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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 10

by Jodie Halliday

  “Don’t you dare come Holly!” said Maggie. “Plenty of time for that a little later. Another hour maybe.”

  She sighed as though in pain as a hand gripped her inner thigh and the razor made its first pass over the curly hairs.

  “Gosh, such soft hair, same as yours” said Andrew, making a second pass. “This won’t take long at all.”

  He shaved her for maybe two minutes, working gently and for most of the time letting the razor do all the work without having to push down against her skin. She inhaled hard as she felt his fingers grip her labia and pull them out so that he could shave them clean. He shaved the other side and stopped. Maggie let go of Holly’s wrists and slid along the table for an inspection.

  “Looks good,” said Maggie. Holly assumed she touched her husband’s trousers as she heard a giggle. “Now you’re hard!”

  “Oh yeah! Can you finish up from here?” he asked. She felt Maggie’s hands as well as his on her thighs, probing her pussy, touching her lips and where the main growth of her used to be above her clit. “Oh, hang on, let me just do around her bum,” he said. “Holly, pull your legs up towards you could you?”

  Holly managed to put her legs between her wrists then simply pulled, beyond caring what they might see but sure that their combined attention was on her asshole. While Maggie pulled her buttocks apart and held her steady he carefully removed the few hairs that grew there. His finger grazed the hole and Holly breathed in hard, trying to think of anything that would take her mind of the hands, fingers and foam which conspired to push her to the edge and beyond.

  “Good job Hol, now I’ll finish it off,” said Maggie, untying her wrists. She relaxed her grip on her knees and let her feet fall back onto the table. “No touching yet, ok?”

  “I know.”

  “Are you alright?”

  Holly nodded, smiling. “It’s so, I don’t know, so intimate.”

  Maggie nodded. She ran the towel between Holly’s legs then used the flannel to clean her up. “OK, more foam coming up.” She sprayed a generous amount in to the palm of her hand then spread it over her groin, massaging it just as her husband had done from the stubble above her clit down to her anus.

  “Still got three razors left Hol, you’re going to be baby-smooth by the time we’ve finished.” She felt Andrew’s hands on her thigh and opened her legs as wide as possible, then closed her eyes again as Maggie shaved from the top towards her pussy, then down the side and around her perineum. She repeated it, slowly taking off the remaining hairs, sometimes going back with short strokes to catch obstinate ones and feeling with her left hand after each stroke to gauge her progress. Those testing fingers edged closer to her pussy, then over her lips and down past her vagina. She knew they felt smoother, silkier than what she would have felt before with her own fingers. Maggie shaved the other side and then back up again into the main growth above her clit, using short strokes and finger touches to make sure everything had gone. “OK, hold still now Hol,” said Maggie. Soft little fingers took hold of her little inner labia and pulled gently, then shaved in quick, short strokes in both directions. Holly groaned at the intensity of the feeling, biting her lip as even the razor’s edge felt erotic. It had the same effect as two fingers would have done thrust inside her, just how she masturbated and the last stage of stimulation before she circled her clit with sticky fingers.

  “Almost done Holly,” said Andrew. She had forgotten he was there but it was of course his hands which held her legs apart and kept her steady. So far the whole process had been painless and quick but the very fact that she had agreed to this and was lying there with her legs obscenely parted in front of two fully-clothed strangers flitted back into her mind. Something had happened to her in the recent days, or maybe recent weeks. Perhaps, she thought, her whole life had changed when she met Ricky. Her head swam as she thought again how close she had been to losing everything. Maggie was right, Ricky would be advised by his father to dump her as soon as possible if the event had been a total disaster. She would have certainly been fired, which would mean she would have had to move back to her parents. This evening’s trip to the Bahamas was a small price to pay for her sanity and happiness.

  “OK, just rinse you off then we can clean you up properly in the shower,” said Maggie, running the damp flannel over her. Andrew released his grip and Holly sat up. “No touching yet, wait for the shower! Come with me!” said Maggie, grinning madly at her. They skipped into the master bathroom and Maggie turned the water on and spun Holly round to face the mirror as it warmed up.

