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Lush Seduction

Page 11

by Layla Arts

  But she wasn't Vicky. No one was like Vicky. She played with everything in my body. She made me feel alive in every way it was possible. I was eager to touch her wavy black hair, taste her lips passionately, and hear her moan my name every second she could.

  But she didn't want me. She wanted to show me that I needed to put effort in her.


  I didn't like that word.

  It meant that I had to put all my physical and mental energy into her. I preferred to achieve much by doing little. I lived like that for years. I just got everything without doing anything, and that has been treating me well. I didn’t want to change my way of living – there was nothing to worry about.

  However, I did see that Vicky wouldn’t give in easily. It did drive me insane not to have what I wanted, but she challenged me continuously that it was unthinkable to let her go. Also, with her being my employee, it didn’t look like a possibility to avoid her. I wanted to, except she kept showing up at times I didn’t want her presence.

  “Mr. Smith, there is a visitor,” I heard one of my security guards tell me.

  I didn't want to see him, yet I couldn't kick him out. He was a good asset to the club. If there was something wrong, he was always ready to help me. I did regret I ever let him visit the Empire in the first place. “William,” I said through gritted teeth, I tried to sound moderately happy about his appearance.

  “Call me Will, Hadrian,” he told me for the thousandth time. He always said that, but I liked to play around with him. William was someone I could hardly take seriously. He may have the looks, but the brains he owned were ones you’d be ashamed of.

  “Sure, Will,” I spoke. I gave him a firm handshake when he sat in the expensive leather chair next to me. He already popped a bottle of champagne.

  “The girls look terrific,”

  “They always look good – my taste is insanely perfect,” I remarked. It was true after all.

  I observed the girls through the glass. It was a marvelous routine, and very alluring. The crowd was being entertained completely. No one could beat me here in Los Angeles. The only place businessmen wanted to own was this club.

  Nevertheless, everyone knew that there wasn’t a living soul that stood a chance against me.

  “Who's that?” William asked me precipitously.

  “Describe her.” I encouraged him.

  I watched William, and his eyes were sharply focused on a moving body. I saw gratification in his eyes, and he was very amused.

  “Black hair,” he said.

  “The left one? That is Renee.”

  William shook his head. “No the other one with the black hair.”

  “Oh, she.” I breathed out.

  “What is her name, Hadrian?”

  I had the urge to keep my mouth shut – to not reveal the name of the girl who intrigued me. William’s intentions were horrendously abominable in my eyes.

  As William remained to wait for a response, I kept viewing her from this booth. Now and then, a smile would creep onto her face, and she tried to stay seductive. Evidently, she belonged on that stage, and she felt absolute bliss.

  Something I once threatened to take away from her.

  “Vicky West.” Regret was coming over me once I said her name.

  William moved to the edge of the chair. His eyes wouldn’t leave her body, and my hands turned into fists. I had no idea why I was doing this, but I couldn’t stand seeing him observing her as if she was a piece of meat and nothing more. “Vicky West,” William spoke smoothly. A smirk appeared on his face. “Can I talk to her after the show?”

  “I don't think so,” I objected.

  William shot me an offended look. “Why not?”

  “She is probably tired.”

  “Because of that, I can’t talk to her?”

  “She will be taking a shower,” I spoke in a rush.

  “I can join her,” William spoke aloud with a small chuckle.

  He didn’t feel any shame regarding his words.

  “Not a brilliant plan,” I pointed out.

  “Why not?” He questioned bitterly.

  “She is a lesbian,” I lied.

  “Lesbian?” William asked me in a shock. “You wouldn’t say so.”

  “William, mate, that was exactly what I thought,” I replied. “When I met her, she looked like someone I could get to know better. But she immediately told me she was a lesbian.”

  I didn't like the idea of Vicky and William talking. He was a complete asshole, and I personally never wanted him any bit near my club. He always came to the important evenings, or when there was a theme he was amused by. But pushing William entirely away could’ve consequences for the future.

  “Will she go straight for one day?” William asked me eagerly.

  “No, she definitely won’t.”

  “Crap.” William breathed out. “You're throwing a party tonight, aren't you?”

  “I am,” I replied shortly.

  William was not even pleasant to hang-out with because he was irritatingly pushy. He always needed answers until he thought it was enough.

  I just wanted to watch my girls perform on the stage, and practically drool over them. This was my escape from a hectic and pretty sensitive week. Obviously, he had to get on my nerves. Sometimes I wondered why he even made it so far into the business. I couldn’t fathom that there were people outside who genuinely liked working with him.

  “Hadrian, darling, what is the next theme?”

  Oh, I forgot about the lady sitting here with her temporary boyfriend.

  Angelina was dressed in the tiniest dress someone ever could imagine. It was a miracle that you didn't see her knickers. Angelina was one of the women who helped me promote this club at the start of every new season. She came here regularly, and I preferred to keep it that way. She was in her forties. However, she tried to avoid mentioning her age. I wondered if the guy she brought along knew she had already been through two divorces.

  “Pink sweetness,” I answered. A theme we had last year, too. It was a huge success.

  “I love that on,” William mentioned.

