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Captured By The Warriors

Page 5

by Daniella Wright

“I’m not going to be gentle with you,” he said, biting into my bottom lip. “Is that okay?”

  I nodded, squirming underneath him. He stood up and undressed, revealing a lean but muscular form, a body that looked like it was meant for fucking. I was filled with apprehensive lust as he looked down at me and gave me a wicked grin, stroking my hair and then lightly slapping my cheek with one hand.

  “You gonna be a good girl and take my cock?” he asked in a low, deep voice.

  * * *

  Chapter 1: Penelope

  I sat across from my now ex-husband in our attorney’s office, my arms crossed over my chest. I couldn’t wait until we finally stepped foot out of this office and I’d never have to see him again; our divorce was final, we were just tying up some loose strings for the next few minutes before we all blessedly got to disappear and end this business once and for all. The divorce itself wasn’t terribly stressful on me—I had gotten half of everything and would be able to easily maintain my lifestyle without his help. But it still hurt to admit defeat. My husband had cheated on me, and when I caught him cheating, he admitted that he was planning to leave me for the other woman.

  I saw Elliot’s smug smile out the corner of my eye as I leaned down and signed the final batch of papers needed for me to be free from him.

  “Better luck next time,” he said, and I felt nausea well up within me. He would have the last word in this. I refused to waste any of my energy responding to him in any way, no matter how angry he made me.

  “Hey, maybe we can be good friends after all of this,” he said. I shot him a look that shut him up real quick. He hadn’t been the most attentive husband in the world, but he had learned when it was best for him to keep his mouth shut.

  When the attorney gave me the go ahead, I threw my purse over my shoulder and walked out as quickly as I could, without looking back. I heard Elliot say my name and a feeling of revulsion ran through my spine. If I never had to talk to him again, it would be too soon.

  I got into my car and dialed my best friend, Carmine’s, number. Carmine was Elliot’s sister but she thought he was a massive asshole as much as I did. We had clicked and gotten along since the moment he introduced us, and now we even worked together. Even when we were still married, by the last couple of years of our relationship I was much closer to Carmine than I was to my husband. I suppose, looking back, that might have been a warning sign. But I didn’t pay enough attention to be able to predict the downfall of my marriage before that day I caught him cheating on me. Sometimes I still kicked myself for that. I could have saved myself a lot of heartbreak and humiliation had I just given up my relationship with Elliot as doomed the moment my feelings for him had started to wane in the first place.

  Carmine picked up on the third ring. “What’s up, girl? Are you a free woman now?”

  I sighed. “Yes. Divorce is done. Your shitty brother is out of my life for good,” I said. “He certainly seemed to enjoy the whole thing. He told me we could still be friends—I wanted to strangle him right there in the office.”

  “He’s an asshole,” said Carmine sympathetically. “He’ll get what’s coming to him, though. Men usually do. That’s karma, baby.”

  “I guess,” I said. I didn’t quite believe in karma. In my experience, good things happened to bad people all the time, and those people reaped their rewards for as long as possible without getting knocked down a peg. But it was nice to think about something coming back to bite Elliot in the ass.

  “Let’s go out for a drink,” said Carmine. “To celebrate.”

  I thought about it. Normally, I probably wouldn’t, but I felt like a drink was just the thing I needed to really rinse my thoughts of my divorce.

  “Yeah, good idea,” I said. “I’ll come pick you up in about twenty.”

  I hung up the phone and started to drive, turning the radio up and singing along to a song in order to free my body of the horrible curdled feeling inside of me. Divorce was no big deal to me, really, I’d never gone into my marriage thinking it was holy or blessed or anything like that. But I had loved Elliot once and it hurt to know that he had stopped loving me, that he had chosen somebody else.

  Carmine was ready for me when I pulled up to her house, waiting on the front porch in a dress that was almost outrageously short. She walked up to the car, gave my outfit one look, and shook her head.

  “Get out,” she said. “You need to come in and change.”

  “Why?” I asked, looking down at my outfit. It was definitely more modest than what she was wearing, but it certainly wasn’t frumpy.

  “Come on,” she said, without explanation. I sighed and put the car in park, then followed her inside. She opened up her massive closet while I sat on her bed and started pulling outfits out and tossing them at me, or holding them up beside my skin to find the best color for me to wear. Finally, she settled on a pale blue, off-the-shoulder dress that went down to the middle of my thighs and brought out the color of my eyes. She topped it off with a pair of strappy silver heels that made my legs look long and slim. I gazed at myself in the mirror and smiled. I really did look hot; that hadn’t been my intention in the first place, but I found that I liked it. I wanted to go out feeling confident and sexy and had nothing to lose doing so. I was free for the first time in years.

  “Better,” said Carmine,” giving me an approving look. We gathered our things and got into the car, driving only a couple miles away to a bar we used to frequent when we were in college together. We went inside and took a seat at a booth in the corner of the room. I ran my eyes over the room, looking at all of the people who were talking and enjoying themselves. It had been so long since I’d been to a bar that I felt a bit like an alien sitting there. I caught the eye of a man, very handsome, who held my gaze for a long second before turning away to talk to his friends.

