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Liars and Tigers

Page 3

by Breanna Hayse

  "I guess she doesn't realize she's such a big girl," Misha gasped for air.

  Alex could not resist releasing his own hearty laugh. "I've never seen her do that to anybody other than me! Miss Miller, are you all right under there?"

  "I will be once she gets off me and I can breathe again," Misha giggled, trying to roll the mastiff off her. "I think she likes her new mattress. She's either going to crush me or drown me with all this spit."

  "Kena, come." Alex wiped tears from his eyes. He hadn't laughed that hard in, well, he couldn't remember.

  Misha slowly sat up, wiping a string of drool off her cheek with the back of her sleeve. "Good thing dog spit doesn't bother me. You need to go on a diet, puppy. Are these your babies?" she asked, waiting for the dog to enter the nesting box. Kena licked her hand, giving her permission to touch the two pups. "They are so tiny. They look like guinea pigs. When did she drop?"

  "Two days ago. Think it's safe to introduce them?"

  "It's now or never. Kena, this is Rodin. He needs a mommy," Misha said softly, holding the cub to the dog's nose. She sniffed him thoroughly and then began to groom him gently. The cub mewed, lifting his little chin for her tongue. Taking it as a good sign, Misha placed the Bengal in the box next to the new squirming puppies. She glanced at Alex, seeing his nod. Slowly, she drew back to stand next to him, and he reached for her hand, holding it firmly in his as they anxiously waited. They watched as Kena licked the cub firmly for several minutes, and then pushed him with her giant muzzle to her abdomen. Within seconds, the little orange ball of fur found a teat, latched on, and started to suckle. He was immediately joined on either side by his new litter mates.

  "It worked! My God, it worked!" Misha whispered, tears in her eyes. She looked up at Alex. "Look! He's nursing! He's going to make it! Thank you."

  Alex bit his lip as the young woman hugged him happily, holding his arm as she watched the mastiff once again clean the tiger cub. The urge to hug her back was overwhelming, but he controlled the temptation.

  "Now what?" he asked. "I've never raised a Bengal tiger before."

  Misha grinned. "Nothing. Nature has done her job, and all we have to do is watch him grow. Wow. She is a good mama."

  "She's the best. She misses her human kids," Alex said quietly. Jack had suggested he show Misha his softer side, but was he ready?

  "You have children?"

  "Two-year-old twins. They live with their mother in New York."

  "That must be hard for you. I never knew you were married." Misha's features softened as she looked into his eyes.

  "Not anymore. I had a mistress and she divorced me because of it."

  "You had a mistress?" Misha gaped at him. She knew he could be a jerk, but she hadn't expected such a confession.

  "Stand down, Miss Miller. This," he pointed to the cub, "was my love. My passion. She never wanted to share it with me. Her passion revolved around parties and politics. She wanted me to follow my dad's career and become a senator. That life was far more glamorous than being with a guy who shoveled horse manure and ran a zoo."

  "I can't say I have even seen you shovel horse shit. You hire people to do that, don't you?" Misha said, with a twinkle in her eyes.

  "I've shoveled plenty of shit in my day, young lady. Is it safe to leave them alone? It looks like they've piled on top of the cat and are going to sleep."

  "I think they will be just fine. And, if you will pardon me for saying this, your wife was a fool. Good riddance to her. I'm just sorry that your kids have to suffer because of it."

  "You think she was a fool to leave me?"

  "No," Misha stepped back, releasing his hand, "she was a fool not to see the magic in what you do. I am sure living with you was a total nightmare."

  "We both had our moments. Are you hungry? I haven't even had breakfast yet and was thinking about whipping up a couple of omelets."

  "You cook?"

  "Not only do I cook, little lady," Alex escorted her to the gourmet kitchen, "but I also clean, do laundry, and cut my own grass. Comments?"

  "Yes," Misha said, allowing him to pop a grape into her mouth, "I reiterate, your wife was a fool. I would love an omelet, but no green pepper."

