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Captured By The Warriors

Page 28

by Daniella Wright

  “More,” I scream, and he begins to slam his hips against mine, our skin making a loud slapping sound that seems to echo around the room. The motion of my hand against Jeremy’s length grows erratic, and he groans, drawing away to spill his seed on the floor. I tense the hand that had been pleasuring him in Jake’s hair, but he voices no complaint, too wrapped up in pounding into me at a bruising pace.

  “Yeah, dude, get it,” Jeremy gasps out and Jake groans out my name. That familiar sensation of my orgasm looming begins to creep over me, but it’s more intense than I’ve ever felt before. I feel as if I’ve ascended some great mountain, daring myself to dive off the highest peak.

  “I’m… I’m gonna,” I say weakly, clenching around Jake’s length.

  “Come for me, baby,” he all but growls, and that’s all it takes to throw me over the edge. I squeal in pleasure as I reach my orgasm, and he hilts himself inside of me, his body quaking as he spills his seed in the condom. He draws away after a long moment, all but collapsing on top of me. He gasps for breath, pressing his lips to mine. After he draws away, Jeremy kisses me as well. For a long moment, the three of us merely bask in the afterglow. Then, I realize we’ve made an utter mess of the classroom we’re in.

  “Uhm…” I begin uncertainly. Jake seems to catch on, slipping off of the desk.

  "We should probably get you home, love," Jake murmurs, wiping me clean with his shirt. He tucks it into the waistband of his jeans, my essences drenching the fabric. I stand shakily, pulling my clothes on and looking to the two with a tender smile.

  "That was…. Wonderful," I whisper, pressing another kiss to their lips in turn. "I don't want you two to get caught being seen with me, especially looking as thoroughly mussed up as I do," I say carefully, and the two nod their understanding.

  "At least let us walk you to your car," Jeremy requests, and I can't turn him down. The three of us walk arm in arm to the parking lot, and they each kiss me tenderly before I slip into my car and out of the lot.

  I can't imagine that anything could be better than this. Nothing can bring me down from this high, nothing…

  I sneak into the house, slipping into my bedroom and taking a shower before settling in for the most content night of sleep I've had in my life.

  The next morning, I wake to the sound of my cell phone repeatedly dinging. I blink blearily, grabbing the phone to read through my texts. I have no idea who could be texting me so early, but before I can fully examine my phone, my father bursts into the room.

  "You said you weren't going to see those boys anymore," he roars, grabbing my remote and turning my television on to the news. Much to my shock and horror, there is a video of the moment the athletes and I had shared in the classroom. My cries of pleasure echo through the room, their names having been repeated in my bliss. Notably absent is the moment of sweetness we had before the actual lovemaking. I look at my father with tears in my eyes, horrified that such a wonderful moment had been intruded upon in such a way. His eyes soften, if only slightly, and he draws in a shaking breath. "I'll see if I can clean this mess up somehow. You… I don't even know what to tell you anymore. It's obvious you don't care about anyone but yourself," He says bleakly, slipping out of my room. I watch him go, choking sobs catching in my throat. I can't stop the tears spilling down my cheeks, and I only just manage to dial Jake's number, waiting for him to answer.

  The phone rings for a long time, but I only receive his voicemail. Trying Jeremy, the response is much the same, though the ringing is cut off much sooner. It's obvious that he's cut the call off, and I realize with a start that the men are ignoring me. Unable to believe it, or more specifically, unwilling to believe it, I desperately continue calling them deep into the day. In spite of the devastated voice messages I leave the two of them, I receive no reply, even late into the evening. Once again, my father does not tell me goodnight. My mother doesn't even check on me. When just a day previous I had been on the highest mountain, I know felt as if I was plummeting back to the earth. In spite of the facade I've had to live, in spite of everything, I realize this is the most alone I have ever felt in my life. I lay down in my bed, squeezing my eyes shut against the tears. Tomorrow's another day, but I have little to no confidence that it will be any better. How could it be?


  It's late that evening when I hear a persistent tapping at my window. I blink, staring dully into the darkness. I wonder vaguely if it's some sort of burglar, only secondarily wondering how they had got past security. I breathe a sigh, musing that if it is a burglar, I won't put up a fight. However, the breaking window to indicate an intruder never comes, just the steady rapping on my glass. I breathe a sigh, rising out of my bed and slipping towards the window. I have no idea what the noise would be if not an intruder, but I suppose I may as well investigate. As I part my curtains, I swallow a shriek as I make out a pale face in the darkness. Not just one pale face, but two. I blink blearily, recognizing the faces after a long moment.

  "You pricks," I whisper under my breath, tears pooling in my eyes. I open my window and the two come tumbling into my room. Jake is the first to his feet, immediately sputtering apologies with a glisten in his eye. I stare, trying to make out his stammered apologies, and Jeremy rests a hand on his shoulder to quiet him.

  "We're sorry," Jake blurts, almost loudly enough to wake the entire house. This time Jeremy and I both shush him, and I shuffle to my window, sliding it shut against the chilly night.

  "I can't believe you two wouldn't answer your calls. After claiming to love me-," I begin intent upon going on a tirade. Jeremy is swift to interrupt.

