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Marked As His Slave

Page 2

by Terri Pray

  “Hm, it had better be nothing more than that, whore.”

  Her hands clenched at the words, but she said nothing. Instead she ducked her head and tried to appear to be submissive. It was nothing more than a self defense move and one she'd embrace if it meant keeping out of reach of his fists.

  “Look at me, whore.”

  She tensed at the words but looked at him, even if it meant avoiding his gaze. “Yes, sir?”

  “Don't lie to me. It won't work. I know you, Celeste. I know more about you than you can ever understand. I've watched you for a lifetime... ”

  “Yes, sir, I'll remember that.” A lifetime? He'd been watching her for a couple of months before Davien had snatched her, nothing more. “I'll do my best not to disappoint you, sir.”

  “Good, I don't want to deal with your silly little games, slut. I'm watching you, don't ever forget that.” His voice was cold, hard and without mercy.

  “Yes, sir,” play the game, say the words, and survive another day. “I understand.”

  Tearlach glared at her, but didn't add anything to discussion.

  “It's the boat, I was right, they'll be here soon enough.” The Guard called out and stepped into the edge of the water. “Tearlach, if you want to use the boat, and get the ride to the ship, then you need to get over here now. They won't wait around for you.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Celeste watched as he finally moved toward the Guard. The boat. God, was she out of time now? She glanced up at the line of the cliffs, searching for some sign of Davien. Nothing.

  “Get over here, now!”

  No, I don't— I can't— god, where is he?

  “Now, slut!” He snatched hold of Celeste's hair, tangling his fingers into the long, white blonde lengths. “We're leaving.”

  “Yes, sir.” She winced, the pain not as bad as she'd felt before. Her scalp hurt, but she could handle that, keep it under control. “I'm sorry, I half fell asleep.”

  “Hm,” he frowned but said nothing more as he dragged her toward the waiting boat.

  Tired, that wasn't a lie, she was exhausted after everything she'd been through so far. Her thighs hurt from the climb down the cliffs. Her calves protested from the way they'd been stretched with the effort of the journey. Her buttocks burned from the welts he'd laid across her flesh. She'd been through more, emotionally and physically, than she'd been through in a while.

  Her balance wasn't completely settled, but she moved with him, given no choice with the grip in her hair. The salt water soaked into the edge of her dress. The further out into the water they got the more it soaked into her dress and body both. She whimpered, the sand unsteady beneath her feet. She wasn't fighting him, yet she found herself struggling to keep up with him.

  “Don't fuck with me!” Tearlach shook her hard.

  “I'm not. It's the waves, sir. They're tugging on the dress.”

  “Just get in the damn boat!” He yanked her hard enough that the only thing holding her up was the grip in her hair.

  Celeste tried not to scream. Tears burned in her eyes as she reached for the boat and let the oarsmen help her into it. The water had soaked through her dress, forcing it to cling to her body even as she shivered and struggled her way into the boat. Tearlach wasn't far behind her.

  “The gold, Tearlach,” the guard reminded him, his grip tight on the side of the boat as he stood in the swells. “I've got to get back to the castle before they realize I've gone.”

  “What, I thought you were coming on the trip?”

  “No, I said I'd come after you if you didn't pay me,” the guard didn't let go of the boat. “The gold, now. Remember, I know where the ship is going. I'll spill that information without hesitation if you piss me off.”

  “Fine, here, take it and go,” he shoved a small pouch into the man's. “If you come after me again, for anything, I'll kill you.”

  The guard smirked and turned before he headed back toward the shore.

  Had she missed something? The guard had been planning on going with them from what he'd said earlier, so why the sudden change?

  “Bastard's going to turn us in, get us out of here, now. I don't need Blood on my tail. He's going to be following us soon enough as it is.” Tearlach pulled her into his arms, his voice cold and sharp. “I'll face him when I'm ready and not before.”

  Which means never.

