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Lush Seduction

Page 33

by Layla Arts

  “So what is he then? Just a friend?“

  “Well, I wouldn't say that. We have feelings for each other, but we haven't really talked about being in a relationship. We're just seeing where it goes for now.”

  “You're traveling halfway across the world with him, and you're not even together? Jesus Vicky, you aren't making the best decisions out there, are you? You need more confirmation from this guy,” she said demandingly. I rolled my eyes; I was already irritated with her reaction.

  At this point, I wished I didn't even mention New York or Hadrian.

  “It's not halfway across the world mom; it's still in the continental US, calm down. My decisions are perfectly fine. I'm just learning how to do things my way. And if Hadrian and I are comfortable with this arrangement, then I don't need or want a label. This is just fine with me right now.”

  “All right, Vicky, tell me more about this Hadrian fellow.” It came out as more of a demand than a proposition.

  Would it be rude to just hang up on her now?

  “His name is Hadrian Smith, and he's such a gentleman mom, you'd really like him. I met him at work, and we started talking, then it kind of just happened. You know?“

  “Is he the DJ or something?” she asked me like there was no one else that worked at the club other than the DJ.

  “Well, actually, he's the owner,” I spoke slowly, closing one eye and bracing myself from the verbal lashing that was about to be unleashed on the other end.

  “You're dating your boss?!”

  “We aren't dating, mom, but he's the boss, yeah. That really has nothing to do with it though, I don't love him for his position or his money. He really is a great guy,” I said exceedingly fast.

  “Did I hear that right?” I frowned at her words.

  “What?” I questioned my mother kindly.

  “You're in love with him?”

  “Yeah, mom, I am,” I stated.

  My words softened, my thoughts turning to Hadrian. God, it was crazy that he could just take over my mind so easily and I didn't mind.

  The image of us tangled together on the couch while watching some lame soap, interview, or talent show clouded my vision. We were happy together, and I had never felt like this with anyone else. I knew that heartbreak was inevitable, but for now, we were contented, and it didn't feel like anything could ever ruin it.

  “How old is he?” My mother brought me back to earth when she started speaking again.

  “Twenty-six. Why does it matter?” I answered her with ease. I had long left the kitchen countertop, meandering my way to my room to finish packing, and was now zipping my freshly packed suitcase.

  My mother was taking a heavy breath on the other line. “I wouldn't be very pleased if my daughter was in love with a 60-year-old man. However, a three-year difference is absolutely nothing.”

  “Since when were you interested in age difference?”

  “Well, I wouldn't really recommend dating someone that is much older than you. I speak from experience when I tell you that it's not a wise choice.” I heard her say. Well, now I was extremely curious about what she was referring to. “I started to date a twenty-eight-year-old man from the military when I was sixteen. We had a lovely time, and I admired him a lot, but we didn't work out because the age gap caused problems. He wanted children, and I had barely hit puberty; needless to say it wasn't a wise choice to date someone already so ahead of you in life.”

  I shook my head at her words. She clearly didn't view love the way I did. “But mom, even if there was a huge age gap, that shouldn't be a problem. Love isn't about the age between two people; it's about the feelings they share. If I will be happy with a man who is thirty-five, then I'd take that opportunity. Love is about compromise and integrity. If both people want it to work, then it will.”

  “I just want to protect you.” She defended her words instantly.

  “I understand that mom, and I love you for it. But I need to make and learn from my own mistakes.”


  I was done at the café, and Hadrian and I had been texting nonstop since I got off the phone with my mom. Veronica didn't have much for Clarity and me to do today, and Clarity was feeling rather energetic, so I had a rather slow day. I grinned at my phone when Hadrian texted me, half-heartedly becoming irritated at his incessant use of the wink emoji.

  I heard the bell ringing from the door, and saw someone entering the café.

  It was Kent.

  He was wearing this badge on his shirt which informed people he was the assistant manager. Clarity was definitely going to freak out when she heard about him being promoted now.

