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Marked As His Slave

Page 5

by Terri Pray

  “Erm, I need to dress. Hold on.” She clambered out of the tub and wrapped the towel around her body, tucking it into place over her breasts. “Just wait for a few, please.”

  “Of course, though you might want to remember that I've seen it all before, Celeste.”

  How could she forget? Celeste blushed and dried herself off. Clothing— she turned and darted to the waiting chest. It didn't take long before she pulled on a simple shift dress and wrapped a small towel about her head. Only then did she turn to face the door once more.

  “Come in.”

  Davien closed the door behind him once he was in the room. “You're looking better, Celeste.”

  “Thank you, is there something you wanted?” The last thing she needed was Davien in the room for very long.

  “They're waiting for you, or rather Jamezen is.”

  “Oh?” Her heart threatened to drop into her stomach.

  “Not the trial, that is to take place tonight, once you've had a chance to recover.”

  Tonight? She glanced back at the window. Daylight had claimed the sky. Had she really been asleep that long? Well, it explained why the water had been cold when she'd woken up.

  “I— I see, thank you. And you're to escort me to the meeting?”

  “I volunteered to do so.”

  “Thank you for that,” she looked away from him. Letting him see what was going on, in her mind, was a dangerous thing.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  “I— I need to tend my hair first.” A little longer, if she could gain a little longer then she'd be happier. “It won't take long, but it will still be wet... ”

  “I can't see that as a problem, Celeste.” His gaze lingered on her still damp form. “The dress, you might want to throw something else on, that will show your body with the water falling from your hair. Not something I expect you want to do.”

  Heat colored her cheeks instantly. “Ah, yes, thank you.” She hadn't even thought of that. She turned and quickly began to sort through her clothing. “You didn't have to do that, point out the problem I mean.”

  “No, I didn't, but I don't believe in taking you into this meeting without realizing exactly what you're getting into. You will face enough problems in the coming day. Showing your body off in the manner of a slave, is not a good idea.”

  “No, it wouldn't be,” she swallowed hard and dragged a dress out of the chest. The shift dress would work as a petticoat, so she pulled the second dress over the top and quickly laced it up. It was a little old fashioned, but would work. Her hair was another matter.

  Celeste sat on the edge of the bed, unbound the towel from around her hair and began to work a brush through it.

  “I always enjoyed your hair, Celeste.” He'd moved to the edge of the bed before she had a chance to protest. “It's one of the crowning beauties about you.” He slid one hand into her hair, fisting it.

  She whimpered, arching as he tangled his fingers into the long lengths. “Please, don't!”

  “Why not, Celeste? You enjoy it, you've always enjoyed my touch.”

  “I can't, it's dangerous. You— I need to be focused when we join them for the meeting. If I'm out of sorts it— it will show.”

  He didn't move his hand from her hair. “No, you'll be calm, focused and at peace knowing that I'm standing with you. Just as you need.”

  “No, I don't, not like that!”

  “Yes, you do, it would be easier if you admitted it, my Celeste.”

  His? How could she be his when she was free, no longer bound as a slave at his feet? Did she miss it, truly miss it? Or was it just that she knew how to cope with all of this, with being free?

  No, she loved being free again.

  Didn't she?

  “Please, I have to finish my hair and they're waiting for us.” She tried to pull free, fear gripping her soul for a moment before he tightened his grip further. “Master, don't!”

  Davien pulled her close, pressing her against his body as he dipped down and claimed her lips in a kiss that stole her breath and thought in one swift movement. She whimpered, her lips parting beneath his with a swipe of his tongue.

  Wrong, this is wrong!

  So, why didn't she fight him, truly fight him?

  Because she needed this, needed him, he was right, she'd be able to face matters more easily if she knew he was standing there, supporting her, at her side. Her tongue dueled with his, heat rippling a devastating path between her thighs and through her body, her nipples peaking against the cloth. She moaned, if she hadn't been sat down her knees would have given out on her.