  “Oh my god!” she squealed. “Like I’m ten again!”

  “Close your legs.” Holly did and admired the view. “No touching! Now legs parted.”

  “Oh jeeze, I look like something in a porn movie!”

  “You watch porn?”

  “No, not really. I had one video but I think I deleted it.”

  “Huh, we should talk. Come on!” Maggie quickly stripped off and positioned Holly under the spray. After a short while she nodded at her. “See what you think.”

  Holly touched her pussy with the flat of her hand but was totally unprepared for the feeling which greeted her. It was as though the soft skin of her upper thighs had been extended all over her pussy. Everywhere was the same delicate, utterly feminine feeling. Even around her buttocks, that sense of purity and cleanliness filled her senses. If she could have bent double she knew should would have licked herself.

  “Oh god. I have never felt anything so beautiful. It’s like a whole new feeling!”

  “You know what the best bit is?”

  Holly shook her head and Maggie leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips. As the kiss extended Maggie’s hand slid down between their bodies and over her pussy. Holly cried out and thought that she was going to fall. Her legs felt rubbery and she hung on to Maggie’s shoulder as the sweet sensation of that touch kicked off a myriad of emotions. She would not cry she told herself but she was so very close to bawling her eyes out from the way her mind and body had been tortured and twisted. From the lows of almost being dispatched to the airport earlier that evening to the high now. She had traded help from Maggie for sharing new experiences with them, all of which had been pleasurable, safe and just outside her comfort zone. She kissed Maggie hard and grabbed her buttocks, squeezing and pulling her tight against her body

  “Time to get dry,” said Maggie, kissing her neck before turning off the water. “Hey, remember, always use a new razor and throw it away afterwards.” She touched her own pussy and then looked pensive. “I’ll need to clean mine up in a couple of days, you can help or just watch if you like,” said Maggie. She held a straight face for no more than a couple of seconds before bursting out laughing. “Oh my god, your face!” she giggled. “It’s OK, I wouldn’t do it at Attendee Reception or anything!”

  “What about the balcony?”

  Maggie look surprised and cocked her head. “Not a bad idea Hol.”

  Holly pulled on a dressing gown while Maggie dressed and went down to the Speaker Ready room to get the config installed and the initial testing completed. While she was away, Andrew and Holly ordered food from Room Service and ate, talking about Blockchain’s fortunes, the industry, Millsum and finally Ricky. They left some food for Maggie, texted her that it had arrived and that some was there for her, then sat together on the sofa. At one in the morning there was little choice on the TV so they continued to talk, the topic coming back to parents and boyfriends.

  “This may seem weird but I just have to tell my mother about shaving. Unless I come out in some ghastly rash I could never have all that hair again.”

  Andrew laughed. “Well said, young lady. But that might be a difficult conversation.”

  “Yes, I know. Somehow I would need to work around to the subject.”

  “Yeah, better than just texting her the news.”

  “I think Ricky will understand though.”

  “I’d like to you to take the tie we used on your w
rists. Take it home with you as a reminder of how you exposed yourself to Maggie and me,” said Andrew.

  “Oh, thank you. Are you sure, it looks expensive.”

  “I have many ties and would like to know this one had a new home. Give it to Ricky, maybe. He seems like a wonderful guy.”

  “Yeah, sometimes I don’t think I deserve him.”

  “What are you going to say about how you got your new look?”

  “I don’t know. I think I should tell him the truth.”

  “Jump up and let me see.” Holly slipped instantly off the sofa and opened her gown. “Oh my, that looks so pretty, come here.” Again, she moved without hesitation, taking a pace towards him. His fingers traced lightly over her lips and up to where the dense hair used to be. “That’s so much better,” he said, patting the sofa. She tied her gown back up and sat. “I think you’re right Holly, you need to tell him what happened. If you can’t trust him to keep that a secret, then there may be issues in the future.”

  Holly nodded and leaned against him. He put his arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her head. “I suppose that’s right. This is all just so new to me, I mean, not the failure, I’ve failed before, but the Bahamas trip,” Holly giggled at the phrase and leaned against his chest. She could see the bulge again but refused to think about whether he was hard or not.

