Please, Sir

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Please, Sir Page 10

by Leigha Taylor

  “I should have known,” she mutters.

  It’s just like all the other family dinners I’ve attended with their family; Jesse and Caroline bicker back and forth while everyone watches to see what they will do or say next. They may argue, they may throw edible items at each other, but deep down, they would do anything for each other. I look across the table at Andrew and smile, shaking my head as he laughs and tips his glass toward me, mouthing “Cheers.” I love this family.

  Chapter Eight

  Jesse spent the night again after the dinner at Caroline’s, leaving early for a work meeting the next morning. I slept at his place for two nights after that, and tonight, we’re back at mine. The sex between us is completely amazing, but we already knew that wouldn’t be an issue. On the surface, everything is perfect; we’re still in that new relationship state of bliss. On the inside, though, I’ve been having an increasingly disturbing feeling that there are still some things that are unsettled.

  I know I’ve been quieter than usual this evening, and I’m sure Jesse has noticed, but I’m not entirely certain how to bring up what’s bothering me. I’ve opened my mouth twice to say something, but both times, I’ve closed it without a single sound coming out. Jesse is massaging my feet as we sit on the couch together, and I can’t bring myself to interrupt this moment of perfection with my concerns, however genuine they may be.

  Jesse puts my foot back down in his lap and turns to look at me. “Okay, out with it,” he states firmly.

  “I don’t know what you—”

  “Open and honest between us, remember? That doesn’t stop just because we aren’t in my office.”

  As serious as this conversation is getting, I can’t help but smirk at Jesse referring to his fully-stocked BDSM playroom as his “office.” In fact, his office and his job in general are the main focus of my concerns.

  “It’s just that everything has been so wonderful. I don’t want to rock the boat by bringing up something we may not be able to work out.”

  “Beautiful girl, we love each other. It’s not just sex, it’s not a crush, remember? It’s love. I love you, you love me, and we can work anything out. Every beat of this heart in my chest belongs to you, and if something is hurting you, it’s hurting me.”

  He’s so unafraid to be open and romantic; it just makes it harder for me to say anything that could potentially take away from that. I know I won’t rest easy and he won’t let it go until we have this conversation, though, so I take a deep breath and begin. “I don’t know what to think about your job, Jesse,” I state bluntly. “I know what you do, and I know you love it. Hell, you own part of the company! But even knowing all that, I’m not sure I can be comfortable with you taking on clients. I am not sure I can watch you walk out the door knowing you’ll be touching and turning on and fucking some other woman two nights a week. I know I can’t just ask you to stop, but…”

  “That’s what this is about?” he interrupts me and I look away from his intense gaze, sure I’ve pissed him off. “Allison, I’ve already stopped.”

  “You… But… What?” I stammer, my eyes wide as I look back over to him.

  “I’m done taking on clients. I can’t be with anyone else now. I’d be thinking about you. I can’t be an effective Dom to someone else when I can’t take my mind off you. Not only that, but I have no desire to do so. You are the only woman I want to touch, turn on, spank, tie up, whip, fuck, love—”

  It’s my turn to cut him off and I climb into his lap as I say, “I get it!”

  “Are you sure? Because I don’t want you to have any doubts.”

  “I just don’t understand how you can suddenly stop taking clients.”

  “It’s like you said. I own part of the company. Heath, Roman, and I have only ever taken clients because that’s what we wanted to do. We have plenty of employees, not to mention the stack of applications we receive every week. No one will go without a Dom because I’ve stepped back from that part of things. I’ll be focusing on the business end from now on.”

  “It’s my turn to ask you if you’re sure. Have you talked to your partners about this? I don’t want them to hate me before I ever meet them because they feel like I stole you away, even in part. I also don’t want you to be miserable because you can no longer do what you love.”

