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The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3)

Page 20

by Andrew G. Wood

  Having a number of rangers in his force was a godsend. These highly skilled hunters made excellent scouts and had already proven their worth during the attack on Riverdale. Moving freely ahead of the main force it was once more up to them to be the eyes of the group, checking that no enemy force was indeed lying in wait for them.

  Although winter was all but gone, the evenings and nights were still very cold. Wanting to remain anonymous for as long as they could, this ultimately meant none of them would have the comfort of a fire to keep them warm. Of course, a few cold uncomfortable nights would be the least of their worries, when put in context to what they needed to do.

  Gallien had been surprised at how quickly he had settled in amongst the guild sorcerers. Naturally he was considerably older than most of them, but nevertheless he found them genuinely friendly and welcoming. This had certainly not been the picture Fennick had painted of them during his years living in the forest. Whilst he did not doubt each and every sorcerer was as dangerous as the man had made out, they were certainly not the cold bloodied killers he had been led to believe.

  Gallien had also been told that Guild Masters, such as the one he was now following into battle, were heartless, harbingers of death. On the contrary, he actually found Kian quite likeable, probably more so than most of the men in the forest compound where he had lived. Learned, and only a few years older than himself, Gallien had found Kian easy to talk to and very open and approachable.

  Such was the trust between them, Kian had even taught Gallien a few new tricks on how to keep better control when using his magic. In return, Gallien and a few of the others who had made the journey to Riverdale with him, had even helped some of the younger guild apprentices with their own skills. Of course this friendship and trust might all be for nought even if they succeeded in taking Surmont.

  The question as to whether the guild would allow Gallien and his kind to live peacefully in the city was still something none of them could answer for sure. However, Kian had given his word that he would stand by each and every one of them no matter what, even if that meant helping them escape back to safety. It had been this bond and trust that had gotten Gallien thinking that perhaps given the opportunity, he might have liked life in the guild. Something, he guessed, he would never know.

  Will, one of the young rangers who had followed Kian to Riverdale, moved silently through the trees. His twin sister Lana mirrored his movements just twenty paces to his left. Both held their bows in hand, and both had an arrow nocked on the string in preparation. As part of the scouting group, brother and sister liked to work together, and were now closing in on three of their Belarian counterparts.

  Rather foolishly the enemy group had lit a fire, highlighting their position in the darkness. Probably assuming they would be quite safe to do, the Belarians were completely unaware of the danger approaching them. Will, moved slowly and deliberately around the makeshift camp of the enemy, finding a position from where he could strike. Knowing his sister was doing likewise across the other side, he made the sound of an owl hooting to let her know he was in position and ready whenever she was.

  Lana heard her brothers call from the other side of the Belarian camp, and crouched down quietly, readying her bow to fire. Knowing Will would not attack until she made the first shot, she had time to calm her breathing before selecting her target. Although not the honourable way to kill a man, rangers often made their shots into the backs of unsuspecting people. This kill was to be no different.

  Her target was sat in front of the fire chatting to one of the other men, unsuspecting his life was even in danger. Lana released her shot, and was glad to see the arrow fly true and straight, striking the Belarian cleanly in the back somewhere between the shoulder blades. As her target slumped down to the ground, his outline silhouetted by the light of the camp fire, the other two men jumped up. One however, soon staggered about before dropping down, and Lana knew her brother had just made his kill. The last man panicked and seemed unsure as to which way to turn, clearly thinking of running. Lana though, put him out of his misery as her second shot just beat her brother Will’s, as both arrows slammed into the man’s torso sending him down to the ground to join his colleagues.

  Lana was about to move forward. A good ranger always made sure their targets were actually dead before moving on, besides which she needed to search them for any possible information they may be carrying. Just as she was about to step out into the open she heard a sound, a little like a wolf howling in the distance. She froze, remaining motionless. Lana knew that the sound had not come from a wolf, after all there had not been wolves in Caldronia for centuries. The noise had come from her brother, another ranger signal warning of danger.

  Whilst remaining still, Lana tried to look out into the darkness, listening carefully for any tell-tale signs of something or someone lurking in the tress. She and her brother had only spotted three enemy sitting beside the fire, yet she supposed there may have been more. Perhaps another had left the main group to fetch firewood or water, and was now returning. What or whoever it was she knew she needed to be vigilant.

  Just as she was beginning to doubt her brother’s call, she heard a stick snapping off to her right; a sure sign somebody was moving about in the trees. Very slowly she turned ever so slightly, still clutching her bow and drawing another arrow. As an apprentice ranger, one of the first things you were taught was remain still. It was often not the fact someone was stood in a particular place being the reason they were spotted, but often their movement that caught the eye.

