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Lush Seduction

Page 21

by Layla Arts

“Yes, so what? She hurts you, you can hurt her back,” Hadrian stated the obvious.

  “Well, I couldn't because I was laying on the ground covered in blood.”

  “Why did she push you off stage?”

  “Because she thought I was a selfish bitch. And she thought I bribed Judy to get the solo so I could turn my whole job at the Empire into a solo career.” I added dramatically. A heavy sigh left my mouth when I thought about her opinion of me, which wasn't justified at all.

  “I really need to talk to her,” Hadrian stated. “I am not keeping her at my club, she could've killed you.”

  “You’re overreacting,” I said and laughed.

  “Still, she could have taken you away from me.”

  “Aw, you care,” I said playfully, and I reached up to his face to pinch his cheek.

  “Fuck off, Vicks. I am serious, no jokes right now,” Hadrian said, and he pulled my hand away from his face. “I can't guarantee that Keeton will still be working at the Empire tomorrow,” Hadrian suddenly announced.

  “Why not?” I asked him curiously.

  “Because in an hour she will be at the club, and so will we.”


  I got out of Hadrian's Bentley, and we walked into the club. It was mostly empty, but a few people were already present. After a show day, it was just a normal thing to come back the next morning and start preparing the upcoming show. I saw Omnia doing some stretching, and Jess was dancing around while wearing headphones. I didn't want them to see me in this state, and with Hadrian next to me, so I tried to remain in his shadow.

  We always had all the windows closed here so that no one else could see what was going on in the Empire throughout the week. Many people were desperately curious about how things operated inside of this building, but Hadrian never told them. If they needed to know, then they were hopelessly pathetic.

  “Take a seat here, because I am not letting you into my office when Keeton is there,” Hadrian informed me, and he pointed at a free table.

  I nodded my head, and Hadrian squeezed my hand before leaving me to sit down.

  I could see Hadrian easily scale the stairs up towards his office. I made my way over to the table and sat down on the chair. The girls wouldn't even notice me right now, so I wasn't bothered by that. I saw that Hadrian turned the lights on in his office, and I could see his shadow every once in a while.

  My head snapped to the entrance of the Empire when I saw Keeton walk inside with a laughing Renee.

  “I mean, who doesn't want to date me?” she blurted out. What a self-absorbed bitch.

  I turned around, not wanting to look at Keeton anymore because otherwise, I'd have to rip her face off. Hadrian was mad at me not hitting her with a chair, but I simply couldn't.

  First of all, I was on the ground in pain. And secondly, I was not someone who was continuously out to fight. If someone was mad at me, they could just talk to me; try to clear everything up. But my intentions are never to get physical with them. Hadrian, obviously, thought differently about the situation.

  “Keeton!” Hadrian's voice bellowed through the Empire. Everyone looked up at the familiar balcony where he stood, as always. He leaned with his hands on the railing, and he stared down at her with an intimidating gaze. “My office, now,” he spoke lowly.

  “I'm coming,” Keeton informed him formally.

  Hadrian disappeared into his office, and I could see Keeton walking up the stairs. Everyone was shooting each other confused glazes, and I tried to bury my face in my hands. I was avoiding Renee's face. I didn't know if she knew about what happened between Keeton and me last night.

  Everyone realized that no one knew what was going on, and continued with their previous actions. I, on the other hand, was getting nervous knowing that Keeton was inside Harry’s office. I had no idea how Hadrian was going to treat her. Maybe he was being formal, or maybe he was going to act all aggressive. In the kitchen this morning, Hadrian was blatantly obvious on how he would act towards her.

  “Why does Keeton need to be in Hadrian's office?” I saw Red approaching me. She took a seat, and I shifted in my chair.

  “I heard something happened last night after the show,” I said.

  “I wonder what it is.” Red pondered. “I hate Keeton anyways.”

  “You hate her?” I asked her in disbelief. I was clearly not the only one.

  “Yes,” Red assured me. “She wants to borrow everything, but she doesn’t give it back.”