  I pushed his obsessed comment away and focused back on Angelina.

  “If you have more plans about the themes, you can just text me soon. I have to arrange everything beforehand, and it is easier for the both of us to get all the themes on paper before the end of the upcoming month. Maybe we can do a Valentine Special, but it depends if it fits in the schedule of the dancers.”

  The hand of her boyfriend laid down on her exposed knee. I saw him moving her dress further from the corner of my eye, and teasing Angelina slightly – that was a valid reason why I should ask her not to bring company the next time.

  I grabbed the champagne bottle and refilled my glass. I didn’t have the patience for a waiter. Sadly, William had drank the majority of the bottle.

  Sometimes he didn’t know what ‘sharing’ meant.

  I relaxed in the chair and placed my feet on the salon table right in front of me. I drank from the glass while I stared at Vicky. For me, she was one of the biggest stars on the stage. It was such a shame she just didn't want me in the way I wanted her. I licked my lips when she made another move. She was so beautiful when it came to wearing this costume. Her body was perfectly visible.

  “What are you thinking about?” William asked me.

  Again he interrupted my silence; something I cherished deeply when he was around. I wasn’t going to tell him about my thoughts toward Vicky.

  “Business,” I informed him emotionlessly

  I hadn't talked to Vicky after our discussion in the hallway. She was so mad at me having sex with Michelle – even though it was totally harmless. I would do it all over again with pleasure, but after all, I still wanted Vicky. Her choice of words wasn't remarkably pleasing. It actually smacked me in the face that people thought so horribly of me. I could be exceptionally nice, I just barely had time to be it for a long period of time. I couldn't argue with her
right at that moment, she was annoyed with me. I didn't need to know her for five years, to see that she wasn't satisfied with the way I acted.

  And she was mostly furious because I said I didn't want to put much effort in her.

  Maybe I needed to be more careful with speaking to her. She didn't cause any harm in the past days. However, she mentally harmed me by not giving herself to me. But she tried to get to know me. She came back into my office to demand me to come to V's Café. And I really enjoyed sitting there with her.

  Her smile was so bright and adorable that it was impossible not to smile back at her. She wanted to know how I got the club. She was actually one of the few people who really wanted to know how everything went in my life, without getting me irritated.

  When I walked into the dressing room, I saw her standing there innocently, and I wanted to apologize somehow. But then my mind drifted to other happenings I could do with her. I wanted to run my hand through her black curled hair, and gently slide her long lace gloves off. How she would allow me to trail patterns on her skin, and slowly let her head fall back. I could brush my lips against her jawline, and I wouldn't kiss her. I had to be playful.

  At some point, I’d hold her face and press her against my mouth. I wanted all of her. I wanted every bit.

  But right now, I had nothing – absolutely nothing. I had only my imaginations and this incredible view.

  I demanded her to keep distance, and she used my own words against me later on.

  And that was exactly what was happening. She was standing far away when I was locked here with an obnoxious William, hormonal Angelina, and her temporary boyfriend – I couldn’t escape.

  I wanted Vicky to be close to me. Maybe force everyone to leave this room, and invite Vicky over after the show to make amends.

  Her disappointed look back in the dressing room made it clear that she wasn't pleased; far from it actually. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted that huge grin on her face so that I could smile back. But distance was between the two of us, and I needed to let it disappear magically. Nevertheless, this time I wasn't lucky – this time I didn't have something I wanted.

  “Hadrian?” I flickered a few times with my eyes, and saw that William was standing next to me. “The jazz bands are performing now. Are we going together to the dressing room, and then to your house?” he asked me excitedly.

  He had this enormous desire towards the dancers.

  “Just go to my house already, I’ll take care of the dancers.” I waved him off.

  I needed just one minute alone and drink what was left of the beverage.

  I heard William, Angelina, and her puppet leave the room. I dismissed the waiter and opened a bottle of Chardonnay. The scent of alcohol came into my nostrils – somehow my body calmed down. The alcohol was flowing easily through my throat, and I couldn't have wished for anything better. After a few more sips from the bottle, I placed it on the mini bar. I grabbed my jacket, keys, money, and phone and went to the dressing room from the girls.

  My coordination wasn't so excellent after the many drinks. But I could care less about my actions right now. I walked on the stairs and heard girly voices entering my ears. I opened the door and saw the ten ladies standing in their costumes.

  “Who's ready for a party?!“ I shouted loudly through the whole room.

  The alcohol was taking its control over my voice.

  This was exactly what I wanted to hear; the girls screaming out of excitement for the upcoming events. The after-party was always a massive success. Not only did I want to treat my dancers, but I had waited on a proper house-party for the last couple of months. The girls were gathering their belongings, and all of them flashed me smiles of pure exhilaration. I smiled to a few and escorted them to the car that was parked outside to pick them up. Some of them were holding my arms when we walked out of the club. We went through the back entrance – it would be too risky to go through the main entrance. The audience was never allowed to know when the dancers left.

  “Who is coming, Hadrian?“ Keeton asked me eagerly.

  “A lot of people,“ I informed her shortly.