  “First, my partners are happy for me. The meeting the other morning was about this whole shift in my job description. Roman can’t quite understand how I can suddenly be ready to give up my pick of new submissives for one woman, but that’s just how he is. He’s still pretty young; he’s twenty-five, and he’s definitely not ready to settle down. He’s kind of the wild one in our group. Heath has settled down and he understands completely. He still takes on clients every now and then, but not as much as he used to. It’s part of the understanding he has with Kara, though. If she ever changed her mind about all that, he’d stop in a heartbeat.”

  The discomfort I’ve been feeling in my chest dissipates as Jesse talks. I’m feeling better about the whole thing, but I still want to make sure he’s truly happy with all of this.

  “What about your happiness? Will you miss it?”

  “You are my happiness, Allie. You’re the only woman who has ever had my heart, and the only one I’ve ever wanted to give it to. Nothing makes me happier than going to bed with you every night and waking up next to you every morning. Besides, I happen to know you’re kinky as fuck,” he laughs, lightening the serious mood, “so I don’t really have to miss it at all.”

  I slap his shoulder gently as I blush, burying my face against his hard chest. I breathe him in as the rest of the ache vanishes from within me. There really isn’t anything holding us back now.

  “Speaking of being kinky, is it time for bed yet?” Jesse’s smile is wide as he fakes a yawn and stretches. It’s only seven in the evening, so I know he’s not looking to go to sleep right now.

  “Yeah, we could go to bed.” I pretend to be disappointed at the idea.

  “I think you mean, Yes, Sir, don’t you.” He lets a hint of Master J take over his voice. “I thought I trained you better than that.”

  “Well, we never did finish our sessions,” I say cheekily. “I guess you still had things left to teach me.”

  “Remind me to remedy that,” he growls in my ear.

  “Really? Can we really continue my sessions?” I ask excitedly.

  “We could if that’s what you want. I mean, we don’t have to go through the formality of it all, but…”

  “We can if I want to, though?” I press. “I’d really like to see what the rest of the ‘course’ is like. I love being in the playroom with you. I love everything we do sexually, but I’d really like to continue the formal sessions with you, anyway. I kind of miss Master J.” I wink at him.

  “I’m always Master J” —he kisses my forehead— “but if it’s formal training you want, I’m all in. We can even set up a playroom at my place, but for now we’ll use the office.”

  “Can we start now?” I bounce excitedly on his lap and I can feel a hardness beginning to grow beneath me as he truly takes in the idea. I climb off him and reach a hand down to help him up before things get out of control right here and we never make it out of the house.

  “Right behind you,” he says, giving me a swat on the ass to serve as a reminder of just what I’m asking for.


  I kneel, naked, on the pad just inside the playroom door. I’m strangely nervous about this now that we’re actually here. Now that we’re together in our real lives, I’m so afraid to disappoint him here in this room.

  He doesn’t give me long to dwell on those thoughts, though, as he walks toward me in the dim light. He’s naked from the waist up and even though I’ve seen him like this every day this week, his physique still leaves me in awe. Every muscle in his body is carved to perfection; he’s the embodiment of some Greek god standing before me, making me wet with want and need just by being in the room.

  He unzips his j
eans and steps forward, pulling his semi-erect cock out and bringing it close to my face. “Open,” he orders and I hear the deep, demanding sound of Master J ringing in his voice.

  I swallow hard once and open my mouth to him, taking him in slowly with my hands still clasped behind me. I put everything I have into sucking him and let all thoughts of everything but this just disappear into some other reality I can’t think about right now.

  His groans and quickening motions tell me he’s enjoying my efforts and he grasps the back of my hair firmly, holding me still with his cock down my throat. My body protests for a moment, but I’m able to relax and hold the position until he lets go and I can slide back again.

  “Good girl,” he encourages me, and I’m proud to be satisfying my Master. After a few more times taking his entire cock and holding it, he says, “Stand,” and I raise off the floor, trembling in anticipation of what will come next.

  He puts his hand on the small of my back and walks me toward the wall near a selection of bars, chains, hooks, and the like. He selects a long, metal rod that’s about two feet long along with a large pair of leather cuffs. Bending down, he attaches a cuff to each ankle and hooks the bar between them, effectively preventing me from being able to close my legs.