  I chuckled, and I felt the pain shoot through my body from just that simple action. I quickly nodded my head, and I saw Red looking at me, clearly confused. She knew that something was going on with me, because of my strange behavior.

  “I can ask you to tell me what is going on, but you're just going to say it anyway.” She smiled proudly.

  “Just please don't tell anyone else,” I pleaded.

  “Thank you for your unyielding faith in me,” Red remarked.

  “You know what I mean, Red.”

  “I do, and I won't tell anyone else,” Red promised me.

  I took a deep breath, but with that action, I felt my side - where my wound was - hurting.

  “So I said something happened last night after the show, and basically, to sum everything up, Keeton pushed me off stage since she thought I was a selfish bitch, and I hurt myself.” I whispered quietly to Red.

  “Holy fucking shit-balls,” Red hissed under her breath.

  “And Hadrian found me laying on the ground. He brought me home, and he cleaned me up. I stayed the night, and Hadrian wanted to know who did this.” I lifted my shirt up a bit, and I pointed at the wound. I heard Red gasp, and I readjusted my shirt. “Now he is upstairs with Keeton, and I don't know what is going to happen.”

  We all got our answer when we heard Hadrian's office door smashing open. Everyone lifted their heads so they could look at his office. Hadrian stood at the door, and he pointed towards the entrance of the Empire.

  “Get your ass out of my club!” he shouted at her.

  Keeton appeared out of his office, and she stood close to Hadrian. “Excuse me?”

  “You're lucky that you're a woman. Otherwise, I definitely would have pushed you off the balcony. It's what you deserve Keeton. We don't aim to injure our colleagues here. There was no need to be jealous of someone else getting the solo because you danced the solo the previous week!” Everyone heard Hadrian yell extremely loud.

  “There is no need to be rude to me, Hadrian.” Keeton tried to convince him.

  “You don't have an ounce of respect towards anyone else, so I am not going to give you any respect for a single second,” Hadrian snarled. “Just so you're aware, there isn't even a slight chance that you're going to keep working here.”

  “You're going to fire me?” Keeton panicked.

  “Do I need to repeat myself?” he questioned her madly.

  “No,” she muttered. “But you need to have a specific amount of dancers to continue the upcoming show. So how are you going to get a new dancer?” Keeton folded her arms against her chest.

  “Keeton, my obnoxious ex-employee, I have women outside this club who would do anything for a spot in the group. I have an endless amount of understudies. The conclusion to everything; you're simply forgotten, and basically replaced by someone who is not unfaithful to this club.” Hadrian explained to her.

  I needed to hold my laughter since it was obvious Keeton wasn't used to hearing these type of words against her. But it was amazing she got treated like this. And maybe people thought that Hadrian was being an asshole towards a woman, but he did what was right.

  “I don't want to see your face again, Keeton. Now get out of here, before I call the police for what you've done,” Hadrian demanded her.

  Keeton didn't say anything in return. She turned around and walked down the stairs. Hadrian went back into his office, and everyone was absolutely silent.

  Keeton stood there right in front all of us.

  “You are a pathetic
baby, Vicky. You need to whine to your boss, and make him do this,” she spoke to me.

  “If Hadrian is not going to push you, I certainly will,” Red told Keeton directly.

  “You are all nuts,” Keeton beamed.

  “You are the one who is going mental,” I remarked this time.

  Keeton shot us both a death glare, and she walked out of the club. Red smiled at me when she turned around, and she gestured me to give her a high-five, so I did.

  I was glad to have her around.

  We continued talking, but we got interrupted by someone clearing his throat on the balcony.

  “Vicky, my office,” Hadrian instructed me.

  Red winked at me when we locked eyes, and I pushed her slightly. The other dancers were already distracted from what had happened between Keeton, Red, and I. They were dancing with their headphones, so they hadn't heard Hadrian calling for me. I stood up, and walked to the spiral metal staircase, and walked up slowly.

  It wasn't easy for me to run towards Hadrian, or do any other excited movement right now. When I reached the balcony and walked towards Hadrian, he gestured me to get inside of his office. I stopped in front of his desk and turned on my heel.

