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Captured By The Warriors

Page 56

by Daniella Wright

  “I was thinking maybe I could help with some of the chores. Earn my keep, and all.” I say carefully, and my daddy’s laughter booms in response.

  "Aw, honey, you ain't gotta worry about earning your keep here. Me and the boys take care of things just fine." He dismisses me, moving ahead. I won't let the issue be so easily cast aside, however, and I jog to catch up with him, snagging him by the wrist.

  “Daddy, please. I’d feel a lot better if I was just… helping somehow. There has to be something I can do to help out around here.” I bemoan, receiving a resigned sigh as a response. He hesitates before speaking, and before I realize it, we’re in the horse barn. He walks up to a stall, gesturing inside. The smell is nearly unbearable after so long, but vaguely familiar in a way.

  “You wanna help out? You’re welcome to muck out the stalls every afternoon while Lucky and Chester set the horses out to graze.” He offers, quirking a daring brow. It’s as if he expects me to back out immediately, and I’m almost offended. Before the divorce, and all the bouncing between my ma and daddy, this had been one of my daily chores. I swallow my indignance, offering him a bright smile.

  “Now it’s beginning to feel like home.” I grin. His eyes widen at my compliance, and he deflates slightly.

  "Alright. Fine. For the time being, I guess I ought to take you to see some of the horses we have out to graze, right now." He says with a roll of his eyes, and I follow him to the opposite exit of the barn. It leads out to a pasture, and my eyes widen as they fall upon Lucky. He sits astride a beautiful Palomino stallion, leading the animal through some basic show patterns. I hoot and holler, waving my hand at Lucky. He grins upon seeing me, drawing his hand away from the reins to wave at me. Abruptly, possibly startled by my greeting, the horse begins to buck wildly, abandoning the jumps to dart from one side of the pasture to another. Lucky holds on tight, and I swallow a gasp as it seems he will be thrown from the wild creature's back. He grits his teeth, and though he is not wearing spurs, the sharp nudge of his boot to the horse's ribs seems to calm the stallion a bit. I'm so caught up in the moment, it's not until Lucky angrily guides the horse past us and into the barn that I realize I've not seen Chester. Before I can voice the thought, my father seems to be struck by the same idea. "Lucky! Where on earth is Chester? You know you ain't supposed to ride with no one around!" He says angrily, and Lucky dismounts the horse, going about the process of taking its tack off. The dark haired young man remains silent, putting the saddle back into storage, removing the rest of the track before angrily brushing the dust off of the horse's fur. When he speaks, he offers little clarity regarding where Chester may be.

  “You know how Chester can be. As wild as this--” He pauses, considering the stallion with irrational anger. “As this damn horse!” He finishes, slamming open one of the stables and guiding the suddenly demure horse inside. Lucky draws his hat down further on his face, and before I can ask if he’s okay, he’s already storming off. I glance at my daddy, who simply shrugs in response. I can’t help wondering if this is all routine, or if my presence was disturbing the relative peace of the farm.

  Later that night, I amble out to the barn to bid the boys goodnight. I can hear Lucky's voice angrily rising in pitch, and I pause outside the barn before peeking inside. He seems to be caught up in fussing with the very same Palomino from before, and I'm struck by the sheer ridiculousness of his anger. Before I can step in and defuse the situation, the stallion seems to… shimmer, almost. Its large body begins to contort, and as I look on, the horse turns into a man before my very eyes. Not just any man, however. Chester stands, presumably naked, where the horse had stood mere seconds before.

  “Why do you have to go out of your way to humiliate me! You know how much Cassie means to me. I swear you’re always makin’ me look a damn fool.” Lucky rants.

  "You do that well enough on your own," Chester says dismissively, glancing towards where I stand.

  At least, where I had been standing. I'm rushing away from the barn as fast as my feet can take me, and if possible, my mind is racing even faster. Chester is a horse, but that doesn't make any sense. Chester is a man. B-but he's not a man either because I saw him scarce moments ago-- as a horse! I rush into the house I'm sharing with my father, racing past him before he can bid me goodnight. I have to get to bed. I have to get this image out of my head. It was clearly some hallucination, as there's no way that Chester can be some… man but not quite? Shapeshifters aren't real… are they?

  I change into my pajamas, slipping into my old bed. It’s as comfortable as it’s always been, but even that doesn’t detract from how troubled I feel. My father steps up the stairs, peeking curiously into my room.