  “I’m going to make love to you later you know, will you tell him about that?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it. I mean, if all three of us are together then it seems more of a repayment than me just jumping into bed with any one, right?”

  “You want Mags don’t you?”

  Holly breathed out, knowing the answer and supposing that Andrew may have heard it before from other girls. “Yes, I really do. Up until I met her I had never really thought about other girls.” She leaned up and faced him. “But that time we changed into bikinis, that left me trembling. Even on the plane home I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

  Andrew smiled and she rested her head against his chest, watching the TV as his arm came around her shoulders. He touched her face with his left hand, running his fingers over her soft cheeks then gently touched her lips. “You’ve done some very good work here for us Holly, apart of course from the PDS. But we have much more confidence in the event than last year.”

  “Thank you,” she said, sighing contentedly with his words, their cuddle and his gentle touch. He trailed his fingers very lightly along her lips and then his thumb. She closed her eyes and kissed his thumb.

  “What are you going to do about Sean?”

  Holly shook her head and exhaled loudly. “I don’t know. If it was just up to me I’d put him on the first flight out. I know I’m accountable for everything, like I said, but he simply watched the PDS fail.”

  “He did Holly.”

  “Without you and Maggie the event would have been a joke. I would have been fired, and so on.”

  “He jeopardized Millsum and us, remember that.”

  “I think I have to tell Lloyd exactly what happened.”

  “Can you bank on Lloyd to support you?”

  “Yes, we get on well and he understands the pressures and the ‘client first’ goal.”

  “I can’t tell you what to do but he isn’t welcome at any future Blockchain event. Whatever you decide, we will support you Holly.” She nodded gratefully and pecked at his thumb.

  “There’s a good girl, Holly.” She kissed it then didn’t resist as it slipped a little way into her mouth. “Yes, there’s a good girl.” The sensation overwhelmed her. It was as though they had been instantly connected on an emotional level, that she was signaling a dependency on him which he was happy to give. It just felt so natural and nurturing. She leaned up very slightly and watched the TV with him contentedly, just gently sucking his thumb, swirling her tongue around it occasionally but mainly just delighted to feel it rest there in her mouth, warm, wet and part of him. He stroked her hair, petting her as her topsy-turvy world slowly returned to normal. His fingers trailed through her long hair, twirling strands now and again, touching her neck and shoulders. She was at such peace with him, feeling as though he was recharging her as he plugged into her wet mouth. The pace was slow, calm as he touched her back, down around her buttocks but in a warm, friendly manner rather than sexual. She rested, no longer sucking or twirling her tongue but simply allowing his thumb to stay like a pacifier in her mouth as his fingers lightly explored her grateful body.

  After fifteen minutes the commercials came on and he gently pulled his thumb from her mouth, then touched her shoulder so that she slid down, rolling onto her side so that she was inches from his bulge. Holly knew what he wanted and she was also curious to see what his wife had hinted at earlier. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, looking for permission. He took her hand and placed on top of his trousers.

  “Take it out Holly. I want to feel your lips on it.”

  She pulled at his belt, then undid the zip, feeling his hardness against her knuckles as the outline of his cock came into view. She traced the bulge from the center where his balls were all the way across to one side. She giggled, wondering how on earth it could be so big since she knew now that it wasn’t fully hard.

  “It’s big,” she said simply.

  “Probably above average.”

  She was glad she was lying down as the thought of the thing in her hands made her giddy. After their meal she had felt sleepy, most probably because it was approaching two in the morning, but now she was wide awake and smiled up at him as she pulled down the waistband of his underwear to reveal the top of his cock. He raised himself up and she wriggled to get his clothes down past his knees. She gasped as she looked back up to see his fat cock lying against his thigh. It was huge, perfectly shaped, a happy instrument that seemed to have its own welcome sign attached.

  “It’s so big!” she said in admiration.

  “It will be when it’s hard!” She laughed and took it in her hand, noting the gap between her thumb and the rest of her fingers. The skin slid smoothly and it naturally began to wake up and point towards the ceiling. He pulled her head closer to his body and angled his cock towards her mouth. “There’s a good little girl, just flick your tongue over the top while I watch the TV.”

