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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 5

by Jodie Halliday

  “We have a five o’clock with the tech guys, right?” asked Maggie.

  “Yeah, I have my team back at the office ready for the call.” Holly breathed out loudly, a little unsteady on her feet.

  “You ok?”

  “Yeah, just not used to drinking like that, certainly not at lunchtime,” said Holly. She knew she wasn’t going to be sick but thought that she had yet to feel the full effects of all the wine.

  “We should hit the pool, cool down.”

  “Oh shit I forgot my bathing costume. Shit!” said Holly, loud enough to turn heads in the elevator lobby.

  “I have a spare, let’s go to my suite and we can get changed. You got a suite too, right?”

  “Yea, it’s freaking enormous!”

  “I know. Their biggest rooms. We’ll get one for the real event too.”

  “Jeeze, I got lost in mine!”

  Maggie pressed the button for 21 and guided Holly to her suite, 2116, which was the mirror image of Holly’s suite and had the bedrooms on the left. Holly sat on the bed and watched as Maggie rummaged through the drawers underneath the huge LCD TV and pulled out four tiny pieces of material.

  “What size are you, you look about the same as me,” said Maggie, staring at Holly’s breasts.

  “What? Oh, um, I’m about a 34B,” she said, thinking that there were pieces missing from the bikinis.

  Maggie slipped off her shirt and threw it on the bed. “Right, so either of these should fit.” Holly stared, knowing that they were indeed similar in size but growing increasingly uncomfortable.

  “Maybe I’ll just take a snooze until our next meeting?” said Holly without much conviction.

  “Nah, the pool will refresh you, that’s all you need. Here, I’ll help you with your shirt,” said Maggie, flicking the top button. Holly stared at her, holding her breath. Seconds passed and she knew, by then, it was too late to complain. She undid the bottom buttons and their fingers met in the middle. As Holly dropped the shirt on the bed she watched as Maggie reached around, undid the clasp and tossed the bra onto the bed. Her breasts were indeed very similar and Holly breathed out loudly and flicked the catch of her own bra, then simply dropped it onto the floor. “Oh my, you’re lovely Holly, like a model!”

  Holly smiled and chuckled a little as Maggie fitted the bikini top on herself, then brought the other one over to Holly. “Arms up!” she commanded, and Holly obeyed. Maggie walked behind her and fitted the bra cups against her breasts, smoothed the material a little and did up the clasp. Facing her again, she reached under the cups and made some quick adjustments, then stood back. “Lovely, here, put these on and then we can get down to the pool, you’ll be awake in no time!” Maggie slipped her skirt to the floor then her knickers, leaving them where they fell. Holly watched, dumbstruck as Maggie sat on one of the plush lounge chairs and carefully put her foot through one leg hole of the bikini bottom, then the other, her legs wide, her pussy clearly on display and totally shaved.

  Holly turned to the window, breathing hard, the sight of the woman’s pussy throbbing in her mind. She dropped her skirt and knickers on the floor, feeling the woman’s eyes on her buttocks. She struggled with the bikini bottom, wobbling from the wine while trying to balance on one foot.

  “Here, let me help, poor you!” said Maggie, holding out her hand. Holly shook her head and gave the tiny knickers to Maggie who then knelt in front of her. “I know what it’s like, having anything to drink at lunchtime, especially if you’re not used to it. Right foot in here!”

  Holly rested her hand on Maggie’s shoulder and guided her foot into the opening. Maggie looked up and smiled at her. “Yeah, these are the best pair for you I think, go well with your long dark hair.” Holly watched as Maggie looked back down but could see that she stared far longer than necessary at her pussy. A surge shot through her, wine-fuelled lust which quickened her breathing as Holly gazed in turn at Maggie’s pert breasts and the nipples which were clearly visible from where she stood. They looked hard, aroused and perfectly in proportion to her breasts. “Left foot!” Maggie pulled the bikini bottoms up her shins and over her knees, at which point Holly grabbed the waistline and pulled, shuffling a little to get a tight fit. “Turn round!” said Maggie, and Holly did without question. She felt the woman’s hand smoothing the material over her buttocks, inches from her pussy and then smiled when she proclaimed the bikini a success. She took the towel offered by Maggie and they headed out. In the elevator Holly realised that what had just happened up in Maggie’s suite had been treated as a normal clothing swap by two young girls, but for Holly it was one of the most sensual things that she had ever done with another girl, even in High School. She exited on the ground floor breathing hard, slightly tipsy and already staining the bikini bottoms.

