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Captured By The Warriors

Page 2

by Daniella Wright

  He comes toward the cage and surveys me up and down. “What is your name?”

  I gulp. “Lena.”

  He nods in approval. “Lena. I like that. I am Rami.”

  I glance at Axl. “He told me.”

  He smiles. “I like you. You’re a perfect specimen. So tall and slender and strong. I’m going to win you, and then you’ll be mine.” He puts his hand through the bars and tries to touch my leg

  My surprise and despair evaporate into rage. I slap his hands away and throw myself back into a corner far away from him. “You can’t do this to me. How dare you drag me here and lock me up like an animal? I demand you let me go and return me to Earth.”

  “I can’t do that, and I wouldn’t do it even if I could. I’ll have you for myself. I’m going to win you in the jousting tournament, and you’ll stay with me.”

  “I won’t stay with you. You’ll have to kill me first.”

  He retreats and whispers under his breath to Axl. He smiles and nods to me, and Axl nods back.

  I can’t contain my curiosity. “What are you going to do to me?”

  Rami waves a hand toward Axl. “My brother desires you, too. We can’t decide who will compete for our tribe at the tournament.”

  “Your brother?” No wonder they look alike.

  “Rekyl compete against Zerq, so we would have to joust against each other to decide who will win you. We don’t want to do that.”

  “Why not? Why don’t you want to joust against each other?”

  “Dordon jousting is dangerous. The competitors often wind up maimed or even killed. We couldn’t to that to each other, but that’s the only way we could decide who would have you.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  He rubs his chin. “I don’t know. It’s a puzzle.”

  He walks out of the room and leaves me to think about it. Axl still watches me from across the room in his human form. I can’t get over how attractive he is. If I wasn’t locked in this cage, I could get used to the idea of being with him.

  I don’t have time to think about it when Itchi steps between us. His leering rainbow face sends chills up my spine. “I don’t have to joust anybody to have you. I’ll have you right now.”

  He moves his hand over the lock and the door pops open. He steps into the cage with me, and the door snaps shut behind him. I back into the corner. I’m ready to fight him off if necessary. I don’t think his illustrious leader will be too pleased if I die defending myself against this alien scumbag.

  He moves closer and pins me into the corner. I can’t get out now, and dozens of tentacles slither out of his back to surround me. They close their slimy wetness around my arms. I tense myself for the inevitable when he flies away from me with incredible speed. His back slams against the bars, and Axl moves between us.

  He’s changed back into his alien form, but for all that, he hasn’t lost any of his dynamic power. I can see the handsome Earth man through his shimmering skin and tentacles. He glares at Itchi. “If you lay a hand on her, I’ll tear you to shreds.”

  Itchi snarls at him through bared teeth, but he slinks out of the cage and out of the room without a word. Axl turns to me. “Are you hurt?”

  I can only shake my head and gasp. “Thank you. Will he tell your brother what you did?”

  “He wouldn’t dare. What he tried to do was highly illegal. My brother would have him killed if he found out.”

  I study his face. “Why didn’t you tell me you were the leader’s brother? Doesn’t that make you....deputy leader or something?”

  He smiles at me. Now I definitely see his handsome side. “Actually, we’re both leaders since our father died, but as he said, only one man can represent our tribe in the jousting tournament. He’s doing it, so that makes him leader.”

  “That’s too bad you’re missing out. I wouldn’t mind if you won me instead.”

  His eyes lock onto mine. He’s thinking the same thing. He takes a step toward me. I glance down at his red mouth, and the next minute, he kisses me with such passion as I’ve never known. In an instant, he’s on me. He drives me back against the bars, but I’m devouring his mouth with my teeth and tongue. He fills me with aching, intoxicating need.

  My nether tissues unfurl in ripe surrender under his kiss, and my legs groan apart. He shoves his knee between them and rides against my sweet triangle while he pushes his growing bulge into my tender vulva. I can’t get enough of him.

  He leans his weight against me, and my breasts touch his powerful chest. I press myself up against him to egg him on, but he needs no encouragement. He’s getting harder every minute, and his constant prodding between my legs stimulates my swollen rift.

