Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

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Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  She used the pain to tease him this time, letting it close halfway, holding it, opening it, and starting again. When she finally released the handle, she lifted the chain until his already sensitive nipples were stretched up and away from his body, knowing the more she pulled, the tighter the clamps squeezed.

  "I think I've had enough of being on top for a while."

  She looked up at the doorway, her gaze meeting Zach's. “How does this work? I want you in my ass while he's in my pussy, but have a feeling ordering you into my ass won't fly."

  He smiled. “You're correct, making demands isn't a good idea, but telling me what you'd like, and then asking me to do it, is fine. We're equals in here."

  Zach looked sideways at Brent. “You want his mouth or his ass? I'll let you and Dana work out the positioning on this one."

  "Neither. Sometimes I enjoy playing the voyeur, and I find I'm in the mood for it at the moment."

  Dana slowly released the compression on Jacob's nipple, making sure he was prepared for it so she could watch him anticipate the pain this time. She dragged it off without releasing the pressure all the way, and immediately leaned forward to suck the abused flesh into her mouth, pulling hard as she savored the heat. Jacob's back arched up as he yelled at the sensation, his cock flexing deeper into her. Her tongue scraped across his nipple and he moaned through shallow breaths. She wrapped her lips over her teeth and bit, his howl like music to her ears as her pelvis ground into him. Sitting up, she waited for his eyes to open so he could watch her do the same to his other nipple.

  Zach began preparing her ass while she tortured Jacob's nipples, chuckling when Jacob jerked, shifting Dana and eliciting a girly yelp.

  When she was comfortable with Zach's fingers she draped herself over Jacob, placing her knees around his rib cage, arching her ass up while keeping Jacob buried as deeply in her as she could. She leaned in and kissed him, pulling back and quietly asking, “You okay?"

  "I'm perfect, M'Lady."

  Zach's legs pushed into the mattress between hers and Jacob's, and she felt him at her ass. He took his time sliding in, and Dana's gasps and moans filled the room as silky waves rolled through her. Jacob reached for her hands, comforting her, or perhaps also needing more contact. She kissed his shoulder, gasping as Zach slid farther into her. When his hips finally touched her bottom the waves began to crest, morphing into spasms as she was overwhelmed by the blissful devastation of two dicks filling her.

  "Hold her Jacob,” Zach said, as his fingers massaged her lower back. “She needs someone's arms around her and yours are closer."

  Jacob released her hands and wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her safe and soothing her as she writhed between them. She didn't want tenderness; she needed to be fucked and she craved pain.

  "Zach, move. Please. Oh god, please, fuck me.” Her orgasm hadn't finished, but she didn't care, and thankfully Zach was in a mood to give her what she wanted. He pulled out, plunged in, and found his rhythm—slamming into her hard enough to drag her back and forth on Jacob's cock. Her climax slowed and her arousal level grew, and she closed her eyes and let the all-consuming ecstasy engulf her as her lips surrounded Jacob's nipple and she sucked it into her mouth.

  Jacob's voice was frantic as he called out to Brent, begging for permission, but Brent only sat near Jacob's head and stroked his face, telling him Dana was still using his cock and he couldn't come until she was finished. She could tell Jacob's control was quickly faltering—she'd never heard him beg and it was enough to tip her over the edge.

  Her orgasm rocketed through her, stealing her breath and her voice, locking her muscles in place. When at last she could breathe again, Zach slammed into her a final time and held, grunting as he filled the condom inside of her. Brent ordered Jacob to come, and his whole body jerked under her as he lost control, bellowing his pleasure until he ran out of air and finally went limp under her.

  Zach headed to the master bathroom while Brent took care of Jacob's condom. Dana rolled onto her back and stretched out beside him, cool air flowing across her sweaty body as they both continued to gasp for oxygen.

  Brent returned within a few seconds, his voice brisk. “Our boy doesn't deal very well with being fucked just after an orgasm, and this'll be especially difficult for him because I've been using his mouth for a while and haven't plugged or fucked him in ten days. Feel free to either comfort him through it, or provide further pain.” His eyes moved to Jacob. “I want you over the side of the bed, spread your legs wide and grab your elbows behind your back. I'm so hard I could mine for diamonds."