  "We do love you. We were just trying to pick up the pieces. We nearly lost our football scholarships," Jeremy mutters, looking apologetic.

  "The scholarships are secondary, though. We never meant to put your reputation at stake. We've come up with an idea on how to fix this, but it's sort of a hit or miss chance," Jake adds, drawing me into his arms. I think to fight against him, to make them as miserable as they've made me, but I know they never meant to hurt me. I press my face into his shoulder, choking out sobs as Jeremy rubs my shoulder.

  "What are we going to do?" I manage to sob, and Jake hums soothingly as he kisses my temple.

  "We've arranged for a press conference with the media. They approached us looking for the dirty details, but instead, we told them that we wanted to approach the media as a group," Jeremy says with a faint smile. "I don't know what on earth we're going to tell them. That's why we snuck in. We wanted to try and come to some sort of solution with you," he adds.

  "How did you even sneak in," I blurt, looking towards the window.

  "Well, we got caught initially. But your mom managed to answer the call instead of your dad, and she seemed to know who we were. She told us to try your window and wished us the best. She seems really nice," Jake mutters. I feel my chest bloom with warmth at the thought that my mom was still looking out for me in spite of how furious I know I must have made her.

  "Alright… so. We need to come up with a plan," I say quietly. The two nod their heads in agreement, looking eager to solve our problem.

  We plan late into the night, and the boys sneak out just before daybreak. I get little sleep, too shaken with excitement and fear for the press conference the following day. I wake up and dress swiftly, in my most formal attire. I told Jeremy and Jake to dress up as properly as they were able, and they promised to impress. As I'm getting dressed, I hear the faintest of knocks at my door. I pull my shirt on, shuffling to the door with the expectation that my mother will be on the other side. However, it's my father that greets me with a faintly withdrawn expression.

  "What's this I hear about a press conference? You should have run it by me first. The media will eat you alive," he says coolly, but as I tear up, his stiff demeanor seems to drop. "I just don't want to see you hurt any more than you already have been, baby girl. I know I've been too wrapped up in this whole process to see that you have needs beyond seeing to
my reputation. I'm sorry. You know I'll always love you. The presidency doesn't even matter at this point, I just-," he begins to ramble, but I cut him off with a hug, burying my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around me, brushing a hand through my hair.

  "I have to do this daddy. Not just for you, or me. But for all of us. I know I'll likely be eaten alive, but I can't just let this ruin everything you've worked for. I can't let this ruin their football scholarships. I know it's strange, daddy, but… I love them," I say weakly, drawing away to look him in the eye. His eyes widen considerably and he looks briefly confused.

  "Both of them?" He inquires, looking confused by the concept.

  "Yes. I'll explain further at the conference, but… I just want you to know that I love you too. I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time these last few weeks," I murmur. He hesitates for a moment before nodding his head, leaning in to kiss my forehead before stepping aside. I slip out of the room, making my way downstairs before I lose my nerve. I know Jake and Jeremy are likely waiting for me at the football field, where we had decided to hold the conference. It's not the most formal of locations, but we thought that it might make the boys seem more relatable to put them in their element. I sit in the driver's seat of my car, inhaling a shaky breath as I touch up my makeup. This is it. This is the press conference that will either make or break all of us.

  As I pull up to the college campus, I see dozens of media vans spread across the parking lot. As soon as I step out my car, I'm swamped, but I remain calm and collected in the face of their accusations. As soon as I spot Jeremy and Jake, I rush towards the two of them. They both gather me in their arms, kissing either cheek. I steel myself as I can see the steady flash of camera bulbs in the crowd gathered before us. I step up to the podium with the men on either side of me, looking up as the presidential vehicle pulls into the lot as well. My father lingers towards the back of the crowd, refusing to acknowledge the media presence. My mother stands at his side, smiling broadly and giving me the thumbs up symbol.

  "Thank you all for being here," I begin, and I'm immediately assaulted with questions. I remain silent until a hush washes over the crowd, and begin to speak again. "I want to begin by saying I deeply apologize for the way I have gone about this entire situation. However, I refuse to apologize for my relationship with the men at either side of me. Though I should have been more discreet, I'm deeply disappointed in whoever decided to film what was intended to be a private moment. Considering the circumstances…," I trail off, looking to the men for support. They both take me by the hand, standing tall at either side of me. "Though I've been forced to come out regarding the issue, I will not apologize for my feelings. It may be unconventional, but the three of us are in a committed, polyamorous relationship." I announce. The crowd falls deathly silent for a long moment. The cameras continue to snap photos, but all at once I hear my parents in the back, clapping and cheering for us. To my surprise, the rest of the gathered crowd soon joins the suit. We get several questions, but most of the response we get is a positive one for our openness. I look at the men with bright eyes, and deciding to end the conference on a positive note, I pull both of the men in for a tender kiss. Once more, the crowd erupts in applause. My father's cheers are perhaps the loudest of them all.

  Days later, he ends up winning the election by a landslide. More important to me, however, is my growing relationship with the star athletes and the reinstatement of their scholarships. While I know we have a bumpy road in the limelight ahead of us, I'm confident we'll make it through.

