Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, (Royal Museums of Art and History) Parc du Cinquantenaire, 10, 1000 Bruxelles
Remarkable statue bust of Drusus.
Gallo Romeins Museum (Gallo-Roman Museum)
Kielenstraat 15, 3700 Tongeren
Museum of finds from the Flanders region displayed using state-of-the-art techniques. Short-listed for the prestigious Museums Heritage 2010 Awards – International category.
Le musée gallo-romain de Lyon-Fourvière (Gallo-Roman Museum)
17 rue Cléberg, 69005 Lyon
Fine collection of finds from Lugdunum and the sanctuary of the Imperial Cult; and access to the archaeological site including the Praetorium in which Drusus and his family lived while legatus augusti pro praetore of Tres Galliae during the years 14–9 BCE.
Musée du Louvre
75058 Paris Cedex 01
Statue busts of Drusus, his mother Livia and stepfather Augustus.
Musée Archéologique (Archaeological Museum)
Palais Rohan 2, place du Château, 67076 Strasbourg Cedex
Important finds from Argentorate, founded by Drusus in 12 BCE .
Römisches Museum (Roman Museum)
Dominikanergasse 15, 86150 Augsburg
Finds from the city of Augusta Vindelicorum founded by Drusus in 15 BCE .
Stadtmuseum Bergkamen (Bergkamen City Museum)
Städtische Galerie “sohle 1” Jahnstraße 31, Museumsplatz, 59192 Bergkamen-Oberaden
Museum displays finds from excavations from the Oberaden fortress founded by Drusus in 11 BCE .
Ems Radweg (Ems Cycle Route)
Emsland Touristik GmbH, Ordeniederung 1, 49719 Meppen Münsterland Turistik Grünes Band e.V., An der Hohen Schule 13, 48565 Steinfurt
A well-signposted bike trail follows the course of the Ems River along which Drusus conducted his amphibious campaign of 12 BCE . The 375 kilometre (233.0 mile) long ride starts in Emden and ends in Paderborn, or vice versa, passing the location of Drusus’ river battle against the Bructeri as well as the Teutoburg Forest.
Haltern am See
Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe-Römermuseum (Roman Museum)
Weseler Straße 100, 45721 Haltern am See
Fine collection of Roman finds from excavations on site. Excellent calendar of special exhibitions and events, including Roman period re-enactors and military displays.
Römerlager bei Hedemünden (Roman Camp at Hedemünden)
Touristik Naturpark Münden e. V., 34346 Hann. Münden/Hedemünden
Roman camp likely founded by Drusus on the Werra in 10/9 BCE in a park located 1.5 kilometres (1 mile) west of modern Hedemünden.
Köln (Cologne)
Römisch-Germanisches Museum (Romano-Germanic Museum)
Roncalliplatz 4, 50667 Köln
World-renowned museum displays spectacular finds from the city dating from its foundation as Oppidum Ubiorum to its later flourishing as the administrative capital of Germania Inferior under the name Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium.
Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (Romano-Germanic Museum)
Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2, 55116 Mainz
Collection of finds from the fortress of Mogontiacum founded by Drusus and later city, including the outstanding remains and reconstructions of third and fourth century ships of types likely used by Drusus to sail the western shore and rivers of Germania.
Römisches Bühnentheater in Mainz (Roman Theatre)
Zitadellenweg, 55131 Mainz
Remains of the great theatre probably associated with the annual Drusus festival, located at Bahnhof Mainz Römisches Bühnentheater. The largest Roman theatre north of the Alps.
Zitadelle auf dem Jokobsberg (Fortified Citadel on Jokobsberg Hill)
Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 30, 55124 Mainz-Gonsenheim
Remains of the cenotaph (Drususstein/Eichelstein) erected by the legions to honour Drusus. The tallest Roman memorial north of the Alps.
Archäologische Staatssammlung (Bavarian State Archaeological Collection)
Lerchenfeldstraße 2, 80538 München
Catapult bolt of Legio XIX from Oberammergau and items from Raetia and Noricum.
Clemens-Sels-Museum Am Obertor, 41460 Neuss
Archaeology gallery displays finds from Novaesium.
Historisches Museum der Pfalz (Museum of Pfalz Region History)
Domplatz 4, 67346 Speyer
Archaeology gallery displays finds from Speyer.
Landschaftsverband Rheinland-Römer Museum (Museum of Roman Collections)
Siegfriedstraße 39, 46509 Xanten
A spectacular museum set among reconstructed buildings of the later city near the original fortress of Vetera founded by Drusus.
Römer Route (Roman Bike Trail)
Münsterland e.V., Hüttruper Heide 71–81, 48268 Greven
A well-signposted bike trail follows the course of the Lippe River along the route of Drusus’ Lupia campaign of 11 BCE . The 315 kilometre (195.7 mile) long ride starts in Xanten and ends in Detmold, or vice versa, passing through Bergkamen-Oberaden and Haltern am See.
