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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 14

by Jodie Halliday

  With a flash of inspiration she leaned forward and kissed Maggie’s inner thigh half way along and then pulled her legs closed, trapping her head. Her heart thudded as she knew she was right, the feeling of the girl’s soft skin against her face was utterly amazing and she luxuriated in it as she moved very slowly backwards and forwards, feeling the warmth and delicacy of the feeling, knowing it was never something that she would do with Ricky. From there it was a slow, delicate journey of little kisses into the heat of her sex and up above her clit and the area she had just shaved. It was then that it dawned on her that she knew exactly what she needed to do. There was very little experimenting required as there would have been with a man. This was second nature to her and she simply had to make love to Maggie as she would want to be loved.

  Holly licked gently, kissing occasionally as she sensed Maggie’s level of arousal. Parting her legs again she descended down, kissing very lightly over her outer lips and hinting at her anus with a lick as low as she could go. Maggie tensed and Holly knew that she would definitely be back to tease her there once she had her on the way to orgasm. She licked very slowly up from her vagina and over her inner lips, her tongue stiff and targeted, short dabs and flicks producing an occasional groan from Maggie and it was then that Holly sighed with utter delight and Maggie’s taste flowed onto her tongue. She rubbed it around the roof of her mouth, spreading it as wide as she could as she lapped again and the sense of home, comfort and friendship washed over her. She swallowed and pushed her tongue into Maggie’s warm vagina, teasing the folds of skin that made up the outer lips then dabbing at her clit. Another groan came from above and Holly wet her thumb and very gently placed it above Maggie’s clit before licking her again, probing, teasing and seeking out that rich liquid reward.

  She very slowly touched Maggie’s vagina with her middle finger, teasing the entrance and announcing her intention before pushing in an inch, then another while kissing her thighs. It felt so very warm in there, inviting and identical to her own pussy. Again she knew what to do and pushed in deeper but slowly, not wanting to make her anxious. Maggie groaned again and began breathing harder as Holly pulled her finger out then pushed in again, twisting very slightly to add variety and a little of the unknown. With each stroke Maggie became more vocal and more mobile, shifting slightly in time with her fingers. Holly pulled her fingers out and licked her vagina, probing as deep as she could while she slipped her fingers between her own legs and touched her pussy. She was rewarded with thick, cream-covered fingers which she brought up to Maggie’s clit which she gently circled then pushed them back into her pussy. Her thumb began to work her clit with slow, gentle circles as a second finger pushed into her and started a regular stroking movement deep inside her. Holly grabbed Maggie’s right foot and placed it up on the railing, pulling her toward her, making her slip lower in the seat and expose her anus. Maggie got the message and put her left foot on the railing then grabbed her breasts and squeezed them. Holly felt little contractions inside Maggie’s pussy and moved her thumb off her clit so that she could use her tongue on it. Maggie groaned and the ripples of pleasure continued, then doubled as Holly ran her nail across the girl’s anus.

  “Ah fuck!” cried Maggie as her head banged against the seat back.

  Holly could taste the mixture of her own sex and Maggie’s as she licked her clit, lapping at the slick skin, flicking at the exposed nub. Maggie was shaking now, breathing hard and as Holly touched her anus again she could feel it pulse against her finger. She used her thumb again over her clit and varied her finger shapes inside her pussy as Maggie dug her nails into her breasts and gasped.

  “Hol, oh fuck!”

  Holly could feel strong, pulsing contractions inside her pussy and teased her anus once again. Maggie just whimpered and shook and then screamed as Holly pressed a little harder on her clit, circling it with her thumb and their juices.

