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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 12

by Jodie Halliday

  “You still there Holly?”

  She pressed mute carefully. “Yes, sorry, just got a text, nothing serious. Well, that was very kind of them, we make a good team I think.”

  “Just so you know I have never had a visit from John before, it’s always been me going up to his office. Let’s talk about Sean when you get back, this isn’t the first time this year that he has, shall we say, under-performed. Keep an eye on him at this event as though you were doing his annual appraisal, would you?”

  “OK, thanks Lloyd, I will. I’ve already told him to stay out of the Speaker Ready room. I’ll email you some pics from the keynote tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I think that was a good decision. Do send me those pics, and is there anything else I can do for you?”

  She smiled at the offer and was touched. “No, I don’t think so, but thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “OK, hope it goes well, and thanks again Holly!”

  She cut the line and shrieked with joy. “Oh Maggie, are you going to get some client service tonight!” she said out loud as she walked into the master bedroom to choose underwear. Just as she brought a red pair of knickers to her face her phone buzzed with a text. It was from her overnight guest: first attendees arriving at registration. Looks good. M xx

  Holly took the elevator down and checked in at Attendee Registration, making sure that the badges correctly reflected the options that attendees had selected. She greeted several of them and saw Andrew and Maggie speaking to separate groups of attendees, shaking hands and smiling, looking relaxed. She visited each breakout room and checked each for seating, tables, signage, audio visual and literature. Andrea seemed to have done the same sweep before her as she found only very minor things which she rectified herself. As she came out of Breakout Room 1 she saw Sean coming towards her. She breathed in deeply and nodded at him.

  “I need a word Sean, let’s go in here,” said Holly, opening the door to the room again and leaving it wide open. They sat three chairs apart and Holly placed her laptop between them which, she noted with some surprise, was exactly where Maggie had eaten her pussy a few hours earlier.

  “Sean, we worked through the night to fix the PDS. It was a major mistake and was avoidable.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry was what you should have said at seven last night when I called you.” He said nothing and swallowed hard. “If we hadn’t been able to get a replacement system then Millsum would certainly have lost the Blockchain account, quite possibly others. You can imagine the hit the firm’s reputation would have taken and how difficult that would have made getting new business.”

  “I know.”

  “Sean, I don’t know what your agenda is but it’s not the same as the rest of this team. We have ten people down here all working to make sure that our client has a fabulous event. And then there’s you.” He nodded again and said nothing. “I expect you to work with us all for the next three days. We can meet with Lloyd next week and discuss what needs to be done to help you contribute as effectively as possible, OK?”


  “Allright, could you make a last check for the keynote technology? Have you logged in to the wired connection and made sure of internet connectivity?”

  “Er, yes, I think so.”

  “OK, check it again, emulate the keynote and work with the production manager to make sure they know the order of presentations and speakers for the morning. I’ll see you later.”

  She nodded at him and he left the room. She gathered her things and muttered ‘bastard’ under her breath as she headed for the hotel lobby to check signage. At five o’clock Holly held a final team meeting in the main hall where the keynote would be held in the morning. They ran through everything on the agenda from their previous meeting and then went through any outstanding issues, new requests and any thoughts individual members had to make the event even better. At the end of the meeting she took a team photo on her phone and had one of the production staff take one with her in it as well. Just before they dispersed she relayed the comments that Lloyd had received from the CEO and without mentioning that the PDS had triggered those comments, she said that their hard work and attention to detail had been noticed at the highest levels. There were smiles all round and whoops of joy except from Sean who simply nodded and looked at nobody.

  She walked down to the Attendee Reception desk and checked in with the single staffer who was manning the position. She said business was quiet yet anyone who came by was served and on their way within about two minutes as long as they had registered online beforehand. She checked her watch, realising it was only ten minutes since she had last looked so she headed for the little coffee shop and bought an espresso and a tiny cake which she ate while she emailed Ricky all her news for the day. She wondered if his father had told him about the call from the Johnsons and presumed he had not yet had time to do so, if he would at all. She didn’t tell him about the Bahamas, nor about Maggie’s visit later. She checked her watch and saw it was almost seven. In two hours she would sort of cheat on him again even though Maggie had said it was the final payment for her work. She ran through some words that she might use when she next saw him to explain what happened, her thoughts and reasoning, her deeds and her need for his absolution.

