Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 16

by Jodie Halliday

  “I didn’t either,” said Maggie. “Something told me in my head that another woman should be this wonderful but I had never found it.”

  Holly kissed her on the lips and slid her hand higher, brushing against the swell of her breasts. Another surge rippled through her as she thought of Maggie’s nipples. It was so easy to bring them to hardness and they were perfect little crowns for the lovely shape of her breasts. She brushed against Maggie’s lips again, happy to feel the closeness of her without the immediate need to move beyond kissing. She tasted her lip gloss on her tongue, the sweet fruity taste was welcoming, like the blueberry muffins that she liked to eat with a cup of coffee. She took her upper lip between her own and pulled as she breathed a little harder and sensed that wetness was already developing between her legs. The surge returned, little trembles that moved from her stomach to her heart, delighting her. Maggie’s fingers trailed very lightly down her cheek and under her chin as they kissed. Holly groaned very quietly, wondering if Maggie was similarly aroused. She thought she was with the way she had pushed herself against her, their stomachs flat against each other and now Maggie’s leg pushing between her own. Holly wondered if she could feel the wetness as her smooth thigh pressed gently up against her pussy. The feeling of so much warm skin against her hairless pussy was thrilling with every sensuous inch of her being caressed. She brought her hand up onto Maggie’s breast and her heart beat harder as the firm little orb filled her hand. She touched the skin with her thumb, marveling at the softness and yet firm texture. It felt identical to her own and she explored further with her fingers, gently touching the perfect round shape and sensing where her breast began to take shape and rise from her chest.

  Maggie’s kisses and caresses became a little more insistent and she breathed out hard and long when Holly ran her thumb for the first time over her nipple. Holly’s emotions fed off the sound, confirmation that Maggie’s arousal was linked to the increasing hardness beneath her thumb and she felt Maggie push a little harder between her legs. Her hand slipped from her breast, down over her back and onto the taut little buttock where she squeezed, eliciting a groan and a flick of Maggie’s tongue over her lips. She sighed with pleasure as she realised perhaps for the first time that Maggie was absolutely in tune with her, responding just as she would to different caresses, touches and sexual suggestions. She dipped deeper with her hand, brushing her middle finger over Maggie’s anus and was rewarded with a groan in her ear. Maggie pushed her onto her back and kissed her cheek then her neck, running her fingers through her long dark hair. Holly held her head tightly between her hands, guiding Maggie and perfectly happy to be kissed all night long by the beautiful girl as she nibbled her ear lobe and rubbed her cute little nose against her ear. Holly marveled at the feelings inside her and the build-up of her arousal. It was much more natural than when she did it herself and the ultimate in sexual expression. With Ricky she would guide him with her hands and sounds of pleasure but with Maggie she was demonstrating to her what turned her on, what she needed and then adapting what she was doing for Maggie’s ultimate benefit. Maggie kissed her neck and slowly moved down to her upper chest. Holly’s legs were parted widely through some natural instinct of need and permission and as Maggie kissed her breast for the first time that night she positioned her between her legs and guided her lips towards her nipple. She felt Maggie’s teeth grip the nipple firmly and gasped at the lightning shock of pleasure, the calculated pain and the resulting lust which filled her mind. She stretched her hand out as far as she could and just managed to reach Maggie’s pussy, touching her soaking wet folds and bringing her fingers straight back into her mouth. Her heart leapt, just as she knew it would, with that pure girl-taste and she groaned both from the way it coated her tongue and the thought that after this evening she would no longer be able to taste another girl. Energized and unthinking she slid round, pushing Maggie onto her side and down the bed a little way so that she could turn to face her and rest her head between Maggie’s legs. They both parted their legs and groaned at the same time as they began to lick and tease. Holly concentrated on Maggie’s outer lips, sucking on them, pulling them and then gently kissing along the girl’s taut thighs before returning to her pussy and the other lip.