  They sat on tiled stools at the bar with the water gently lapping around their thighs. It was warm with the sun shining from behind and the white fixtures of the bar dazzling. They ordered coffee and from the first sip Holly could feel the wine being neutralized and a little life coming back into her brain. The majority of guests were lying on loungers arranged around the side of the pool or sitting in cabanas which were fitted with curtains for privacy if necessary. She wondered whether she and Ricky would pull the curtains and make love if he was here. She looked down at the glinting water between her legs and smiled at the thought of the balcony back at the apartment. He was a real treasure, a mind reader.

  “Will your husband arrive at the same time as you for the event?” asked Holly, intrigued by what the Johnsons did for a living.

  “Yes, we’ll get there probably the same day as you, the Sunday, in the morning so we can walk around with you and chat with the hotel management again.”

  “That’s nice, like a bit of a holiday then.”

  “Yep, this is the eighth year that we’ve done the show, before that it was Banking Technology,” replied Maggie, smiling across at her.

  “Eight years, wow!”

  “We’ve been married ten years almost.”

  Holly was stunned and looked at Maggie more closely. “Ten years?”

  Maggie smiled, used to the question. “We met when I was seventeen, married at eighteen. He was forty-three when we married. Didn’t go down too well at home, as you can imagine.”

  Holly laughed. “Yeah, my parents would have a few words to say, that’s for sure!”

  “You have a boyfriend?”

  “Yeah, he’s wonderful. He’s away right now.”

  “What’s he do?” asked Maggie, actually interested.

  “He’s in the equity arm of an investment trust, out in Frankfurt right now.”

  “When did you see him last?” asked Maggie, a slight smile appearing on her lips then fading.

  “He came over for the day about a week ago.”

  “Just for the day?”

  “Yeah, to see me, then went back to Germany.”

  Maggie touched her arm and squeezed. “You must be worth it!” Holly smiled and looked away, colouring a little. “Oh, sorry to change the subject but we’re almost there with the presentation material. When we have all the metadata I’ll get that to you and Sean in XML format, then the content can be uploaded and should be self-linking.”

  Holly had no clue what she was talking about but nodded seriously and said she would let Sean know all about it. Maggie turned away to see what had caused a huge splash in the pool and Holly glanced down between the woman’s legs, then at her own, wondering whether people could see any stray public hairs poking out of the bikini bottom. Maggie was fit, toned and similar in build to herself, but five years older and with a successful husband and thriving company which they had built together.

  “You have children?” asked Holly when she turned back.

  Maggie shook her head. “Not yet, maybe sometime,” replied Maggie. Her tone suggested that it was an acceptable area for conversation but that was the limit for right now.

  “I’m going to swim a bit,” said Holly, standing
and adjusting her bikini top. She looked up, too late to catch Maggie licking her upper lip and waded out towards the end of the pool, then started a leisurely crawl up and down, dodging children and adults alike. The exercise cleared her head and she returned fully functional and quite disturbed by what she had allowed to happen in Maggie’s suite earlier that afternoon.

  “It’s after four, we should get changed and ready for the five o’clock,” said Maggie, filling in the bar tab with her suite number.

  “Shall I meet you in the lobby again, just before?”

  “OK, but don’t forget I have your clothes, right?”

  “Oh yes, I’ll collect them and bring the bikini back later tonight.”

  “You can change in my suite again if that’s easier?”

  “No, thanks, it’s OK, I need to check my email and make sure all is ticking along back at the office, but thanks,” said Holly. She was sure that Maggie wasn’t going to force the issue and thanked her for picking up the tab.