  She jumped. Two hours? She finished her coffee and tried to prioritize what she needed to do before she saw Maggie. Shower, get changed, select clothes, have dinner, think about where they would be in her suite. Damn. She headed for the restaurant and had a quick Caesar chicken salad and a glass of white wine. She did a lightning tour of the main hall, Speaker Ready room and reception area then headed upstairs just before eight. She stripped out of her clothes and stuffed them in her suitcase, then laid out the blue summer dress and simple white underwear which would give her a very girly look. She pulled her gown around her and walked out into the lounge area, looking at the conference table, the sofa and TV area, the bar and kitchen. She sat on the sofa and undid her gown, parting her legs to see what she might look like to Maggie. She put one leg up on the arm and her palm over her pussy, groaning not from the touch but from the wetness that she immediately felt. She couldn’t remember having this problem until she met Ricky, and now with Maggie it seemed to be ten times worse. White underwear was probably her only choice and she would have to leave her knickers off until the last minute.

  The balcony was still an interesting place and sitting in one of the chairs confirmed to her that she wasn’t visible to anyone unless they were on one or two rooftops in the distance even when she pulled the chair close to the railings and spread her legs. The kitchen wasn’t interesting at all and the TV area included the sofa which left the conference or dining area, which they had played in earlier that day in Maggie’s suite. If she had to choose then the balcony would be her number one choice, then the bedroom.

  Back in the master bedroom she smoothed the sheets down, fluffed the pillows and made sure the bathroom was spotless. She showered in the bathroom adjoining the second bedroom then dried her hair and got dressed but left her knickers off until eight fifty-nine. But nine o’clock came and went and her level of anxiety and excitement slowly turned into simple anxiety. She wondered if Maggie would text her to say she had to cancel, or maybe she had forgotten and they would have an awkward exchange in the morning, but then she felt sure that Andrew would remind her if she thought about staying with him this evening.

  The text arrived at nine twenty two: Sry Hol, long day. Meet me in Alexandria bar. XX Her heart thumped. Kisses at the end of the message! She hiked up her dress and tested her knickers, delighted but mystified to feel completely dry. She double checked that she had her room key then took the elevator down, thinking as she descended that Maggie had remembered their date, that she was almost certainly going to stay the night with her and that her final payment to Maggie would be wrapped in a blue dress and white underwear.

  The Johnsons were at a large table which was littered with wine glasses and a few hal
f-finished shots. Andrew stood as she came up to their table and kissed her cheek. Maggie did the same and patted the seat next to her. Holly was surprised to see Maggie in a black cocktail dress and wondered if her own, more casual clothing, was out of place. The simple string of pearls around Maggie’s neck elevated her to a new level of elegance.

  “What would you like to drink, Holly?” asked Andrew. She requested a white wine and he went dutifully to the bar.

  “Long dinner, sorry Hol. Chinese team don’t speak much English and we don’t speak any Chinese at all.”

  “Lots of sign language then.”

  “Yeah. Two and a half hours of it, but it’s business and they’re increasingly important to us.”

  “No problem, I got some work done.”

  “How’s it looking? Attendee Reception seemed to be moving smoothly.”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t find any problems on my last walk-though.”

  Maggie patted her hand and looked around the room. Her hand slid down to Holly’s dress and pulled discretely so she could touch her skin. Holly gasped and looked around for voyeurs.

  “What, don’t tell me you forgot your underwear again?” Andrew returned and placed her wine on a mat in front of her. “Hey babe, Holly’s forgotten her knickers again!” But Maggie laughed and he could see it was a joke.

  “OK, I’m going to go upstairs and get some rest. Another long, actually, longer day tomorrow.”

