Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 15

by Jodie Halliday

  Holly went back into the bedroom. It was seven and time to get ready. She stripped and hid all her clothes in a drawer, noting a slight stickiness in her knickers which surprised her. She picked out something new for the evening, a black dress which had a surplice neckline, three-quarter length sleeves and a draped shape after the tight waist. She wasn’t sure why she had even brought it along but she hadn’t worn it for a long time and it was smart. Her stockings would be her usual black with elasticated tops that left a little of her thighs exposed. She picked the Dior underwear but then wondered why. Her only thought was that she had been wearing it when Maggie first touched her pussy, that night of heaven and hell. She felt her pussy with the palm of her hand and noted a little growth for the first time. Four days, she thought, so that sounded reasonable. She ran into the bathroom and was relieved to see the one remaining razor beside the bath along with the shaving foam. Holly turned the shower on and placed the foam and razor just inside. She ran back to the bedroom and checked the clock which showed seven twelve.

  She showered and was pleased with herself to discover that shaving was actually very simple if she took her time. She had rinsed off and was wrapped in a towel by seven twenty-five. Her make-up took fifteen minutes and after getting dressed and cleaning up she had four minutes to spare. Room service knocked at two minutes past eight and as they were wheeling the food in, Maggie arrived, smiling and looking delightful in a dress that was similarly elegant and heels on her feet. They watched him set up the food in the dining area then Holly tipped the room service man and closed the door. She breathed in deeply then went back into the dining area and saw Maggie with her back to her, staring out the window. She faltered in the doorway, simply staring at her. Her legs were stunning, as was the shape of her buttocks in the dress. Her waist was thin but her body tapered out to her shoulders and her short hair shone in the overhead light. Holly knew how it felt when she ran her fingers through that hair or grabbed it and tugged it. How her breasts felt in her hands, the warmth of her skin, the firmness of her thighs. She smiled and decided she would invite her to eat. During the ten steps to the window she changed her mind as many times. She could guide her to the table, touch her arm or stand next to her and look at the view. But on the final step she simply leaned forward, rested her hands on Maggie’s shoulders and kissed her very gently just below the ear. With that embrace she knew that all her reasoning since the moment Maggie held her hand hadn’t been true to her heart at all. Maggie took her hands from her shoulders and brought them to her breasts and sighed quietly. The dress was very elegant but what it held inside was truly beautiful to Holly. She kissed her again on the neck and turned her.

  “You look stunning.” She had wanted to tell her the second she saw her behind the room service man but it wasn’t the right moment.

  “You too, Hol. Fabulous, so pretty.”

  Holly kissed her lips and led her to the table where they served themselves from the salad and Maggie opened the champagne.

  They raised their glasses. “Here’s to an incredible event,” said Maggie.

  Holly smiled at her, watching her glass as it moved closer to her luscious lips. “To an incredible, life-changing event!” said Holly, clinking her glass. Holly sipped the champagne and loved how it mixed with the taste of the salmon but wondered, as they looked at each other, quite how much of the food they were going to eat before the need for each other became too strong. She sensed, though, a reserve between them, an understanding that they could of course just eat and relax and that their loving could be limited to kisses and cuddles. Once again Holly became acutely aware of Maggie’s presence, her hands, her legs and every little graceful movement as she sought answers to the questions rushing around her head.

  Room Service had done a very good job laying out the food. The fruit platter looked large enough to feed a family and was complete with little sponges and a jug of cream. The salad was far more than they needed as well and Holly wondered if she could somehow wrap it up and get it back home the following day.

  They chatted happily about the event but Holly knew that the conversation was only filling the silence which existed despite the music. Her plate had two shrimps left and a small mound of green salad. She cut a shrimp in half and with her fingers dipped it in parmesan garlic sauce then turned to Maggie.