  Chapter Two

  Celeste tried to ignore the grip Tearlach had around her waist the small boat cut a path through the waves toward the distant shadow of the waiting ship. She peered back at the cliffs, and frowned. Lights, flickering lights. She could see them moving across the cliffs.


  He was too late.

  She closed her eyes and looked away from the cliff. It didn't help that she felt as if someone had reached into her chest and tried to tear out her heart. Nor could she let Tearlach see the pain she was in right now. He'd use it against her, or worse, punish her for what she felt toward Davien.

  “You're shivering,” he leaned down and nuzzled against her neck. “I'll have to find a way to warm you up once we're aboard the ship.”

  Her skin crawled. “Yes, sir, I look forward to that.”

  “Hmm, I bet you do,” he slid one hand over her breasts, caressing them through the wet material. “You're a hot, willing little whore in the right hands. It won't take long before you finally learn every way possible in pleasing me. Perhaps I'll even find your sister again and she can help in your training, she mentioned something about travelling to meet an old friend.”

  Her stomach lurched as the final pieces fell into place. “I— I believe that might be a little difficult, sir, unless you want to return to the island?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “She's coming to the Island, sir.”

  Tearlach paled. “No, that's— it's not— you're wrong. She wouldn't do that. It's not— fuck, that's exactly what she'd do. Bitch. She's nothing but another little whore. Just like you.”

  Cold sweat beaded down the length of her back. She wasn't anything like her sister. She had a sense of honor. Of pride. Blue didn't care about anything but the next man she could fuck. Once that knowledge would have hurt her, but now Celeste didn't care.

  She couldn't afford to care.

  Not unless she wanted to lose her focus and say something to Tearlach that would cause her even more problems. She bit into her bottom lip to stop her from saying something to the man. Salt water coated her cheeks and he'd never realize that one or two extra drops had been added by her own tears.

  “We'll reach the ship soon enough, you'd best have your money for the Captain or you'll be tossed back into the ocean.” One of the sailors called out as the small boat cut its way through the waves. “He's not a forgiving man.”

  Somehow that didn't surprise her. A ships captain had to be a firm man, give an inch and the sailors would take a mile, or the ship itself. She'd seen that first hand on her trip to the Island.

  “I have the money he wants, don't fret yourself over that. He'll be well paid.” Tearlach's grip tightened around her waist. “But he keeps his hands off my woman. She's not a part of the bargain.”

  Relief washed through her. At least that was one thing. She'd not have to face servicing the crew, or the Captain this time. Perhaps Tearlach still thought that her service with the Captain at the docks had led to her being able to escape his grasp? It wasn't something she understood as Tearlach's own foolishness had allowed her to escape. He was too proud to accept that, it was one of his many faults. The man was never wrong. There was no one better than him, in any way, shape or form.

  Her jaw clenched at the thought. The man drove her insane, or threatened to, and his plans for her life and her body were more than any woman should have to live through. But she would live through it. She wasn't going to give him the pleasure of destroying her fully.

  She was stronger that that. It would take everything she had left. Every ounce of strength and
self control, but she'd do it. It helped that, thanks to Davien's training, a part of her would actually come to enjoy Tearlach's touch. She'd learned that much the last time she'd been in his hands, but the rest of her ability to survive his usage of her, would come from her own core of strength.

  “You're very quiet slut,” he nibbled on her ear, scraping the lobe with his teeth.

  “I— I didn't want to disturb you, sir.”

  “Good, you remember your place.”

  “I'm trying to, sir.” Trying to avoid attracting your attention. “I don't want to displease you.”

  He grunted but said nothing more on the subject as the boat reached the ship. Lines were thrown out and quickly secured. It wasn't long before the boat was hauled up and Celeste felt herself bodily lifted out of boat and into the ship. Her instincts screamed at her to struggle and find a way to break free, but she didn't dare.

  “Hm, pretty little package. She'll bring a little sport to this trip, won't she lads?”

  “No, she won't,” Tearlach stepped in front of her. “She's not part of the deal.”

