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Lush Seduction

Page 16

by Layla Arts

  “Why are you taking your clothes off in my office right in front of me?”

  I looked at my yoga pants, which I was holding, and back at Hadrian.

  “Because I need to train,” I said matter-of-factly.

  Hadrian flexed his muscles, and I laughed at his movements. “I am a great personal trainer, did you know that?”

  “Not for me, though.”

  “You’d like my work-out session, a lot,” Hadrian assured me with a smirk.

  I laughed at him and walked closer. “Tell me about your work-out session then,” I instructed him.

  He was taken back by my sudden change in behavior. He didn’t think I would ask him to explain.

  “Well,” Hadrian started. “You should know that you need to be in an amazing shape to work-out with me.”

  “Go on,”

  “It involves many push-ups, and you often place a kiss on my lips.” Hadrian whispered against the crook of my neck.

  “Mmm,” I mumbled. “Well, I am sure there will be plenty of other people interested in your private training,” I announced and patted him on his chest.

  “Not interested?” Hadrian asked me when I walked over to the door from his office, and my bag hung over my shoulder.

  “I have a rehearsal to attend,” I told him before I disappeared to the stage.

  I hugged Red immediately when I saw her, and we talked about the show. I saw Judy climbing onstage, and she asked for everyone's attention.

  “Ladies!” she called for us. Everyone went immediately silent, and we gave her our full attention. “The theme for this upcoming Friday is Pink Sweetness.” she began. “We are going to dance to suitable songs, like always, and entertain everyone completely. The costumes are already at your makeup tables, but we won't be wearing them during this rehearsal. I have printed the papers with your positions on it. I want you all to take the right spot on stage, and focus on every move I am showing and words I’ll be saying.”


  Was death a perfect word to describe my current mental and physical state? I was laying down on the stage, searching for oxygen, and suffering from the ridiculous heat. My chest was rising and falling down repeatedly.

  “I need some water.” I held my hand up in the air, begging for someone to fetch me a bottle.

  “Me too,” Red pleaded.

  I pushed myself up, and I got off stage. I grabbed my water bottle and threw one towards Red. However, I accidentally hit her head.

  “Sorry!” I apologized loudly.

  “No worries,” Red replied. “I was already feeling pain – this is nothing.”

  I sat down on the chair and scrolled through my newsfeed on my Facebook page. Nothing important was happening in Texas, so I didn't need to worry at all. Judy dismissed us for today's rehearsal.

  I suddenly wondered why Hadrian hadn’t shown up.

  Red and I decided to take a shower – she was standing in the cabin next to me.

  “How was the party last week?”

  “So many people were drunk, it was unbelievable! Keeton was smashed. You should’ve seen her,” Red told me, and I kind of hated myself for not going.

  “What did she do?”

  “She kissed a rich asshole,” Red informed me.

  “Which rich asshole? There are so many of them.”

  “I think he was called Willie or something.”

  “Willie,” I chuckled. It must be about William Purdy. “Interesting name.”

  “It does remind me of dicks.”

  “You have a fascinating mind, Red.”

  “Wouldn't have wanted the other way,” Red informed me. “Most people say I represent them.”


  I said goodbye to Red because she went home sooner than me. I gathered my things before I passing by Hadrian's office. I sounded like a thirsty girl who needed his attention, yet I only wanted to question him about not showing up all of a sudden.

  “Hey,” I muttered whilst I opened the door.

  Hadrian looked up at me from his desk and gestured me to take a seat on the leather couch. It was a surprise to see Hadrian wearing a pair of Ray-Ban glasses, but it suited him. He took them off his face and laid them down next to a pile of papers.

  Did he know how attractive he looked while wearing them?

  “I only wear them when I am reading,” Hadrian said forthwith.

  “Are you ashamed to wear them?”

  “What makes you think that I am?”

  “Because you immediately gave an excuse when you put them off,” I pointed out. I placed my bag next to me and crossed my legs. “I like them.”

  Hadrian's dimples appeared on his face when I complimented him. “Thanks, Vicks,” he replied.

  “So,” I said and looked around quickly before locking eyes with Hadrian, “why weren’t you at our rehearsal?”

  “I had a lot of paperwork to fill in,” he said and showed me the documents hurriedly. “Stupid Empire business.”

  “But you kind of promised to have a look at the dance,” I murmured.

  A soft chuckle left Hadrian's mouth. “Vicky,” he began, “I need to work, too. I don't have time for a rehearsal.”

  “But you promi – whatever.” I didn’t want to begin a discussion.

  It stayed silent for a bit before I asked Hadrian something else.

  “Why weren't you next to me this morning? You were gone suddenly.” I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

  “Because,” Hadrian started, and he stood up. He walked over to me and sat down on the couch. He laced our hands together, and I stared at what he was doing with my hand, “I needed to take care of some business. Otherwise, I’d have loved to stay longer.” Hadrian leaned with his head against the side of my head.

  “Sure,” I muttered.

  “Hey,” Hadrian said. “I am serious, Vicks.”

  “I need to go to V's Café. I will see you soon.”