  First, he was the employee of the month, and now he was promoted to assistant manager. There were only two explanations for Kent's promotion: Veronica was crushing on him, or she hated women.

  Kent gestured me to sit with him in a booth in the corner of the café, by a window that looked out onto the street. I was uneasy with the fact that we were sitting so openly; I was nervous that Hadrian might walk by and see us. Hadrian is across town, and you have nothing to hide, so why are you scared that he'll see you here with Kent?

  I brushed my anxious thoughts aside and peered up at Kent; he loosened the tie around his neck and leaned back comfortably.

  I didn't want to have this conversation. I wanted to trust that what Hadrian was telling me was the truth, but he had been so defensive and despondent when we spoke, that I had no alternative but to believe he had been hiding something.

  “You have something I need to know?”

  “I do,” Kent smirked. “Relax for a moment,” he instructed me.

  The hell you telling me to relax for? I was going against Hadrian's wishes, knowing full well this could ruin everything because I had the feeling he wasn’t going to be honest with me. I wasn’t doing this because I trusted Kent; I was doing this because I trusted my instincts. He looked at his watch and nodded satisfyingly. Why was he acting as if everything is on cue? Perhaps, he has more time than he thought he actually had?

  “Enough with the bullshit, Kent. I want to know what you think Hadrian is hiding from me,” I spoke. I wasn't up for beating around the bush today. I wanted an explanation, and I wanted it now.

  “I'm not going to tell you right away, I have something else to say first,” Kent suddenly spoke. I almost wanted to reach across the table and slap him for wasting my time, but my curiosity kept me in place. “You see, Vicks, I have a feeling the only reason you're here is because of Hadrian, not me.“

  “Why would you think that?“ I asked him - even though the only reason I was here was because of Hadrian.

  “Because if I asked you to hang out with me for a few minutes, you would have told me you had a boyfriend and flat out say no, even though we're friends.” Kent shrugged.

  “I'm sorry to inform you that Hadrian and I aren't dating.” I scoffed. He wasn't the Kent I was used to, his behavior had significantly altered since I started seeing Hadrian.

  “I must be mistaken then. I just assumed, my apologies. Coming back to the reason you're actually here, I wanted to tell you a few things,” Kent said, finally. “Have you ever been around Hadrian when he's completely stressed out? Like if you talk to him, he goes mental on you?”

  I thought back over my days with Hadrian, not being able to point out a day where Hadrian was overcome with stress. He carried a lot of stress from the club, but it had never affected our relationship – or lack thereof.

  So I shook my head, a silent answer to Kent's absurd question. “Never,” I replied truthfully. “What has this to do with what you wanted to tell me?”

  “Listen carefully,” Kent spoke more in a whisper. I leaned forward to hear his voice better. “Hadrian has a lot on his plate, and he doesn't handle stress very well. There will come a day when it all becomes too much, and his little secret will keep him from opening up to you,” he spoke softly.

  “So?” I muttered quietly. “What's your point?“

  “I think y
ou should cut all ties with Hadrian before you get yourself hurt.”

  Suddenly, I felt a strong need to look over, becoming nervous that someone may be watching. As I glanced out the window, I caught sight of a man – shit, Hadrian.

  His eyes shifted to Kent and me, displeasure and anger written all over his face. I suddenly felt the need to cry, upset that I had been caught. He placed his sunglasses on his face, his eyes shifting to the ground as he shook his head in disappointment. He began walking toward the parking lot, where – I had assumed – he parked his Bentley.

  “Sorry, Kent, but I don't want to hear what you have to say about Hadrian – I frankly don't care what you think.” I shook my head, literally just done with his conniving behavior at this point. “You've told me plenty of times you don't like Hadrian, but I don't care. You have every right to stay away from him, but don't try to tell me who I can and can't see. Hadrian's twice the man you are,” I said, and I slipped out of the booth.