  “You have no say in this, the Captain will... ”

  “The Captain will decide for himself, Pearson, remember that.” A new voice broke through the chatter and Celeste found her gaze drawn to the source of the voice.

  A slight smile touched her lips. The Captain was taller than Tearlach, a lean strong man whose gaze spoke of unyielding strength. Dark eyes, salt and pepper hair, and full, sensual lips. Her inner walls rippled in need. This was a man she could work with if she had to, though from the way Tearlach was acting she wasn't going to have the chance.

  No, he was going to keep her close, away from a man like this.

  “The deal was the gold, nothing more.” Tearlach kept one hand around Celeste's waist. “She's not a part of the payment.”

  “Agreed, though I reserve the right to try and persuade you to change your mind later.” The older man smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. “Pearson, show our guests to their quarters. We've got to get the ship underway, all hands to stations!”

  The crew moved without another word and Tearlach didn't loosen his grip on her waist as they were led across the deck. A room. There'd be a small room, maybe a bed, a narrow one, but little more than that. She remembered that from the last two trips she'd done onboard a ship. Her clothes clung to her skin, leaving her shivering in cold and fear alike.

  She had to get out of the dress. A clean dress, or even a dry blanket would help. She needed something to wrap herself up in just as long as it meant she wasn't going to shiver for the rest of her life. Her teeth chattered. She wanted to collapse on a blanket and forget the world even existed she was that tired.

  Celeste swallowed a yawn. Her legs were heavy, her breathing ragged in between the shivers that wracked her body. She was forced to lean on Tearlach, knowing that if she didn't, she'd collapse in a heap before they reached the cabin. Not a good idea.

  “Here, the room is simple enough, but should suit your needs.” Pearson pushed open the door.

  A small lamp flickered in the confines of the cabin. As she'd first thought, it was a small room, with one bed and a bolted down table. She'd seen that with other cabin's, the furniture was often bolted to the floor to stop it from sliding. It had also been used as a means to tie her up to before now.

  This time she hoped she'd avoid such an incident, but she wasn't counting on it.

  “Get in there,” Tearlach shoved her forward into the room.

  “If you need any help with the wench, let me know.” Pearson smirked. “I'll help hold her down, or maybe teach her a lesson. She looks like she might cause trouble on occasions.”

  “I can handle my woman. I don't need any help. Got it?” Tearlach growled, his jaw clenched, the words spat between his teeth. “Now, get out of my sight before I teach you a lesson.”

  Pearson scowled. “The Captain doesn't like people threatening his crew.”

  “And I don't think he'd like you trying to move in on my property.”

  “An offer isn't an attempt to move in on the woman. The Captain would understand that. Not even a good try.” Pearson shrugged, but walked away, leaving Tearlach in the doorway of the cabin.

  “I'm going to kill that man before this trip is over.”

  Somehow she didn't doubt that. Tearlach's temper had a habit of getting the better of him on a regular basis, when it blew this time it would be nasty. Someone would die. Tearlach, Pearson, the Captain, it didn't matter, someone would die. And she'd pay the price for that. Especially if Tearlach managed to kill someone on the ship.

  She turned and looked at the dark haired man she had once been in love with. Cold. Dark. Angry. How could she have ever cared for him?

  Innocent, I was innocent, I didn't realize what type of man he was. I know better now. God, do I know better.

  “Strip and kneel, slut.” He closed the door and turned his full attention on Celeste.

  Silently she stripped out of the torn dress and let it slide to the floor. Her skin was chilled and damp from the trip. She'd shiver endlessly this way, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered to Tearlach but his own desires.

  Shivering and silent she moved to her knees, parting her thighs as she lowered her gaze to the floor. How had he preferred she knelt? There was something she was missing. Nervously she moved her hands behind her back and crossed her wrists, hoping she'd remembered his preference.

  He growled his approval and walked over to the bed, ignoring her for now.