  “Baby!” she screamed and Holly pushed her thumb deep into her anus, trying to hold her steady so that she didn’t slip off the chair. She shook crazily and two hot strong jets of liquid hit Holly on the chest. She continued pumping into the now tight tunnel of her pussy but relaxed a little over her clit as Maggie finally exhaled. Holly waited for a couple of seconds then pulled her fingers almost all the way out and her thumb, then pressed everything back in, hard and deep which made Maggie cry out, struggle and laugh as she rode the wave of her orgasm and with her cries announced it to downtown Atlanta. She calmed down very slowly, twitching and gasping for almost a minute and then crying out as Holly pulled her thumb out of her and let her fingers rest at the entrance to her pussy before pulling them out too. She placed the palm of her hand gently over Maggie’s pussy and left it there, watching the girl’s fingers slowly release her breasts to reveal the light marks which remained from her nails.

  Holly turned out the lights and once Maggie had joined her in the bedroom she turned on a bedside light, set the alarm and got into bed. They cuddled for a while then kissed slowly, winding down from a busy day.

  “Mags, thank you. This was everything I had dreamed of and then more.” She kissed Maggie gently on the lips and touched her happy face.

  “Oh Hol, you angel! And at one point I thought I would lose you, that it would never happen!”

  They lay in each other’s arms, feeling the warmth as they snuggled down into the pillows.

  “Oh, Mags, I forgot to thank you for calling John Millsum. That was so sweet of you!”

  “You’re welcome, I didn’t know that you knew.”

  “Lloyd told me.”

  “John’s a good guy, Hol. He looks after his staff but he won’t stand for fools.”

  Holly kissed her, not really wanting to talk about work, or most likely Sean, after she had just enjoyed the second most romantic night of her life. She turned off the light.

  “Night night Hol”

  “Night” replied Holly, thinking that her first night with Ricky was unlikely to be equaled ever and had been the catalyst for all her discoveries since then.

  Both girls slept soundly but it was Maggie who woke first and reached out to Holly. She checked the time on the clock then kissed her neck, stealing ten minutes of her sleep for her personalized wake-up call. She spooned into her and wrapped her arms around her waist, kissing her neck as she felt her come alive.

  “Oh wow, this is so wonderful. I could get very used to this Mags.”

  “Morning Hol”

  Holly turned over to face Maggie and opened her eyes, grinning in the morning light at her lover. She touched her face and kissed her lips. “Morning babe!” She was so tempted to make love to her but they had a very busy day and the first day was always the worst as attendees arrived unprepared, or without their credentials, passwords and many other things they had simply lost. She bit her lip, trying to work out what the next few days might bring and whether this was the last time they would be together. Maggie seemed to be going through the same thought process as she nodded slightly and pushed the covers back. Holly grinned as Maggie walked to the door, her little bottom twitching above her shapely legs then got up herself, energized and ready for a great day. With mixed emotions she watched as Maggie slipped into the little black dress, put her heels on then quietly went down the corridor with her underwear in her hand to her own suite.

  Chapter 10

  Holly stood at the back of the hall and watched attentively as the seconds counted down to the first keynote speech. Stirring rock music was blaring out around the room and the mood at eight-thirty on that Tuesday morning was almost festive. Attendees continued to swarm in as the three minute video came to an end and the lights came up on the stage. She heard a producer whisper ‘Five seconds’ behind her and she checked her watch. “Here we go” she said into her walkie-talkie. The fanfare started up and the keynote speaker strode out onto the stage, smiling and waving. His first slide appeared on the two huge screens on the stage and on each of the hanging screens above the audience. She breathed a sigh
of relief, knowing that his final content had only been finished five minutes ago and he to run to the back of the stage to make it in time. The presenter shouted out his thanks to the audience and now all elements looked to be fully functional. “All looks good, nice job everyone,” she said. She stayed for ten minutes, took a few pictures then left the hall as the man began a discourse on hash algorithms for Blockchain historical data.

