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Below the Belt

Page 18

by E M Lindsey


  Something about the word made his skin breakout in bumps, and he swiped his thumb to answer it. “This is Dr. Avidan.”

  “Enough is enough,” a raspy voice spoke. As it did, he swore for a second he heard an echo, the words coming seconds before the ones in the speaker.

  Noah lifted his head to look around, and that’s when something painful and heavy connected with his sighted eye. All the breath left him, his knees buckling, and as he scrambled for purchase, wo massive hands had him. One curled into the back of his jeans, the other wrapping around his neck. He struggled to turn his head, but his eye was shining with stars. He could feel the skin swelling, and he started to panic.

  “Help!” he started to cry, but his words were silenced when the hand around his throat tightened. His mouth opened, gasping for breath, and his front was slammed into the bricks. The fist caught him in the eye again, twice, then his forehead was pressed to the bricks as the fist hit him in the ribs hard enough for him to feel a dull crack.

  Noah tried to pull his head back, but the hand around him slammed his face into the wall. He felt his prosthetic dislodge and with the second collision, it tumbled down his cheek. Desperate, terrified, he tried to open his sighted eye, but it wouldn’t obey. His mouth felt puffy and he tasted copper on his tongue.

  “What,” he managed.

  Hot breath ghosted over the back of his neck, a set of lips brushing over his ear as a raspy, unfamiliar voice spoke on his blind side. “You think this is bad, just wait. Be seen with the gimp again and this will feel like a fucking massage compared to what I’ll do next.”

  Noah was released, collapsing to the ground. His body felt almost nothing at that point, though he knew he was shaking, and knew he had gone into shock. When it wore off, he’d be in a world of hurt, but for now he had to collect himself. He could hear the person’s footsteps retreating, and when he was certain he was alone, he pulled himself up so his back pressed to the brick.

  He licked at his lip, feeling the cut there, then he reached up and tried to pull his eyelids apart. He felt a moment of instant relief when light stabbed through, but he realized he couldn’t actually see anything. It was a thin strip of blurred colors and nothing more. When he dropped his hand, his eye closed again, and he was left in nothingness. His stomach started to churn, and he had never felt so lost.

  Cocking his head to the side, he heard nothing. No footsteps, no people, no cars. He had no idea if he was facing toward the street or toward the alley, but he knew he had to try and move. His hands swept out in front of him, and he almost sobbed in relief when his fingers came into contact with the smooth, rectangle that was his phone.

  He cursed the touch screen, then pushed the home button down. “Hey Siri.”

  “What can I help you with?”

  “C-call…” He hesitated for a moment, but somewhere in his shaken brain he realized that it might not have been Charlie who attacked him physically, but he was behind it. And he was done being cowed by that man. “Call Adrian.”

  “Calling Adrian Flores.”

  The electronic voice died off in favor of the phone ringing, and it went on so long Noah was terrified Adrian wouldn’t pick up. Then, by the grace of god, Adrian’s voice sounded on the other line. “Noah?”

  “I…I,” the events of the night suddenly hit him. His head gave a violent spin and his tongue glued itself to the roof of his mouth. “M-m…”

  “Noah,” Adrian said, his voice soft, determined, but grounding all the same. “Are you okay.”

  “Mm mm,” he said, making a negative noise.

  “Are you at home?” he asked.

  Noah heard voices in the background, and a noise like keys. He made the same negative noise.

  “Are you close to home?”

  “Mmhm.” Noah took a breath and tried to force himself to speak. “C-c-cuh…”

  “Breathe, baby. I’m on my way, just give me something. Anything.”

  “Cuh…curry,” he said.

  “Curry Pot,” Adrian said, sounding full of relief. “Fuck, baby, that’s so close. Stay right there, okay? Don’t hang up, just stay with me. Are you alone?”

  “Mmhm,” he said, though he wasn’t entirely sure. He was certain he looked a fucking mess, and now that the shock had subsided, things were starting to hurt. Badly. His face was swollen, his mouth aching, his ribs burning. He could breathe okay which probably meant if anything they were just cracked, but he still couldn’t see, couldn’t pick himself up and move.

