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Captured By The Warriors

Page 25

by Daniella Wright

  "This is nice, but if you want to get outta here, away from all these stiffs," he murmurs, trailing off and drawing away with an innocent smile. I take in his expression with the slightest of pouts, wanting to slip away with him but knowing that my father can not afford another scandal while he's in office. I part my lips to say as much, but he speaks softly, just loud enough for me to hear. "No one has to know. It'll just be me and you. My bro has some real good stuff in his car, no one will even think to look for us out in the parking lot," he grins, brushing his hand along my arm. I glance towards the podium where my father will soon be making his announcement, weighing my options. Though I've always been an obedient daughter, my father hasn't even upheld his standards to the extent I have. Truth be told, I'm still angry at my father for cheating on my mother, and though she has forgiven him for his infidelity, he's refused to even acknowledge my questions regarding it. Why should I stick to the strict, good girl path? When the man who holds me to it can't even keep it in his pants for his own sake?

  I lean in, brushing my lips against Jeremy's ear. He shivers against my touch, and a sensation of power surges through me. He's quaking with anticipation, obviously eager to hear my answer. I have no doubt that it would be his most impressive feat to turn this good girl bad. Who am I to refuse such a tantalizing offer?

  "Let's go," I whisper, taking him by the arm once more. He draws away, straightening up and attempting to look respectable. We walk arm in arm to the back exit of the building, and I can vaguely make out my father's voice preparing to make his announcement. I can only roll my eyes at his selfishness, allowing Jeremy to lead me to the parking lot. The car he leads me to is small and relatively nondescript. It's not nearly as nice as most of the cars in the lot, but it doesn't seem as if it will draw much attention. He unlocks the doors, and I crawl into the passenger seat, folding my hands in my lap. I've never done anything like this, truth be told, I've never outright disobeyed my father. Jeremy offers me a small smile to soothe my nerves, though there is an edge of arrogance to his expression. He pops open the center console, pulling out a baggy filled with what appear to be rolled cigarettes. I'm certain that there's something besides plain old tobacco wrapped within. Which, tobacco alone would have been enough to drive my father insane. I can only smirk as I imagine his expression if he were to find out I was out in the parking lot, lighting up a joint with another politician's son. It's almost a shame he'll never find out.

  Jeremy withdraws a blunt, taking it between his lips and lighting the opposite end. He inhales deeply, pulling the joint away and leaning in to capture my lips with his own. As I part my lips, he shotguns the smoke into my eagerly awaiting mouth. I pull away, coughing weakly at the burning sensation in my chest.

  "You get used to it," he murmurs, taking another hit. Already, the hazy sensation is washing over me and I can do little but stare at him with a small quirk of my lips. The following hours pass in a blur, and I manage to make myself presentable before returning to the VIP table as if I had never disappeared. My father considers me with pursed lips, but after a moment his expression relaxes.

  "The crowd was thrilled by my decision to run for a second term. I think we'll have this election in the bag. What do you think," he murmurs, and I watch him with a hazy expression. I consider my words, not trusting myself to speak eloquently.

  "That's great," I say, making no attempt to force enthusiasm. His expression droops, but he says nothing more. Along with my mother, we gather for several photo opportunities before heading back to our temporary home at the White House. I flop wearily into the plush blankets of my bed, not even bothering to shower before drifting off into a pleasant slumber.

  Nothing could prepare me for the days following.


  I'm enjoying my morning, the sun filtering in through the slats of my blinds as I blink my eyes open. I check the digital clock beside my bed, groaning groggily and pulling the blanket over my head. A few hours longer won't hurt anything, my class is off today so I can properly sleep off this haziness. Images from the day previous flutter through my mind, and I smile to myself as I think of Jeremy's cute face when he's on a trip. I hadn't allowed myself to get too swept up, not particularly sure that I'd be able to function if I got properly high. The young man I'd been sharing a smoke with, however, didn't seem as bothered by the prospect. Truth be told, I never saw him return to the party after our little stint. He probably ended up rubbing one off in the car, knowing how horny those college boys can be.