  They slept on the playroom bed, as it was the largest in the house. Brent and Zach took up the outside positions, and Dana awoke with her head cradled in the crook of Zach's arm and her legs tangled with Jacob's. No one was awake, and as much as she hated to disturb them, she needed to use the restroom so bad it almost hurt.

  She tried to crawl below Zach to get out, but she should've known better—he woke as she pulled away, helping her climb over him, chuckling as she booked it to the bathroom.

  Figuring Zach wouldn't consider Brent and Jacob normal guests, she left the door open and was sitting on the toilet, finished but in no hurry to get up and walk when Zach stepped to the doorway. His pajama bottoms rode low on his hips and she admired his body as he leaned against the doorframe.

  "You okay?” His expression made it clear he was checking on his property, and she wondered if she'd ever get used to the proprietary way he handled her. She met his eyes, knowing better than to try to hide from him. “Yes, Sir. Not really awake yet."

  "Let's give you a quick clean out; your ass is going to be well used today,” he said, reaching under the cabinet for a Fleet. She wiped and flushed, taking the few steps to the bath mat before dropping to hands and knees, arching her spine as he'd trained her.

  His hand stroked her back, traveling to her ass and patting it. “I think you need a reward for not complaining or arguing. I'll let you get rid of it in my bathroom so you'll have some privacy. You and Jacob will get plenty to drink this morning, but no breakfast.” He pushed the tip into her ass and began squeezing the solution into her. “Consider yourself under scene rules until I tell you otherwise. I'd like you to show respect to Brent today—no speech restrictions other than using an honorific for both Brent and I.

  Dana groaned as the last of the fluid went in, her insides starting to churn already.

  Zach continued. “Go upstairs and brush your teeth before relieving yourself of the enema—and I mean brush them until the toothbrush turns off, not until you think they're clean enough.” He patted her ass and helped her up, giving her a kiss on the cheek before pointing her towards the door.

  When Dana was sure all the water was out, she walked back downstairs, her heart dropping to her stomach as sparks ignited between her legs—Zach was in his zone, organizing and preparing his electrical equipment, while Brent buckled ankle cuffs on Jacob.

  Zach's eyes met hers and his face blossomed into a smile. “Sports drinks are in the fridge, please bring one in here so I can watch you chug it—your choice of flavor. Jacob's already had his."

  Dana turned, stopped, looked back to say a quick, “Yes, Sir,” before walking towards the kitchen. She'd learned he expected total surrender when scene rules were in effect—whether he was using his everyday voice or his Dom one.

  She picked the least disgusting of the flavors and returned, dropping to her knees before him and chugging it in two long drinks. His approving smile made her heart flutter—she longed to make him proud, and wanted to show Brent and Jacob how much she belonged to him.

  Zach took the empty bottle from her and helped her stand, leaning in to kiss her gently. “You're beautiful, Dana. Go see Brent, I think he wants to teach you about penis plugs. You may Top Jacob if you wish, and if his master allows it. I'll join you when I'm finished here."

  "I love you, Sir."

  "I love you, too. Now go,” he said, still smiling his happy smile
. Dana wondered just what the Doms had planned for the day.

  Jacob caught her eye and Brent said, “Hello, Dana dear,” without turning around.

  "How'd you know it was me?"

  Brent chuckled. “He doesn't smile that way for Zach. Come watch me do this, and perhaps next time you can have a go at it."

  He talked about sterile procedures before he began working shiny steel into the end of Jacob's cock. “This is a large plug, and it's taken a long time to work Jacob's peehole up to this size. Once it goes in he won't be able to piss or come. We have some with a hole through the middle, and he can wear them longer."

  Jacob was standing with his legs spread shoulder width, his wrist cuffs clipped behind him, and appeared to be concentrating on his breathing as the plug slipped deeper into his cock—his urethra distending more than Dana thought natural.