  He reaches toward the wall again and takes down a smaller set of cuffs; they look like the same ones I wore on my first night here. He pulls my hands in front of me and puts a cuff on each wrist before pulling, unhooking the end of a chain and lowering a hook that’s hung from the ceiling via some sort of pulley system. He puts the short chain between the wrist cuffs over the end of the hook and uses the pulley to raise my hands far above my head until I can’t stretch any further without going up on my tiptoes.

  His warm hands run along my sides, across my breasts, down my stomach and between my legs before starting to leave stinging slaps in those same places. I begin to feel very warm as my skin heats and the familiar heady mix of pain and pleasure take over my body.

  Master J takes a few steps away from me, but I can’t turn very well in this position, so I don’t see what he picks up. I don’t have to wonder long, though, because he waves a gleaming black riding crop in my face, sending it through the air with a harsh swishing sound. He steps behind me and continues to swish the crop so that the sound is continuous; it catches me off guard when one of the sounds finally ends in a sharp smack to my left ass cheek and I cry out in surprise at the contact. After that, he rains a steady beat of the stinging blows across my ass and thighs before coming around to my front and giving the same treatment to my breasts and stomach. He lands a couple of taps, although not unbearable ones, right between my legs and I can feel the lips of my pussy expand as the blood rushes to that spot all at once.

  He moves away from me again, this time coming back with one of my favorite toys in this place. It’s a huge, vibrating wand and it does magical things to my clit. I moan out loud just seeing it and it gets a chuckle from my sexy Master as he turns it on and brings it between my legs. My legs weaken instantly as the intense pleasure takes over my body and I don’t last long before begging for my release.

  “Please, Master J, may I come?” He doesn’t say anything right away, just holds the buzzing wand in place as I squirm and cry out for him. “Master J, please, please, I need to come now! Please!” I’m practically screaming at him, but he says nothing as he turns off the wand and sets it aside.

  I know I’m not supposed to speak without permission, but all manner of crude words flood my mind and I barely manage to hold them back. My entire body is still on vibrate, even without the toy, and I’m stuck on that frustrating edge just short of ecstasy with no way to push myself over.

  I curse Master J out in my mind as I see him pick up the riding crop again and he goes back to landing the leather end of it all along my body. With every one of my nerves tingling with fiery intensity, each blow sets off a not altogether unpleasant reaction within me. I cry out with loud, low moans every time the crop makes contact with my skin, and before long I have the sensation that I’m floating away from this place. I barely notice when the blows finally stop, but I definitely feel the wand find its place between my now damp legs and I shake violently as it makes contact with my clit once again.

  “Come for me, beautiful girl,” Master J whispers in my ear, and I shatter into a million pieces of light in an explosion so brilliant I can only see stars before me. When he finally pulls the wand away again, I go limp in my restraints, unable to hold myself up any longer. I’ve gone from tight, rigid muscles to a melting mess of semi-consciousness, but I’m thoroughly and completely happy in this moment. I feel Jesse take me down and carry me to the bed, but I can’t open my eyes. He crawls in beside me and holds me as I drift off to sleep.


  It takes me a moment to figure out where I am when my eyes open again. I blink furiously, trying to clear the blurriness from my vision and look up into Jesse’s face.

  “I’m so sorry!”

  “For what?”

  “I fell asleep on you! I didn’t mean to. I was just so…”

  “I know, and it’s okay. That’s a common reaction to intense play like that. I kind of expected it would happen.”

  “How long was I asleep?”

  “Only about an hour. I figured you’d be out longer than that,” he touches his finger to the tip of my nose as he speaks.

  “So it’s still early, then?”

  “Pretty early, I guess.”

  “Well then, what’s next?” I ask excitedly, sitting up on the bed and tucking my feet beneath me.

  “You want more?” Jesse laughs, eyes wide at my apparent ability to go from sleepy to sexually charged in no time flat.