  Water dripped down her breasts, gathering on the ends of her nipples before they spilled down onto the wooden floor beneath her knees. No splinters. Just smooth wood. Good, that was something. She wouldn't have to deal with even more discomfort than she already faced.

  “You're shivering.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  Why, are you an idiot? Can't you see that I'm wet? She took a deep breath and tried to speak calmly. “I'm cold and wet, sir. The dress was soaked through and the night was cold.”

  “Ah, yes. I suppose that makes sense.” He shrugged and tugged one of the blankets from the bed before he walked back over to her and draped it about her shoulders. “Warm yourself up. I can't waste time of you become sick.”

  Waste time? Was that what he really thought about her? She frowned but kept her comments behind closed lips. It was safer that way.

  “Do as you've been told, or I'll warm you up in another way, with a spanking.”

  Celeste nodded and moved her hands from behind her back, and began to rub her shoulders and arms down with the blanket. She was chilled, fully, but with a few quick rubs it might ease up. Or so she hoped. The last thing she needed was to end up sick. He would blame her for that, and for the time lost.

  She sneezed, almost rocking off her knees with the force of it. Then a shudder ran through her body, she wasn't going to let it ruin her. She rubbed the blanket over her face and then continued to try and warm her body up.

  “A sneeze? Are you sick, slut?”

  “No, sir.” She answered quickly.

  “You're not warming yourself up well enough. Get over here. Now.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Get yourself over my lap, whore.”

  She wanted to protest, to tell him no, but it wasn't a good idea. She wasn't in a position where she could argue with him, or fight the choices he made for her. Not until Davien returned. God, he had to be furious at what had happened. She'd barely caught a glimpse of the torches on the edge of the cliff, and couldn't even be certain that they had been the guards and Davien searching for her.

  Silently she moved to her feet, clutching the blanket close as she hurried across to where he sat on the edge of the bed. That he was going to punish her for shivering was in no doubt. He wasn't the sort of man who took things like this lightly and it didn't matter that she had no control over sneezing, or shivering.

  She rested herself over his knees, and let go of the blanket, all too well a
ware that if she clutched it he'd only strip it from her body regardless of how tightly she held onto it. She pressed her thighs closely together, her hair falling forward as she settled herself in place. He wouldn't go easy on her. The spanking would hurt, and she'd have to stay there and take it.

  “You are not allowed to become sick, slut.” He brought his hand down hard and fast on her bare backside. The shock of the smack rocked through her body. Her hips rolled with the blow but she managed to swallow the cry of pain. “I don't have time to deal with an ill whore, there are things we need to do.”

  It's not my fault, you're the one who ignored the fact I was getting soaked to the skin.

  “Stupid little bitch, you should know better than to put yourself at risk this way!” The second slap rang out against her buttocks, then the third, giving her no chance to catch her breath. “You'll be punished each and every time you do something to displease me, even if that is when you become ill.”

  She wanted to tell him to go to hell, but bit back the words. She wasn't going to give him even more reason to punish her, instead she stayed silent as he let the smacks rain down on her bare arse.

  By the time the tenth struck she let out a cry, unable to hide the pain any longer. She cried out, arching over his lap, her thighs pressed tightly together.

  “Get those legs apart!” He pushed one hand between her thighs forcing them apart.

  She struggled, kicking for a moment, before she relaxed and let him part her thighs. Celeste hissed between clenched teeth when he reached between her thighs and cupped her cunt.

  “A protest?”

  “No— no, sir, just, I wasn't expecting you to do that.” Celeste answered quickly, hoping it would save her from more pain. “I— I had forgotten what your touch was like, sir.”

  “Hm, then I will have to remind you of exactly what it's like to be a slave again, won't I?” He brushed the tips of his fingers over her bare and stinging arse, then dipped it down between her thighs again, parting her nether lips. “You showed the beginnings of a good slave before you made the mistake of escaping from me. Now I'll have to train and punish you again. You've forgotten that you represent me, and my control in everything you do. Even your health.”


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