  Snickering, I settle further into my bed and try to let my brain blank out. My attempts are shattered, however, when I hear my bedroom door slam open. I sit up in bed, eyes wide in surprise as my father comes storming into my room. He's clad in his robe and a pair of silk pajama pants, and I can tell he had likely just sat down for breakfast. He has a furious look in his eye, and I can only wonder what has him so troubled. He storms closer to me, the morning newspaper clutched in his hand. I quirk a brow as he tosses it at me, watching with an expression of disdain as the newsprint flutters on top of my blanket.

  "What's your problem?" I mutter angrily, reaching out to grasp the newspaper. I give the front page a cursory glance, expecting to see some scathing piece about my father's infidelity. Instead, I see a blurry picture that looks as if it was taken on someone's cell phone. I blink at the image, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes. My heart drops into my stomach as I realize who is in the picture, and my eyes are drawn to the headline. It boasts an exclusive story about me sneaking off to get high with Jeremy Bryant. I narrow my eyes, flipping to the page that the story is listed on. I try to read the piece, but my father rips the paper out of my hands, all but roaring in anger.

  "Do you know what you've done? After my big announcement last night, the last thing this family needs is another scandal. I would think you'd be more grateful for all I've done for you these past years, but no, you go and embarrass me like this--," he rambles, looking entirely intent upon continuing on his tirade.

  "You'd think you'd be less upset, considering the interview with your mistress isn't until the fifth page," I snap, guilt washing over me in spite of my words. I hadn't intended to get caught smoking with Jeremy, and though it had felt good to go against my father's wishes for once, seeing his crushed expression wasn't as pleasant as I expected. I hesitate, pondering how to properly formulate an apology. This time, however, I'm the one to be interrupted.

  "You're supposed to be a proper young woman. Do you know what it does for a father's reputation for his daughter to be sleeping around town? Especially for a man in my position? I expected better of you, Tara, and I fully expect a public apology," he grits out. My eyes widen at the implication of his words, and I'm almost wounded that he would think so little of me to think that I had slept with Jeremy without even really knowing him. Sure, sneaking off to get high wasn't one of my brightest of ideas, but to think I had actually slept with him? I narrow my eyes, throwing my blanket off of myself. I rise to my feet, standing at my full height but still falling miserably short of my father. All the same, I don't allow my voice to waver as I speak.

  "The only one who can't keep it in their pants is you, though I'm glad to learn that you think so highly of me," I bite out in snide tones. He recoils as if I've struck him, but his eyes remain hard as I slip past him to my bathroom.

  "This isn't the end of this conversation, Tara," he calls out, and I hesitate at the door.

  "Sorry, looks like it is," I retort, stepping into my bathroom and locking the door behind me. I can hear my father cursing my name on the other side of the door, and he initially demands that I return to speak to him. However, I simply turn on the faucet in the shower, allowing the water to grow warm. I sit on the edge of the bathtub, resting my face in my hands as I wonder just how on earth I had managed to get myself into such a mess.

  A few hours later, I finally step out of my room when I'm sure my father has had some time to cool off. Knowing he's likely wrapped up in work, I seek ou
t my mother to get her opinion on things. I'm sure she'll be angry at me, but she tends to be more understanding than my father. I find her in their room, curled up on the bed and flipping through a magazine. She looks up as I knock on the doorframe, quirking her brow slyly and patting the bed beside her.

  "Come have a talk with your momma," she says warmly, and I grin sheepishly as I step further into the room. She makes room for me on the bed, and I sit beside her, glancing at the magazine she was reading. I almost expected to see more about my supposed tryst with Jeremy, but it's a simple fashion magazine. "So, that's where you snuck off to, last night?" She says carefully, and I offer her an apologetic smile.

  "I didn't think it would get out like this. I just wanted a break from being the country's sweetheart all the time, I wanted a chance to be a normal young woman," I blurt, tears springing to the corners of my eyes. She sits up, wrapping her arms gently around me.