  “For you,” said Holly as she steered the shrimp to Maggie’s lips. Very slowly, Maggie closed her eyes and Holly touched the shrimp against her lips. As it entered her mouth a dribble of sauce dripped down her chin which Holly wiped carefully with her finger. She watched as Maggie swallowed the little piece of fish then placed her finger against her lips. Maggie giggled then slowly licked it clean before taking hold of Holly’s hand and sucking on her finger.

  “Oh god,” said Holly at the sensuous feeling. She stared at Maggie who seemed to be in a dream as she gently sucked. Maggie uncrossed her legs, gazed back at Holly then leaned over the table to the fruit platter. She stabbed a small piece of melon with a fork, dipped it in thick cream and offered to Holly. Before Holly could take it in her mouth Maggie wiped the creamy cube of fruit over Holly’s lips then pushed it gently into her mouth. She put the fork down on the table, stood and pulled Holly’s hair down to tilt her head back. With a devilish grin she licked Holly’s lips, lapping the cream off her from one end of her smile to the other.

  “Fuck, you’re such a bad influence on me Mags!” said Holly, swallowing her mouthful of melon. She pulled Maggie onto her lap and kissed her as she reached for the zip to her dress. It slipped down over her arms and pooled around her waist revealing her bra and breasts. Rather than cupping them though, Holly flicked the catch to her bra, grabbed it and threw it across the room. “Stand up!” she commanded, and Maggie wriggled against her then stood facing away from her. Holly pulled her dress down and kicked it under the table, then pushed her hand between Maggie’s legs, feeling the dampness of her knickers. She flipped her round and pushed her onto the table, forcing her to lean back alongside the fruit platter.

  Holly dearly wanted to taste her again but decided that they both felt a little playful. She dipped two halves of a grape in cream and pushed Maggie flat on the table with her shoulder squashing some of the cherries. Holly placed a half grape over each nipple and laughed at the sight.

  “Jeeze Hol, you watch too much porn!”

  She coated raspberries and small sections of strawberries in the thick cream and placed them in a line down toward Maggie’s black underwear, laughing at the scene but at the same time fascinated by Maggie’s reaction and the way the cream created a small, slow trail from each piece of fruit. Finally, she took two creamy cherries and dropped them inside Maggie’s knickers, laughing hard at the crazy things they were doing together. She stood on her chair so that Maggie could see and carefully, slowly removed her dress, stripping for her as the pale grey material opened to reveal her body and the pale yellow Dior underwear. She jumped down and hung it over the arm of another chair then got onto the table and straddled Maggie. Starting at her nipples she took each piece of fruit in her lips and lapped at the little creamy trail underneath. The raspberry pieces were difficult to catch as they rolled easily, while the strawberry slices stuck to Maggie’s skin and needed extra sucking, which delighted them both.

  Holly held Maggie’s gaze as she pulled the black knickers to one side and teased out a cherry. It had squashed a little and her tongue licked along the inner lips, finding little pieces of fruit up and down her pussy. The raspberry taste was sharp but mellowed a little by the juices that seemed to be flowing far more freely than last time. She pulled a little more and found the second raspberry just below her clit. She pushed Maggie’s knickers against it and squashed it almost flat, then ate it, grinning madly at the crazy experience. Holly was fairly sure that Maggie’s knickers still had fruit in them somewhere so she pulled them off and with a happy laugh she tossed them over her shoulder. Maggie slid off the table, swapped places with Holly and pulled her bra off h
er without bothering with the catch. She pushed her up and over the table so that her back rested on what remained of the fruit platter. Holly laughed, not really caring that her back was now stained with clumps of fruit.

  “Lift your bum Hol,” said Maggie, tugging at her knickers. Holly leaned up on the elbows then lifted her bottom, so pleased to see the look of lust and even wonder on Maggie’s face as she knelt down between her legs and pulled her knickers down over her ankles. “Oh wow, you shaved again.” said Maggie as she touched her smooth skin.

  “So did you, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, just before I came round,” she said, feeling up and down the smooth folds of her pussy.

  Holly giggled. “Me too!”