  "As you wish. Coffee? I have vanilla creamer."

  "Just the way I like it, thank you."

  They sat down at a table outside to eat, Alex making certain to impress Misha with his skill at both cooking and serving. He watched her visibly relax before him, and struggled with guilt over the way he had treated her. Determined to break the ice completely, he did the unimaginable. He apologized.

  "Misha, listen," he said, grabbing her hand before she had a chance to pull away, "I'm sorry for the way I treated you. It was wrong of me. You deserve respect and I failed to give it to you. Please, forgive me."

  Misha stared at him wordlessly, her mouth hanging open. He took the rare moment of speechlessness and continued, "I saw something unique and special in you and wanted to make sure that you would be in a place where your talents would serve the most use. The Forestry department doesn't really care about skills like yours, not the way I do."

  "I loved my job. I was not even given a choice," Misha said, pulling away.

  "And now? Do you like what you do now?"

  "I love what I do now. That is beside the point. You basically kidnapped me and then blackmailed me to stay here. Even coming here," she gestured to the luxuriant grounds, "was manipulated by an opportunist."

  "I know. Do you regret it?" Alex asked cautiously.

  Misha turned her head to avoid his eyes. "No."

  "Forgive me, then? I honestly just wanted the best for you and to see you have every opportunity to excel. I knew I could provide these opportunities for you."

  "Alex, money is not going to buy happiness for anybody, any more than having power does. You can't manipulate people into doing what you think is best for them, and expect them to be grateful. It takes away our… my ability to make choices for my own life. I need to be allowed to make decisions for myself."

  "I understand. I promise to think twice before I pull that crap on you again. Agreed?"

  "Agreed. Thank you." Misha still sounded cautious. "No more bossing me around?"

  "I can't change everything about myself," Alex laughed, patting her hand. "But I will give you the chance to make your own decisions about your life. Now do you forgive me?"

  "Do I have to?" Misha let him see a tiny smile.


  "Very well, you're forgiven. Happy now?"

  "Yes. Looks like we have company," Alex observed, as Kena waddled in, a puppy in her jaws, which she promptly set at Alex's feet. The dog stared at Alex, sending him a look of expectation.

  "I think she wants you to babysit while she gathers the rest of the brood." Misha chuckled.

  "My girl hates being left out of anything and wants to join the party," Alex said, once again sitting on the ground. Misha joined him and waited as Kena gathered the remainder of her litter. The animal gently placed the cub in Alex's lap, and her other puppy in Misha's, and plopped onto the grass to groom the third member of her little family. Misha turned her head as she felt something rub against her back. It was the ever elusive and antisocial Selma.

  "Well, now, who is this pretty thing?" Misha asked, scooping the old calico up and cuddling her closely. A rumbling purr accompanied a slow sway of the long tail.

  "Okay, now I've seen everything. That damn cat hates the world. Her name is Selma and she doesn't even climb into my lap."

  "You have to give her credit for having taste," Misha teased. She kissed the top of the cat's soft head. "I miss having pets. There is nothing better to snuggle into bed with."

  "Oh, I can think of something a little better. My sleeping buddy here snores something awful. And let us not forget the puddle left from her drool," Alex sighed, playing with Kena's paw, which was as large as his hand. "It takes a special person to love this breed."

  "It's not that bad, except for having
to clean off the ceiling," Misha smiled, pointing at the string that had stuck to the wall after Kena shook her head.

  "You are the first woman I've ever met who wasn't grossed out by this beast's spaghetti factory."

  "I find most people are far more disgusting than anything an animal does." Misha shrugged, playing with Kena's jowls and holding them far out to look like giant fish lips. She blew into the dog's cheeks, making them puff out. Kena pulled back and shook her head, then tackled Misha onto her back to cover her face with a giant pink tongue.

  Alex ignored Misha's giggling pleas for help. "I tend to agree with you. Speaking of which, how's that slum lord of yours? Is he still harassing you?"