  She did as she was told, taking no more than half the big head of his cock between her lips and mainly just slowly licking it from where she lay. He occasionally looked down at her, sometimes touching her hair, brushing it away from her face. She didn’t need to move her head. His cock stayed rigid in between her lips and it was more a question of simply keeping her lips and his cock wet and a delivering a steady source of gentle movement.

  “There’s a good girl, just like that,” he said, stroking her hair. She was comfortable lying on his thighs, warm, curled up like a baby, sucking on him. “Yes, slow, tiny licks, Holly. Good girl,” he would say, concentrating on the TV show and not even looking at her.

  At the next commercial break he pushed her gown over her shoulder and revealed her breasts. She pulled her arm out of the gown and lay there contentedly, still gently administering licks and gentle kisses to his throbbing cock. Her jaws began to ache a little as she stretched to accommodate his size between her lips.

  “You have beautiful breasts, so similar to Mags. Like you two could be sisters.”

  She was sure now that it was fully erect with the big veins that seemed to zigzag from where his cock joined his balls up towards the top. She closed her eyes, happy, sleepy but loving every minute of the new day. She found something very relaxing about lying there, comforting him and herself at the same time.

  Very soon after the TV program restarted Maggie came back and announced her presence with a “Hi all!” before entering the lounge area. Andrew gently placed his hand on Holly’s head to ensure she stayed connected to his cock as Maggie came over and kissed him.

  “OK, babe, we’re in great shape. The test content went up without a hitch and the crew agreed to come bac
k at seven to finish testing and load the final content.”

  “Good job Mags!”

  “Hi Hol, did you get enough to eat?” she said laughing. She leaned down, turned Holly towards her and kissed her hard on the lips while gently touching her face, breasts and flat stomach. “Open your legs Hol,” said Maggie as she pushed her hand between the girl’s thighs. Her middle finger slid over Holly’s soaking wet lips and then wiped the gooey coating over Andrew’s cock. “That’s what you want to taste, isn’t it?” she said, turning Holly’s head to take her husband’s cock back between her lips. She sat at the table, clearly jubilant from her success downstairs and ate the food that had been left for her.

  Just that simple little kiss stirred feeling inside Holly, reminding her of the countdown to the promise that Maggie had made. That hour must surely be up and she just knew that the feeling of Andrew’s thumb and now his cock had primed her for explosive orgasm and the feeling she had at that moment meant there was a good chance that the dressing gown had got stains on it from her expectant pussy. She heard the chair scrape over the tiled floor and seconds later her dressing gown was torn off her. Maggie straddled her and pulled her off Andrew’s cock to kiss her lips, then down to her breasts. She took each nipple in turn and sucked, biting carefully as they became erect then tweaking them in her fingers. She kissed between her breasts then leaned over, took the huge cock in her mouth and sucked happily as Andrew caressed both his wife and Holly.

  Maggie slid down, pulled Holly’s feet up and nodded at Andrew who grabbed them, holding her open. She worked quickly, positioning Holly on the sofa with her head supported by Andrew’s legs as she kissed her thighs and inched towards her pussy. Holly wailed in delight at the speed at which Maggie was moving and guided her head lower, towards the center and watched her lips kissing her thighs and then, delightedly, her newly smooth pussy.

  “Fuck!” shouted Holly, jerking up as the girl’s tongue made contact with her inner lips. This was so different from Ricky, no stubble, no angular bones, just silky lips and soft skin against her wet sex. Maggie licked up along the length of her pussy and stabbed at her clit. Holly shuddered and held the girl’s hair in her fists, groaning as Andrew pulled her back onto his cock and pushed it deeper into her mouth. She did her best to suck him but all her attention was directed to what Maggie was doing to her and the little tongue which was exploring her pussy so perfectly. She could feel the orgasm brewing, thrilled in her heart that she would come with two people in the room and she could make as much noise as she wanted. Maggie lapped at her, lifted her buttocks a little and descended far enough to take give a quick flick of her tongue over her smooth anus while she circled her clit with her slick thumb.


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