  “Open wider,” said Maggie, gently pushing down on the inside of her thighs. She then reached for the cream jug and positioned it just below Holly’s navel.

  “Oh you dirty bitch!” cried Holly as a thin stream of cream slowly tipped onto her skin. Maggie moved the jug around in a gentle circle, creating small white rivulets which spread slowly down over the soft, smooth plateau of her lower stomach before cascading either side of her fully-aroused pussy. Maggie laughed at Holly’s indignation which she could tell was really something closer to rapture as she widened her legs and watched with bated breath as the cream then dripped onto her clit. It had now pooled onto the table and formed a slippery seal between Holly’s buttocks and the shiny mahogany veneer. Maggie put the jug down and leaned towards Holly’s white and pink pussy.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this!” she said quietly, licking an inch or two above her clit. As her tongue curled and the cream was scooped up into Maggie’s mouth Holly watched for a couple of seconds until the feeling overcame her and she lay back down gently onto the table, groaning. She could feel the movement of Maggie’s tongue but not the surface of it as the cream coated everything, delivering a total sense of liquid smoothness without even a hint of friction. The feeling was one of utter and complete lubrication, thick, pervasive and so very sensual. As Maggie poked her tongue between the folds of her lips she could only breath harder and wonder how on earth the feeling coming from her pussy could get any richer, or even how much harder her heart could beat without bursting.

  She felt a finger join in the exploration with Maggie’s tongue, probing her pussy then pushing slightly inside. As the finger slid in easily, Maggie gently licked around her clit, probing is and pushing the little hood up to allow the nub to join in the creamy celebration. Holly reached out either side, trying to grip something solid as she began to writhe around on the table. Maggie’s face seemed to slide effortlessly over her pussy and the finger slipped out down towards her anus then below, scooping up cream from the tabletop and pushing it into her tight butt.

  “This is what I want each morning, Hol! Cream in my coffee from here,” she said as her tongue returned to her vagina and lapped firmly.

  “Please Mags,” she said as the feeling of a luxurious bath in whipping cream slowly turned to something a little stickier and less exciting.

  Maggie sensed it too and after a final lick she withdrew her finger and kissed Holly’s thigh and she gradually sat up and then pulled Maggie close to her. With her arms round her she kissed her lips briefly then lay her head on her shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of the girl that brought back memories of passion, loving and cuddles.

  “Mags, let’s clean up in the bath then go to bed, eh?”

  “OK, House Keeping will have to deal with this tomorrow.”

  “Let’s mop some up, make it look like we spilled it or something,” suggested Holly. She grabbed some tissues and quickly wiped the fruit and cream into a pile then pursed her lips. “That’ll have to do for now.”

  Holly followed Maggie into the bathroom, fascinated by the feeling of the cream as it continued to drip down her legs. Her pussy seemed to still be flooded with the rich lubricant but after a few more steps it became annoying and once she got to the bathroom she wiped off the worst of it with a wet, warm flannel. She giggled at what they had just done, new territory for them both and wondered what her mother would think of her only daughter away on her first business assignment.

  Dear Mum, trip is going well and conference has just ended, big success! Just been eaten out by girl who covered my pussy in whipping cream after I ate cherries out of her vagina. Weather good, back home tomorrow. Love Holly.

  Both girls brushed their teeth then sat on the edge of the bath as it slowly filled. Holly loved to look at Maggie, her build so similar to her own. She was fit, athletic, full of energy and constantly alert. She did wonder though what life would be like for her when Andrew retired in about ten years and whether she would feel the age gap increasing or even decreasing with time. She stood, put her arms around Maggie’s neck and kissed her head gently. She was turning out to be a special friend and she knew she would want to keep in touch with her, whatever happened to the annual event.