  Perhaps being in the spotlight isn't so bad.

  War Times

  ~Bonus Story~

  A Military Menage Romance

  Jenny is a nurse working in a war zone. She’s eager to help the wounded, and when commander Barnes asks for a volunteer to come into one of the towns where some civilians are in need of help, she leaps to the task. She also does it because there’s a wounded soldier in the field hospital, who wants to know the fate of the two missing men from his platoon.

  She finds these men, Alex Baker and Jason White in a makeshift bunker. They immediately take to one another.

  But there’s a lot in store for them. The insurgents are closing in, and they may be running out of time…

  * * *

  Chapter One

  I signed up to save lives. Sometimes, though, the horrors I see make it hard to keep going. There’s a reason why not so many people make it in the medical profession without growing a backbone made of steel. You need the steel in order to cope with the things that pass your eyes every day.

  I wanted to do more than just work in a hospital, though, in the middle of a nice city. I wanted to help like my father and mother did.

  That’s why I’m halfway across the world, operating in a field hospital that’s little more than a small base full of green tents, looking after all the injured within the region. Any injured. Our soldiers. Their soldiers. Their children, terrified civilians caught within the grasp of war.

  And it’s not pretty.

  Right now, my case is an Algerian soldier, part of the joint forces that operates with America to track and deal with insurgent activity in the area. He’s young, barely more than twenty years old, and I’ve needed to extract a bullet from his shoulder, and make sure he gets enough rest and is clear of infection. I’m aware about his platoon. I’m aware of how his convey got caught on a roadside bomb, and in the chaos, were fired upon.

  Poor kid has it rough. All I can do is smile, give them the best care possible, and wear the mask so they don’t see the horror reflected upon my face.

  He’s not been awake long, so I know I’ll have to tell him about the fate of his platoon eventually.

  “Thanks, nurse,” he says, as I hand him a glass of water, and place my hand over his forehead to check his temperature. The other nurses tend to their charges as well, including a few wide eyed kids, one with an anxious father hovering over him.

  “Call me Jenny,” I reply with a smile, noting the pale, shivering sheen of his face. I don’t think it’s something I can help with. It’s a deep seated shock that infects the mind, but I offer him painkillers anyway, which he accepts.

  “Jenny. Pretty name. I’m Isaac.” We shake hands. Isaac flinches at the sound of a distant explosion, and I reassure him that it’s okay. He dismisses my help.

  “It’s not. You know where I was when I got hit?”

  I shrug, though I know the soldiers usually patrol the nearby villages, and sometimes the plateaus, where the insurgents use the caves and the hills to travel from place to place, keeping silent. The soldiers in the hospital can be pretty chatty, possibly because of the fact there aren’t so many women out here, or because they get lonely, being stuck in the bed instead of the barracks with their comrades. I don’t know.

  “We were patrolling an area not so far from here. Just over the hill that you can see from the camp. It’s a lot deeper than the enemy’s gone before.” His hands twitch nervously. “I think they’re scouting. Testing out our defenses. There could be a big one coming any day now, and you guys are gonna have your hands full.”

  A shiver flickers through my spine, though I dismiss it as best as I can. Another distant boom rumbles. It’s hard sometimes to not be frightened, to wonder what kind of horrors you’ll see, the screams you’ll hear.

  “We’ll be alright,” I reply, and I see the question building in his eyes now, as he looks around the inside and notices it’s only a few civilians being treated within the tent.

  “Jenny… how many made it back with me?” There’s a sliver of fear in his eyes. My heart scrunches. I don’t want to be the one to tell him. But no one else deserves to be burdened with the problem, either.

  “You’re the only one.”

  “I’m…?” I see the panic, and my heart nearly breaks. Hell. I don’t know what’s worse. Finding out about the dead, or having to break the news and watch their faces crumple.

  “You’re the only one they found
alive. Two more are missing, unaccounted for. Jason White and Alex Baker,” I add, and his eyes shimmer.

  “They could be alive?”

  “Maybe. We won’t rule it out.”

  Isaac Magdy grabs my hand tight. “Please. If they make it back, you tell me. You get me. I have to see if they’re okay.”

  “Of course,” I say gravely. I’ll happily tell him. If they ever do come back.

  I see him retreat into his own head, and I leave him with those thoughts, checking in on the kid who almost needed his leg amputated, simply because the local villages didn’t have access to antibiotics to fight the infection inside him.

  About an hour later, commander Barnes enters the medic tent, and he draws the attention of all the nurses. The head surgeon greets him, and the commander wastes no time in getting to business. His dark eyes own the room, he stands tall and proud, his girth jutting slightly from his uniform,

  “I’m here to recruit one of you for a mission. If any of you are feeling a little brave, we could do with an onboard medic. There’s a town thirty-five miles south. We need a volunteer.”

  We all exchange glances. None of the nurses or surgeons in this field hospital have ever left base. We’re in a U.N sanctioned area, with sufficient defenses and full support from the local government. Going out to an outlying town means entering the potential line of fire.


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