  We reached the car that had already started its engine. I thanked the chauffeur and said where he needed to drop these girls off. A few other mates would be attending the small get-together at my house. Of course, this would be another party with class.

  As I stood there, I counted the girls who were stepping inside of the car. But I only counted nine, and I needed to have ten. I peeked with my head in the car and looked at each face. I immediately knew who wasn't here: Vicky.

  I signaled the other chauffeur to drive off. I saw the long black vehicle driving away, and when it disappeared, I took my phone out of my pocket. I saw what time it was; after one.

  I looked up when I heard a familiar voice, and then I felt myself stiffen here in the parking lot. I swallowed the lump in my throat when I stared in front of me. I felt my hands turning into fists when I watched Vicky standing there with someone else. The longer I stared at the two of them, the better I saw who it was.

  Lame café boy.

  I clenched my jaw when I saw her there, hugging someone who didn't deserve her hugs. I needed her hugs – I wanted her hugs right now. The alcohol made me an emotional wreck. I shook my head and focused on the blurry view that was appearing now. I searched for my keys, and I stumbled to my Bentley.

  I got inside and placed the keys in the ignition with difficulty. But before I wanted to drive off, I slammed harshly against the steering wheel. Her arms belonged around my neck, not his. That café boy was stupid, and he wouldn't be taking perfect care of her like I could.

  I had told myself multiple times that he was bad news, and now he seemed to have more power over her than I did. It shouldn’t frustrate me, but it did. I didn’t own her, but I had grown protective over Vicky. Even though I was not protecting her from myself.

  I saw his car disappear and Vicky sat in the passenger seat. She was smiling towards him like she smiled at me back at the café. The way her eyes squeezed shut out of happiness. I got the urge to follow the car and tell her she was making a big mistake. Evidently, he had been smitten with her since the day they met. At the times when I visited the café, all he could do was glare at me.

  The most painful moment was when he drove away with her, and she was again gone.


  Vicky West

  This morning, I woke up with the best feeling after such a long time. I had so much fun with Kent back at V's Café, that I couldn't wipe this smile off my face. Los Angeles wasn't disappointing me either, since the sun was shining brightly today, and I could finally wear my shorts. Perhaps this was the day that made me the happiest in a long time, since there was no drama last night.

  It was overwhelming to see how Kent was willing to do things for me at that time. He stole the keys from the café so we could have a normal chat inside. We tasted different combinations of milkshakes, and it was great to finally have a laugh with someone. I didn't feel like I needed to be careful with my choice of words, I could tell him everything I wanted.

  So now I stood in the bathroom, putting body lotion on after I showered. Everything was going perfectly fine with this friendship. I didn’t feel forced to spent time with Kent. Also, I was making my apartment cleaner day by day. I finally could stand properly in the living room, instead of jumping over every moving box.

  I prepared breakfast before I was going to get myself dressed. Everyone in the groupchat complained that they had a hangover. I was probably the smartest person of them all if you sum everything up. We had danced intensively last night, and our energy was put in the entire routines. And then we heard we needed to dance the next morning inhumanly early. I couldn’t bear to feel miserable during practice, so I decided to skip the party.

  Maybe I wasn't there for any team bonding, but at least I had my fair share of sleep. I was sure that today I’d hear a few things about the party. I wondered who Hadrian’s victim was this time. I
grabbed a pair of white shorts, and a light blue tank-top. I slipped into my Nike’s and took everything that I needed with me to the car. But at that moment I realized that my car was still parked at the Empire.

  “Shit,” I hissed under my breath.

  There was no other option right now. In my street, there never appeared a single bus, so I had to do the last thing I ever wanted to do: walk to the club. I placed my earplugs in my ears and started a random playlist. The music was blasting through it, and it kept me occupied for as long as I needed to walk.

  When I reached my destination, I walked over to the door to unlock it. I was definitely on time; maybe a bit too early. But after all, I wouldn't be the one with an awful hangover in the morning. It didn't matter how many times I was going to push against that door, it didn't go open. I stepped away and looked at it while I stood here. Maybe the back entrance would be accessible.

  I moved faster towards the back of the Empire; this needed to work. But even when I pushed as hard as I could, the door wouldn't go open. Didn't Judy, Marcel, or Charles need to be here at this time in the morning?

  I groaned and turned around. I wanted to slide down and sit on the ground, but my eyes caught something that totally blew my mind.

  I stepped closer to the vehicle, and I looked instantly if it was what I thought it could be. And yes, I was right. I knocked loudly on the window from the driver's seat, and I saw Hadrian blinking a few times before he looked right at me.

  At first, he backed up because of sudden panic – then realized that he had slept in his car. I didn't understand why he was here in the first place – he had a party to attend to last night. I knocked again on the window, and I saw Hadrian unlocking the door. He rubbed his eyes a few times, pushed his hair away from his forehead, and met my gaze.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Good morning to you too, gorgeous,” Hadrian muttered annoyingly.

  “Why are you in your car?”

  “Mmm,” Hadrian stretched himself out. “I guess I fell asleep.”

  “You guess?” I rolled my eyes. “Get out, now,” I demanded.


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