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The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3)

Page 22

by Andrew G. Wood

  The battle, if you could actually call it one, was over in a matter of minutes. As the last enemy sorcerer tired beneath his shield, and was finally taken down by one of the Arandorians approaching from the main street. An eerie calm fell as tendrils of smoke drifted up from the smouldering corpses scattered across the ground around the area of the palace gate.

  Leo stepped over and between several dead bodies as he recognised a familiar face. “Kian!” he shouted in a bid to get the man’s attention, but the Guild Master had already spotted him anyway. “It is good to see you!” Kian said looking somewhat tired and drained.

  “You too Sir,” Leo replied with a smile. “Remember Chad?” he added pointing the figure stood just behind him. Kian smiled, “Of course I do. I’m glad you are both well…and with so many new friends.”

  Barely fifteen minutes had passed since the last Belarian had fallen, and already the people of Surmont were filling the streets. As much as Farley appreciated their thanks, he was becoming increasingly annoyed with their presence. With so many people in the way, how was he now supposed to get the young prince safely to the palace? There was every chance that some Belarians would still be freely roaming the city, mixing amongst the locals, meaning the prince could still be in danger.

  Farley, along with Kian and several teams of sorcerers scoured both the palace and guild buildings. Each room needed to be checked, and although some had been trashed by their recent occupants, most were pretty much as they had been left. Leo and Chad however were once more called upon for a different task, despite Leo wanting to go back to the guild.

  Despite being Caldronian, he and his other countrymen, had sworn to take the orders of the man leading the attack. As Farley wanted to use them again, he and Chad had little option but to obey. “I am tiring!” Leo said rather sardonically to the commander. If he was looking for any kind of sympathetic response, none was forthcoming. “The prince needs to be brought into the city. I need you and Chad to shield him all the way to the palace,” Farley told them.

  Although not sure he could still keep a shield up for that distance, neither he nor Chad argued. After being given their horses back, the two then trotted out, along with a few others, back towards the eastern gate. They were held up temporarily as the barrier was re-opened again, before they once more found themselves outside the city walls.

  The prince and his small retinue still sat atop of their horses some five hundred or so paces away, waiting for some news. Alec was first to notice Leo trotting out of the gates, which he hoped meant the attack had been successful. Jon, who had been ordered to stay with the prince, much to his annoyance, decided enough was enough and trotted his horse a little nearer. Despite being old to get back by Alec, Kellan suggested they let the lad go.

  Leo trotted up as Jon was inevitably the first to greet him. “Did we win?” the lad asked excitedly.

  “We did!” Leo replied feeling a little jaded.

  “Can I go into the city now?” Jon asked. Leo just shrugged, “I suppose so. Most of us are at the palace. Still a few rangers kicking around as well.”

  “Really?” Jon replied already kicking his heels for his horse to move on, and not waiting for a reply.

  Leo bowed his head a little as he approached the prince, before explaining what had gone on. “We are to escort you through the streets Sire,” he added waving a hand to Chad trotting his horse up beside him.

  “Then lead on Leo,” Kellan replied with a smile. Leo nodded his head and turned his horse about to lead the small group forward.

  As they approached the gate Leo knew he would need to walk the rest of the way. He slipped down from his horse and explained what Farley had asked of him, and although Prince Kellan did not think it necessary, was happy to bow to the commander’s better assessment of the situation. Despite Chad offering to assist, Leo thought it was just as easy to do it himself.

  Despite his tiredness and wanting to return to the guild building, Leo concentrated carefully placing a barrier of light over the prince and the handful of people around him. “Can we make this quick,” he said knowing his energy levels were waning just a little. To his credit Chad did offer to help again, but Leo knew the youngster would probably not have the power to keep a large shield up for so long, especially having just spent the last hour or so battling the Belarian forces. As a matter of fact, he was surprised how fresh Chad still looked, especially considering what they had been doing.

  With the colours of Caldronia flying atop of their long thin spears, two riders trotted just affront of Prince Kellan as they moved through the open gate and into the city of Surmont. The crowds gathering in the streets parted as Leo walked at the fore of the small group. On noticing just who it was at the centre, the people started cheering. Kellan rather bashfully gave a few small waves as the crowd started clapping and shouting his praises.

  Once the palace gates were reached, Leo dropped the shield allowing the prince to move on past him. Scores of soldiers, rangers and sorcerers, all of whom were Caldronian, lined up as their young leader returned to his rightful home. To the other side Farley lined up in front of some of the Arandorians who had fought so bravely and selflessly alongside them.

  A huge cheer erupted as the Belarian flags were torn down from the flag poles adorning the palace, and an even louder one followed as those of Caldronia were raised in their place. Alec could see the young prince looking rather nervous and thought it best they all move inside. Leo and Chad were once more called to assist, and were quickly followed by a dozen or more guards.