  “Honey?” He inquires, and I offer him a hesitant smile. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He continues, and I can only shrug my shoulders in response.

  “Just a bit… out of sorts. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the barn. It seems a lot has changed.” I say dismissively. He smiles warmly, stepping up to my bed to wrap comforting arms around me.

  “It’s alright, baby girl. Things will get better soon. I’m sure of it. Your mom wouldn’t want you out here sulkin’ and poutin’.” He murmurs, and I realize with a start that my mother had been the absolute last thing on my mind. Perhaps that’s a good thing, but I can’t help feeling slightly guilty at the thought.

  “No… I guess not.” I say awkwardly, and he draws away. He taps his cheek with a smile, and I can’t help rolling my eyes before leaning forward and obliging him by placing a soft kiss there. In spite of how long I had been in the city with my Ma, it had never felt like home. One day back at the barn, and there was something that just felt… right.

  “Goodnight, baby girl. I love you.” He smiles, reaching out to muss up my hair before slipping away.

  "Goodnight daddy," I call after him. I glance out the window, the light shining from the barn flickering some yards away. It seems impossible, but… maybe what I had seen wasn't a hallucination. Maybe Chester somehow, someway, was both man and horse. A shape shifter. I resolve to get to know the sandy haired man better over the next few days, if only to soothe my wandering mind. I drift off, dreaming of horses and the men who break them.

  When I awake the next day, I hear the rustling of pots and pans in the kitchen below. I slip out from beneath my covers, stretching my arms above my head and sighing a content sigh. I shuffle through my suitcase, grabbing some clothes and making short work of getting dressed. As I pull my night shirt off over my head, I swear I can feel eyes upon me, and I look out the window only to see Lucky lingering some feet away from the house. I redden, and I know I should be angry that he's watching me undress. Instead, I feel a desire unlike any I had felt before taking hold of me. I look towards him, hoping that I might meet his gaze as I draw my shirt up off my head, allowing my breasts to bounce free. At this point, I'm not entirely sure he can see me. I'm simply aroused by the idea of putting on such a show for my childhood friend. I cup my own breasts in my hands, hands spread across the large round globes. I brush my thumbs to my nipples, drawing my lip between my teeth to muffle a cry of pleasure. I see him outside the window, still, and I know he is watching me from the sheer look of shock on his face. He looks vaguely ashamed, as if he should look away but can not. I grin, slipping my pajama pants down on my hips to reveal my womanhood to him. I press two fingers between my outer lips, spreading myself in a lewd show before rubbing a pattern up and down the length of my slit. I pause at my own precious pearl, rolling it between two fingers and swallowing a strangled cry. I reach my peak more quickly than I ever have from touching myself, and my body goes stiff as I ride out the waves of my orgasm. I look outside, seeing that he is no longer there, and muse he must have gone to deal with a little… problem. I edge away from the window, and pull on my chosen outfit for the day: a simple red flannel shirt and a pair of jeans. I shuffle out of my room, and the banging of pots and pans only grows louder. I meander downstairs, expecting to see my fath
er preparing breakfast. Instead, Chester stands at the stovetop, flipping an egg. My mouth falls open, and before I can speak, he turns to consider me with a big smile.

  “Your dad said you liked eggs, so I figured I’d do us all the honor of fixing a nice breakfast.” He announces, returning his attention to the stove. I hesitate, nodding even though I know he can’t see me. I step towards the table, pulling out a chair and settling in it. I rest my elbows on the table, watching him as he shuffles through the kitchen, preparing bits of this and that.

  “So… where are you from, Chester? How long have you been working for my daddy?” I inquire softly, and he hesitates a moment, plating the eggs.

  “I’m originally from Austin, Texas. I got into a bit of… trouble, and ended up making my way up here. Lucky found me scrounging around town, and managed to get your dad to hire me on.” He replied, not seeming terribly happy with the memory. “So you and Lucky go way back, huh?” He inquires, and I find myself reddening as I think of the one-sided exchange in my room. Chester quirks a smile as he considers my blush, preparing a platter of various breakfast foods before placing it in front of me.

  “We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember…” I answer carefully, smiling appreciatively at the food.

  “Just friends?” He retorts, and I nearly choke on a chunk of fried egg. I cough, managing to regain my composure and fix him with a glare. He shrugs his shoulders, sitting opposite me at the kitchen table. “I was just thinkin’ his name would be too appropriate otherwise.” He smiles. I redden, and am more than vaguely aware of his eyes tracing a path up and down my body.

