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Captured By The Warriors

Page 100

by Daniella Wright

  “Hello,” she squeaked out.


  There was a silence – a tension-filled, high sort of silence – that fell between them. To her surprise, he spoke first.

  “Are you alright?” he asked her. “You’ve stayed in your room for several days. You’ve always answered when I’ve come to your door, but I didn’t want to bother you.”

  His genuine concern threw her off. She blinked at him, much like she had before, and swallowed again. She wondered what he would think about what had gone on in her mind – if his concern would still be present if he knew. She decided, however, that he didn’t need to know such things, and cleared her throat before she moved on.

  “I’ve… I’ve been…” There were so many lies running through her head. I’ve been unwell, I’ve been tired, I’ve not wanted to bother you. Her experiment was slowly unraveling, though, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out the truth – the embarrassing, undeniable truth.

  “I haven’t been able to stop touching myself since that night,” she said. “All I can think about is how much I want you… your hands on me, your mouth, your body. It’s like a fire inside of me and I can’t think straight! It’s so insane… and when I’m not thinking about how badly I want to have sex with you, I want… I want to cuddle or just be around you and it feels like I have to but I don’t understand? Did you drug me? Is it… is it that compatibility you told me about? Humans don’t have this effect on me, and you would think if I was going to be compatible with someone, it would be a human male, so honestly no, I’m not alright, I am confused, and horny, and I can’t decide if I need to talk about this with you first or if I want to be on my knees with that thing in my mouth first.”

  She breathed, hard, in and out. All of that sounded… so far out of character. She was always put together, could always verbalize herself articulately. But here she was… vomiting word-salad to an alien who with one kiss had turned her entire brain into a jellied mush.

  The easy thing to do, of course, would have been to go with the latter, get on her knees for him and see where they went from there. Instead, Mor’an had regarded her, head tilted. His expression looked entirely unsurprised, as if it had been something he’d expected. Rather than answer her, he went back into his room. She watched as he found a pair of comfortable pants from one of the supply crates, slide them over his body. It was a slight disappointment, but she kept her mouth shut when he returned.

  “Let’s talk.”

  IV: Pleasantly Unexpected

  Mor’an hadn’t drugged her. That was the first question of hers answered when they walked into the dining area of the ship, sitting down with each other to talk. He called back to their conversation, how he had told her that sometimes people of other species had to have their compatibility with their intended Jundar mate ignited – have the attraction spark. Sometimes it was as simple as a touch making deep, instinctual feelings spark. Others, it was more physical – as with his kiss and… touching her.

  He had assured her that he’d not intended to go quite so far without properly explaining things to her. He had merely wanted to show her that there had been more to what was between them that met the eye. Had she spoken to him after he navigated them out of the asteroid field, he would have explained it all to her – but when she had locked herself away within her room, he had thought that perhaps he had scared her more than enticed her, and hadn’t wanted to force that on her.

  It had been an odd thought to her – not wanting to force it on her. He had kidnapped her, after all, hadn’t explained any of this to her before doing so, and had assumed that things would just fall into place for her. She had been annoyed – angry even. It was a lot to take in, and she quickly realized that the situation was not one that she would have as much control over as she had originally thought. It frustrated her, made her angry.

  It had also led to another stint in her room, several days of not coming out.

  Like the first time, Mor’an hadn’t bothered her. There was a part of her that wished he would. She could have easily distracted herself from her irritation with a few good rounds of sex. There was a larger part of her, however, that was grateful. She was at least able to clear her head, and think. She went back to her facts.

  Fact one: There was something biologically within her and Mor’an that drew them to each other.

  Fact two: She believed Mor’an in his explanation that it had to do a lot with mating; she couldn’t think about much other than having sex with him and oddly enough, all her fantasies involved needing to have him fill her with children.

  Fact three: There was more to this connection than sex; when orgasms were over and her fantasies had subsided, what she wanted most was merely his company.

  Fact four: She didn’t know if she was opposed or intrigued anymore.

  Fact five: Fact four was a life; she was definitely intrigued. She just didn’t know if she should be or not.

  That was the problem that faced her when she’d finally pulled herself from the confines of her room for the second time of her capture. And, once again, she had made her way to the other side of quarters’ corridor, knocked, and was greeted but Mor’an.