  The royal quarters had been checked over several times, as had the rooms and corridors around it. With everything being deemed as safe as it possible could be, the young prince was ushered that direction. With no house staff currently available, it had been left to a handful of soldiers to clean up and remove any evidence the rooms had been occupied just a few hours earlier.

  Leo slumped into one of the cushioned chairs beside the main fireplace. He did not care he was probably taking liberties, and was certainly not acting like one should when a guest in the royal chambers. “I am cold, hungry and absolutely shattered,” he sighed. Alec came and sat beside him, “I’ll have some food brought up. I know we have already asked too much of one person, but would you mind staying here tonight, just until we get something sorted?”

  Leo just closed his eyes, “Yes, sure. Just give me a nudge when the food arrives.” Alec smiled at his friend, before heading back across the room to where the Prince was looking somewhat unsure of his surroundings.

  With the battle of Surmont all but over, Alec knew this was only the first step in retaking Caldronia. Other major towns, more so those to the south, would need to be liberated, whilst all the time the very real threat that the main Belarian army would once more return. With Caldronia no longer standing alone against its much larger southern neighbour, the future certainly looked much brighter than it had at one point. Firstly though, the nation needed a king, and that meant arranging the young prince to step up to the mark; a subject he would have to bring up sooner rather than later.

  By evening, the euphoria around the city was evidently clear, as people celebrated their freedom. Having endured several months under the strict and brutal rule of the Belarians, the people of Surmont now partied in the streets, rich and poor together united in their celebrations.

  With so few senior guild masters, particularly those in the ranger, warrior and sorcery factions, just how they moved forward was still under discussion. Although Caldronian forces were depleted, King Edwin was happy for the force he had sent, to remain and assist in both retaking and defending the country against any future battles, of which there were likely to be many.

  The Arandorian king had however requested a few specific people back. As soon as was feasibly possible, Edwin would like Farley to return. The other person was Reece, but he was only to head back when Leo felt the lad competent enough to control his abilities. Aside from those two, Kellan could keep and use the sorc
erers and soldiers as he saw fit.

  Alec was hastily trying to find staff for the palace, just another item of things that needed doing on an ever growing list. Fortunately, several had shown up at the palace gates on hearing the prince was now back and residing there. After checking the names given against a list of previous employees, Alec was at least able to check their suitability. Moreover, this also satisfied him that those he was employing were trustworthy and posed no threat to the young royal. This number may have only been small, but it was at least a start.

  With security being the big issue, guards were placed around both the palace and guild buildings. A further recruitment drive would be necessary, although Alec was unsure as to how many more they could find, having already searched quite a few of the surrounding towns and villages. They did however, already have a few candidates, those he himself had taken the details of whilst out the previous summer with Leo. Again these numbers were not significantly great, but once more it at least got them of the ground.

  Kellan had accepted he needed to become king, and appeared quite upbeat about the whole idea; something Alec was actually quite relieved at. There were though, a few conditions to him accepting. One of which was that Leo had to remain as the King’s Sorcerer, which unsurprisingly he accepted, despite him being tired and a little grumpier than usual. Another, was Alec remaining at the King’s side as his senior advisor. Naturally, Alec had thought himself not the best candidate, and suggested that perhaps there were better suited people, perhaps still residing in the city.

  Alec though was quickly forced into accepting, as Kellan made it quite clear he would not take the throne unless he took the position. Moreover, Leo had also added his piece, and agreed with the young prince that there was no better person for the job. After all Alec already knew the prince well, and as they got on really well together, so looking for somebody else was really not necessary.

  Kian, as the only sorcery guild master alive, or at least the only one they were aware of, was to oversee teaching. The man had hoped Gallien would accept a position working in the guild, although a change in the law would be needed if that was to happen. As a result of the rogue sorcerers fighting for their prince, he hoped such a change might be forthcoming.

  Kellan, much to his credit, was open to idea’s, and despite his tender years understood the significance such a change would make. Alec was certain he had persuaded the prince to make the necessary changes that would see them emulating the same rules that they had helped implement in Arandor. This would of course mean changing a law that had stood for several generations, yet legalising magic for non-guild persons, would now give Caldronia a new batch of magicians they could call upon if needed.

  Chapter 31.

  Alec sat with the crown prince, eating breakfast in the royal chambers. Despite his early reservations that he would not be suitable in being the advisor to the king, or prince as he still was, he had actually found the job much to his liking. Although he would miss the library and its vast resource of information, his new post was much more varied. The library was still there at his disposal should he wish to visit, and so in a way he felt he was not really leaving that part of his life behind.

  Finding time however may be the only thing stopping him, as even in the few days since retaking the capital, he had already helped change several long standing laws, as well as help arrange a coronation for the boy sat at the table with him. With the rules changing as regards those previously known as rogue sorcerers, a new registration had been set up, albeit a rather hastily devised one.