  She started to move closer to him, wanting to rub his back and comfort him, but was worried she'd break whatever concentration he was using. About that time it slid all the way in, and Jacob gasped and jerked in surprised pain and then seemed to relax, but Dana heard his shallow breaths and wasn't fooled.

  Brent removed his gloves and had Jacob lean over the bed before handing Dana a hefty stainless steel plug. She immediately noticed the electrical attachments on the end, but Brent shook his head and said, “He's already lubed."

  Dana nodded and looked at Jacob; his breathing had leveled off, and his muscular ass and legs made her want to run her hands over them. She put the plug down and walked to the side of the bed, meeting his eyes a few seconds before saying. “Arch your back and spread your legs."

  His gaze reflected his need to obey, to be controlled, and made her fiercely want to give it to him. She brushed her fingers through his hair and walked behind him, pressing the plug to his ass. It slid about two thirds in before she met resistance, and she slowed, reaching down to play with his balls before pushing on the space between them and his asshole, making Jacob groan as the plug shifted in some more. The weight of the metal in his penis pulled on his erection, and—curiosity getting the better of her—she gently squeezed the head around the unforgiving steel. He groaned again, his ass tightening, threatening to push the butt plug out. She pushed in, intending to hold it in place, but he inadvertently relaxed and it went all the way in. Jacob's gasp was closer to a scream this time.

  Brent patted him on the ass and said, “Okay, up you go, it's time for me to talk to the two of you about what's going to happen.” Reaching for a bundle of blue Velcro straps, he attached them to Jacob's scrotum and cock as he talked.

  "We've agreed no man besides me will Top you, and today won't be an exception. Zach's an expert with electricity, and he's been teaching me how to do it safely over the past weeks. I purchased the items he suggested,” he said, motioning towards the equipment on Jacob. “Zach will send juice to both you and Dana—to the equivalent parts of your body, at the same time. I'll have another set of controls, allowing me to increase or decrease your power level as a percentage of what Dana is receiving. He'll be giving her what she can handle; it'll be up to me to adjust your levels up or down, depending on your reactions."

  He pulled a plastic sheet of electrical pads out of a box and began placing them. “Dana's clit clamp will be tied into your penis plug, and her vaginal electrode to the straps on your cock and balls. You'll both have an anal plug, and TENS pads on your nipples. Dana, tell him a little about what to expect. Zach says he'll start with the good stuff—said you'd know what that means."

  Dana smiled. “Yeah, it means it feels wonderful. I'm not sure how it'll work on you. For me, it's like the plugs are moving in and out, as if I'm being fucked by them. The butt plug should feel the same, but I don't know how it'll translate to your cock and balls. It makes the muscles contract and relax, so I imagine it'll be good for you, too."

  Dana saw Jacob look behind her, and turned to see Zach walking their way, looking at Brent as he said, “I'm all set if you want to go ahead and get Jacob into position. It won't take me long to get her hooked up and she can join him."

  True to his word, within about five minutes she was walked to the center of the room, where Jacob's wrists were attached to a spreader bar hanging from the winch. She was pleasantly surprised to discover the raised platform in front of Jacob put them at eye level. Her wrist cuffs were connected to the same overhead bar, but her arms weren't extended as far as his, so their hands couldn't touch.

  The warmth of Zach's hands rested on her shoulders as he said, “Both of you need to keep your feet flat on the floor, but other than that you can lean into or away from each other as you wish. Dana, no orgasms during the first part; don't bother asking. Both of you should let us know if you're getting close. No restrictions on speech for either of you."

  Within moments, the plug in her pussy began pulsing, and Jacob's eyes grew bigger. “I was expecting—you know—pain,” he said, moaning under his breath and circling his hips in obvious pleasure, “but this is wonderful."

  Dana laughed at the way he drew wonderful out to last about five seconds, but her laugh changed to a groan when the plug in her ass was set in motion. She felt her own hips moving in response, and tipped her head towards Jacob, saying, “Kiss me.” Her nipples came to life mid-kiss, and his full-body shudder confirmed he was experiencing the same things.

  She was on her way to an orgasm, but had it under control until the clamp on her clit came to life, making her feel as if she'd come apart from the inside out.