  She walked purposefully over to the Registration desk and checked in with the team there of five people. There was a queue of seven or eight attendees waiting but as she watched they got served at a rate of one person every fifteen seconds and that, she felt, was acceptable, especially as it was clear to anyone waiting that the queue was moving quickly. She looked at the management console for registration and noted some numbers, then texted a summary of registration count versus actual attendance to Andrew and then spent the remainder of the day walking the floor and attending to small issues which cropped up. She saw Maggie only briefly but long enough to sense her delight at both the event and the previous night.

  That evening she had dinner with three members of her team and deflected a couple of questions about the PDS issue and Sean’s responsibility. They had been on the Millsum team for about five years and knew exactly what was expected of each team member. Sean himself had hung around in the main hall with the technical crew which meant he didn’t have to interact with the Millsum team quite so much, and he was nowhere to be seen at meal times. This behavior annoyed Holly and added to her impression of him as someone who had mentally left the team. She hit the gym at eight-thirty and ran a 5k in 24:34. It wasn’t her best but it felt great to be hot and sweaty. Before bed she summarized attendance at each of the breakout sessions for Andrew and Maggie and emailed them the data.

  Wednesday and Thursday were a repeat of the first day although she managed to catch sight of Andrew and Maggie more frequently as they sat with groups of attendees in the social areas or chatted to the reps from the sponsors over by the literature racks.

  As the final session came to a close on Thursday night and the majority of attendees had already left for the airport, Andrew texted Holly to request a short meeting with the Millsum team to say thank you. She was in her suite, packing for her departure after lunch the following day, and was fairly sure the Johnson’s had a similar schedule. She had thought about dinner with them that evening but didn’t want that to look like a suggestion to get together for a romp afterwards. The Bahamas trip had ended and Holly thought it was far better to end it quietly with happy memories than schedule an encore performance. She would try to find a quiet moment to say goodbye to Maggie and leave open the possibility of meeting again the following year for the site review in July. Her thoughts turned to Ricky who she would see on Saturday, the first time in just over a month and far too long. They would almost certainly spend the weekend at the corporate apartment which would be the better setting for the tales of misery and delight that she knew she had to tell him about.

  Her team had gathered in the Speaker Read room which was otherwise deserted. Maggie was already there and beckoned Holly to join her behind the big Reception desk.

  “Hey, this is the management console. Look, here are all the presentations, attendance data, timing. It’s all downloadable in XML format.”

  Holly looked and saw that the screen did indeed display some very useful data. “Not sure if I can use it though.”

  “Yeah, you can, drop the file on a flash drive and import it into Excel.” Holly nodded then looked up at her team, assembled the other side of the desk, chatting and laughing. She decided that after Andrew had addressed the team that she would use the opportunity to say goodbye to them both and thank them for their help and understanding. “You ought to get someone on your team familiar with this unit, it holds great data.” At that point Andrew walked into the room, smiling and greeting those closest to the door. The room fell silent as he stood where everyone could see him. Holly and Maggie remained behind the Reception desk and smiled at him.

  “Thank you all for coming at such short notice. I just wanted to have everyone from Millsum in the room so we could say a huge thank you to you all. As you know, we put on this conference every year and for the past five years it has been here in Atlanta. But Maggie and I have to say that this year has represented by far the greatest value to us as a company.” He smiled and there were some happy comments from the team. “For us, the event is an opportunity to meet the attendees, talk to companies and develop ideas that we can work on, with others, to generate new products. Usually this event is a stressful time because we seem to spend far too much of our time fixing problems rather than developing relationships.”

  Holly breathed in sharply as she felt fingers touch her right hand and closed her eyes briefly when she realised that the touch wasn’t accidental.

  “This year we spent almost all our time with our attendees, working with them and introducing one team to another whenever we saw opportunity.”

  The fingers traced her own, up and down, softly and slowly. Holly’s skin prickled, her heart beat quickened as she wondered if the finger was meant to represent a tongue.

  “This year we’ve been able to relax, knowing that you folks have our best interests at heart, and more importantly, you’re out there looking for problems before they become major incidents.”

  Maggie’s finger traced little circles around her palm and after the third circuit Holly captured the finger and held on to it.