  Maggie was shaking slightly, trembling at Holly’s touch and pushed her tongue as deep as she could into Holly’s vagina, lapping at her as she had done on the table earlier, sampling her juices and spreading them around her pussy and up to her clit. Holly gently touched the inside of Maggie’s right thigh and to her delight she swung her leg over and positioned her pussy directly above Holly’s mouth. Holly gripped her thighs and opened Maggie’s legs a little wider, bringing her into even closer contact with her mouth and it was at that moment that she felt Maggie’s hands slide under her buttocks and lock her elbows behind Holly’s knees, opening her completely and exposing everything to her mouth. She adored the position with Maggie above her as an unseen tongue and lips explored her most private parts and realised that Maggie would be feeling the same. She nipped at Maggie’s pussy, then very gently licked along her inner lips, teasing occasionally with a dab of her tongue into her vagina. With her head still on the pillow she was able to reach Maggie’s anus easily with her tongue and fingers, so she pulled her buttocks open with her hands and dabbed at the little hole which she knew to be a key component of a memorable orgasm for the girl above her.

  She scratched at the wrinkled skin around the hole and was rewarded with similar groans, so she poked her tongue back into Maggie’s vagina and continued to randomly and gently scratch with her nails. Maggie had started shaking again but managed to keep locked on her pussy, lapping along the length and delving, like Holly, into her vagina now and again. The feeling was exquisite and Holly felt the beginnings of her orgasm building up and her heart beat madly as she knew that she would come with the girl firmly planted on top. She licked gently over Maggie’s clit and grazed her anus once again and decided, as Maggie shrieked with joy, that this was the secret to unlock her that night. She licked a little harder, circling her hard little nubbin with her taut tongue and as she scratched her again she realised that she adored this girl’s tight asshole. The very thought of it spurred her on, the crazy idea that when she saw her dressed one day in the future that her first thought might be of her spotlessly clean asshole and of the time that she had teased it to make her come. As if to reinforce the idea, Maggie touched her own tight little hole with a finger and Holly gasped with pleasure. She loved the feeling of the girl’s soft wet tongue on her pussy and the way that she continued to explore every inch of her baby-soft skin. She thought again of being shaved on the table, the audience. Maybe one day she would do it again, tied down, with Ricky watching. The thought thrilled her and seemed to sensitize her pussy even more to Maggie’s attention. She pulled the taut cheeks above her even wider apart, scratching a little harder and lapping at Maggie’s clit with a flicking motion which made her gasp and push her finger a little way into her anus. Holly shifted slightly, unsure if that was what she wanted but it served to increase the glowing, rumbling feeling which seemed to control her legs and buttocks. She was getting so close now and felt that Maggie was the same as her juices dripped from her pussy and onto Holly’s chin. She tasted wonderful, thick and rewarding with every lap along the length of her pussy. She scratched her harder and Maggie’s head dropped shaking onto Holly’s thigh, so she slowed slightly, intent on bringing Maggie to orgasm as close to hers as possible.

  She felt Maggie’s tongue back on her pussy and then her whole mouth attached round her clit. The finger pushed deep inside her anus and she suddenly knew that Maggie understood her better than she did. The feeling was pure heaven and she began that quick climb up to peak pleasure. Holly did the same, licked her clit and then opened her mouth and covered the girl’s clit, swirling her tongue round and then scratching and probing at her anus. Maggie emitted a muffled groan and Holly dug her nails in hard, gripping the girl as she shook and explode
d into orgasm, feeling the short squirts from Maggie jet down over her chin and neck. She had no clue if she had done the same but there was a new wetness to the feeling of Maggie’s mouth which suggested she had. The two girls shook, gripped each other and rode their orgasms in total abandonment, doing whatever was necessary, even at the expense of each other, to prolong and magnify their own ecstatic feelings. Holly wailed, shaking on the bed as Maggie continued to tease her clit before she moved away slightly and contented herself with simply licking and kissing Holly’s pussy lips and inner thighs.