Museo archeologico dell’Alto Adige (South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology)
Via Museo 43, 39100 Bolzano
One of only two surviving milestones of the via Claudia Augusta, as well as items fro m local Raetian culture .
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (Naples Archaeological Museum)
Piazza Museo, 19 Napoli
Bronze bust of Drusus.
Museo dell’Ara Pacis (Ara Pacis Museum)
Lungotevere in Augusta, 00100 Roma, RM
The Altar of Peace, the epitome of high Augustan art, shows the only portrait known to have been made of Drusus during his lifetime.
La Casa di Augusto sul Palatino (House of Augustus on the Palatine Hill)
Via dei Fori Imperiali All’interno dell’area archeologica del Palatino-Foro Romano Roma, RM gusto
Remains of the House of Augustus in which Drusus grew up as a boy.
Museum Het Valkhof (Valkhof Museum)
Kelfkensbos 59, 6511 TB Nijmegen
Important finds from the Hunerberg fortress site used by Drusus to launch the initial amphibious campaign into Germania in 12 BCE , including masked helmets worn by Batavi cavalry.
Boston, Massachusetts
Museum of Fine Arts
Avenue of the Arts, 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02115–5523
Cameo in turquoise of Livia with one of her sons, possibly Drusus; and statue bust of Drusus as a teenager.
Acies ‘Line of troops’, battle order
Aedile Magistrate in charge of public works
Aes Copper coin, worth one half dupondius (asses pl.)
Ala ‘Wing’, legionary cavalry on wings of battle formation (alae pl.)
Aquila ‘Eagle’, the eagle standard of a legion
Aquilifer Standard bearer carrying the aquila
Ara Altar
Armatura Weapons training
Aureus Highest denomination gold coin worth 25 denarii (aurei pl.)
Auspex Soothsayer specialising in interpreting flight of birds
Auxilia Support troops of non-Roman citizens
Ballista Artillery weapon throwing bolts or stones
Bellator ‘Warrior’, Roman war-fighter (bellatores pl.)
Beneficiarius Soldier given a special duty to perform (beneficiarii pl.)
Campidoctor Drill sergeant
Campus Martius ‘Field of Mars’, a large park and recreation ground in Rome
Capitolinus Hill in Rome on which was built the Temple of Iupiter
Catapulta Artillery weapon throwing bolts
Censor Magistrate in charge of the census
Census Assessment of taxable assets carried out every 5 years
Centuria ‘Century’, unit of 80 men; sixty centuries formed a legio
Centurio ‘Centurion’, officer in charge of a centuria
Cohors ‘Cohort’, unit of six centuries or twelve in a First Cohort (cohortes pl.)
Cohors Urbanus Paramilitary police guarding the mint
Colonia ‘Colony’, town founded for retired legionaries
Commilitio ‘Fellow soldier’, a form of address to legionaries usually by a senior office (commilitiones pl.)
Confarreatio Traditional form of wedding
Consul One of the two highest magistrates of the res publica, elected annually
Contubernales Form of address for men sharing a tent
Contubernium Unit of eight men sharing a tent (contubernia pl.)
Cornicen Horn player, one of the principales in a centuria
Cornu Circular horn for relaying commands played by a cornicen
Cuneus ‘Wedge’, attack formation used by Roman army
Curia Senate House
Cursus honorum Career ladder leading to entry into the Senate as a senator
Denarius Silver coin, worth four sestertii (denarii pl.)
Doctor Armorum Instructor in the use of the gladius, pilum and scutum
Dupondius Bronze coin, worth two asses or one half a sestertius (dupondii pl.)
Dux Leader (duces pl.)
Equites ‘Knights’, the middle or business class of Roman society
Exercitus Army
Fabrica Workshop (fabricae pl.)
Fasces The tied bundle of rods around an axe carried by lictores as a symbol of the praetor’s high office
Feliciter ‘Good luck’, a wish shouted at weddings
Feriae Public holidays and festival days
Flamen Priest (flamines pl.)
Flammeum Orange veil worn by the bride at a confarreatio
Fossa ‘Fosse’, a ditch or trench used to mean a canal (fossae pl.)
Framea Germanic spear or javelin (frameae pl.)
Frater ‘Brother’, a form of address used by soldiers (fratres pl.)
Frumentarius Commissary responsible for the military grain supply (frumentarii pl.)
Forum Romanum Roman Forum in Rome
Gladius Short stabbing and thrusting weapon used by legionaries (gladii pl.)
Haruspex Soothsayer specialising in interpreting animal entrails
Hasta Javelin used by Roman auxilia and cavalry
Honesta Roman virtue of respectibility
Imago Mask of wax made during the lifetime of a Roman citizen; military standard bearing a small statue bust of the princeps.
Imagnifer Standard bearer responsible for carrying the imago
Immunis Soldier exempt from certain duties, often a bookkeeper or clerk (immunes pl.)