  I got out of Hadrian's grip and stood up. I wanted to take the doorknob in my hand, but Hadrian held my wrist. I looked him into his eyes, and he was confused by my sudden words.

  “Goodbye kiss?” he questioned.

  I wanted to, I really wanted to. But I couldn't.

  “No,” I mumbled softly. “I need to go now, Hadrian,” I said, and I opened the door to get away.


  “Look who has returned after a thousand years,” Kent remarked when I walked into the café with a neat apron.

  “Look who is going to get a tray smashed against his head,” I fired back.

  Kent laughed and handed me a new tray with drinks on it.

  “How are things at the Empire?” he questioned nicely.

  “Different, but in a good way,” I stated. “The first show was a blast, and I am still thankful that you brought me with you to the café that evening.”

  “You needed it. But do you have Mr. Smith following you around?” Kent asked with a laugh.

  But I didn't laugh.

  “You're joking right now, Vicks?” he asked me seriously.

  I turned on my heel and brought table 6 their order. I wanted to avoid this topic between Kent and I. He shot a nasty glare at me, and I stumbled toward him. I placed the tray on the counter and leaned my elbows on it. “It's not what it sounds like.” I tried to assure him, but I failed miserably.

  “I thought you could do better.”

  “Excuse me? You don't know him,” I stated.

  “I know him well enough that he is a rich asshole and wants to be in your pants,” Kent pointed out. “He is not different than any other businessmen who are young and successful.”

  “I am getting to know him.”

  “You're getting to know his fake personality, not him.”

  “Why can’t you be less vile to me when it’s about Hadrian.”

  “You have been calling him an asshole since day one.”

  I walked to the other side of the counter and joined Kent with getting the orders ready. I didn't want to have a fi
ght or an arguement between the two of us. But he was never happy about Hadrian being close to me, and I just wanted his support. Because there were barely other people I could go to. Clarity didn't know about the entire Hadrian scenario, and Red was a friend from the Empire who shouldn't know about this right now.

  And no fucking way I was going to find help by telling Veronica this.

  Kent walked away to get the trash outside.

  “Lame café boy,” I hissed under my breath.


  It took me another five heavy hours before I was finally dismissed by Veronica. She asked me if I wanted to bring leftovers with me back home, and I could hardly say no. I closed my locker, and I grabbed my car keys. With the small box with muffins, I walked outside in the darkness. I wanted to open my car, but I shrieked up when I saw someone standing in the light from the lamppost.

  “Hadrian, you scared the living shit out of me.” I said and held my hand on my heart.

  “That wasn't my intention,” he said and rushed over to me.

  “It's okay.” I breathed out. “Not if you were a real criminal, because then, I needed to defend myself with these muffins.” I rubbed my eyes and sighed deeply. “What are you doing here? It’s late.”

  “I want to talk,” Hadrian said.

  I looked at my watch and groaned instantly. “It's past 1am, Hadrian. I am craving a warm bed.”

  “I know,” Hadrian said. “But this is important, and if you don't get to know this. . . it might not end well.”

  My eyes widen at his words.

  “You haven't fucked Michelle again, have you?”

  “God, no,” Hadrian said. “No, Michelle is extremely kind. But it's not about her.”

  “Who then?” I questioned.

  “William,” Hadrian said.

  “What has he done?” I asked nervously.

  “It's not only him,” he said. “It's mostly me.”


  Hadrian Smith

  “Hadrian, go home,” Marcel said as he entered my office before he’d head home.

  “I can’t,” I told Marcel – he was a very loved employee.

  “Why not? You’ve been sitting here since eight in the morning.”

  I took my glasses off and held the bridge of my nose. “I only need to fini-”

  “Go home,” Marcel demanded me this time.

  “Shouldn’t I be the one who tells you what to do?”

  “Yes,” Marcel shrugged nonchalantly. “I just don’t give a shit.”

  I nodded while laughing at him. Marcel came closer and placed Chinese take-out on my desk. I wanted to ask him why he did that, but he signed me not to start. “Thanks, Marcel,” I said honestly.

  “Good evening, Hadrian.”

  Before Marcel could leave the office, I called out his name. He turned around, looking confused at me. “Do you think someone like me can be loved?” I asked, painfully straightforward.

  Marcel chuckled faintly. “You have to let yourself be loved. Then every soul can feel it.”

  After that, Marcel left the Empire. I glanced at my watch and deliberated in my mind whether the idea that I came up with was smart. I tapped my fingertips on the wooden desk nervously. My eyes shifted from my car-keys to the meal Marcel gave me. So I decided to grab my meal and head downstairs in a rush to get to the parking lot.

  When I had locked the Empire down, I drove to V’s Café instantly. I had waited on Vicky for a couple of hours, but I couldn’t leave her without telling her this. Thankfully, I had something to eat while I was waiting for her shift to end.

  The moment she left the Empire without kissing me goodbye, I knew she was slightly mad at me. If there is something I had learned, never let an angry woman go. I did, and I regretted it from the moment she wasn’t present in my office.

  The feeling I got from the moment she was gone, made me realize that I had to talk to her. I couldn’t let this girl slip through my fingertips because I was too stubborn to meet William in the morning. I knew that if you really wanted to see someone, you could take a few minutes off to spend with them.