  Carmine brought back drinks for both of us—a beer for her, some fruity liquor concoction for me, and a shot each of fireball whiskey that burned going down.

  “How are you so different from your brother?” I asked when I was about halfway through my drink. “He’s such a fucking dick.”

  Carmine shrugged. “I got lucky, I guess. He got all the dick genes.”

  I laughed. The man who’d eyeballed me earlier kept turning around to glance at me. Once, I caught his eye, and he shot me a devilish smile that made my whole body react with interest. Carmine caught me staring and followed my gaze to him.

  “You’re so lucky,” she said, sighing dramatically. “You can sleep with whoever you want now.”

  I looked at her and laughed. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Seriously,” said Carmine. “He thinks he’s hot shit now that he’s going to have a new young wife, but you get to have whoever you want with no strings attached now.”

  “I don’t know,” I said. I wasn’t that type of girl, generally. I didn’t hop from man to man. I’d only had two boyfriends in my life, including Elliot, and had never really dated like a normal person my age. But sitting there, sipping my drink, emboldened by the look the man across the room kept shooting me, I began to think that maybe it was time for me to explore. Obviously, Elliot had been out spreading his wings. Maybe it was time for me to do the same.

  The man I’d been exchanging looks with all night approached the table then. He was so handsome, tall and lean, his dark hair pushed back from his face to reveal eyes that were slate gray and intense.

  “Ladies,” he said, looking back and forth between us. His eyes settled on mine and he held them. I found myself holding my breath, lost in his gaze. “I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Mark.”

  He held his hand out for me to shake. I took it and he cradled it in his palm a little longer than necessary, the touch of his skin sending warmth through my body. He looked at me and smiled.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked. I bit my lip, hesitating. I wasn’t used to this, taking drinks from men I didn’t know. Flirting in bars. It was all new to me. I wasn’t exactly sure how to go
about doing it. Luckily, I had an expert with me.

  “Go on,” said Carmine, nudging me with her elbow. “I’m going to go dance.”

  “Okay,” I said to her, then looked at Mark. “Sure.”

  He went to the bar and ordered for us, then came back and took Carmine’s seat, slipping my drink into my hand. His grin was wolfish and sexy and I found myself scooting closer to him in the round booth, without even thinking about it.

  “So,” he said. “What’s your name?”

  “Penny,” I said. “Penelope.”

  “Penelope,” he repeated. “And what are you doing here tonight, Penelope?”

  I shrugged. “Just hanging out. Thought it’d be a good night to have fun.”

  “And are you having fun?”

  Actually, I was. Just talking to him was a thrill. There was something about him, something powerfully sexy and charismatic that made the whole night a little more interesting.

  “Maybe,” I said coyly. He laughed.

  “Okay,” he said. “How can I make that a yes?”

  I sipped my drink, which tasted quite a bit stronger than the last one. “Tell me a secret,” I said.

  “A secret?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Like what?”

  “Something you’ve never told anybody,” I said. “Ever.”

  He chuckled and seemed to think for a moment. “I’ll tell you something, but you can’t laugh at me.”

  “I’m not making any promises,” I said, grinning. I caught myself gazing at his full lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. When I met his eye again, it was clear that he had noticed where my attention had been. He dragged his teeth over his bottom lip and winked at me, which made my pulse race. I squirmed in the booth, my body suddenly reacting in the most distracting way.

  “Okay,” he said. “Well, I’m afraid of mice.”

  “Mice?” I asked, laughing. He gave me a faux stern look, then broke into a grin.

  “Dead afraid of them,” he said. “I see a mouse, I run.”

  “But they’re so small,” I said, trying to stifle my smile. “What are you afraid of?”

  He shrugged. “No idea. All I know is they scare the piss out of me. Is that a good enough secret?”

  I nodded. “That was a good one.”

  “Good,” he said, then leaned in close to me, his lips near my ear.

  “I just want to say, Penelope,” he said. “You are the most radiant thing in this room.”

  I closed my eyes and shivered, feeling his breath on the sensitive skin just beneath my ear.

  “Tell me why you’re here alone, apparently unattached,” he said, pulling back to look me in the eye. His gaze was sparkling, dancing with lively mirth.

  “It’s only recently,” I said. “I just finalized my divorce today.”

  “In that case,” he said, tilted his face toward mine and capturing my mouth with his for a soft, sensual kiss. “We should celebrate.”

  I sighed against his lips and kissed him back, parting my lips for his tongue to caress and stroke mine. The kiss grew deeper there in the booth and suddenly I wanted nothing more than to be alone with him. I nodded, biting into his lip.

  “Come home with me,” I breathed against his mouth. “Help me celebrate.”

  He nodded, grinning. We parted ways for a moment—I made sure that Carmine was okay by herself and he went to grab his things from where they were at his friends’ table. For her part, Carmine had run into a couple of old friends from college and was enjoying herself anyway. She sent me off with a wink and a thumbs-up.