  Hadrian closed the door, and I frowned when he locked it. He walked at a slow pace towards me, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. He stopped an inch in front of me, and he leaned closer. I felt Hadrian put pieces of hair behind my ear, and his lips brushed against mine.

  But he didn't kiss me.

  He moved carefully towards my exposed ear, and he breathed out warm air. His right hand was holding my face on the side, while he pressed his cheek against mine. I heard him licking his lips frequently before he spoke smoothly into my ear.

  “What do I get for saving you?”


  Vicky West

  I could've said 'no' for what had to be the hundredth time since I had met Hadrian. I could've told him that he was thirsty and should stop acting like that. But, honestly, I liked that pervert, and he felt the same towards me.

  I knew he wouldn't hurt me further, and he had constantly shown me that he was putting effort in me. And to be completely honest, that was the only thing I really wanted from him. I didn't need someone who would just act friendly to get me. I needed someone who wanted to have me, not use me. Hadrian had tried to use me at first, but he changed for the better.

  I could've told him that I wanted to wait, but did I? I didn't. I longed for him like he had longed for me these past weeks. I just realized it later than him. I had two options: I could've have done something intimate with him somewhere in his office, or I could've walked around untouched for the rest of the week.

  “You want to… uhm… do it?” I asked Hadrian.

  It felt strange to ask that question, but I needed to do it. If this was what he had wanted and what he was contemplating those past minutes – maybe even days – then I will give it to him. It wasn't a payment because it would've happened sooner or later; he just found the perfect moment. He knew how to tell me what he wanted without insulting me or making me feel pressured.

  “You want to do it?” Hadrian asked me with a raised eyebrow.

  My cheeks started to turn into a soft shade of pink, and I felt embarrassed to even ask him about it.

  Now I sounded like a desperate girl, who wanted nothing more than have him completely. When in fact, I wasn't, and I didn't. Okay, maybe I did, but a good conversation wasn't bad either.

  I scratched the back of my neck, and I looked away nervously.

  “I thought that was wha-”

  “Sounds perfect to me.” Hadrian stopped me, mid-sentence, by agreeing.

  I looked back at Hadrian, and we locked gazes. I swallowed the lump in my throat; he wanted me right now, and I started to feel a slow burn deep in my lower abdomen.

  I licked my lips while I watched Hadrian, and it felt a bit intimidating to have his darkening green eyes focused solely on me. I felt my hands getting sweaty while we were standing. I couldn't concentrate on anything but his eyes.

  Neither of us spoke while Hadrian slipped my jacket off my shoulders. He traced his index fingers over my exposed arms. He ghosted over my shoulders and came in contact with my neck. He stepped closer, determined to close the space between our heated bodies.

  He cupped my face and leaned closer to kiss my wet lips, and I gripped the sides of his shirt. Hadrian pulled my hair softly, tilting my head up towards his. My mouth opened a bit wider, giving him access to smoothly slide his tongue inside of my mouth. He tasted perfect, and he was so gentle with me.

  Hadrian stopped kissing me, and my lips closed at the absence of his. I opened my eyes to welcome Hadrian staring deeply into my eyes. He breathed warm air against my lips. “Tell me when I hurt you, and I'll stop,” he said. “Promise me you'll tell me, Vicky.”

  I shook my head slightly, disagreeing with the words that left his mouth. “You won't hurt me, I know that,” I told Hadrian honestly.

  I wasn't afraid of the possibilities, and he needed to know that. I was completely aware of the fact that being intimate with someone could always end up being a reckless mistake, and doing what you want at that moment could be impulsive.

  But he would be focused on my body, and he would realize I wasn't in the right physical state to be rocked out. He would know if it became too much.

  Hadrian stepped away from me, and I was a bit confused by his sudden actions. He walked over to the leather couch, and I frowned when he bent forward. I stood here observing him awkwardly, then I saw what he was actually doing.

  It wasn't just a couch, but you could turn it into a bed. Hadrian literally owned the most expensive and fascinating things, other than his four TV's; that was just pointless.