  This movement was the Belarian’s mistake, and judging from the direction of the sound, Lana was able to focus her attention on a much smaller area. Eventually she saw a dark outline of a figure stood beside a tree, and she gave another signal, letting her brother know she was fine and spotted the danger.

  As she lined up her shot, her target suddenly stopped as if having discovered she was there. Despite all her training telling her to keep calm and fire, something told her to do the exact opposite. Without firing, Lana dived headfirst onto the ground just as several blasts of white light were launched her direction. “A sorcerer!” she uttered under her breath as she tried to roll behind the trunk of a tree for cover.

  Suddenly feeling her heart thumping much faster than usual, Lana tried to regain her composure; not an easy thing to do as another blast of light struck the very tree she was taking cover behind. Somehow the sorcerer had known where she was, perhaps a little trick he or she had learned, Lana thought, whilst trying to place her arrow back on the string of her bow. Another blast hit the trunk, just inches from her head, then another before she heard a stifled yelp which was quickly followed by a thump.

  Although Lana was sure the sorcerer had met its demise, she was very careful as she peered around the tree to look. With her bow in hand, ready to fire if needed, she could see a dark shape lying on the forest floor some thirty or so paces away. She heard her brother calling to her, and responded. This not only told each other they were both okay, but also which direction they needed to go to find the other.

  “You took your time!” Lana said jokingly as Will moved beside her. “I couldn’t find him at first, but the fool lit up when he started firing at you,” he added stepping over to where the sorcerer had fallen. “Good shot!” Lana said as she poked the man with her boot and noticing her brother’s arrow had gone right through the neck of their victim. “Not bad considering I was rushed,” Will replied placing his arm around his sister, “Come on Sis, let’s check the bodies and get back to camp to report.”

  Chapter 28.

  Kian thought it only right that he should enter the tunnel first. Having been forced to wait until daylight so they could find it, he knew he could afford to waste no more time. Slipping through the entrance he cast a globe of light, before gingerly stepping inside. He gave a sigh of relief as everything appeared just as how it had been the day the emerged all those months ago.

  Without wasting any more time, he gesture
d for the others to follow, hoping the same could be said for the tunnel at the other end. The thought that these long lost passageways might have been discovered by the Belarians worried him no end. After all, he and all those behind him could make it all the way to the other end, only to have the enemy waiting for them. Worse still was the idea that same enemy could use some of the black exploding powder and collapse the tunnels with them still inside; a thought that made him shudder again.

  Knowing this particular tunnel led in to the palace, they would have to be very careful when exiting the other end. Not knowing what awaited them was his major concern, and even if they did get out, moving so many people through one small opening was not going to be easy.

  Progress was slow, and after stopping halfway for some refreshments, Kian finally felt the ground beneath his feet change. No longer was he walking along the damp rock of the tunnel, but cobbles, and an indication he was very near to where they needed to be. He stopped briefly and made a hushing sound, which was duly passed all the way back down the line, making far more noise than he had thought possible.

  He had originally hoped to use the tunnels at night time and emerge when most people would be in bed asleep. However, with them not being able to locate the tunnel entrance in the dark, that plan had been forced to change. Now he either waited the remainder of the day in the tunnel, delaying him further, or he took the risk of being spotted. Despite that risk, it was this latter option he had decided upon, knowing the force from Arandor could well be approaching even now.

  After emerging into the small room by which they had all departed in their hastily made escape, Kian remained as alert as he could, before gesturing for the first of those behind him to emerge. Realising there was not enough room for more than a dozen or so, Kian slowly opened the door and peered down the dark walk ways of the palace cellar network. He puffed out his cheeks as he realised all his worries had been for nothing. The dark, dank cellar appeared deserted, but he remained cautious nonetheless.

  As his team of sorcerers, warriors and rangers emerged from the small room, they split up into their predefined groups. Each had a task to complete, and each was of that moment, playing their part in re-taking the capital. He looked over to see Gallien stood beside a guild sorcerer, previous sworn enemies now fighting for a greater good. He felt surprised by how satisfied seeing that small thing made him feel. If nothing else went right from here, at least he had managed to achieve something of note.

  As many of the group had never been to the palace, and some not even to the guild building, Kian had been forced to draw maps for each group. A time consuming exercise that thankfully he had been aided with by the literary guild members in Riverdale. Each group had to know where they were going, but more importantly they needed to know how to get there.

  Now they were all inside the palace, his only fear aside from being spotted, was the Belarians having some powerful sorcerer that could sense them all coming. Whether such a person even existed Kian had no idea, but it was always a possibility. Being first to move out, his group of ten headed for the stone steps that was the only way in and out of the cellars. Only when they were all out of there could they split up properly and go about their tasks.

