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Early Modern England 1485-1714: A Narrative History

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by Bucholz, Robert

  Dryden, John

  Absalom and Achitophel

  Dudley, Edmund

  Dudley, Guildford

  Dudley, John see Northumberland, duke of

  Dudley, Robert see Leicester, earl of

  Duffy, Eamon

  Dundee, Viscount (John Graham)

  Dunton, John

  East India Company

  Eastland Company

  economics and economy

  see also agriculture; taxation; trade

  economy and economics

  Charles II

  costs of government

  depression of 1621


  government role in

  Henry VII and

  Henry VIII and

  increased trade and industry


  James II’s trade boom

  James VI’s needs

  monied men


  national debt

  Somerset/Edward VI

  Whig financial revolution

  Edgehill, Battle of

  Edinburgh, Treaty of (1328)

  Edinburgh, University of

  Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk


  Church and

  for the elite

  for girls


  professions and


  see also literacy

  Edward, earl of Warwick

  Edward I (Plantagenet)

  Edward III (Plantagenet)

  Edward IV (York)

  Edward V (York)

  Edward VI (Tudor)

  birth of

  health of

  Mary, Queen of Scots and

  religion and

  Seymour’s rule for

  Edwards, Thomas


  Effingham, Lord Howard of (Charles)

  Eliot, Sir John

  Elizabeth of York (Henry VII’s queen)

  Elizabeth, Princess (James I’s daughter)

  descendants in Hanover

  marriage to Frederick V

  Elizabeth I (Tudor)

  accession of


  arts and culture

  birth of

  Catholic plots against

  character of

  death of

  foreign policies

  France and

  frugality of

  as houseguest

  marriage politics

  Mary, Queen of Scots and

  under Mary I

  monarchy and

  Parliament and

  portraits of

  Puritans and

  reinstated as heir

  religious settlement

  secret Catholics and

  Tilbury speech

  the “Virgin Queen”

  as woman ruler

  Elton, G. R.

  The Tudor Revolution in Government

  Empson, Sir Richard


  England achievements of

  alliance with Dutch

  Anglo-Saxon settlement

  Celtic lands and

  character of at end of Stuarts

  colonies of

  the Commonwealth government

  conflicts with Roman church

  at Elizabeth’s accession

  end of Tudor era

  foreign policy role

  geography of

  loses Calais

  maps of

  Civil Wars


  towns and trade

  Wars of the Roses

  natural resources

  population of

  Scottish conflicts


  sources of Civil Wars

  Spanish Empire and

  unrest under Edward VI

  upheavals of Stuart years

  see also economy and economics;

  Parliament; social structure;

  individual monarchs

  English language


  Erasmus, Desiderius

  Essex, 2nd earl of (Robert Devereaux)

  Ireland and

  royal friendship and rebellion

  Essex, 3rd earl of (Robert Devereaux)

  Civil Wars military campaign

  Étaples, Treaty of

  Etherege, George

  Eugene, Prince of Savoy


  context of

  maps of

  age of Louis XIV

  Elizabethan era wars

  War of the Spanish Succession

  Evelyn, John

  Exeter (city)

  Fairfax, Sir Thomas


  kinship ties

  size and mortality

  structures of


  Fawkes, Guy

  Felipe V of Spain/Philippe of Anjou

  Fell, Margaret

  Women’s Speaking Justified

  Felton, John

  Ferdinand of Aragon

  Festivals of the Sons of the Clergy

  Field of the Cloth of Gold

  Fielding, Henry

  Filmer, Sir Robert, Patriarcha, or the Natural Power of Kings Asserted

  Finch, Daniel, earl of Nottingham

  Finch, Sir John

  Fish, Simon

  Fisher, Bishop John


  Fitzalan, Henry, earl of Arundel

  Fitzgerald, Gerald

  Fitzgeralds, earls of Kildare (Ireland)

  Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony

  Book of Husbandrye

  FitzJames, Bishop Richard

  Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond

  Five Knights’ Case

  Five Mile Act (1665)

  Fleetwood, General Charles


  Foxe, Edward

  Foxe, John

  Acts and Monuments/Book of Martyrs ,


  Buckingham and

  Catholic friendship

  Elizabeth and

  emigration from

  envies English rights

  harbours English pretenders

  Henry VII and


  Hundred Years’ War

  map of

  Napoleonic Wars

  Nine Years’ War

  Protestant on throne

  recognizes William III

  relations with Scotland

  Revolutionary Wars

  Scotland and

  strong monarchy

  takes Calais from England

  Thirty Years’ War


  Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis

  Treaty of Utrecht

  War of the Spanish Succession

  William III’s determination against

  Francis I of France

  Francis II of France

  Frederick V of Rhine-Palatinate

  Frobisher, Sir Martin

  Froide, Amy

  Gamage, Barbara

  Gangraena (Edwards)