  He let his head fall back against the brick and realized Adrian was still talking to him.

  “…going to be there shortly. I’m at the light on First and it’s red, but I’m gonna run it. There’s no one out here and nothing can keep me from getting there. Got that? I’m two minutes away. Just give me something baby. You still with me?”

  “Mm,” he said. His head started to feel a little floaty, like he wanted to drift off, though something in the back of his mind told him to wait. Wait until Adrian was there, wait until he knew he was safe.

  He flexed his fingers and they ached, but they moved. He was hurt, he wasn’t broken.

  It felt like an eternity passed as Adrian dictated his every move, then he heard him curse softly. “I see you. Fuck… what? I’m pulling over I…” The call went dead.


  Adrian was antsy, knowing that in a matter of hours he and Noah would be on the road, heading to a little sanctuary where the two of them could just be and not worry about anything for a while. It wasn’t permanent, and he was still feeling a little lost as to what they were going to do about it for the next four months, but he was taking this reprieve as the gift it was.

  He was also letting himself enjoy the evening. Ryan showed up after the last class to go a few rounds with Cole, and Adrian was enjoying watching the dance the two men were engaged in. Not just in the ring, though Adrian could feel the sexual tension pouring off them with every dodge and every jab, but in their quiet flirtation and sarcastic shit-talking Adrian knew all-too well.

  Ryan was a typical lawyer most of the time. Worried about work, too busy, too stressed, too literal. But there was something else about him he noticed that Cole could drag to the surface with his dry wit and his inability to let anything slide. Adrian could tell Ryan liked it, and he only hoped Cole would let the other man in.

  They would be good for each other that much was obvious.

  Adrian had stopped to grab some water when he noticed his phone was going off, and his heart almost stopped when he saw Noah’s name on the screen. Noah would only call if it was an emergency, and it took him a moment for his fingers to work properly enough to answer.

  He had expected something, but not the stuttering, pained noises Noah was making. He had no idea what happened, but he knew he was in trouble.

  “I’m on my way,” he told him. That got Ryan and Cole’s attention who rushed to his side and Adrian put his hand up, covering the speaker. “Go to Wes’, he has a key—he’s in his office, tell him I said I’ll be bringing Noah. Take Lemon there and wait for me. I don’t know what the fuck happened, but Noah is in trouble and I’m going to pick him up.”

  “I’m coming with,” Ryan said decidedly. “If he needs help…”

  “Then you can be at my place waiting for us,” Adrian all-but barked at him. “Bring Cole, I was his ride home. You don’t mind waiting around, do you?”

  Cole immediately shook his head. “Of course not.” He reached for Ryan, grabbing his arm. “Honestly, it’s fine. Adrian knows what he’s doing, and you and I can be there in case Noah needs us.”

  That seemed to snap Ryan out of himself and he gave a curt nod. “Then go.”

  Adrian wasted no time rushing to his car, moving faster than his legs wanted him to, but he didn’t care. He tore out onto the street, talking to Noah softly, waiting for those quiet noises to let him know he was still there, he was awake, he was alive. Adrian was shaking from head to toe by the time h
e pulled up to the Curry Pot and he almost lost it when he saw the state of his boyfriend.

  Noah was pressed up against the brick wall at the mouth of the alley, his face a bashed-up mess, lip bleeding, eye swollen shut, the other half open showing the white of his implant. His hands were shaking, and his head was lolled to the side like he was holding on to consciousness by a bare thread, and Adrian grabbed his cane, forcing his legs to get him over to Noah’s side.

  When he touched Noah’s ribs, his boyfriend hissed and pulled back. “Broken?” he asked.

  Noah shook his head. “N-n…”

  “Come on. Brace yourself on my arm and let’s get to the car. It’s only a few feet away, alright?” Adrian was seeing red, and only the fact that Noah needed him calm and present kept him from dropping everything and hunting that bastard down. Because this was Charlie’s work. Somehow, Charlie was sending a message, and Adrian was going to kill him.

  He managed to get Noah into the seat without his legs giving up on him, and he threw his cane in the back before sliding behind the wheel. Looking over, Noah’s head was resting against the window and his breathing was rapid. “I should get you to the hospital.”