  Holly lapped again at Maggie’s pussy, desperate for a final taste of the girl who had brought her so much love and pleasure and then trembled with a mild repeat of her orgasm as Maggie very slowly pulled her finger out of Holly’s tight little hole. She knew Maggie was teasing her but again the crazy thought came to mind that somewhere she had previously regarded as totally out of bounds, could be such a source of delight. Another half inch slipped out and Maggie teased again by pushing in, then pulling out again as if to remind her forever of what they had done together. As the nail finally popped out of her, she reached out, grabbed Maggie’s arm and swung her round so they lay side by side again on the pillows. Maggie gathered the duvet and pulled it higher up to her waist, which left some exposed skin as they cooled down. She kissed Holly tenderly, still breathing hard, swallowing as both girls slowly calmed. The bed felt wet beneath Holly’s thigh but she didn’t care in the slightest. It was confirmation that they had come together and she hoped, a reminder in the morning of their loving night.

  She looked at Maggie and was almost certain that she had tears in her eyes. A pang of love flew through her but she had no words to console her so simply pulled her close against her chest and kissed her hair.

  “Shh,” whispered Holly, cuddling her. She felt Maggie try to shake her head as if to say there was nothing wrong but she knew the girl was breathing in deeply, trying to control her emotions just as she herself had done earlier that week. She kissed her head again and deciding that darkness would be best, reached over and turned out the light. Maggie rolled away and Holly spooned into her back, holding her, feeling the little shudders which slowed and stopped as she finally fell asleep. Holly waited a few minutes then turned away, curled up and lay on the pillow, her eyes open but seeing only the little green light from the smoke detector.

  The glow of her orgasm remained and she smiled to herself at the thought of having a girl next to her overnight. There was something so simple and uncomplicated, yet warming about it, that it made her little heart sing with joy. After ten minutes of thought about Ricky, Maggie and even her wonderful team she turned over to Maggie, pulled the duvet over them both and kissed her on the head while whispering ‘good night my dear girl’ to her.

  Chapter 11

  Holly passed through airport security and found an area of seating which was almost deserted due to lack of gate activity. She sipped her coffee and stared out of the huge windows, watching the planes and thinking about nothing. It was Friday afternoon and she looked forward to being home and in her own little bed for the weekend. She checked email and texts then pressed the icon for her parents.

  “Mum, it’s me!”

  “Holly, dear, how are you?”

  “I’m fine Mum, at the airport in Atlanta.”

  “Oh yes, how did it go?”

  “Very well. Had a few issues before the event but it all worked out fine and everyone seemed happy at the end.”

  “That’s great, well done. Bet you’re glad to have that one wrapped up, eh?”

  “Yeah, huge amount of planning. How are you, how’s Dad?”

  “Dad’s fine, he’s still at work. I’m not so good though.”

  “Oh no, what’s wrong?”

  “Well, you remember that leg pain I had a while back?”

  “Hmm, yes. You said it was going away though.”

  “It was. But it turned out to be Lyme disease. I must have got it when we were hiking or something.

  “Oh, poor you!”

  “Hmm, I was on antibiotics but now have to have penicillin from a drip three times a week plus tablets.”

  “What? Mum!”

  “Yeah, haven’t been in to work for almost three weeks now.”

  Holly looked out of the window, embarrassed that she hadn’t called for so long. “Oh Mum, I’m so sorry. Do you need me to come down and help out?”

  “No, I can still hobble around. They say it’ll go eventually but it hurts like hell sometimes.”

  They chatted for another ten minutes before signing off. Holly closed her eyes, disappointed in herself for failing to call her parents more regularly especially as she had known that her mother wasn’t well. She checked her phone, found the gate and wandered in the direction of G14.

  The terminal buildings grew smaller and then disappeared as the plane gained height and entered cloud. It had taken off ninety minutes late due to mechanical issues but Holly was elated nonetheless to be on her way home and knew she would be in her own little bed that evening and one day closer to seeing Ricky again.