  Finally he broke the kiss and eased her back down onto the bed fully. “Finish your hair, Celeste.”

  “Y-yes,” she murmured.

  He smiled, she didn't have to turn back to look at him to know that. She'd obeyed him and that always made him smile. God, what a fool she was, she knew better than to give into him and yet she'd made that mistake. He'd not let her forget such a folly, no, he'd press his advantage.

  How could I have stopped him?

  She couldn't, not truly, even if she'd struggled, he'd have overpowered her. It was his nature. He didn't take no for an answer, if he wanted something he took it. He didn't listen to no, or please don't, or even wait, he took what he wanted, when he wanted and cared not for the consequences.

  A soft shiver ran through her body. He wasn't going to let her face any of this alone and she'd have to accept it.

  She would accept it.

  “They're waiting for us?”

  “Yes, they are, but we have time, they know you're exhausted.” His voice was calm and collected as he spoke. “Put your shoes on, and we can go.”

  Celeste nodded and pushed away from the bed, searching for her shoes, or at least a simple pair of slippers. She eased her feet into the slippers and left her hair loose about her shoulders. “I'm ready, or about as ready as I'll ever be.”

  He nodded and offered his arm to Celeste. “Then shall we?”

  She nodded and rested her hand on his offered arm, trembling. This wasn't going to be easy. She knew that without even asking. Jamezen wouldn't be alone, that much Davien had confirmed with what he'd said already.


  Not he.

  She didn't want to go through this. Yet if she didn't they'd send the guards for her. She'd be dragged down there like a fool, or worse. No, she'd walk there with Davien and face Jamezen and— and who?


  Her grip tightened on Davien's arm. Could she face Blue right now, did she have the strength to do that?

  Yes, she did, she had to have that strength or else it was all for nothing.

  “You'll be fine. You're not on your own.”

  “I know, she's there isn't she, waiting with him.”

  “Yes, she is, but that's what you expected, isn't it.”

  “Yes, my sister isn't one for respecting others and she'll want to turn this into a production for her entertainment.”

  “Of that I have no doubt, I never enjoyed your sister's company, but her likes and dislikes are well known amongst those of my circle. I'm certain that she will do everything in her power to strip you of any comfort you may still lay claim to.”

  Silently they walked back down through the castle and into the main hall where she knew Jamezen would be waiting for her. It came as no surprise when Celeste realized that the woman standing at his side was, indeed, her sister.

  With coal black hair and an equally cold stare, Mystic Blue, better known as Blue, watched the couple walk into the hall.

  “Well, well, dearest sister, I hadn't expected to find you here. Yet, now I see that you've turned into the little slut that daddy dearest always feared you would. If he could see you now his heart would break.”

  “Mystic, if I believed a word you said, then I'd be hurt.”

  “Little sister, we were so close once.” Mystic shook her head and settled down into the chair next to Jamezen.

  “Lord Jamezen, I
believe you called Celeste for a meeting, not to be harassed by her sister.”

  “True,” the oily voice of the Lord of the Island rang out. “Though I was quite surprised to find out that these two were related. Pleasantly surprised— still, there will be time enough for that later. Right now there are a few questions to get to the bottom of. Sit, please sit.” He waved his hand toward the empty chairs.

  “Celeste, sit if you will.” Davien took his place behind one of the chairs, making it all too clear to Celeste as to where she was supposed to sit.

  She moved into the chair and didn't flinch when Davien rested his hands on her shoulders. “You wished to speak to me, my Lord?”

  “Yes, yes indeed. Are you well, after the events of the past day. I know it must have been a very trying time for you.” Jamezen's voice was cold, and oily at the same time. “Tearlach grabbing you like that. Though, to hear him, you wanted to go with him and were simply afraid to say so. Still, that is something we'll discuss during the trial as I'm sure you understand.”

  “Yes, I do. It wouldn't be right to discuss this prior to the trial.” She didn't even look at her sister.

