he heads out. So get out,” when Mac and Bear shuffle out Ric raises an eyebrow. He sits there, arms crossed, but I can’t let him stay mute for another second, because I’m already at my whit’s end.
“Can I go now. I’d like to see my girl, and try explaining this cluster fuck.”
“Sure, go a
head, give my regards. Nice girl you’ve got there by the way. She’s got some massive lady balls,” Ric laughs.
“She’s been known to have some bite,” I smile.
“I’d say. She offered to become a member if I’d let her know anything about what was going on.”
“She did?” I question.
“I wouldn’t lie to you Kid. She’s a keeper. I’m not sure even my old lady would do that for me. And she knows what mostly goes on in this club.”
“I know she is. A keeper that is,” I say confidently.
“You need to claim her before someone tries to steal her from you. I think Bear likes her,” Ric laughs. I refuse to acknowledge his dig.
"I'm out Ric. Turning off my phone for a few days. I need the break," I say on my way out.
"Yeah alright," he waves me out, but I’m already gone.
⨳ ⨳ ⨳
I couldn't get my bike to go fast enough as I make my way to her house. The woman would have joined the one thing she was taught by her own experiences not to trust to help me. That alone spoke clearly of how she feels about me. My body tightens as my mind plays out all the ways I was going to show her how much I felt for her too. My heart speeds up as I see her car in the usual spot. I’m so glad I don’t have to wait for her. I can’t wait to get her naked and under me, but when coming to the door, it's already cracked open. When I get no response after calling out her name, I push the door the rest of the way open, and walk in. Rushing to the open spaces, then pulling each of the doors in the house open and not finding her has dread pool into my stomach like acid. Coming to her room all that’s there is an open bag on the bed half full of clothes. The few drops of red on her otherwise bare carpet has me seeing red everywhere else. A feeling of panic I’ve never experienced not even when my mom didn’t come home fills me up to the brim.
I whip out my cell, the minute I had to wait for it to turn on had me wanting to throw it. As soon as it does I dial Ric’s number from memory, “Someone has taken Sara,” I spit without bothering with niceties for once, “I say lets figure out who the mystery number belongs to, and track them the fuck down. No way is this coincidence or fun and games anymore,” I end the call and go back to my bike formulating a plan as I ride back to the clubhouse.