  “Many people came up to me as they were leaving to thank me and say how valuable they had found the event. Their comments almost always contained praise for you folks and they fully expected you to be part of Blockchain Banking and not a separate firm.”

  The fingers laced into hers and she held Maggie’s hand like lovers all over the world. She held it tightly, partly to stop herself from falling over with giddiness.

  “So, again, we thank you and hope to see you all next year! Have a very safe journey back home, and thanks again!”

  Holly let go of Maggie and clapped with everyone else. It appeared that no other client had ever bothered to thank the Millsum staff and her team was genuinely grateful. Andrew waved to them all and went out after which her team filtered out too, fanning out to the various rooms to prepare to strike the equipment and signage.

  Holly could hear her breathing in the silence of the room and stared at the console again. She swallowed hard and placed a hand on the desk for support.

  Maggie took her hand again. “Dinner?”

  She just couldn’t do this, she had already decided that it had ended and Maggie’s proposition of dinner wasn’t a good idea. She wanted Ricky, her dependable, handsome boy who she had almost lost, who had flown five thousand miles to see her for just a single day. There was always next year too when she and Maggie might meet again. The little fingers wrapped around hers were warm, delicate and very feminine, waiting and she swallowed again as she turned to look into Maggie’s eyes.

  “My place. Eight. Room Service.” She squeezed Maggie’s hand and walked out of the room, short of breath and wondering why her legs felt like she had run a marathon. Just one more night, that was all and it would just be nice to wake up next to her again. There really didn’t need to be anything more than a cuddle and a peaceful night in the same bed together, so she knew it was the right way to say goodbye. It would be just two girls, like a girl’s night out: food, some music, laughs, TV and then sleep.

  She had blurted out the ‘my place’ part without thinking but probably, she thought, as a result of their wonderful night together previously. Holly considered it the right place though and was pleased she had suggested it as it inferred that it was Maggie only and didn’t include Andrew. He was a wonderful guy but for Holly, the ‘older man’ and huge cock weren’t things that attracted her to a man. She had thought on several occasions since that Monday morning that she had dodged a mortar round when she had sex with him and didn’t want to run the risk of bei
ng torn up inside when she was a two days away from seeing the love of her life.

  Holly busied herself around the event halls but her team knew what to do and by six-thirty there was no need to stay. The whole gang would be leaving the following morning although Holly would be the last to leave. Her final duty in Atlanta would be to conduct an invoice review with hotel and conference management to run through the billing and agree or disagree on any items. It wouldn’t contain all the detail but it should, by tomorrow lunchtime, be directionally correct. She looked at her watch and saw it was six thirty-five. She knew she was doing nothing useful down there and grabbed a coffee from the little shop and went back to her suite.

  She dropped her laptop off by the desk and walked back into the master bedroom. She was delighted to see her dry cleaning laid out on the bed. Her Dior underwear, two skirts, the blue dress and two matching sets of normal underwear were very neatly arranged in see-though packages. Even her sportswear had been laundered and packaged, far better treatment than it would have got back home. They looked so nice that it seemed a shame to open any of them and she would dearly have liked to simply pack them all and take them back to Witney.

  Back in the lounge she dialed room service and ordered a fresh salmon and shrimp salad for two with a fruit platter for desert. She was about to ring off when she added a half bottle of champagne and delivery at eight. She stared at the wall, thinking that the drink might be useful if they got thirsty. She went back into the master bedroom but by the time she got there she had forgotten what she wanted, so went back into the lounge and selected the music channel on the TV system then flopped down on the sofa. She kicked off her shoes and decided she would wear them again tonight. In her view heels looked smart and she wanted to look professional for her client and leave a good final impression. Perhaps that was a better plan, simply have dinner, chat and say goodbye to Maggie and get to sleep at a reasonable hour. After all, she hadn’t mentioned staying overnight, just dinner at eight.


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