  "I'm close, Sir! I don't think I can hold it back! Oh, God!"

  The buzzing and pulsing around her clit faded, and Jacob's breathing evened out.

  Zach must have moved the sensations around their bodies for twenty minutes before she was allowed her first orgasm. Zach used the electricity to get her good and horny again, and turned everything off.

  The Doms went into motion, releasing and carefully walking them to the side of the playroom, pushing the wheeled carts with all of the electrical equipment. As Zach placed her in the swing, Brent used the remote to move the winch above them, removing the spreader bar and attaching the metal square in its place.

  Before long Jacob and Dana were both in a swing, with a bit gag installed, facing each other—black silk rope connecting them to the swings at upper arms, forearms, calves, thighs, hips, and chest. Their wrist and ankle cuffs were also attached, as well as the strap of their gags. Jacob was in the same predicament, but she saw fear on his face. She understood their restraints were to keep them as safe as possible once they began writhing uncontrollably, and it appeared he was figuring it out as well. She wanted to reassure him it would be okay, wished she'd done so earlier, when she still could.

  The pain hit her nipples first—thousands of dancing electrified bees stinging their way into the tender flesh, taking her breath away. She counted to three slowly in her head as her world narrowed to her nipples, her back teeth on the bit, and the sound of Jacob screaming. When the torment paused she saw him fighting the restraints, thrashing around in the swing, his eyes squeezed shut while his blood-curdling scream continued at least five seconds after the electricity was gone.

  As soon as Jacob's breathing normalized, the pain hit her ass—centering on the ring of muscles and convulsing up her colon. Jacob's shrieks filled the room again, but this time Brent was behind him when the current stopped, arms wrapped around him, mouth to his ear, talking to him. Jacob's eyes were closed and his skin glistened with sweat.

  She didn't expect another thunderbolt while Brent was touching Jacob, and was taken by surprise as her lower body blazed into an inferno of torment. She heard her own screams this time, and didn't have the brainpower to even consider counting her way through it. When the pain ended she relaxed, feeling the adrenalin and endorphins flooding her system, opened her eyes to see Brent and Jacob looking at her, and realized the electricity had only gone to her.

  She caught her breath and looked at Zach, who gave her a quick survey with his gaze and said
, “Five seconds."

  He pushed the button as the last consonant left his mouth, and the firestorm was everywhere this time. She thrashed in the swing, heard herself screaming in agony—five seconds is forever when you're hurting so exquisitely, in so many places at once.

  The pain stopped in an instant, but her muscles took a few more seconds to cease their frenzied jerking, and in those moments she heard Zach, as if from a distance, telling her to come as he turned the clamp on her clit back on with enough of a bite to give her an edge. Now she flailed around in the swing from the effects of a total body orgasm, and her shouts were of pleasure as the climax began at her clit and exploded out until she felt it from the tips of her toes all the way to the ends of her hair, and every cell in between. Her spine tried to curve backwards in the harness; her legs attempted to pull together, then strained to curl into her torso, and flew out again. Nothing was steady, everything moved with her, and she couldn't find a point of stability to use to control her movements. The muscles around her clit continued to pulse, and she was rocketed higher and higher until she feared she'd pass out from the pleasure.

  The electricity hit her nipples and ass again while her orgasm was at full strength. Her body finally arching backwards as she screamed through the sensations flooding her—so much pleasure and pain at once, the agony threatening to drown out the ecstasy, but not quite managing.

  When the current stopped, she barely sucked in enough air to fill her lungs before it returned, and when Jacob's scream drowned out her own and she knew they'd patched him back into the fun.

  In the break between jolts she opened her eyes to check on Jacob, and was scared for him when she saw him in a panic, fighting his restraints, his eyes wild. When the next jolt took her, she managed to keep her eyes open long enough to realize he wasn't getting juice, and she stopped struggling for control and allowed the pain to take over her senses again; her body writhing in the swing, no longer under her command.

  At some point, Dana realized Jacob wasn't in the swing, but she didn't know where he was. She wanted to ask in between times, but couldn't pull her thoughts together to form the question.


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