  “OK, babe!” said Maggie, kissing him. “Tomorrow’s going to be great!”

  Andrew took Holly’s hand and kissed it. “Thank you again Holly, and look after each other!” he said as he turned and left.

  “Phew, sorry again Hol but I just need to unwind. The two and a half hours was non-stop concentration, second-guessing, business planning and idea exchange.”

  “It’s fine, honest.”

  Maggie sipped her wine and glanced at Holly. “So, what colour are your knickers?” Holly burst out laughing, loving the way she could ask such personal questions with a straight face.


  “Oh, virgin white.”

  “Yup, I suppose they are.” They sat silently for a short while, watching the crowd but ignoring the guys who kept finding something to interest them in their direction.



  “I’ve been counting the hours,” said Maggie quietly, looking down into her wine. “Ever since you went back to your suite. Fourteen hours so far.”

  Holly was shocked but thrilled. “Oh Maggie!” she whispered, gently touching her hand. She could see the swell of her breasts beneath her black dress and the half orbs which were on display where the neck plunged elegantly. She could imagine the smell of her skin and hair if she reached around her neck and undid the clasp on the pearls. She knew what her nipples looked like, how they would feel if she touched them at that moment. Even though her cute bottom was pressed against the leather banquette she knew how each buttock would feel if she squeezed them, how warm it would be between her legs, the smoothness of her thighs, the shape of the muscles in her legs, her little toes. She leaned and whispered to her. “Can you hear my heart?”

  Maggie looked up at her and sighed happily. “Oh Hol!”

  “I want to take you to bed.”

  Maggie nodded, finished her drink, grabbed her bag and they left.

  They were joined by three other people on their way up to the twenty-second floor with the last old lady getting off on the eighteenth floor. As they doors hissed shut Holly turned to Maggie and pulled her close, gazing into her eyes and just as she moved to kiss her the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Neither girl said anything but Holly’s heart was pounding in her chest as they walked hand in hand to her suite. The entrance was lit only by a small lamp standing on an ornate table and Holly had set the rest of the lights down low to make it easier to remove clothes in any room. Music from a channel on the TV was playing all through the main space and Holly confirmed that her preparations had been perfect.

  She led Maggie away from the bedrooms and into the dining area, through the lounge and into the kitchen. There was no mood lighting in the kitchen and the purely functional overhead lights blazed down on them. She fussed around at the work surface with a couple of cups and the coffee maker which she used for boiling water. She popped a tea bag into each mug and unwrapped the little wooden stirrers. Although she was looking at the tea brewing she was mainly tuned to Maggie behind her, listening for movements and sensing body language. She had no idea what she would do after adding milk. Maybe they would just stand in the kitchen sipping tea and smiling at each other but for whatever reason she had already blown Plan A of taking her to the balcony and tea in the kitchen hadn’t been even considered. She pulled the little tab on the milk and it was then that she heard a rustle of clothing, a footstep from behind and felt little fingers pull her hair away from her neck then warm breath around her ear. She dropped the milk and slowly leaned back against Maggie, delighted to feel her hands on her waist. She locked her fingers with Maggie’s then pulled them around into a cuddle.

  She closed her eyes and absorbed the warmth and affection. Their romantic evening had started and she knew that they were more than good friends now, past the exploratory stage and she thought that if she had to describe their relationship, albeit only a day long, then Maggie was her lover. It sounded so daring, something that needed to be hidden. But Andrew knew about it and approved for one night and Ricky would approve if she chose the right moment. She poured the milk, stirred and turned to kiss Maggie while flicking off the light switch. They took their tea through to the sofa and placed the mugs on the coffee table, then sat with Holly at the corner where she had been so very miserable and Maggie leaning back against her, feet curled up on the cushions. The tea was forgotten, simply a first item to share that led them to the sofa. Maggie’s head felt warm against her chest and Holly brushed the girl’s hair slowly with her fingers. Maggie relaxed quickly and put her arm around Holly’s waist, sighing with pleasure. She touched her cheeks, soft and warm and felt the dimples when she smiled from the attention. The music was slow, lilting and made her think of a far-away island on a misty morning, simply waiting there in the dawning light to be explored. She could see down the front of Maggie’s black dress, the lace of her half-bra, the cleavage of her breasts pressed close together. She knew that she had worn it for her, not for the Chinese entourage but was happy with her own choice of the blue summer dress which was comfortable and made the contents underneath more of a surprise.