  He anchors my hands on the bars high above my head while his hands stroll down my body. They cover my breasts, my belly, and down to the secret cavern of dreams between my legs. I hang from the bars, his possession to do with what he will. I’m a slab of meat to him, but I need it. I want him to take me, to consume me and leave me a quivering pulp.

  In an instant, he removes my clothes and exposes my naked skin to his inspection. His hands probe every crevice and burrow from my mouth to my toes, and I anoint his skin with my sex.

  In a flash, he abandons my mouth and falls on his knees in front of me. I cling to the bars above my head for support. He pries my legs apart and gobbles my juicy treasure with expert lashes of his tongue. He nibbles my delicate bud between his sharp teeth and brings squeaks of agony and delight to my lips.

  I try to spread myself open for him, but he’s master of my destiny. He holds my legs where he wants them and rides his two fingers on either side of my dripping font. Before I know what hit me, I’m spiraling out of control. I’m screaming and crying and singing and dying all at once, and my vital essence gushes out into his waiting mouth.

  He hasn’t finished with making me his luscious pet, though. As soon as he makes me cross that barrier into bliss, he stands up and spins me around. He pulls my hands free from the bars and re-positions them back in the same place, except now I’m facing away from him with my curvy rear end waiting for his rude attention.

  He pushes against my back and pulls my hips toward him to bend me over. I hold onto the bars for dear life. Oh, dear God, can this really be happening? I’m bending over for an alien, and I can’t wait for him to skewer me with his cosmic spike.

  Something wet slaps across my upraised pumpkin, and I cry out in surprise and pain. I look over my shoulder at him. He glares back at me with that wild, maniacal snarl of a man about to rage over me. I’m his prisoner. I’m his dessert. He won’t rest until he does me justice.

  Tentacles slither all around him. One of them lands across my backside with another stinging slap, and I rear upwards. He holds me in position. “That’s it. That’s the way.”

  He noses his lance between my rounded curves, and its pointed head brings my vibrating tissues to life all over again. Oh, God, I want this so bad! Once is never enough with a man like him. I want him to take me over and over again and drive me to the moon every time, and that’s exactly what he’ll do.

  He investigates my orifice with his probe, and when he finds it wet and ready enough for his liking, he leans back and drives it home. I scream in heavenly ecstasy, but he’s already throwing himself into me again and again. I can’t stand this. I immediately rocket into rolling orgasmic waves. I tear and scream at the bars, but I won’t let go for anything. They keep me upright so I can take that brutal shaft to its hilt.

  Tentacles investigate and intrude on my every opening. They find their way into my mouth, around my neck, and into forbidden places too sensitive to name. I love it all. I savor it all. I want it all. I suck anything that goes into my mouth. I ride anything below or behind or under me, and I scream in one orgasm after another until I can barely stand.

  My nectar bathes his many arms. My saliva cools his flesh until the scorching lava of his eruption burns into my core, and our souls merge in galactic unity. He rages an
d bellows at me through bared teeth until he sinks down over my back in blissful fulfillment.

  Chapter 3

  I must have fallen asleep. I’m exhausted enough to sleep for a week, but I can’t tell what time it is in that room with its uniform light. After a while, some female aliens come in and let me out of my cage. They lead me by the arms to a different room with a large hot water pool in the middle.

  I step down into it, and they hand me cloths and soap and everything I need for a nice, long bath. I take my time about it. There’s not a male in sight, and I relax into the warm water.

  When I finish, they hold up a robe for me to wear. They don’t speak. They communicate everything with gestures. They perfume my hair and rub oil into my skin before draping the robe around my shoulders. Then they wave me toward the door.

  At last! I can get out of this horrid place and get some fresh air. I need it, but the minute the door opens, I start thrashing to get away. The alien females grab my arms and hold me prisoner. They’re just as strong as the men.

  They wrestle me through the door and push me into a smaller cage. They lock the door, and I’m a prisoner again. Long bars stick out the corners of the cage, and four men lift it and carry it through the streets, between the buildings, and out into the alien city.