  "I'm not angry. A bit disappointed, but I can't say I didn't do similar things at your age," she murmurs, and I draw away, daring to look at her with an almost hopeful expression.

  "Dad thinks I slept with him," I say, unable to keep the sadness from creeping into my voice. My mother chuckles, reaching out to brush a hand through my hair.

  "That's not really your father's business, either way. You're an adult now, you can pursue a relationship with anyone you want," she says dismissively, and I ignore the nagging voice in my head that declares I would never be in an actual relationship with Jeremy. "This will all blow over. People love a good gossip story, but there's no substance. You just go enjoy your day off school, honey," she says in an attempt to assure me and it works, if only slightly.

  "Thanks, Momma," I say with a warm smile, and she presses a kiss to my forehead.

  "Any time, sweetheart," she hums, picking up her magazine once more. I crawl out of her bed, shuffling to the door. Though I still a bit bad for upsetting my father, I can only allow the thought to drop away in the face of my mother's forgiveness. I know she doesn't condone my behavior, but it can't be so bad if she admits that she would have done much the same.

  Slipping down the hallway, I head back to my room in order to give my father a bit more space. I grab my cellphone from my pocket, belatedly remembering that I had given Jeremy my number the night before. I see several text messages, mentioning that he had gotten chewed out as well. I read the latest message with a smile, as he declares it was entirely worth it. I hesitate a moment, knowing full well I shouldn't text him back. Ignoring my inner voice, I bring up our conversation and tap out a reply. I ask if he wants to hang out tomorrow afternoon, and set my phone on my bedside table. I don't expect a quick reply, but am surprised when I receive one almost immediately. I grab my phone again, swiping the screen. He agrees that we should meet up tomorrow, and asks if he can bring a friend to meet me. I can only wonder why he would bring a friend, but I swiftly agree before telling him I'll get back in touch with him tomorrow.

  Deciding that today was something of a bust, I decide to take care of my homework so I'll have free time later. I'm wrapped up in homework until late that evening, and much to my surprise, my father doesn't stop by to say goodnight. Not wanting to be the one to show weakness, I resolve to be just as stubborn as he is being. Something has to give, eventually.



  My father is still brooding the next day, but I find myself caring less and less about his sour attitude. I don't have to justify myself to him, and as long as I'm a bit more discreet, it shouldn't matter how I enjoy myself. For the time being, I'm trying to decide what I'm going to wear to the club where I'll be meeting up with Jeremy and his friend. I'm still a little curious as to why he would bring a friend along, but I don't entertain the thought too much. I can only wonder if the other man I'll presumably be meeting is as cute as Jeremy. It's an inappropriate thought, ut I find myself having more and more of those as of late.

  I decide on a pale green shirt with a dipping neckline and a simple black miniskirt. It's not the most reserved of choices, but I'm aiming to impress. I get dressed quickly, applying a touch of makeup that accentuates my dark skin. I smile at my reflection, liking what I see. I can only hope Jeremy will enjoy it as much. Though I have no intention of pursuing a relationship with him, I don't see the harm in a little flirting. If he's lucky, maybe a little fooling around… but I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, it'll be enough to leave the man drooling.

  I grab my keys, slipping out of my room and carefully descending the stairs. The last thing I want to do is run into my father, but the universe seems to have other plans. I all but crash into him making my way out of the house, and he quirks a brow at my attire.

  "What in the world are you wearing?" He demands bluntly, and I feel myself redden slightly before trying to stammer out a response.

  "Just an outfit I've not had a chance to wear out yet," I manage, struggling to keep my cool. He considers me with narrowed eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

  "And where exactly is out?" He continues, blocking my way to the door. I narrow my eyes, shoving past him to get to the door. He seems caught off guard by the action, stumbling out of the way.