  My feet were moving exceedingly fast, whipping open the door and running down the sidewalk. Hadrian was just getting into his car as I got to the parking lot. I ran to stop him from shutting his door and leaving. I gripped the edge of the door when he tried to pull it close, his eyes glanced up at me when he was met with resistance.

  “Let go of the door, Vicky. I'm leaving.”

  “What the hell, Hadrian? Why are you here? You're supposed to be at the club.”

  “What the hell was that? You're scheming with Kent behind my back? You asked me last night if you had a reason to doubt me, and it's because you've been running around with that little bitch behind my back!”

  “What are you saying, Hadrian?” I suddenly panicked, biting my lip to keep my tears at bay – why is he screaming at me?

  “How long Vicky?” Hadrian asked me, his voice cracking in betrayal. “Have you been seeing him since we met? You told me you loved me, and you're with Kent? I know we aren't official or anything, but that's not what you do to someone you're in love with. William was right.”

  “You think I'm dating Kent? Are you fucking kidding me, Hadrian?! Do you think that little of me?” I scoffed at him.

  He pulled his sunglasses off his face, his eyes bloodshot and filled with disdain. “Are you really that obtuse? Do you honestly expect me to believe anything you say when you're snuggled up in a booth with Kent while I'm not around?!” Hadrian shouted.

  He was no longer seated in his car, cause at some point in our screaming match he had gotten out and now he was glaring down at me.

  “We were just talking! What the hell is your problem?” I shouted back. My body shaking with anger and pent-up frustration.

  “You can't talk to Kent!” he exclaimed. “He is a fucking asshole, and all he ever talks about is why you shouldn't be with me. He's William’s brother for fuck sakes, why would you even want to talk to him?” He questioned me.

  He stepped closer, so our bodies were pressed together, his hands tugged wildly at his hair. I knew he was trying to intimidate me, but it wouldn't work. Hadrian would never hurt me.

  “I needed to!” I answered.

  Hadrian wasn't willing to accept that answer, so he cocked his head to the side. An eyebrow was lifted, and he folded his arms against his chest, his muscles rippled beneath his shirt. “Because you didn't believe me right?” he asked rudely.

  “You were too defensive Hadrian, you got mad at me for just asking. Does that sound like someone who's being honest with you? It doesn't matter. I can't do this here.”

  I began to walk away, back into the café to get my things out of my locker. Hadrian followed.

  “You can't just walk away Vicky, this isn't over. Why the hell don't you believe me when I tell you I don't have fucking shit to hide?” Hadrian yelled. The shoes were hitting the ground loudly, and I kept walking. His stubbornness was making me cringe. He just wouldn't stop.

  “Because I just didn't feel like you were telling me the truth. I love you Hadrian, but that doesn't mean I always trust you,” I spoke matter-of-factly.

  He grinned evilly when I had replied.

  “Don't get all sentimental now, Vicky. What did Kent tell you?” He blared.

  Fuck he was mad, and he wouldn't take no for an answer. Kent is William’s brother, we know that for sure now. That only leaves me with one question: Did I just get played?

  “Nothing of significance,” I replied instantly.

  “Fuck off with that shit, Vicky. If you can't be honest with me, this really isn't going to work.”


  Hadrian Smith

  I hadn’t talked to Vicky since our argument at the café.

  I wasn’t fond of Kent – surely I made that clear – so seeing them sitting together in that little booth had my mind reeling with possibilities.

  I had wanted to surprise her at work, take her out for a nice dinner, and I even went so far as to take my Mustang Boss 429 home and bring back my Bentley because I knew it was her favorite. Needless to say, I lost my appetite.

  There will always be someone in this world that you just absolutely loathe for no apparent reason, whether your intuition is telling you to stay away or you just hate the way they walk. I was sure there were plenty of people out there who hated me, it was their prerogative. I wasn’t going to try and convince them otherwise because frankly, it was none of my business.