  For the first time, I catch a glimpse of the planet Aranon. It’s dusty and hot, with sweeping deserts running away in all directions as far as the eye can see. Hundreds upon thousands of aliens line the streets to watch me carried by. They point and shout and dance around. They wave flags and streamers, and music and noise fills the air.

  The men carry me through the streets to an enormous colosseum. They parade me through the entrance arch and up flights of stairs to a platform overlooking the arena. Thousands and thousands of Rekyl, with their colorful skin and tentacles, crowd one side of the stadium. Another species sits on the other side, but they’re too far away from me to see very clearly.

  I see Rami sitting near me on a golden chair. He wears a circle of shiny silver metal around his head and holds a golden staff in his hand. His eyes run up and down my body when he sees me. “Are you well?”

  I can only nod back. I can hardly breathe. His eyes send a quiver through me. He’s thinking about what he’ll do with me after he wins this tournament.

  A line of Rekyl in colorful clothing steps into the arena and blasts enormous trumpet-like instruments. The crowd goes wild. They wave their streamers and shout and applaud. I guess that means the tournament is about to start.

  The musicians move back and two doors open in opposite sides of the arena. A great lumbering beast with shaggy brown hair and a ring in the end of its nose thunders from each door. This must be the dordon. It gouges the air with its curved horns and paws the ground with massive hooves. A Rekyl sits on the back of one, and the other species, the Zerq, sits on the other.

  Each rider holds an enormous club in one hand and the reins in the other. They face off at a distance. Then a horn sounds from somewhere out of sight and the two riders kick their dordons. The beasts race toward each other at top speed. The dordons can move faster than thought when they want to. They barrel toward each other on a collision course, but at the last possible second, the riders rein their animals to one side and swing their clubs.

  The Rekyl lands a crushing blow on his enemy’s back, but the Zerq counters and smashes the Rekyl’s head to a bloody pulp. The Rekyl slumps over his beast and falls over on the ground.

  Rekyl dart out from the side door and drag the hapless loser out of sight. Someone else grabs his dordon and leads it away. The winning Zerq raises his club in triumph and rides his dordon around the arena in a victory lap. The Zerq in the stands go nuts. They wave their flags and cheer their champion, but when the trumpets sound again, he returns to his place by the door.

  Another Rekyl rides out from the other direction, and the two fighters face each other the same way. They charge their dordons at each other, and at the last minute, they veer aside and smash each other with their clubs. This time, the champion Zerq falls, and the Rekyl takes his victory lap, much to the delight of his countrymen in the stands.

  I’m starting to see a pattern here, and I catch my breath. I’m not surprised when another Zerq rides out, but the Rekyl defeats him, too. On and on it goes, with first one side winning and then the other. Hour upon hour, they fight and destroy each other. Dozens of men fight and fall, only to be dragged away and replaced by others. They must be running out of men by now.

  I’m starting to lose interest, and the heat makes me sleepy when I notice Rami stand up. He sets his scepter on his golden seat and places his crown next to it. “Where are you going?”

  “My turn is coming soon. I must get down to the stables and get ready.” He takes a step closer to the cage, and before I can move away, he kisses me through the bars. His tongue slips into my mouth, and his warm saliva sends a thrilling trickle of excitement into my loins. “Wish me luck.”

  He hurries away. In an instant, my excitement revives and I watch the match with bated breath. Will he win? What will happen if he doesn’t? I’ll go to the Zerq. I don’t know anything about them. They could be dangerous, and Rami has been so nice to me. He hasn’t been as nice as Axl, but I really hope Rami wins and I go home with him instead of some strange species.

  Just then, a new rider comes out of the Rekyl door, and I recognize Itchi. Just for a second, I hope the Zerq smashes his rapist head in so I never have to see him again. I hope he dies a slow, painful death. When the two competitors charge toward each other, though, I change my mind. I wouldn’t wish this fate on my worst enemy. No one should die like this, in bloody violence. I can’t believe anyone can survive this, but I don’t want him dead, either.