  At ten thousand feet the chime sounded and the captain announced that he expected a smooth flight and that their computer showed a landing time of seven thirty-six. She leaned against the window, grinning to herself as she thought about the keynote speeches, her team, the thanks that Andrew had delivered for a job well done. The stewardesses passed by with the drinks trolley and she knew she would be just about the last to be served since she was at the back of the plane. Her thoughts drifted back to Maggie and her heart skipped a little, recalling the morning and how she had slipped out of bed and put on her dressing gown to make coffee just before eight. As she returned she had surprised herself by stopping in the vestibule of the suite, loosening the belt to her dressing gown so that her pussy and breasts were visible, then continued to the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed next to Maggie and kissed her cheek until she was awake. Maggie had smiled and propped herself up on an elbow, giving her full view of her pussy and the curvature of her breasts. It was a compromise, Holly thought, between being naked and possibly signaling interest in a morning session, and being totally covered and suggesting that maybe that their relationship had come to an abrupt end. But Maggie seemed to read the situation too and just took Holly’s face in both hands, kissed her lips as a way to say thank you then reached for her coffee.

  Already though her mental image of Maggie was fading and in its place was a smile of warmth, a body of delight and a personality of determination and self-confidence. She looked up at the stewardess and within a second or two knew that she had no interest in her, despite her good looks and youthful face. It went a little way to confirm that she wasn’t going to lust after every available girl and that Maggie had indeed been a special, perhaps one-off encounter which simply felt right at the time. She sipped her coffee slowly, disappointed at the taste and watery texture. She put it down on her tray and dozed off.

  They landed at about seven forty and were at the gate a few minutes later. Holly got off the plane after ten minutes later, after watching everyone else grab their carry-on luggage from the overhead compartments and saunter out. It didn’t really matter, she thought, as she still needed to get her suitcase from baggage claim, which is where she arrived just before eight o’clock. Her flight was shown on the screen above the carousel and she checked her phone just like every other passenger for an update to texts, IM and email. Her suitcase appeared among the first of the bags and she waited until it came round to her before reaching out for it.

  “Hey, that’s mine!” said a voice behind her. She grabbed the case and turned, then almost fell over.

  “Ricky, baby!” she shouted as he picked her up. He twirled her theatrically as they kissed, then remembered where they were and hugged as her feet returned to the ground. Two or three people smiled at their happiness as they held hands and walked away. “How did you know what flight I was on?” she said, delighted to see him and so appreci
ative that he had come to meet her.

  “You told me before you left, remember?” he squeezed her hand and smiled down at her. “I’m parked over there.”

  “Oh god this is so nice of you, what a wonderful boyfriend!” she said, her hearth thudding as he once again had surprised and thrilled her. She really hadn’t looked forward to taking a taxi back to her place.

  “Good time?”

  “Yeah, it went so well, the client gave a little speech to the team on the last day, thanking them all. So nice of him.”

  “Good for you Hol!” They walked hand in hand to his car, loaded the luggage and set off for her place.

  She watched the airport buildings slide past as they joined the highway, then trees, fields and the open road. While she hadn’t thought that Ricky would meet her, it was perhaps for the best as he would almost certainly stay at her place tonight. She absolutely had to tell him about Andrew and Maggie, and if he was going to explode then it was better for her that she was home. They stopped for dinner at a restaurant then drove the remaining five miles to her house. It was just after nine o’clock so she showered then went up to her room and got ready for bed. Holly fluffed the pillows and made sure the bed was tidy before he got in and moved over to what had become his side of the bed. When she was sure he was watching, she slowly undid her dressing gown and dropped it to the floor, then, smiling at him with a mix of lust and happiness got in beside him. They cuddled for a while but Holly’s mind was racing, trying to think of how to start. She didn’t think she had committed a crime but she was certainly asking for his understanding and forgiveness.

  He pulled her close and as his arm went around her shoulders she could feel his erection against her silky knickers. She swallowed and that noise happened again, making her grimace. He kissed her lips as though that might make it better and she kissed him back gently, then began.


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