  Knowing the Arandorian force heading towards the eastern gate would be arriving any time soon, there was no time to lose. Each and every one of them needed to be fleet of foot and with any luck, remain undetected. He signalled his own group forward as they left the cellars. Each and every person with him was skilled and tried in battle, he could afford nothing less, as he had given himself the hardest task of all, that being, taking down whoever was in charge.

  Using the old adage of ‘removing the head of the snake’ he and his group were to head to the along the busiest and probably heaviest guarded corridors towards the royal chambers. Although none of them knew for certain that is where the leader would be, it was probably the most likely, and so the best place to start.

  They did not have to go far to meet and encounter their first obstacle. Around the next corner, and heading their way were two Belarian soldiers. Having no way of merely by-passing them, Kian knew he needed to kill both as quickly and quietly as possible; A job he gave to two of his rangers. The two young men, both in their later teen years took up positions, standing still and quietly with daggers in hand. As the footsteps of the enemy soldiers grew louder, both rangers stepped out from behind the corner of the corridor. Before either soldier could react, both were falling to the floor with their throats slit.

  Both bodies, although heavily bloodied, were dragged from view. Kian tried not to look as they passed him, although he had killed dozens of men himself, seeing just how brutal and ruthless a ranger could be always made his stomach churn. Trying to put the thought aside, he checked around the corner once more, before signalling the group to advance.

  Deciding to take the much less used staff staircase, as opposed to the main one, he hoped to avoid too many more people. He stopped in his tracks as a young lady stood before him coming down the steps the other way. Both looked at each other for what appeared an age, before he heard a whoosh and thump that was quickly followed by the sound of the woman’s last breath.

  Kian turned sharply, angry that one of his rangers had shot her. However, the young man in question merely shrugged as if to ask why they weren’t moving? Kian looked back at the young woman’s face. For all he knew she might not have even been Belarian, but as heartless as it appeared to him, he knew the ranger was only doing what he had asked them all to do. Nobody in the palace could be trusted, and if encountered whilst making their way through, would have to be dealt with. Whether killing an innocent unarmed lady was the right thing to do or not, he knew it was a chance none of them could afford to make.

  Having made it to the right floor, Kian gathered his group around. “Now we will meet some resistance, possibly even sorcerers, so have your wits about you and work as a team like we practiced.” He whispered trying to keep his voice low enough not to be overheard. After taking one more last look of each and every face in his group he turned to move.

  The main corridor leading up to the royal chambers was, just as he had envisaged, much more heavily guarded. He got one of the rangers to peer around and give him a head count. Rather than speak, the ranger held up his fingers indicating four soldiers, two sorcerers. Kian nodded his understanding, and after taking a deep breath made his move.

  Despite a soldier being dangerous, Kian, like all those in his group, knew the two enemy sorcerers were the ones that needed to be dealt with first. Luckily for him he had the element of surprise, and as soon as he spotted the two robed figures stood along the wall, he opened fire. Several blasts of energy flew down the corridor, hitting one of the sorcerers before any of them knew he was there. Charlie, one of the more seasoned apprentices from the guild did likewise to the second, whilst the rangers with him took down two of the soldiers.

  Despite their quick and efficient killing, it still gave time for those soldiers still remaining to shout a warning. Of course whether anybody was actually in range to hear it, Kian and his men had no idea. Both remaining guards were quickly silenced, one via a well-placed arrow and the other via Kian’s next volley of energy blasts.

  Kian paused a few moments just to check whether the cries of the two men had been heard, but all appeared quiet. He gestured Charlie forward to the front, “We go in first, be prepared to shield,” he said already moving towards the door that led into the royal chambers. The others followed behind, always keeping vigilant on what was in front, and just as importantly, behind them.

  Kian entered through the doorway, turning the handle slowly and peering inside. Although he could not see anybody, he could hear sounds of giggling coming from the bedchamber. Charlie quietly moved in through the door behind him, as Kian placed his finger over his mouth for him to be silent, before pointing towards the half-open doors that led to the bedroom.

  Their sneaking about however was in vain, as from somewh
ere out in the city the cathedral bells started ringing. Kian knew this to be an indication that the city was under attack. Now whether that warning was coming about due to his group or one of the others, or whether the Arandorian army had been spotted he did not know. Whatever the cause, the giggling coming from within the bedroom ceased, and a half naked young man emerged from the doorway.

  Kian immediately threw up a shield surrounding the rather surprised man, stopping him instantly in his tracks. A young woman, probably of a similar age then emerged and started to scream as soon as she saw the intruders in the room. Charlie had little option but to silence her quickly, and although he, like Kian, did not want to, he had little option but to kill her.

  Kian held the shield over the man as he squirmed and wriggled trying to force his way free. Kian told the man to hush, and when he refused closed the shield around him a little tighter. After checking the others were still behind him, he ordered two to keep watch at the main door. Should any reinforcements come running he wanted to be ready.


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