  There was something about Kent that sets me off – maybe it was the way he always sits too close to Vicky, or how he had tried to convince me to stop seeing her because he was her supposed boyfriend.

  Kent could have been the end of things between Vicky and me before we even had the chance to start if I had chosen to believe him. At least William, his clearly more intelligent older brother, had gotten the hint and stayed away from Vicky.

  I had run into William the other day, at a coffee shop near the club, and he – being the idiot that he was – decided to strike up a pointless conversation with me. I didn’t listen to a damn thing he had said until I heard him mention Vicky.

  He claimed that she and Kenny were supposed to hang out after her shift because he had a bit of a crush on her. The moment he insinuated that it was a date should have been the same moment I smashed his face against the granite countertop we were both seated at and demanded that both he and his pathetic little brother should stay away from my girl.

  “Yo, arse, will you quit daydreaming?” Levi asked me.

  I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to stop the burning, a tell-tale sign that I had been zoning out. “Sorry mate, I had a rough day,” I confessed. He nodded, understanding the issues I was having.

  Levi lived his life the way he always had with Alexus. She was a doctor, and he was a dentist; that’s how they met.

  “I’m seriously considering hiring you a new DJ. this one is absolute shit,” Levi said, and he leaned back against the couch. A cigarette was between his parted lips, the smoke escaping into the air between us.

  “As long as you don’t do it yourself, everything is okay.” I laughed. Levi slapped me on my head and chuckled a bit. I opened a bottle of beer and quickly drank it, feeling the familiar liquid oozing down my throat. I needed this; the cloudiness of the alcohol would take my mind off the fight with Vicky.

  If I were drunk, I wouldn’t have to relive every disgusting accusation that she had been with someone else. I knew that it was pathetic to allow Kent and William to interfere in our relationship, but I couldn’t help but think that what I had to offer wasn’t enough for her. I never wanted to be in a committed relationship before Vicky, and I didn’t know how. If I weren't giving her what she needed, surely she would find it elsewhere.

  “Everything about today is fucking horrible, mate. Seriously, it seems like everything in my life is going to shit.” Levi complained. He placed his feet recklessly on his table. “First, I got a call from the man I’ve hired to tailor our suits for the wedding – he needs us to come back for more measurements. Secondly, Alexus and I fought today because I don’t want he
r mom at our wedding. I don’t like that old hag, and it’s obvious that she hates me as well, but Alexus wants her there. Lastly, I stepped on my glasses this morning, so I can’t read anything.”

  I grabbed my pair of glasses and handed them to Levi. “Want to borrow mine for a bit?” I asked him while holding the glasses. Levi sat looking at the Rayban thoughtfully, but he shook his head after a few seconds.

  “You need them for your drive home. I don’t want your death to be on my hands.” Levi waved me off.

  I was scrolling on my phone while we sat lazily on this couch. It felt good to be hanging out with Levi again. We barely ever got the chance to see each other, and now that we both had girls, it was even more difficult than it had been.

  We sat in a comfortable silence like only best friends could do. As I sat staring at my phone, I scrolled over Vicky’s contact picture on my phone. She was posing with her friend Red – one of the other dancers from the club that Vicky had become close to. I clicked the message icon beside her name and began scrolling through our old messages.

  Vicky: “You left your briefs here…”

  Hadrian: “That’s because you never give me a chance to put them back on when I’m at your place.”

  Vicky: “Seriously, Hadrian.”

  Hadrian: “Keep them, babe. You can wear them whenever you miss me ;).”

  I still couldn’t really understand how I had forgotten to put my underwear back on, but the thought of Vicky running around in my briefs while singing into a hairbrush – like I had caught her a couple times before – had me laughing hysterically.

  “What are you laughing at?” Levi asked me suddenly. I coughed, and I locked my screen quickly before he could see what I was doing. I grabbed the bottle of beer and drank from it immediately. “Are you talking to her?” he asked me.


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