  "That's hardly your business," I bite out, unable to keep the snideness from creeping into my voice. He watches me through wide eyes, but I don't give him another glance as I slip out the door. I approach my car, hoping to slip away without any of the secret service agents noticing. I manage to luck out, it seems, pulling into the street with little fuss. I make my way through town, to a large and bustling club that everyone at my school is always fawning over. I park discreetly, stepping out of my car and sauntering through the door. It feels as if everything freezes as I step inside, and I can make out a few whispers. It's obvious the people here are wondering what on earth the president's daughter is doing in their club, but I make an effort to ignore them. I seek out Jeremy, finding him at a table towards the back of the club. He smiles upon seeing me, waving cheerfully. I spot another man sitting at the table and musing that it must be Jeremy's friend, I make an effort to look especially appealing as I strut to the table. The other man turns to watch me approach and to my surprise, he whistles appreciatively as I near the table. I'm struck by how handsome the two men are, though their differences are striking. Jeremy is your average jock, well-built with shaggy blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes. His face is clean-shaven at all times, and there's an undeniable appeal to his clean-cut appearance. The other man is a stark contrast, with jet black hair and deep brown eyes. He has stubble growing, and a full goatee topping off his chin. His skin is a shade darker than Jeremy's, but obviously, they're both remarkably pale in comparison to myself. I've always had an attraction to white men, and I'm well aware that a confident woman of color can draw her share of attention.

  "Hey, Tara. I was wondering when you'd show up," Jeremy says teasingly, gesturing to my chair. The other man watches me with a small smile, eyes following me as I sit down.

  "Sorry, I got held up by my father," I say, irritation lacing my tones. The men exchange a glance, and the dark haired man rumbles a laugh.

  "Huh. I would have never believed it was the president's pride and joy on the front page of the newspapers. I always thought you were a good girl," he says with a faint grin. I quirk a brow, looking unamused. "Sorry, sorry. You have to admit that you give that vibe in most press releases. I'm Jake Black, by the way. I'm on the football team with Jeremy here," he says more kindly, reaching out to offer his hand. I stare at him for a moment, before allowing my tension to slip away. I quirk a smile, reaching out to take his hand and give it a firm shake.

  "Maybe this good girl was just waiting for a couple of bad boys to help her see the light," I say boldly, and the two men exchange a glance. Jeremy smiles eagerly, and I can only wonder what their reaction will be to my bold statement. Jake watches me with a smile that's a bit more restrained, and he taps his fingers on the table as he obviously muses over what to say next.

bsp; "If you're such a bad girl, how about you prove it," Jeremy says before Jake can speak, and I'm mildly taken aback by the challenge. It seems obvious that the boys think I will back down, but I curl my lips in a coy smile, glancing towards the back where the restrooms are.

  "I have an idea of how I may be able to prove myself," I say flirtatiously, rising from the table and gesturing for the men to follow me. I can feel their confusion radiating from their bodies, but as I lead them to the bathroom, realization seems to dawn on them.

  "S-seriously?" Jake manages, and the two of them trail after me into the empty bathroom.

  "Serious as a heart attack. Which may be a concern, when I'm done with the two of you," I purr. Lifting my shirt over my head, they seem enthralled by the tantalizing expanse of ebon skin I've exposed to them. Jeremy is the first to approach me, the already forming bulge in his pants impossible to ignore. It's faintly amusing that all I've done is take my top off, but they're already excited to the point of stiffness. I turn to face Jeremy, quirking my lips in a coy smile. He steps towards me, hesitates a moment, but if spurred into action when I reach behind my back to unclasp my bra. The lacy white material falls away from my petite breasts, and his eyes nearly bulge from his head. I turn to consider Jake, who watches me with his lip drawn painfully between his teeth. "Well… aren't you two going to show me a good time?" I murmur, reaching down to my own chest. I tweak a nipple between my fingers, unable to swallow a moan at the stimulation. Jeremy lunges forward, gathering me in his arms and pulling me flush to his clothed chest. The fabric is vaguely scratchy against my exposed skin, but I don't have it into me to complain as he kisses my neck eagerly. I tilt my head to allow him further access, and he is swift to take full advantage of the fact.


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