  “Hey, I don’t expect to see any charges on our bill for those coffees, they’d better vanish or there’ll be questions asked.”

  Holly nodded and led the way out of the pool area and over the elevators. Holly pressed 21 and 22 as Maggie caught up. “Hey, keep the bikini, I get them free all the time,” said Maggie, pulling the front of hers up a little to ensure Holly was watching. She tugged the tiny band of material that covered her pussy, pulling it taut against her pussy lips. Holly’s stomach surged again at the sight and the woman’s audacity. She looked up at Maggie’s face, her grin and her confidence as Holly swallowed and threw her towel around her shoulders. The elevator arrived seconds later and they stood in silence as the numbers crawled from 1 through to 21.

  “See you around five Maggie!” said Holly, smiling and nodding.

  “Sure, take it easy!”

  Holly was half-way along the corridor on the twenty-second floor before she realised that she had no room key. She groaned out loud and leaned against the wall. She could either go down to the lobby and get a new key or knock on Maggie’s door and get her things. The thought of standing in a queue of fully-dressed people in the lobby and waiting to be served was worse than asking for her clothes back, so she went down to the twenty-first floor and knocked.

  The door opened after half a minute and two knocks. “Hey!” said Maggie, smiling at her. She was still in her bikini and Holly noticed the slight tan lines around her bra straps.

  “I’m so sorry Maggie, I left my room key in my shirt,” said Holly, looking past her at the entrance hall.

  “Oh dear, OK, I put your stuff in the lounge, this way,” said Maggie, closing the door behind her. Holly was conscious that she was leaving a larger gap between herself and Maggie than she would have before and was relieved to see her clothes neatly piled on the sofa. She grabbed them and thanked Maggie, letting herself out.

  She breathed a sigh of relief as she entered her suite, dumped her clothes on her bed and went through to the lounge. The double glass sliding doors to the balcony were easy to open and she walked out onto the scalding hot concrete, jumped back inside and tried again with flip-flops on. There were four elegant rattan chairs and a large glass-topped table in the same design. She picked the chair nearest to her and placed a towel on it before flopping down. From the chair she could see a few roof tops, the brilliant blue sky and that was about it. Although she could hear the pool and waterfall faintly, she couldn’t see anyone and so with a slight grin on her lips she slid her fingers inside the bikini and scratched the patch of pubic hair which she now thought was a rarity these days.

  Holly pushed the bikini bottoms a little way down her thighs and smiled again as she ran her hand over her pussy. She stopped, pursing her lips as she tried to confirm that she had shut the door to the suite and then with a shrug placed her feet on the table and opened her legs as wide as she could. She leaned back in the chair and laughed at the intensity of the sun on her body, her good fortune. Her fingers ran over her outer lips and she was surprised to feel how wet they were. The inner lips were moist too, sticky, so she pushed the bikini all the way to her feet and brought it back up to her nose. She didn’t need to inhale as she could see the white streaks that coated the gusset of the material and she knew that her swim would have cleaned anything off from before she got to the pool. Everything she saw, she thought, was from after they had left the pool and she thanked her lucky stars that she had decided to come back to her room. If she had given the bikini back to Maggie in this state she would have died of embarrassment and it would certainly have led to some unwanted probing. Closing her eyes she leaned back again on the chair and inhaled her scent while her left hand gently circled her wet clit in the brilliant afternoon sunshine. Her scent would be the same as that of the other girls she knew, Suzy, Kathy, Jane and of course Maggie. She giggled. She was getting paid to touch her pussy.

  The five o’clock call went well although the majority of the technical details were well over her head. Maggie seemed to be the technology brains behind Blockchain Banking and understood the subject in depth and at a level where she could deliver significant value to the technology configuration for the event including the wireless infrastructure and IT security.

  Holly, Maggie and two managers from the hotel had dinner in a different restaurant where Holly stuck to mineral water. Everyone agreed that planning was going exceptionally well which earned Holly genuine and heartfelt praise from Maggie. She went to her room just after nine thirty, delighted with her day. Naked, she watched TV for a while, emailed Ricky with her lengthy news then slept perfectly until her alarm sounded at seven the next morning.