  Misha rolled to her stomach and then sat up as she wiped off her face. "Kena, you have serious dog breath. Love ya, puppy, but enough of the face kisses. It's icky." She then looked at Alex. "I thought I made it clear that my home life is none of your business, Mr. Hodges."

  "I was just asking. Sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

  "Like hell you didn't. Oh, stop pouting. I am actually enjoying hanging out with you, shockingly enough. You know as well as I do that it is rare to find someone who understand my own passion and goals."

  "Misha, I am really trying to be polite here." Alex looked wounded.

  "I know you are. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. He's a jerk. As soon as I save enough money to buy my ranch, I'm out of there. I hate to say this to you, because you have an over-inflated ego and won't let me live it down, but you were right about him. I'm feeling the need to block my door at night when I go to bed because I don't know when he'll just barge right in. He's recently threatened to burn down the place, too."

  "Are you serious? Did you call the cops?"

  "I certainly did. Several times, in fact. But because he didn't touch me, and he's the owner of the property, they referred me to HUB. I got the shaft there, too. It's easier to just ignore him right now. But yes, it is time to get out of there before anything really bad happens."

  "I, um, I have an idea." Alex said hesitantly.

  "Rodin said he'd eat him when he gets big enough," Misha smirked, watching the cub squirm his way to Kena to nurse again. "Riggins would be one hell of a meal. He could feed the entire pride."

  "He would also give them all a severe case of indigestion. In the meantime, it's going to be a while before Rodin will be big enough to chew up a chicken bone, let alone a giant ogre."

  "True. Do you think Rodin will be okay by himself during the day? He seems content with Kena and I can't risk taking him from her right now. You could bring him to work once his eyes open and I can try the bottle again. I will start looking for a place in the meantime, and…" Misha's words spilled out nervously.

  "Misha, look at me." Alex placed his hands on her shoulders, speaking in a calm, soothing voice. "You don't have to worry about any of this. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you like. I have all this room and I'm rarely home, and this way there won't be a problem with the cub. Or the cops knocking on your door while your tiger is flossing his teeth with your ex-landlord's dick."

  "Ew, that was one image that didn't need to be burned into my mind." Misha shuddered.

  "Misha, I'm serious. My home is yours. You'd have plenty of privacy and I won't bother you. My major rules include no parties without me present; allow me to be a gentleman and open doors and carry bags for you, and be careful of your safety."

  "I don't do parties. I can open my own doors and carry my own bags, and you worry too much about safety," Misha wrinkled her cute nose.

  "We can talk about that later."

  Misha silently watched the cub push one of the puppies out of the way to get to a full nipple. "We don't exactly have a history of getting along, Alex. You don't play well with others."

  "Neither do you." Alex smiled softly. "But the arrangement would allow you to stay with Rodin. All the rooms are furnished and we can easily change things if you want to. Plus, the residence comes fully equipped with a heated swimming pool and spa, and a man who enjoys cooking…" Alex urged, waiting for her answer.

  "Are you any good?" Misha raised her eyebrow.

  "I think so, but it's a matter of taste."

  She sighed, studying the little ball of fluff buried under the two puppies. "This is about his survival, not mine." Finally, she nodded. "I insist on paying rent and helping out. No arguments."

  "Okay, fine. How about you buy dog food and clean up the remnants? That will more than suffice for rent." Alex grinned.

  "I'm used to that. Remember? That is why I get the big bucks. Oh, and I don't cook. The most I can make is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and even that falls apart."

  "No problem, I'm not too fond of PB and J's."

  "Very well. Mr. Hodges, you strike a hard bargain. I think you managed to blackmail me again, this time using that scruffy looking little fuzzy thing," Misha chortled, pointing to the wet cub, who yowled unhappily as Kena groomed him.

  "Not blackmail, just practicality given the situation," Alex shrugged, watching her closely. He was fighting the urge to pull her into his arms and kiss those lovely lips. What is wrong with me? he rebuked himself. This is a business arrangement, nothing more!