  As from the previous day, it was now legal to use magic and not be associated to the guild, but with very rigid and strict guidelines. The death penalty would still stand for any civilian sorcerer using their skills to inflict injury upon another, unless in self-defence. So long as the sorcerer in question registered annually to the office set up in the main guild building, they were free to move about Caldronia as they pleased. Alec guessed only time would tell if this law change would be of benefit to the country, or whether it would turn out to be an unmitigated disaster.

  With little time to sit and ponder, today was to be the start of a new Caldronia. In just a few hours, Kellan was to be crowned the new king, made even more special as the day also marked the tenth year of his birth. In all Caldronia’s history, there had never been a ruler so young, yet Alec felt confident the lad would grow into a fine monarch. With his help, and that of those trying to rebuild the guild, Alec hoped Kellan would not have to carry the burden of leadership on his own.

  The fact that its previous ally Farasavia had moved some of its troops onto Caldronian soil had come as a bit of a shock. A strongly worded message had already been dispatched to their king, demanding an explanation and requesting them to leave. To help this message carry a little more weight, Farley, as Commander of the Arandorian forces, also signed it on his own king’s behalf. Only time would tell what that outcome would be, but if force were needed to remove them, Kellan and his allies were willing to use it.

  As today was such a special occasion, the proposed attack on Hexley cross was to be put off for another day. Once more Leo would be needed to lead the charge, whilst Chad was left behind for royal protection. Although the palace and guild was deemed as safe as they could manage, it was still very likely there were Belarians in one shape or form roaming the streets of Surmont. Leo was to take a large contingent of the Arandorian force, along with over half of what Caldronia could muster and retake the southern town.

  With the change in the law, it was hoped in time more sorcerers would come out, although after so many years of mistrust with the guild, there were certainly many bridges to cross before they all did. With any rogue sorcerer found prior to the change in law, the penalty would have been death. Quite often this was carried out mercilessly and without so much as a fair trial, and as a result, the hatred between the two factions understandably ran deep.

  With Gallien accepting the role in the guild, along with a few of his colleagues from the forest commune, it at least showed those not so sure, that progress was being made. With these newcomers into the guild it at also gave them a base from which to rebuild, as well as a ready-made team of sorcerers to help replenish the numbers lost; although to completely do that would probably take some time yet.

  The spies within Hexley cross had sent reports that the Belarian king had passed by a few days earlier, taking with him the majority of sorcerers, leaving only a handful to keep control of the town. With Leo and Reece, joining dozens more, it was hoped the town could be retaken relatively easy and quickly. Once this had been achieved, a small force of rangers, soldiers and sorcerers were to remain there, and act as protection, and more importantly, an early warning for when the enemy returned in full force.

  Knowing security was still an over-riding factor, the coronation was only to be a small affair. The entire service was to last little more than half an hour, whereby Kellan would read from a pre-written list of promises and vows. These were the standard thing, that every Caldronian king had to read, basically just affirming he would uphold the laws of the nation and protect its people to the best of his ability. Once the reading had finished it would be up to the city Bishop to place the crown on his head, declaring before god, that Kellan was their chosen leader.; although technically the throne was handed down via the royal blood line, with a monarch never actually being selected.

  Alec helped Kellan do up the top button on his new tunic. “You think the people will follow the lead of a ten-year-old boy?” the youngster asked.

  Alec smiled, “Without any doubt Sire. You forget some of us have already followed you for some time now.” There was a slight pause, as the young king-to-be looked rather pensive, “I miss my father,” he added dropping his head just a little. Alec knew nothing he could say would ever bring the man back, nor would it ever stop the hurt that was so clearly still evident in Kellan. “Your father would have been proud of you. Look what you have already achieved Sire,
” he said trying to boost the lad’s confidence.

  “I have achieved nothing Alec. It is others that have done that for me, and at great cost.”

  “And we do it because you are our leader Sire. Just as we did for your father before you,” Alec added hoping the subject of conversation would change.

  After the pomp and ceremony of the coronation, there would be a little time for Leo to relax and perhaps enjoy himself. However, now he had returned to the capital, it was now clear just how many of his friends and colleagues had perished in the fighting. Many of those who had joined the guild when he had were gone, as were many of the friends he had made from the other factions through his journeys. Daron, his former mentor, may have been a little cantankerous and grumpy at times, but his loss hurt Leo more than he thought it would. This, despite the fact the two had fallen out after Mia’s death. Even Sasha, with whom he had shared some very fond moments was gone, now just another name on a very long list of people he would never see again.

  However, where once there were old friends, new ones seemed to take their place. Reece, the young Arandorian sorcerer for one, still followed him round like a shadow, although Leo thought the boy would soon be able to return to his own country before too long. Tomorrow they headed out again, this time for Hexley Cross, and on their travels were to call in on several other villages and towns via a somewhat longer route back. Not only were they to check the people were fine, it was also to notify them a new Caldronian king had taken back control. However, the main reason for their extended travel would be to recruit, especially for sorcerers.


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