  Gardiner, Bishop Stephen

  Gay, John

  Beggar’s Opera

  George, Prince of Denmark (Anne’s consort)

  George I (Hanover)

  accession of

  arts and culture

  character of

  stability of

  George II (Hanover)

  George III (Hanover)

  German states

  Gheeraerts, Marcus, the Younger

  Gibbons, Grinling

  Gibbons, Orlando


  Glorious Revolution

  accession of William and Mary

  issues remain for Anne

  long-term effects of

  Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry

  Godolphin, Sidney, 1st earl of

  Goodwin, Sir Francis

  Gorges, Ferdinando

  Gouge, William

  Domesticall Duties

  Gough, Richard

  Graham, John, Viscount Dundee

  Graunt, John

  Gravelines, Battle of

  Green Ribbon Club

  Gresham, Sir Thomas

  Grey, Henry, Marquess of Kent

  Grey, Lady Jane

  Grindal, Archbishop Edmund

  Guise family

  Guise, Mary of

  Gunpowder Plot

  Gwyn, Nell

  Haigh, Christopher

  Hakewill, William

  Hakluyt, Richard

  Halifax, 1st earl (Charles Montagu)

  Halley, Sir Edmund

  Hampden, John

  Handel, Georg Frideric


  Hanseatic League

  Harley, Edward

  Harley, Lady Brilliana

  Harley, Nathaniel

  Harley, Robert see Oxford, earl of

  Harpsfield, Nicholas

  Harris, Barbara

  Harrison, Thomas

  Harrison, William

  Hatton, Sir Christopher

  Hawkins, John

  Hawksmoor, Nicholas

  Heidegger, John James

  Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orléans

  Henrietta Maria (Charles I’s queen)

  Henry III of France

  Henry IV of France

  Henry IV (Lancaster)

  Henry V (Lancaster)

  Henry VI (Lancaster)

  Henry VII (Tudor)

  bust of

  character of

  foreign relations

  marriage to Elizabeth

  papal authority and

  pretenders and

  rule and government

  supports exploration

  Henry VIII (Tudor)

  arts and

  Assertio Septem Sacramentorum

  character of

  death and legacy of

  divorce from Catherine of Aragon

  foreign affairs

  governmental initiatives

  last years

  later wives

  married to Catherine of Aragon

  portrait of

  Protestantism and

  reaction from Catholics

  religious vacillation

  takes command of Church

  Whitehall and

  Wolsey and

  Henry Frederick, Prince (James I’s son)

  Hepburn, James, earl of Bothwell

  Herbert, Arthur, earl of Torrington

  Herbert, George

  Herbert of Cherbury, Lord

  Herman, Frederick, duke of Schomberg

  Hilliard, Nicholas

  History of Richard III (More)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hogarth, William

  The Rake’s Progress

  Le Hogue, Battle of

  Holbein the Younger, Hans

  holidays and celebrations

  become riots

  music and

  Holinshed, Raphael

  Holles, Denzil

  parliamentary Presbyterians

  Holmes, Geoffrey

  Holy Roman Empire

  Henry VIII and

  Thirty Years’ War

  Treaty of Utrecht

  War of the Spanish Succession

  Hooke, Robert

  Hooker, Richard

  Houlbrooke, Ralph


  country houses


  health and

  rural villages

  Howard, Catherine (Henry VIII’s


  Howard, Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham

  Howard, Frances

  Howard, Henry, earl of Northampton

  Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey

  Howard, Thomas see Norfolk, dukes of

  Howard, Thomas, earl of Arundel

  Howard family

  Hudson, Christopher


  Hundred Years’ War

  Hunne, Richard

  Hyde, Edward, 1st earl of Clarendon

  Hyde, Edward, Viscount Cornbury

  Ignatius of Loyola

  Indemnity and Oblivion, Act of (1660)