  “One moment,” Hadrian assured me.

  Yes, it was bizarre to see Hadrian turning the couch into a bed at that moment because most of the time, people would just use the ground or desk. It was adorable that he was so determined not to hurt me. He wanted to make it comfortable for me, and that was a very generous gesture.

  I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Hadrian clearing his throat, and he reached out his hand. I carefully stepped toward him. My hand held his, and we laced our fingers together. He was so sweet to me that he surely needed to get an award for having the biggest heart.

  When I was close enough to Hadrian again, he placed a gentle kiss on my bare shoulder. My jacket already hung over Hadrian's desk chair, and I stepped carefully out of my Nike’s. I wasn't really into dressing up today since I was more focused on staying away from work when I had woken up. Hadrian apparently had other ideas, which I didn't really mind at this point.

  Hadrian took the hem of my shirt, and he slowly pulled it over my head. He tossed the shirt to the other side of the room, and his eyes were focused intensively on my exposed torso. Hadrian took hold of my sweatpants, and he tugged them down easily. A soft laugh escaped my lips, and luckily it was less painful than last night.

  At the moment, Hadrian didn't do anything. He just stood in front of me, with his clothes on. I, on the other hand, was standing there in my underwear, and it was pretty nerve-racking to be watched like this by him.

  All of a sudden insecurity hit me like a tidal wave.

  “If you don't want me, I understand.” I tried to reassure Hadrian quickly before we went any further.

  Hadrian shook his head in disagreement.

  “I will always want you.”

  I smiled shyly at Hadrian. He wanted to lean in for a kiss, but I stopped him quickly.

  “Wait,” I breathed out.

  “Not a cock block 3.0, please,” Hadrian spoke out in frustration.

  “No, just, well… why did you just stare at me for so long?” I muttered awkwardly. Somehow, I wanted an answer to that question.

  Hadrian lifted my face up by grasping my chin softly. “Because I wanted to appreciate the fact that I get to be with someone who is so insanely beautiful,” Hadrian explained to me earnes

  My heartbeat accelerated at his choice of words, and I was lucky enough to stand here with him. Hadrian took his shirt and pulled it over his head.

  “Just so you know, I am anti-barriers,” Hadrian informed me smugly.

  “Take your pants off then,” I pointed out playfully.

  Hadrian opened his belt quickly and got his pants down. “Your bra is hot, but take it off,” he informed me teasingly.

  “Help me, will you?”

  He didn't object. Instead of walking around to open it, he embraced me slowly. I felt his warm skin coming in contact with mine, and I smiled when I felt his heartbeat through his toned chest. His fingers were unclasping my bra within a second, and I felt Hadrian taking the straps between his fingertips. He just needed to move it slightly, and it would fall off my shoulders. Another barrier was gone, but we weren't there yet.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” he said.

  Hadrian leaned closer to my mouth, and he pressed his lips to mine. He was smiling against my mouth, and I couldn't help but do the same thing. He made me happy. I wanted to make-out with Hadrian as soon as possible, so I slipped my tongue inside of his mouth.

  Hadrian wrapped his arm protectively around my waist, and he pulled me to the pull-out bed. I slowly backed onto the soft material, so I could lay down. Hadrian kept kissing me while I moved around, trying to find a comfortable spot. I pushed myself a bit further onto the bed, and I felt Hadrian trying to keep our lips connected. He moved his hand to my lower back, pressed slightly onto my skin.

  I felt Hadrian's bulge against my thigh, and I placed my hands on Hadrian's broad shoulders so I could push him back.

  “Take it off,” I spoke against his lips.


  Hadrian stopped kissing me and went down to take hold of my knickers. He pulled them from my body in no time and crawled back up to me. While I was laying there completely naked, Hadrian was happily wearing his boxers. He was hovering above me, while he planted pecks onto my lips continuously.

  “Shit.” Hadrian hissed under his breath suddenly.

  “What's wrong?”

  “My briefs.” He panicked.


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