  She sneaked a look down over her shoulder and between her legs. The lips of her vagina were visible and Holly judged that she was indeed built much the same as she was, which made her wonder whether she felt pain or anxiety when Andrew entered her. Maybe at some point he had torn her inside or maybe Maggie had learned how to accommodate him so that she could focus on their pleasure and not her potential pain. How much easier love-making was with Ricky, she thought, with no concerns about injury so she could devote all her thought, passion and love to their pleasure.

  “What’s up Hol?”


  “You were miles away.”

  “Just thinking what an amazing week this has been,” said Holly, kissing her head again and pulling her against her chest. “A million new things for me!”

  “And me. Let’s get in babe.”

  They cuddled and soaked for about half an hour, topping up the hot water a couple of times before it was time to get out. The water drained out quickly while little flecks of red and yellow fruit swirled around the plug hole then disappeared.

  Holly turned off the lights around the suite, double-checked her phone and email then joined Maggie in the bedroom.

  “What time’s your flight tomorrow?” asked Maggie as she slipped between the sheets.

  “Around three I think. I have a couple of meetings with the hotel management to review billing. I suppose I should leave here around one.” Holly got into bed and switched off the main light, leaving just the one beside light to guide her.

  “Yeah, traffic sucks here, awful place!” said Maggie as she slipped her arm around Holly’s shoulders and pulled her closer. Holly brought the covers up and then rested her head on the pillow and Maggie’s shoulder. Her arm snaked over Maggie’s stomach and she settled down, still, warm and content. She was conscious of Maggie’s hands, where they were and their little movements, each analyzed for intent and meaning. It was then that she began to feel Maggie’s warmth, the safety of her embrace and the connection of her limbs with her own. They were as tangled together as possible, joined in the night and so very close together in bed. She felt Maggie’s breath on her face, her sweet breath, regular, comforting. She gripped her waist a little tighter, wishing that not just she but everyone she knew could feel this same type of wonderful friendship, of being wanted and appreciated. She thought of Ricky and how they cuddled, sometimes holding each other for hours, just chattering away, touching, being there for each other. She knew that it was companionship which she had missed from her first boyfriend, who was interested mainly in food and quick sex. Ricky was different but would he understand what had happened in Atlanta? Somehow she would have to explain, not just the dreadful mess that she had initially created, but also how she had agreed to do whatever they wanted in order to get the situation remedied. Then there was tonight. Maggie was here at her invitation but she was sure that without Andrew and Maggie, it would have been a long time, if ever, before she had the courage to experiment with girls, even with Suzy and Kathy parading around the house. She thought Ricky wo
uld understand if he knew it was a solitary opportunity that she seized and enjoyed without there ever being any competition for his place in her heart.

  Maggie turned to her and Holly smiled. She felt such a sense of purity in being there with the girl as though all social norms were suspended simply because it was Maggie and their love was harmless, while still remaining of great importance to them both. She rested her hand just below Maggie’s breasts, a gentle escalation and hint at her needs and, in response, Maggie brought her hand up from Holly’s waist, brushing over her breasts as she placed her warm palm on her face.

  “Hol, I dreamed about meeting someone like you for so many years!”

  Holly breathed out gently, slowly absorbing the words. This was from her heart, she could tell, nothing rehearsed or contrived for the moment. Her soft touch confirmed her feelings and underscored what the past few days had meant to Maggie. She wondered what she had said to Andrew and whether he had raised any objections. She doubted that he had and felt certain that Maggie wouldn’t have swapped one night with her for arguments with her husband tomorrow morning. They seemed to have a flexible relationship which she could never subscribe to herself and thought that it must take a huge amount of trust and understanding to make it work over the years.

  “I never thought I would ever have an opportunity,” said Holly. “I suppose I thought about it now and then but would never have imagined that it could feel like this!” She felt Maggie pull her closer, then felt her warm breath on her nose and lips and finally, the softest touch of her lips against her own. That was all it took to trigger that wonderful rush inside her, a confirmation of pleasure, sexual delight and the ultimate dance of two lovers. She swallowed noisily and they both laughed gently before kissing again, still gentle, loving and with all the time in the world.


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