  Indulgence, Declaration of


  Inns of Court

  insurance companies


  Act of Supremacy

  bitterness under Elizabeth

  Civil Wars and

  Commonwealth control

  deposed James II attempts to take

  effect of Glorious Revolution

  harbours English pretenders

  map of

  Nine Years’ War

  Penal Code

  population of

  Poynings Law

  rebels against Charles I

  repression of Catholics

  social structure

  Stuarts and


  Tudor era

  Ireton, Henry

  Isabella of Castile

  Isabella of Portugal

  Isaiah, Book of


  see also James Francis Edward, Prince; James II

  James Francis Edward, Prince (James II’s son)

  father’s deathbed request of Louis XIV

  hopes for restoration

  James I (Stuart), VI of Scotland

  aristocracy and

  arts and

  birth of

  Catholics and

  character of

  Civil Wars and

  death of



  on London

  pacific foreign policy

  painting of

  reconciling England and Scotland

  Scotland and

  sovereignty of

  succeeds Elizabeth

  writings and ideas of

  James II (Stuart)

  arts and culture

  Catholicism of

  character of

  continued loyalty to

  deathbed request for son

  Exclusion Crisis

  France and

  good will on accession

  as heir apparent

  marriages of

  policies of

  portrait of

  rebellion held back

  in Scotland

  William’s invasion and

  James IV of Scotland

  James V of Scotland

  Jeffreys, George, Baron

  Jesuits see Society of Jesus Jews

  John de Balliol

  John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln

  John of Gaunt

  Jones, Inigo

  Jonson, Ben

  Josselin, Ralph

  Julius II, Pope

  justices of the peace

  duties and responsibilities of

  licensing alehouses

  Tudor and Stuart era


  Juxon, Archbishop William

  Kent, Marquess of (Henry Grey)

  Kent, William

  Kéroualle, Louise de

  Kett, Robert

  Kildare, earls of (Fitzgerald family)

  Kilkenny, Statutes of (1366)

  Killiekrankie, Battle of

  King, Gregory

  gentry families

  on livestock

  middle class

  table of families

  Kinsale, siege of

  Kishlansky, Mark

  Kneller, Sir Godfrey

  Knollys, Sir Francis


  The First Blast of the Trumpet

  labour and jobs


  country house servants

  craftsmen and guilds

  late Stuart




  women and

  working classes

  Laguerre, Louis

  Lancaster, House of

  Wars of the Roses

  land and landowners

  concentration of

  copyhold tenure

  demesne farming

  dissolution of monasteries

  Edward IV’s policies

  Elizabethan population

  Glorious Revolution and

  Henry VII and

  inequalities of



  manors and tenants


  regulations on

  taxes on

  voting rights

  Langford, Paul

  Laroon, Marcellus

  Latimer, Bishop Hugh


  Laud, Archbishop William

  Lauderdale, duke of (John Maitland)

  law and policing

  assize judges

  common law courts

  law making


  Star Chamber

  Tudor and Stuart era

  see also crime and corruption; justices of the peace


  Lee, Bishop Rowland

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  Leicester, earl of (Robert Dudley)

  advocates war

  death of

  influence of

  Spanish naval war

  leisure time


  country houses

  Lely, Sir Peter

  Lennox, duke of (Esmé Stuart)

  Lenthall, William

  Leslie, Alexander

  L’Estrange, Sir Roger


  proposals of

  spread of ideas

  worry to elite

  Licensing Acts

  Lilburne, John

  Lilly, Edmund

  Limerick, Treaty of

  Lincoln, earl of (John de la Pole)


  capital punishment and

  at Reformation

  rise of

  scripture and


  censorship and publishing

  Restoration era

  Tudor and Stuart

  women authors

  Liverpool (city)

  Lloyd’s of London insurance

  local government

  Charles II fills with Tories

  Henry VIII and

  supports William of Orange

  tension with government


  Locke, John

  Essay on Human Understanding

  The Reasonableness of Christianity

  Two Treatises of Government

  Locke, Matthew



  administrative centre




  areas of

  aristocracy and

  aristocracy in

  arts and culture

  disease and illness

  Great Fire of

  growth of

  lord mayors of

  maps and illustrations of ,

  trade and finance

  London, Treaty of (1518)

  London Stationer’s Company

  Louis XI of France

  Louis XII of France

  Louis XIII of France

  Louis XIV of France


  ambitions of

  arts and culture

  Charles II and

  Irish scheme for James II

  splendor and exploitation

  supports deposed James II

  tough peace talks

  War of the Spanish Succession

  Whig view of

  Louis XV of France

  Lowndes, William

  Lumley, Richard, Lord

  Luther, Martin ,

  MacCulloch, Diarmaid

  Machiavelli, Niccolo

  The Prince


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