  “Hell yes, I want more. You should, too. You still have to get yours, Sir,” I kiss his lips and climb over him to get out of the huge bed. I stand beside it in my ready position; hands clasped behind my head, breasts out, and feet apart.

  Jesse takes in my stance and shakes his head in wonder. “I knew I loved you.”

  He stands up, stretching, and looks me over. He runs his fingers along the pink marks left behind by the end of the riding crop. I know he loves the look of his marks on me, and, if I’m being honest, I love them, too. They’re like little badges of honor, showing what I will proudly take for him and what I’m happy for him to give me.

  “Kneel on the spanking bench.” His Master J persona has taken over again and the familiar goose bumps take over my skin as I react to the sound of his demand. I’m surprised that he wants to spank me just now, but I know better than to question him. I take my kneeling positon on the bench, ass in the air, just waiting for whatever is coming next.

  I hear him approach the bench and my muscles tighten in anticipation. From here, I can’t see what he has with him, so I just try to relax. I hear the sharp snap of a cap being flipped open and then, ridiculously, it sounds like ketchup being squeezed from a bottle, although I know that can’t be what he’s actually doing.

  I realize it was a bottle of lube being squeezed as the cold gel is rubbed into the tight ring of my ass. Master J slides a finger in and out for a moment before adding another finger, stretching me. It doesn’t hurt, and I find that I’m really enjoying the feeling, rocking back against his fingers rhythmically without ever intending to. His fingers disappear, replaced by something larger butting up against the slippery hole, and he begins to press what I think is a butt plug inside me. He moves the narrow tip in and out, in and out, allowing me to adjust as he slowly pushes in farther with each stroke. I gasp as I feel a slight pinch at the end of each stroke and I know that this is a larger plug than the one he has used the last couple of times. I breathe in with each pinch and relax as the pressure grows and I’m stretched wider. Just when I begin to moan out loud with the pain and intensity, it subsides and I feel the pop that indicates he’s gotten it all the way in. He taps gently on the base of the plug, and I smile. It’s one of my favorite parts of wearing one of these. I can feel ever
y little touch and tap on the rubber base and I love every second of it.

  I hear the lube again and wonder what he is up to, but not for long as I feel his thick cock press against the opening of my pussy. With this larger plug, it feels like my sex has grown impossibly tight and I’m not sure he will fit. He groans loudly with each short stroke, working his way into the snug space.

  “Fucking hell, that’s tight,” he rasps as he starts to quicken his pace. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Allie. So fucking sexy.” He grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls, arching my back toward him as he intensifies his thrusts and I can no longer think, only feel. His cock lights up every nerve inside me and each thrust takes me closer to my own sexual utopia. His hand reaches around me and rubs furiously at my clit; it’s the sexual trifecta. With my ass, pussy and clit all stimulated, all I can do I moan; I don’t think I can form the words to ask permission to come.

  Master J’s uncanny ability to read my mind saves me, though, as he roars from behind me. “Come for me, Allison. I want you to come right fucking now,” he demands, and my body responds spectacularly, bucking wildly beneath him. He continues to fuck me until my climax eases away and then he pulls out of me, gently removing the plug from my ass.

  “I told you I would claim this,” he tells me, running his finger around the ring of my asshole. “It’s time. Every fucking part of you is mine, beautiful girl. Every last fucking part.”

  He presses his cock against me where it has never been before and there is only a fleeting second of fear before I remember to relax and take what he gives me. I’m still high on my second intense orgasm of the night, and it’s a sort of balm for my entire body as he’s able to press in without too much pain. He moves slowly, allowing me to stretch to accommodate each inch of flesh, and I’m surprised when I feel his body pressed up against me.

  “Oh. My. God,” he whispers. “You’re fucking perfect.” With that announcement, he quickens his pace and I’m able to feel for the first time what it’s like to have the man I love inside me in this way. It’s entirely different than the feeling I get when he’s in my pussy, but it’s just as good. It might even be better. I can feel every single hard inch of him every second of the way. He grabs my hips and slams into me, fucking me with an animalistic force that makes me feel complete.


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