  I didn’t mean to scare her when I saw her in the parking lot.

  When she told me it was too late, I panicked inside. I didn’t want her to say no to me and ask me to go home. Then she wouldn’t sleep next to me. Since last night, I noticed that having her by my side made me feel so calm. It was perfect, and I wasn’t ready to let it go all of a sudden.

  Vicky and I brought her car back to her house so I could take her with me to my residence. I turned the lights on from my mansion, and I escorted Vicky to the living room. She took a seat on the soft L-shaped black couch, and I excused myself for a minute.

  I grabbed a bottle of red wine and two glasses. I was not getting her drunk, I just needed a painkiller if things wouldn't turn out nicely. I placed the glasses on the table and filled them with the red-colored beverage. I handed Vicky a glass, and she thanked me softly.

  Her hands wrapped delicately around the glass while her eyes were looking around nervously.

  I took a seat on the couch. I didn't want to sit next to her – for my own safety – so I sat a bit further away.

  “I am going to tell you a bunch of things,” I said. “And I want you to listen carefully, and if you want to throw a vase against my head when we're done – I totally give you permission to do it. Just, please, don't cut me off,” I begged.

  “I won't,” Vicky assured me.

  Somehow I doubted if she’d keep silent.

  “Okay. It is going to be a lot of information.”

  Vicky nodded, and now it was my time to speak.

  “I have done things that cannot be changed,” I admitted. “I am 26 now, and things have been the same for years.” I took a deep breath before I started telling Vicky everything. I didn't want to have secrets between us. Opening up would help us to get a stronger bond – trusting one another.

  “It started around the age of 20. My father was gone, I owned the club, and I was a selfish twat. Everything was right in front of me. I had money, a lot. I was capable of spending my money on the most useless things. I threw parties and made people trash my own house so that I could renovate. I was this careless guy who thought that freedom should be celebrated twenty-four-seven.”

  The way Vicky kept staring at me told me she was listening attentively.

  “I didn’t earn my money only because of the Empire. I met the wrong people, got into bad friendships and I didn’t see what was happening to me. I gained money by allowing other business partners to have sex with my employees. But the dancers never knew about this – only the business partners who handed me money. They didn’t pay me small amounts of money, but I could receive over 50.000 dollars by giving them one dancer.”

  I closed my mouth for a while – afraid to continue with the story. But Vicky’s jaw wasn’t dropped, nor was she yelling at me. It was rather confusing, but she kept her mouth closed and listened sincerely to me.

  “William was a great business partner around that time it all happened. We created this idea, and he was very interested in my employees too,” I spoke. “I was never interested in their feelings, nor what they thought about the people who had sex with them. I always asked my dancers if they wanted to give private dances, too. They agreed immediately. They felt important because there was a random stranger somewhere in a room waiting on them.”

  I bit my bottom lip when I thought about everything back in the days.

  “But they never knew it was only about sex.” I shook my head when I thought about the foolish acts. “They were kind, sweet, and thrilled to work for the Empire, even though I only chose them because of their looks and dance movements. I didn't only go for the dancing part – like my grandfather did – appearance was the most important part to me.” I licked my dry lips and cleared my throat so I could speak further. “This has been happening for the past years.”

  I stroked with my hand over the stubbles on my face. Vicky brought the glass,
filled with alcohol, towards her lips and she started to drink it. She kept looking me in the eyes while gulping down the alcohol. I didn't know how I needed to feel about this. I asked her to be silent – she did – but it made me anxious too.

  Right now, all that mattered was telling her the complete truth.

  “I am definitely not proud of this. The day you declined me, you made it clear to me that I can’t easily get everything I wanted. And to be quite realistic, I always got everything. But I didn't get you.”

  Vicky folded her arms against her chest.

  “I have stopped,” I announced. “I told William I didn't want to go through, and he was insanely pissed. But the main reason I am telling you this is that I don't want to have this secret between the two of us. And William wanted me to push you to go to the party so he wouldn't tell you about our past.” I rubbed my hands in my face and took a deep breath. “I didn't want to force you to go, and I also couldn't lie.”

  I brushed my hand through my hair. I focused on the bottle of alcohol that stood on the table next to the two of us – feeling the urge to empty the entire bottle by drinking it.

  I told myself that alcohol wasn’t going to solve anything. It only was going to numb the pain and embarrassment.

  “Sometimes, I took a dancer back home with me. I used them, paid them more salary and got them out of my house within a minute. I didn't want them to be attached to me. A dancer shouldn't be attached to the boss, neither should that be the other way around. It is just that . . .,” I locked eyes with Vicky, “I guess it has happened to me that morning you knocked on my car window.” I confessed honestly.

  The silence was killing me and ripping me into shreds. I wanted her to say something. Even if it was her cursing at me, I needed a response. Even if it was the one I didn't want to have.

  “If you don't want to work for me anymore, I understand. If you don't want to have contact with me from this moment, I will accept that. Just please, tell me what is going on in that mind of yours,” I begged.

  Vicky stood up and got the bottle of wine. She refilled her glass, and swirled the wine around.


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