  "Just friends," I confirm, feeling the slightest bit of guilt prick at my insides. It was true, for now at the very least. Lucky and I were only friends. Friends who were extremely attracted to each other. Now, however, it's Chester's eyes I feel upon me. I pretend not to notice, making quick work of my breakfast. As I move to rise from the table, he reaches out to grip my wrist. I quirk a brow at him, and it's him who reddens this time.

  "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me today. Lucky and I got into a bit of a fight, so he's not really… talking to me. I love the guy like a brother, but he's so uptight." Chester says with a tentative smile. I can't help but agree, in spite of how much Lucky means to me. He does seem to carry an overwhelming burden of stress everywhere he goes. As much as I'd like to spend time with my childhood buddy, Chester's happy go lucky attitude and free spirit seems much more appealing right now.

  "I'd like to get to know you better," I admit, and he smiles brightly. I can't ignore the slight tug at my heartstrings, and I rise from the kitchen table, offering my arm for him to take. He quirks a smile, shifting to take me by the hand and pull me from the house. I giggle as I trail behind him, nearly needing to sprint to keep up. When we step outside, Lucky is nowhere to be seen. I can't help feeling relieved, feeling as if I was avoiding explaining myself. I had no idea what I would be explaining myself for, but the feeling of guilt still tugged at me.

  “There’s this spot, out in the horse pastures. No one knows about it but me. Not even Lucky.” He announces slyly, and I find myself questioning his intent. However, when he fixes those bright blue eyes upon me, and smiles charmingly, I find myself caring less and less.

  "Take me… there! Take me there!" I say, quickly correcting myself. His eye twinkles, and he jogs ahead of me, towards the main pasture. I jog to keep up with him, praising God that I'm still in decent shape after all the time I'd spent in the city. He opens the gate, and I make certain not to touch the electrified barbed wire that surrounds the enclosure as I step inside. He closes the gate behind me, and I glance out across the pasture. Nothing but horses and grass as far as the eye can see, but I won't immediately dismiss Chester's secret spot. He takes me by the hand, his grip strong as he guides me through the pasture. He is thankfully all too aware of the horse patties scattered throughout, and I manage not to mess up my new boots. The ground begins to shift into a slight incline, which grows steeper and steeper. He tightens his grip on me, likely to keep me from losing my footing. When we reach the bottom of the incline, he pulls me towards an area obscured by bushes and trees. As he nudges aside one of the more aggressive bushes, I can't help but quirk a smile and blush as I look beyond. A simple blanket spread across the grass, a couple of pillows, and an old battery powered radio. I slip inside in spite of what is perhaps my better sense, and he follows, reaching out to power on the radio.

  "So, you bring all the new girls here?" I drawl, and he glances at me from the corner of his eye, smirking slightly.

  "Well, yes. But seeing as you're the only new girl…" He trailed off, and the radio begins playing one of my favorite love songs. He seems to enjoy the song as well, singing the male vocals with a harmony I had not expected. His voice is deep and velvety, though not quite as deep as Lucky's. It has its own appeal, however, and as he reaches the chorus of the song, he meets my eyes as he murmurs sweet words of adoration. Before I can stop myself, I reach out to him, bringing our lips together. He rumbles happily against my lips, and I tangle a hand in his hair as I nudge him onto his back on the blanket. He flops solidly, watching me with a faint smile as I unbutton my shirt. His hands are deft, and he slides my shirt off my shoulders, leaning in to press his lips to the peak of my left breast. I moan in anticipation, and those soft hands creep up, one palming my other breast thoroughly. He gives my nipple a slight tweak, and I find myself gasping out his name. He looks all too pleased with himself, continuing to alternate between flicks of his tongue and soft pinching motions. My breasts tingle from the sensations, and I wrap a leg around his waist, drawing myself closer to him. He slowly works his way down to my pants, tracing simple patterns along the supple skin of my abdomen. He presses a sweet little kiss to my navel, and I swallow a groan. He seems to have noticed the sensitivity of my stomach, and lavishes extra attention on the area. He nibbles the edge of my navel, and my toes curl as if of their own accord.

  "Please," I whisper, rolling my hips towards him. He ignores me, other than pinning my hips firmly to the ground to keep me from moving. I whine pathetically, trying to fight his grip, and he gives me a slight warning nip on the stomach. My thighs clench, and I press them together, desperate for any sense of friction.