  “Still, I worry. It was an arduous evening.”

  “Yes, it was. But a hot bath and clean clothes have helped a great deal. A good meal and with the trial over I'll be fine. Might I ask when it's to take place?”

  “Nine tonight. When everyone has eaten and enjoyed their main meal. I thought it best to have such things done on a full stomach.” Jamezen explained. “All except the guard that is, I'm afraid he's not in any fit state to eat. He had quite a tiring time of it during the questioning.”

  “I imagine he did.”

  “Your sister was quite helpful during that disgusting process.”

  “She has a knack for such things.” Celeste took a deep breath and kept her gaze fixed on the man.

  “Yes, she does indeed, still I was surprised at just how talented she was in this area. I have known your sister for some time. Several years in fact, and there are still things I'm learning about her. For instance, I had no idea she even had a sister and that's why you're here, Celeste. I wish to offer you a way out of the trial. A means of disposing of Tearlach.”

  “I see, and what is it you're talking about?”

  “You join your sister and myself for a night. One night. You'd earn your freedom and perhaps even find out something about yourself.”

  The offer sent a shiver down her spine and not the good type.

  “It's a lot to think about, I understand that, but all I'm asking you is for one night.” Jamezen leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Celeste. “Think about it, Celeste.”

  “And what would happen to Tearlach?”

  “You care about that?”

  “I simply want all the facts before I make a decision, my Lord.” She kept her voice calm, despite the desire to scream at the man. “Wouldn't you if you were in my position?”

  “I suppose I would.” He waited for a moment before continuing. “He'll be enslaved.”

  Her stomach clenched. A part of her wanted to see Tearlach on his knees, enslaved, just so he'd know what it was like. No, it would be wrong, and the price is too high. “Thank you for the offer, but no.”

  “I told you she wanted to protect Tearlach, beloved, she went with him willingly.” Mystic smiled and traced her fingers along Jamezen's arm. “She's a little whore. A slave.”

  “That has yet to be decided, Lady.” Davien's voice was calm, yet the warning was clear. “I suggest you reserve judgment until after the trial.”

  “Ah, yes, of course. You're right. Thank you for reminding me of that, it's been a long day and I over stepped.” Mystic flashed a smooth smile at Davien. “Perhaps you could help to remind me of the rules, from time to time, Lord Blood?”

  “I'm certain the Jamezen will be quite capable of doing that for you, Mystic.”

  Mystic growled, openly growled, her hands clenched, then it was gone. The fury hidden as she took a deep breath and turned her attention away from Davien with a haughty tip of her chin. “He's not worth the effort. A lord, he claims, yet he's no better than a whore monger.”

  “Be very careful what you call me, Mystic.”

  “Is that a threat, Blood?”

  “No, it's a promise. I'm still a titled lord. That title should be respected, regardless of what you think of me, or you'll find that you'll be punished under the laws of the Island. I'm certain Jamezen wouldn't keep you to a different set of standards than the rest of those who live on the Island. That would be the mark of a weak man, and a fool.”

  Jamezen stiffened.

  “Was there anything else, my Lord?” Celeste spoke calmly, in the hope that she could prevent any more awkward discussions.

  “No, not at this time, I mostly wanted to make certain that you were well, and safe. Now I see that you are I can put my concerns to one side. You're a strong young woman and I'm sure that the trial will be easy enough for you to bear.”

  “Wait, there is something I would say to my dear, sweet sister.”

  “Then please, say it, so we can be done with this meeting, my dear,” Jamezen waved his hand.

  Mystic Blue pushed to her feet and stepped down from the dais. Her steps were sharp, distinct as she walked across the hall. The sound of her small heels rang out through the air.

  Celeste pushed easily to her feet, and lifted her chin, well aware that Davien stood behind her. “Well, sister?”

  “Father sends his greetings, Celeste.”

  “Is that it?”