  She put the coffee machine on in the kitchen and made her way back to the patio doors with a mug of hot ‘dark espresso’. Sliding the door open and aware of her nakedness, she stepped slowly towards the railing, ready to drop to her knees if she saw anyone. But the view was the same as the previous afternoon and for a change she sat on the floor, head back against a seat and let the warmth of the new day caress her body. She thought about the suite and what a waste it was with only one person in it. She definitely didn’t want anyone else there but wondered what she could do to get full value out of it. Back inside, she lay down on the sofas in the lounge area and watched TV for a short time, but the content was mundane and catered to the very lowest denominator of the country. The dining area had eight chairs and while it would have been good for meetings it was another waste of space for just her. She lay spread-eagled on the dining room table, pretending she was the main course as she brought her legs up and displayed herself to everyone seated. It was novel but still only registered mildly on her level of interest. Eventually, and frustrated with her lack of imagination, she showered, washed her hair and dried off in front of the huge mirrored wall. She had caught a tan from the day before and was thrilled as she turned from side to side, inspecting her buttocks and bending over as though showing herself off to Ricky. She texted him gleefully, telling him about her night and the tan, then went down to breakfast.

  She was spreading butter on her croissant when she remembered that the bikini was still on the balcony where she had left it after inhaling its contents. She prayed that Maggie didn’t suddenly appear and ask for it back. She shook her head, wondering why she hadn’t washed it immediately last night. But Maggie was elsewhere and didn’t join her for breakfast and Holly went back to her room and texted her, asking where and when they should meet. With one last sniff she ran some hot water in the bathroom attached to the second bedroom and washed both parts of the bikini then hung it over a chair on the balcony to dry.

  The rest of the morning went smoothly, even though Holly went from a state of mild arousal at nine o’clock to one of increased need of release at eleven to downright gasping for instant orgasm at one o’clock. She had debated whether to have a ten minute session on the balcony but was concerned that house-keeping might intrude. The bathroom was an alternative but the surfaces were cold in there, smooth and unin
viting. The bikini smelled of hotel soap and so she was at a loss as she folded the final invoice into the envelope, packer her carry-on then went down to the lobby to take a taxi to the airport. It had been an educational trip and very successful. Maggie had hugged her before they parted, holding her hand in a non-sexual manner and repeating her thanks and confidence in the event that was less than three months away.

  Chapter 7

  Suzy passed her physiology re-take without any problems and Holly, Suzy and Kathy celebrated at a restaurant close to the university. Ricky managed to get two weeks off back home and Holly was delighted as they settled into a wonderful routine each night of either sleeping at the apartment or at her place. She also enjoyed preparing the evening meal for him although on occasions he would do the same for her at the apartment or they would go out for dinner. They made love most nights and it seemed different every time but with a general sense that they had all night for each other and it was spontaneous and not something that had to be done.

  Ricky had told his parents that they were seeing each other and she had driven him down to see her parents. To her delight, her mother called her two days later to say that he seemed ‘such a nice boy’ and that Holly had looked radiant all day.

  The planning for the event fell into a routine of identifying issues, assigning them for resolution and tracking them through to the end. Many of the problems centered around the website for registration and passing information from the registered attendees through to the hotel and conference center. At one point it was so disorganized that Holly decided to resort to spreadsheets to track and communicate data rather than rely on output from the website going directly to the hotel. Saturday November 11th finally arrived and Holly took off on the second flight out of the day, landing in Atlanta at ten in the morning. She was at the hotel by eleven and had met with the General Manager within thirty minutes. She toured the exhibition hall and presentation rooms and made sure that furniture was being installed correctly and that signage had been correctly placed. The registration desk which could accommodate ten attendees at a time had been constructed and had the correct banners and logos installed as per sponsorship level requirements. She called Maggie towards the end of Saturday afternoon and gave her an update. They both looked forward to seeing each other again on Sunday afternoon, even though Holly hadn’t entirely forgotten the bikini incident.


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