  “You’re so impatient.” He murmurs in those velvety tones. I mewl in response, and he slowly unbuttons my jeans before tugging the zipper down at an almost agonizingly slow pace. He presses through the gap presented, touching a fingertip to my panties before drawing it back almost immediately. I want to curse his name, but the sensations are such sweet agony that I can’t help but want more. I tense my hands in the blanket beneath me, and he lifts my hips just slightly, drawing my jeans down my legs, and off my feet. He tosses them aside carelessly, considering my legs with an expression that is nothing less than hungry. He runs his hands along the smooth expanse of my legs, parting them and sweeping his fingernails up and down the inside of my thighs.

  “I just need…” I mutter, and he pauses, pressing his palm against my mound. I know my panties are soaked, and the warmth of his hand radiates against my outer lips.

  “What do you need?” He inquires, and I whine helplessly in response. I’m not one to beg, I don’t want to seem as desperate as I feel but it feels as if I am slowly coming unhinged.

  "Touch me." I implore, and he quirks a cheeky smile, curling his fingers in the waistband of my panties. He slides them down, grazing his fingernails along the swell of my rear. He seems to take a moment to simply take in my nudity, and I try to cross my legs. He won't have it, however, nudging my thighs apart and exposing me to the open air. It seems entirely unfair that all I can see is his abs, while he's looking at my most private area. However, I offer little complaint as he lowers his head, pressing his tongue flat against me. He starts at the bottom, tracing his tongue up to my twitching nub. I gasp in ecstasy with every sweep of his tongue against my sensitive pearl, but he seems to be avoiding it. He thrusts his ton
gue into my twitching hole, and I clench around him. I feel my essence spilling all over his face, and the sheer lewdness of the situation seems as if it will unravel me. He draws away, wiping his face with his hand and licking his palm and fingers clean. It is then I see just how much he is straining against the fabric of his jeans, and I reach out to him, drawing my lip between my teeth. He seems to sense my anticipation, and exhales a shaky breath through his nose. I'm overwhelmed by the desire to see it, touch it, and I set him free of the confines of his pants with a pop of his button. It's no small wonder that his jeans had managed to hold him for so long, with the length that is presented to me. He smiles unabashedly, giving it a little wave in my face. I know what he wants, and I know that I shouldn't, but… he had caused me such torment, it was only fair I return the favor before he gets to the main event, right? I grab the base of his manhood, sliding my hand up his shaft before lowering my head towards the head. He tenses his hands in the blanket that is spread beneath us and I shoot him a cheeky smile before taking the very tip of him between my lips. I suckle lightly at just the head, giving him a teasing preview of what is to come. His eyes widen, and I can't help but muse how cute it is when his toes curl. I slide my lips further down his length, taking as much of him as I can manage. Not only is he a horse shape shifter, he seems to be hung like a horse as well. I can barely reach three quarters of the way down before having to slide back up. My saliva provides a slick sheen to his manhood, and I grip what I couldn't reach with the first sweep with my hand. I lower my head once more, bringing my hand up as I drag my mouth downwards. He cries out, a long keening sound, and I'm certain he will near his peak at any moment. I give him a final squeeze, freeing him from the pleasant confines of my mouth before looking up at him with a small smile. His eyes blaze with a desire unlike any I have seen before, and he shoves me down against the blanket, positioning himself quickly. I aid him in his effort, reaching down to line him up with my damp slit. He bites his lip, thrusting forcefully into me. I all but scream in a mix of pain and pleasure, and he pauses for a brief moment before pulling out. I feel an emptiness unlike any I had felt before, and I wrap my legs around him, guiding his hips into meeting mine once more. We work for a moment to get the right angles, to get the perfect rhythm of push and pull. As he thrusts into me, I roll my hips towards him and cry out his name. As I feel myself reaching my peak, I sink my nails into the flesh of his shoulders, dragging them down his back. He grunts as he hilts inside of me, and I feel his warm seed fill me. It seems over all too soon, not to insult Chester's endurance, that is. It's just so good, I'd be happy enough to linger out here with him forever. However, a vague expression of guilt passes over his face as he draws away from me, shifting his jeans back into place. I recognize the guilt reflected in myself as well, my mind wandering to the man I'd known for nearly a lifetime.


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