Impedimenta Baggage train
Imperator ‘Commander’, a title shouted by troops to a victorious leader
Imperium ‘Supreme power’, including the right to wage war
Industria Roman virtue of working hard
Laudatio Eulogy
Legatus Legionis Commander of a legio ‘delegated’ the imperium by Augustus
Legio Unit of 10 cohortes, approximately 6,000 men (legiones pl.)
Libertas Roman virtue of independence, freedom of speech
Liburna ‘Liburnian’, type of ship, usually with two rows of oarsmen
Lictor Bodyguard of a senior magistrate: a consul had 12, a praetor 6, a propraetor 5 and an aedile 2 (lictores pl.)
Lorica hamata Shirt of chain or ring mail
Lorica squamata Shirt of scale armour
Lorica segmentata Body armour of articulated metal plates (a non-Roman term coined in the sixteenth century)
Ludi Roman blood games, held for religious observance and increasingly used to further political ends
Lumentarius Soldier or slave responsible for baggage and animals that carried it
Medicus ‘Medic’, doctor
Miles Common soldier, miles gregarius (milites pl.)
Mos maiorum ‘The ways of the elders’, traditional values and forms of worship
Munera Roman blood games held for political and entertainment purposes
Municipium Chartered provincial Roman city
Navis longa ‘Long ship’, name of a bireme or trimere
Officium ‘Service’, the staff responsible for record keeping
Oppidum Town or defensible settlement often on a hill
Onager ‘Wild ass’, artillery weapon throwing stones
Ovatio Lower form of triumph awarded to a victorious commander who was permitted to ride on a horse through the streets of Rome
Palatinus Hill in Rome, location of homes for the Roman élite
Paterfamilias Legal master of the household
Pes ‘Foot’
Pes Drusianus ‘Drusian Foot’, longer than a standard Roman foot
Pes Monetalis ‘Monetan Foot’, standard Roman unit of measuring length
Pietas Roman virtue of respect for the natural order of things
Pilum Roman javelin used by legionaries (pila pl.)
Pompa Procession in a religious rite or funeral
Pompa triumphalis Full triumph in which the triumphator rode in a chariot followed by floats displaying the captive and spoils of war.
Pontifex Maximus ‘Chief bridge builder’, chief priest
Praefectus ‘Prefect’, senior officer
Praefectus Castrorum ‘Camp Prefect’, third in command of a legio
Praefectus Equitum ‘Prefect of Horse’, senior officer in command of a turma
Praetor Senior magistrate responsible for administering law, the ludi and feriae
Praetor Urbanus Chief praetor in charge of administration of law in Rome
Praetorium ‘Praetor’s building’, house of the senior officer of a legio
Primus Pilus ‘First javelin’, the most senior centurio of a legio
Princeps ‘The First One’, the title adopted by Augustus to describe his leadership position
Princeps Praetorii Officer in charge of the officium
Principalis Non-commissioned officer of a centuria, e.g. cornicen, signifer (principales pl.)
Principia ‘Front line�
�, headquarters building in a Roman fort
Proconsul Governor of a senatorial province
Propraetor Governor of an imperial province
Pugio Short, leaf-shaped dagger worn by legionaries
Quaestor Junior magistrate in charge of law courts and financial accounting
Quinarius Lowest denomination copper coin
Rostrum Speaker’s platform in Forum Romanum
Res publica ‘Public Things’, the commonwealth of the Roman state
Sacerdos Priest
Scutum Roman shield (scuta pl.)
Sestertius Brass coin, equal in value to one-quarter denarius (sestertii pl.)
Signifer Standard bearer carrying the centurial signum
Signum Unit standard (signa pl.)
Spatha Long double-edged slashing sword used by cavalry
Speculator Military escort (speculatores pl.)
Spolia opima Prized spoils taken from an enemy after armed combat
Suovetaurilia Religious rite involving the sacrifice of a pig, sheep and bull
Testudo ‘Tortoise’, battle formation using shields raised over the heads
Toga virilis ‘Manly gown’, all-white toga worn by Roman adult men
Toga praetexta White toga with a broad purple stripe along the curved edge
Tresviri ‘Three Men’, a board responsible for a state function, e.g. tresviri monetales who were responsible for managing the coin supply
Tribunus Tribune: tribunus plebis, a representative of the people elected annually; tribunus laticlavius, the second in command of a legio was accompanied by five junior tribuni angusticlavii
Triumphator The military commander awarded an ovatio or pompa triumphalis
Tropaeum ‘Trophy’ made of captured weapons (tropaea pl.)
Tumulus Cenotaph shaped like a raised circular dome (tumuli pl.)
Turma Unit of Roman cavalry (turmae pl.)
Vexillarius Standard bearer of the vexillum
Via Praetoria Cross road in a Roman camp leading to principia
Via Principalis Main street of a Roman camp
Via Sacra ‘Sacred Way’, the main road running through the Forum Romanum
Virtus Roman virtue of courage or manliness
Place Names
Cities and Towns
Aquae Sextiae
Alpis Graia
Eager for Glory Page 27