  “No, of course not.” The dark haired woman smiled. “He's disowned you as a whore, when it was made clear that you had lain with every man in the village he named you a tramp and a whore, and cast you out.”

  “How can he cast me out when I wasn't even there? Really, sister, you should learn to tell better lies. They show how little intelligence you truly have. Why, before I was snatched I was untouched, as I am certain Lord Davien will attest to.”

  “As if he would speak on behalf of a whore like you?”

  “That's where you're wrong, Mystic. I can and I will. Your sister was a virgin before I had the good fortune to stumble across her at the side of the road. No man had touched her and she was most innocent, so cast your lies elsewhere, Mystic.”

  “Ah, yes, perhaps that is enough for now dearest, there are matters to attend to before the trial and the extra stress will do no one any good, don't you agree?” Jamezen stepped down from the dais and rested one hand on Mystic's shoulder.

  “Yes, of course, you're right my love.”

  Silently Davien led Celeste out of the room with his hand still on her shoulder. She wasn't certain what sure what to say even when they had left the hall...

  “You handled yourself well enough there, Celeste.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured, allowing him to guide their path through the castle. “I— I should go and rest before the trial.”

  “No, you've spent too long on your own already, that would give you too much time to think about the situation and women do not do well under such pressure alone.”

  “Is it that or do you worry that I want to be with Tearlach?”

  He moved without warning in the shadows of the hallway, his hands closing on her upper arms as he forced her into the doorway of a rarely used room. His lips claimed hers, parting them beneath the force of his tongue piercing her senses with a sensual thrust between her lips. She groaned, half taut, half liquid in his arms as she tried to fight past what he was doing to her.

  There was no means to break free.

  She struggled for a brief moment, kicking, twisting in his arms, but it did her no good. His tongue danced with hers, stroking, touching, teasing and tormenting as he raped her soft lips, forcing her to submit to his every whim.

  Her nipples hardened fully, pressing against the cloth of her shift dress. Heat coated her inner walls, rippling, pleasure and desire tormenting her being as she pressed into the kiss, no longer car
ing who saw them. Or what might be said.

  Davien slid one hand into her hair, fisting it, holding her tight against the door, stealing her thought and breath alike before he broke the kiss and stared into her eyes, his gaze alight with hunger and cruel strength. “No, I don't worry about such things, not when I know the truth.”

  The truth?

  What was the truth?

  “I— I don't understand.”

  “Don't you remember what you called me in your room, my Celeste?” He whispered against her lips.

  “No— no, I don't.”

  “You called me master.”

  No, I didn't, how could I?

  “You know what you said, even if you want to deny it, Celeste.” He spoke softly, but let go of her hair and arm. “Now, we will take a walk, perhaps to my room.”

  “Lord Blood?” One of the slaves called out.

  “Damn it!” He hissed and stepped away from the alcove. “Yes, what is it?”

  “There's a message for you, come in on the ship, my Lord.”

  “Understood,” he turned to look at Celeste, his smile cold and dark, one she knew well. “I'll be back soon enough, Celeste. Don't hide— I would hate to have to search for you.”

  She nodded, and hid a shiver as he moved back away from her and vanished down the corridor with the slave. Only when he was out of sight did she breathe a sigh of relief.

  What was he going to do if she wasn't easily found? No, she didn't want to think about that.

  Celeste shivered and stepped out of the alcove. She had to get something to eat and soon. Her stomach growled and the events of the evening had left her drained. The sleep and bath had helped with one part, now she needed food.

  The kitchen. She knew the way there and it only took a moment before she took stock of where she now was. She turned and headed for the kitchen, her steps uncertain at first. She was till half shaking as she walked, but she wasn't going to drop before she had something to eat.

  She'd barely made it half way down the corridor before a hand closed on her arm and she felt herself pulled into an empty room. Another hand clapped over her mouth, silencing her.

  “Celeste, don't struggle, it's me.” Steven hissed in her ear. “What in hell's name were you doing running off with that barbarian?”


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