  Her fingers ran along Maggie’s jawbone as she gently kissed the top of her head. They were breathing together now, relaxed and so very comfortable. Her heart beat felt normal and she knew that Maggie would be able to hear it with her ear right against her chest. She kissed her head again and Maggie moved slightly, releasing warmth and tightening the material over her buttocks as she bent her leg. The song changed and Holly decided that she could hold out no longer. With two fingers she touched Maggie’s chin, turning her face up towards her. She watched as her eyelids fluttered closed on her beautiful face, leaned slightly closer and kissed her lips. That was all she wanted to do, no caressing, no tongue, just a simple, beautiful and meaningful kiss on the lips. She looked into her eyes and saw the smile, the parted lips and the longing. She kissed her again so very slowly, experiencing once again the feeling she could never get enough of, those soft warm lips against hers, imparting the love of a sensuous girl. Maggie sensed it too, sighing from within as they kissed again, never rushing but simply relishing the feeling of the other without the need to progress to the next stage. But even though Holly knew she could have kissed her all night there was a growing part of her which said that there was much more to the night to discover and they had a very important day on Tuesday. She pressed her lips a little harder and caressed her shoulder. Maggie’s hand touched Holly’s cheek gently as their kiss became more passionate and Holly guided Maggie so that she lay between her legs, sq
uashing her dress as her hip pressed against her sex.

  Maggie’s breast was firm, the warm feel of her silky dress almost identical to that of her flesh above. Holly ran her hand over the mounds gently as she kissed her, sensing an urgency in Maggie as she responded, pulling Holly tighter into their embrace. She reached behind Maggie and tugged at her zip, pulling it half-way down her back and leaving it up to her to pull it over her head or push it down over her hips. Holly let go of her as Maggie wriggled the dress down over her buttocks and feet. She folded it then placed it over the other arm of the sofa, arranging it carefully as Holly watched in fascination. Her little buttocks were clad in silky black knickers and her black stockings and shoes gave her the appearance of a petite, athletic model. She turned, grinning at Holly and she felt a rush of desire shoot through her as Maggie knelt before her, gazing at her face then down to the darkness between her legs and the dark blue dress. She took one final look at Maggie and her toned legs, the gap where her pussy most surely was waiting, the flat of her stomach and those breasts again, pushed up and together by the matching bra. She swallowed then lay back against the sofa arm and closed her eyes as she felt the girl’s hands on her knees, then her legs and inner thighs, pushing them apart so that the dress rode up as Maggie’s face approached.

  The kisses on the insides of her knees excited her but they were only a prelude to the removal of her shoes and a wonderful massage of her feet. Maggie squeezed her feet gently, then took them in her hands and pulled them up to her breasts, making Holly giggle with delight as she felt the silky texture of Maggie’s bra on her toes and the warmth of her skin on her soles. Maggie kissed her toes briefly before pushing down on her feet, opening her and revealing her little white knickers. Holly knew with certainty that she was wet but they were past that stage of it being a problem or even something to comment about. It was how she worked, her natural reaction and she was powerless to control it. Little pecks tugged at the skin of her thighs, moving slowly towards her. Maggie brushed her face against the smooth, hairless skin of Holly’s thighs and as she moved closer to her goal she found that the air became warmer and the white of Holly’s knickers acted as a beacon. Holly exhaled, threw her skirt over Maggie’s head and leaned back again, legs wide apart, knowing that it was another first to have someone buried under her dress and intent on licking her until she begged for mercy.


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