  “N-n,” Noah said. He licked his lips and winced. “P-please, n-no.”

  “You could be seriously hurt. Your face is a fucking mess, Noah. I can’t just…”

  “P-please,” Noah asked again.

  Adrian couldn’t deny him again. It was foolish, but Noah was at least coherent enough to speak—even if it was only a handful of stammered words. Adrian knew the signs of concussion very well, so he promised himself he’d allow this only as long as Noah didn’t show any. He put the car into drive and pulled out.

  When Noah’s hand sought his, Adrian took it, pressing a fierce kiss to his knuckles before letting him go to steer. “Was it Charlie?”

  Noah took a moment before answering. “N-no. No, it w-wasn’t. B-but he duh-d-did this. It was a m-message.”

  Adrian clutched the wheel, wishing he could reach over and hold Noah. “Just…just try and rest. I’m taking you to Wes and Anna’s. Ryan and Cole are already there, and I’ve got something you can take for pain.”

  Noah made a small noise, then reached for Adrian, grasping at the back of his neck like he needed the touch to ground him. Adrian shifted close and was grateful when his sister’s place came into view. He pulled up to the curb a little more recklessly than he intended, but he was grateful when he saw Ryan throw the door open and all-but rush out to greet them.

  “What the fuck?” he said in a low whisper when Adrian got Noah’s door open. His face immediately drained of color and he turned dark eyes on Adrian. “What happened?”

  “He’s too worked up to tell me much right now. My legs are fucked, I need you to help get him inside.”

  Ryan looked like he wanted to say more, but he quickly snapped into action, easing Noah to his feet. Noah’s head lifted and Adrian could see his swollen lids working to try and open. “W-w…”

  “Hey,” Ryan said, gently putting his hand around Noah’s lower waist, “come on, babe, I’ve got you.”

  “Adrian,” Noah managed, and Adrian’s heart began to thud against his ribs.

  “I’m here,” Adrian said gruffly. “Let’s get to the living room couch, okay? Are they home?”

  “Wes is out walking Lemon and Anna’s asleep. Cole’s in there, though, and he said he has some first aid training.”

  “Wes was a medic,” Adrian told him, though he was more than grateful for the offer. “He can fix him up. I tried to get him to agree to the hospital, but he refused.”

  “This fucker,” Ryan growled as they passed through the door.

  Adrian held up his free hand and shook his head. “We’ll deal with that after we get a good look at the damage.” He was surprised at his own pragmatism, how he was staying calm and not rushing off to show Charlie exactly what he learned in his long years of both military and being a fighter. There would be time enough for that later. Noah’s quiet whimpers of pain kept him focused on the task at hand.

  Cole was in the living room, seated in the arm chair with his dog at his feet. He looked tense, his head cocked with his ear toward them as they entered the room. “How bad is it?”

  Ryan sighed. “Bad. He’s beat to shit and he’s not really able to talk much right now.”

  “I’m f-fine,” Noah ground out as he eased down on the cushions. He sat like everything hurt, but there was color coming back to his cheeks which eased a sliver of Adrian’s anxiety. “I’m h-here too s-so you f-fuckers can st-stop talking ab-abuh-bout me.”

  Ryan chuckled and shifted aside when Adrian walked up and knelt down on the floor near Noah’s side. “I guess I was wrong. Like usual.”

  Adrian reached out, gently dragging his fingertips along the bruising and cuts on Noah’s face. There was a decent mark on his forehead, right above his eye socket he would bet everything had come from being bashed against the wall. The damage to his sighted eye looked like a bare fist, and same with his mouth.

  “Can you tell us what happened?” Adrian asked, pulling Noah’s hand to his mouth. He pressed his lips against Noah’s knuckles, just resting there, just needing to feel him. Noah let out a small noise of pain, but he didn’t pull away.

  “He grabbed me from behind,” he said, his words deliberately slow as though he was trying to control his stammer. “F-fucker,” he spat. “Someone called my phone, I d-didn’t recognize the voice. It was him. I could hear the echo. Then he t-took me by my shirt and hit me in the f-face. Then I hit the wall. T-told me if I k-kept s-seeing Adrian this would feel like a m-massage next time.”