  "I also insist on being supplied with spit rags. Does she ever stop drooling?" Seeing Alex shake his head, Misha sighed. She suddenly smirked mischievously. "Do you think it would be uncouth of me to take Miss Kena for a little car ride? I need to pick up some more things from the house."

  Alex's expression matched hers. "I'll have to come along to make sure she doesn't get anxious. Will the babies be okay?"

  "We'll bring them with us. She'll feel more protective that way." Misha giggled.

  Chapter 4

  "Miss Miller! I saw a man in here! I told you, no male visitors," Riggins shouted, as he banged loudly on her door.

  Alex elbowed her. "Does the bastard watch your every move?" he whispered.

  Misha nodded. "I think he does. He is out there watching me as I leave for work every morning, and rocking on his porch when I come home. What do you want, Mr. Riggins? I'm a grown woman. I can have company."

  "Not under your agreement. Let me in. Surprise inspection!"

  Alex crossed his arms, his handsome face drawn into a deep frown as Riggins shoved Misha out of the way. The heavy-set man stormed toward the bedroom, his stride frozen as he suddenly stood facing a very large, very protective, and now, very angry set of teeth attached to the large mastiff. Kena stalked toward him with her head low, her withers raised, and a low growl rumbling deep in her throat.

  "Mastiffs don't stand silently by when an intruder threatens their family," Alex said casually. "They were bred to take down bears and pull barges, and she sees you as a puny fly that she will swat away with a simple stroke of her tail."

  "Why don't you try to bully her?" Misha taunted sarcastically, as she linked her arm in Alex's bent elbow. "I've told you to pick on somebody your own size, and now you have the chance. Come on, show the dog what type of man you really are. She's a female, so why are you so afraid?"

  Riggins face reddened to an angry flush as he raced out of the trailer, screaming an order for Misha to leave the premises immediately. Together they watched the blustering man hasten into his car and zoom out of the driveway.

  "Did you see the little wet spot left on the front of his pants?" Alex asked, wrapping his arm gently around Misha's shoulders and giving her a tiny squeeze.

  She didn't shrug him off. "Little? I think he peed more when he saw the dog than an elephant does in an entire day," Misha giggled.

  Alex nodded, secretly wishing that he had been the one sending the bully running away from Misha with his tail tucked between his legs. He reluctantly admitted to himself that, when compared to Kena, even a man of Alex's size and stature looked dwarfed.

  It took them less than two hours for Misha to load the full extent of her personal belongings into her truck. Alex shook his head, remaining silent about how sparsely the woma
n lived, and wondered if he was paying his employees enough to not only survive, but to get ahead in life. Personally, he preferred the simpler way of living. If not for Carla, he would never have bought the huge colonial and twenty-five acres of adjacent property in Deer Springs. The twelve years he'd spent in the elite forces had been good ones, and he missed camping, sleeping in a tent, and living off the land. He knew how much Misha loved working in the field. Would she like to take a camping trip sometime?

  Alex was amazed when Misha requested that he drive the truck back to his house, and astonished that she did not scold him for helping her into the seat and buckling her in. Several times, he caught her trying to hide the fact that she had been studying his hardened, chiseled features in the dimming light of early evening. He glanced at her, feeling her eyes on him, and winked. Misha blushed brightly and whipped around to pretend to watch the road, grunting as Alex chuckled.

  "I have to confess, that was kind of fun," he said, to break the silence. "Did you see how he squeezed himself into that little car?"

  "It's even funnier watching him trying to get out," Misha snickered. "Thanks for coming with me and for letting me borrow the puppy dog. She's such a good girl." Misha kissed the dog's nose as Kena nuzzled her shoulder from behind the front seat.

  "If it's okay with you, I'll make some calls tomorrow and see what we can do about making him return all your money. It's the least he can do after breaking into your home and harassing you."

  "Do you think I could get some of it back? He has two grand of my deposit—"

  "He pissed me off, Mish. It is your call, but I would love to have my attorney sue him for every penny you spent. My guy is the best and works on retainer, so it won't cost you a cent. Well?"


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