  The two aliens meet and exchange blows with their clubs. I can’t watch, but I peek through my fingers at the battle. Itchi slams his opponent across the back, and the Zerq almost topples off his dordon. Itchi takes another swing and knocks him across the back of the neck. The Zerq crumples in his saddle, and Itchi moves in for the kill.

  He raises his club, but at that moment, the Zerq rallies. He thrusts up with his club and hits Itchi in the chest. Itchi doubles over with a grunt. The Zerq rises in his saddle, and with a vicious downstroke, scatters Itchi’s brains across the ground. Itchi’s body somersaults out of the saddle, and he hits the dust with a thud.

  So that’s it. That’s the end of the life of an alien scumbag. I don’t have time to mourn him. The Zerq in the stands erupt in cheers, but the trumpeters cut them off with a magnificent flourish of sound. Before the attendants even have time to haul Itchi out of the way, another rider canters onto the scene. It’s Rami!

  The Zerq who defeated Itchi freezes in the middle of his victory lap and glances over his shoulder. He spots Rami moving into position.

  A deadly hush falls over the stadium. No one moves. Very slowly, the Zerq defender rides into position facing Rami. I can’t breathe. I grasp the bars of my cage in a white-knuckle grip. I want to tear the place to pieces, to stop the fight, but I can’t move.

  Rami reins his dordon into position, and the crowd waits in excited anticipation. Then the trumpet sounds, and the two warriors kick their dordons into a dead run. They thunder toward each other, and their hooves set the whole stadium rumbling.

  The crowd explodes into wild cheering as the two fighters meet. They exchange blow for blow. The Zerq knocks Rami sideways in his saddle, and a cry of pain rips from my throat. I’m in a frenzy, but the next minute, Rami counters with a powerful parry. He throws the Zerq out of his saddle. The man hits the dirt, and Rami wheels his dordon on the fallen enemy.

  The Zerq tries to regain his feet, but Rami moves faster. He spurs his dordon directly toward the fallen Zerq. The dordon’s hooves strike the man, first in the body and then in the head. Rami reins his dordon back and forth until it tramples the man to death.

  In an instant, the stadium falls silent once again. The Zerq lies still. Rami raises his club
to the crowd and lets out a deafening bellow. The Rekyl fans answer with cries and happy cheers. They wave their streamers at him and applaud as he rides around the stadium in victory. Zerq attendants drag the loser out of the arena, and I let out a sigh of relief. Rami is the winner! I don’t have to worry about going to someone else now.

  The next moment, though, another trumpet sounds. It plays another flourish like the one signaling Rami’s entrance. Rami returns to his place as another Zerq rides into the arena to face him. The Zerq wears colored streamers tied to his clothes, and a golden helmet covers his head. Bells and colored cloth decorate his dordon’s saddle fittings. This can only be the Zerq leader.

  Another hush falls over the crowd. Everyone watches in rapt attention when the two champions face off. I don’t have time to think about what will happen if Rami loses this match. The trumpet sounds, and the two men charge at each other with their clubs raised high.

  The other fights meant nothing compared to this. The whole crowd watches in rapt silence. This was the moment of truth. Whoever wins this match will go home in triumph―with me.

  Rami gains the upper hand first. He rains blows on his adversary and nearly drives him to the ground. He strikes the Zerq in the head, then in the abdomen, and finally a glancing blow off his shoulder. The Zerq can’t react fast enough to return the blows.

  At last, Rami brings his club up for the final blow to end the fight. He slams the Zerq hard across the back, and then in the ribs. The Zerq doubles over, and Rami hits him again for good measure. The Zerq crumples on the ground and lays still.

  The attendants move in to remove him. Rami spins his dordon around to trample the man the way he did before, but at the last second, the Zerq rears off the ground and grabs Rami by the leg.

  Rami kicks his dordon to get away, but the Zerq holds him fast. The dordon plunges away, and the Zerq yanks Rami out of the saddle. Rami’s club falls out of his hand, and before he can recover, the Zerq grapples with him in a death grip.

  Neither man can tear himself away to reach his club. Whenever one of them tries to get hold of his weapon, the other holds him back. They punch and kick and slam each other to the ground, but neither can gain the upper hand.


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