  Adrian curled his other hand into a fist so tight he felt his nails bite into his palm, and it was all he could do not to stand up and just go. He was ready to kill, but Ryan’s gaze pinned him there, reminding him there were better ways of going about this.

  “I think he knows about our t-trip,” Noah finished on a sigh.

  Adrian closed his eyes and forced himself to take several breaths. “We can’t let him get away with this.”

  “You’re right,” Noah said, startling Adrian. Adrian had fully expected Noah to heed this warning, to give in to Charlie and agree that it was over. He hadn’t expected the vicious determination in his tone as he pushed himself up to sit in spite of his pain. “I’m d-done. Cole? Adrian said y-you were here.”

  “Right here, mate,” Cole said softly. Adrian looked behind him as Cole sat forward in his chair. “I’ve been filled in a bit with the situation, but not everything. I’m going to go out on a limb and say someone’s after you?”

  “He’s being blackmailed,” Ryan filled in. He stood up and walked over to Cole’s side, dropping a hand on his shoulder, holding gently over the compression sleeve. “Noah’s a professor at the university, and he didn’t realize Adrian was a student there until after they started dating. One of his colleagues found out and used some third-rate student hacker to get a transcript of Noah’s texts to prove it, then forced him to give up most of his classes. We thought it might be over then, but apparently not.”

  “He wanted m-me humiliated,” Noah spat, gently prodding at his eye until Adrian grabbed his wrist to pull his hand away. “I thought it was enough.”

  “It’s never enough for people like that,” Cole said quietly.

  Ryan scoffed. “I told him as much.”

  “Can we save the I told you so for when Noah isn’t bleeding all over the sofa?” Adrian spat, feeling protective and ready to fight anyone who came at the other man.

  Ryan held up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean this isn’t unexpected and I’m glad Noah’s ready to fight back.”

  “We need something on him,” Adrian said. He turned to sit down, keeping Noah’s hand firmly in his, pressing it against the back of his cheek as he spoke to Cole. For his part, Cole sat in the chair, head tipped forward with his hands clasped between his knees. “There’s no way this guy doesn’t have s
hit that we can find and use against him. For people like him, this won’t have been the first time he’s done it.”

  Cole licked his lips, then lifted his head up and put one hand over Ryan’s which was still resting on his shoulder. “I have people I can contact, but it might take me some time. If you want a hope of taking this bloke down…”

  Cole broke off when the front door opened, and Adrian heard Lemon’s nails clicking on the floors before she came around the corner and made a bee-line for him. She could clearly sense the high anxiety in the room, and Adrian motioned her up on the sofa which she immediately obeyed. She shuffled close to Noah who curled into her, his free hand digging straight into her coat and he made a quiet noise.

  Adrian looked back up at his brother-in-law who was staring at Noah with an expression of surprise and horror. “Someone needs to fill me in like yesterday,” he demanded.

  Ryan let go of Cole’s shoulder. “I will. Let’s go talk in the kitchen. We need to get Noah some food so he can take something for the pain.”

  Adrian thought for a moment maybe he should go too, but the idea of leaving Noah’s side was like asking him to hack off a limb. Noah was still trembling a little, but with Lemon against him, he was starting to calm. With a huff, Adrian finally pushed up to his feet and took a seat next to his boyfriend.

  “How bad is the pain? And don’t lie to me,” he warned.

  Noah let out a tiny laugh and shook his head. When he spoke, his voice was more measured, the stammer calm for the moment. “The pain sucks, but it’s not as bad as it was when we were in the car. I just ache all over.”

  “Wes is going to bring you something and we’re staying here for the night. I still think you should get looked at…”

  “No,” Noah interrupted, but softened the blow by bringing Adrian’s hand to his lips for a soft kiss. “If we’re going to do something against Charlie, I don’t want this on the record. Nothing’s broken and I’m not concussed. At worst I have a fractured cheek, and maybe a few cracked ribs. I’ve had a lot worse and I can get through this.” He swallowed, then said, “Charlie had someone do this to me. I want to know who, and I think we can find out if we can get access to his phone, maybe his laptop, bank records. There has to be a trail somewhere.”


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