  He joined me near the front of the bar and then we made our way outside to my car. He slid himself into the passenger’s seat and buckled up while I started the engine.

  “So tell me how you want this to go,” he said as I drove. “Or I’ll tell you.”

  “Tell me,” I said.

  “Okay,” he started. “We’re going to go into your place and I’m going to peel you out of that dress first thing.”

  I squirmed in my seat, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

  “Then I’m going to lay you down and taste every part of you, would you like that?”

  I nodded, unable to speak.

  “After that, what I really want to do, is fuck you hard and rough,” he said in a soft, dangerous voice. “If you’ll let me.”

  “It depends,” I said, finally finding my voice. “You’re going to have to convince me.”

  “That won’t be hard,” he said, chuckling. “God, you’re already squirming.”

  I licked my lips, staying quiet. The drive was taking too long. Sitting next to him, listening to his promises, made me wet and swollen with need. He put his hand on my thigh near the knee and squeezed, then traced his palm up my leg and let it rest close to the juncture between my legs. When we finally pulled up to my house, I parked the car and leaned over to kiss him hot on the mouth, my body overheated and frantic. He put his hand on the back of my head and held my face close to his, devouring my lips, tasting the inside of my mouth.

  “Let’s go,” he said, then pulled away and got out of the car. I got out, too, and he followed me to my front door. I unlocked it and pushed inside, then closed it behind us. I looked up at him to see that he was grinning, took his hand and led him upstairs to my bedroom.

  Inside, I saw on the bed and he took my heels off, caressing the sensitive skin of my ankles with his fingers. He kissed just inside my knee, sending a thrill of heat up my leg and directly between my thighs. Then I stood up so that he could pull my dress over my head, leaving me in only my panties in front of him. He knelt down so that his face was level with them, nuzzled my slit through the fabric.

  “So wet,” he said, delighted, and ran the tip of his tongue between my lower lips. I knew my panties were nearly translucent with moisture and that he could see absolutely everything through the white cotton. The thought made me even hotter. I felt so wanton, so lively. I put my hands to the back of his head to hold him closer and he gave a low, soft growl and nearly ripped them off of me so that I was bare in front of him. I looked at him with wide eyes and he grinned, then pushed me down with my back against the bed and crawled over me. He took one of my nipples between his lips and sank his teeth into it gently, sending a tender lance of pain through my body that only served to make me wetter. He did the same to the other nipple, biting into it, tugging gently and letting it go so that it bounced back stiff and pink and deliciously sensitive. After that, he kissed down my belly, then brought his face between my legs and nuzzled my slit. He parted the folds with his tongue and teased me in short, firm strokes that didn’t quite reach my needy bud. I squirmed against his face, holding my breath. No one had ever done this for me; Elliot certainly hadn’t. He had thought it was weird, but Mark seemed to be getting as much out of it as I was. His breathing was almost ragged on my lower lips as he finally began to circle my bud with the tip of his tongue, then to lap at it in firm strokes that made me moan and whimper underneath his mouth. He continued to lick until my hips were bucking against his face, then he wrapped his arms around my hips and held me firmly against him so that he could begin devouring me completely.

  I thought I’d come on his lips then but instead he pulled away, his mouth wet and glistening with my juices. He brought his face up to mine and kissed me hungrily, letting me taste myself.

  “I’m not going to be gentle with you,” he said, biting into my bottom lip. “Is that okay?”

  I nodded, squirming underneath him. He stood up and undressed, revealing a lean but muscular form, a body that looked like it was meant for fucking. I was filled with apprehensive lust as he looked down at me and gave me a wicked grin, stroking my hair and then lightly slapping my cheek with one hand.

  “You gonna be a good girl and take my cock?” he asked in a low, deep voice.

  “Yes,” I managed to breathe out, spreading my legs for him, eager to take what he wanted to give. He positioned himself between my legs and slid inside of me
in one deliberately hard stroke that nearly knocked the wind out of my body when it hit the back of my channel. Then he began to grind it in and out of me with a force that kept me panting, moving my hips to match his rhythm while he sped up and spread my thighs with his hands, holding me wide open and gazing at my folds to watch himself drive in and out of my body. I watched, too, hypnotized, until he began to rub my bud with his fingers and my eyes shut tight against the pleasure.

  “Look at me,” he commanded, and my eyelids fluttered open to meet his. He was gazing at me hotly, pounding into me while my pleasure built to a fever pitch. I was writhing and moaning underneath him, gazing into his eyes, biting into my lip hard the moment my orgasm ripped through my body, causing me to shudder underneath him. He kept going, his hips hitting me hard and fast, until he pounded out yet another climax that I could feel even through the tips of my fingers. Then he pulled out and came on my belly with a low groan of pleasure, and when we were finished he caught his breath before disappearing to find something to clean my body up with. He reemerged from the kitchen with a wet cloth and wiped his seed from my belly, then tossed it into the hamper and climbed into bed with me. My folds were already sore and swollen, but pleasurably so. I’d never been fucked like that before and I knew it wasn’t going to be the last time I wanted it that way.


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