  That time, she had been calm – far calmer than she thought she would be. She accepted this… compatibility was a thing. It was a thing that didn’t make a lot of sense to her, but facts didn’t necessarily make sense all of the time, and fact of the matter was, there was an undeniable draw to him.

  However, she wasn’t interested in being a slave to her baser instincts. There was a fire in her belly that she wouldn’t deny, but there was also something deeper in the potential connection between the two of them.

  “I want to get to know you before committing to mating you,” she had told him figuring that using the language he was familiar with would make the most sense to him. “I know little of you, as a person. I’m willing to explore this if you’re willing to indulge waiting on the physical part of this connection.”

  To her surprise, he had agreed.

  They found themselves, then, three weeks into their aimless journey through space, cohabitating. They didn’t have sex, didn’t even fool around – they learned each other.

  Being a woman of science, it appealed to Adrien’s desire to collect information. She calculated she had to have asked dozens of questions a day, and answered just as many. Mor’an, despite his tight-lipped nature at the research facility, had the same kind of curiosity that she did, and she could appreciate that hers was reciprocated in such a way. They played their own elaborate game of twenty questions, learning what the other liked, what they disliked, what their family was like. Adrien, as she told Mor’an had no family. She had been adopted young, and her adoptive family hadn’t kept contact with her long after she’d turned eighteen and began to pursue her chosen higher education. Mor’an, however, had a large family – there were ten siblings of his alone, and all of his family performed various duties for the royalty on his planet.

  When Adrien asked him, then if that’s where they were going, she had assumed the answer would be yes. It was a surprise to her, however, when he told her no. They would not be going to the planet Jundar – it wasn’t his intended destination. Where they were going was farther away, a place that he had cherished since childhood, a secret he wanted to surprise her with.

  He called it a paradise.

  It was, in honesty, a jarring thought to her. Adrien liked unknowns, only when they were in controlled, testable settings. This was hardly a controlled, testable setting. That being said, Mor’an’s honesty made her feel better, and she had let that one go. It had led into a conversation about traveling, however, and how much Mor’an had done in service of the Jundar royalty. He had apparently been all over the galaxy, visited a number of peoples. She had asked him why he wouldn’t want to return; he obviously enjoyed the work that he did for the Jundar crown. When she had, he had merely looked at her, head tilted.

  “There are more importa
nt things, now.”

  Adrien had known better than to ask what those more important things were. Her curiosity wasn’t so high that she was going to knowingly walk into a conversation quite that deep. Though there was persistent pull to Mor’an, she felt that she needed to let her mind catch up a little more with her body and her instincts so oddly awoken by Mor’an’s presence.

  That didn’t mean, however, she wouldn’t admit, silently, to herself, that she was slowly falling.

  V: Paradise Found

  “Look. We’re here.”

  Adrien had lost track of time. It seemed to not exist with Mor’an. It was a silly concept for a woman like her, but she couldn’t deny that that’s how she felt.

  She came over to the control panel when Mor’an called her. She was once more in the comfortable shorts they had had their first encounter in, tank sitting snug against her body. Adrien had come to realize that Mor’an enjoyed seeing lots of skin – and though they hadn’t been intimate again aside from softly stolen kisses, that didn’t stop Mor’an’s eyes from openly wondering.

  His attention, though, wasn’t on her, nor her bare legs and exposed stomach. It was on the planet that hung comfortably in space below them.

  Mor’an had called it Pellanor – and it quite literally translated to ‘paradise’ in the Jundar tongue. It was rather lonely in its little patch of space, but it was gorgeous to look at against the black expanse. Its surface swirled in marbled greens, blues, and purples, interspersed with bodies of glittering blue.

  “That’s it?” she asked, the awe evident in her voice. Beside her, Mor’an nodded.

  “Yes, it is. Paradise.”

  Mor’an had landed them with ease, entering them into Pellanor’s atmosphere. The closer they got to it, the more Adrien could see why it was called paradise –Pellanor was stunning. It was full of color, bright foliage, plants and animals that she had never seen on Earth or any of the planets she had been on. The whole world seemed to shimmer in ever-shifting shades of cools, and it was hard for Adrien to take her eyes off of everything.

  “It’s so gorgeous,” she said, as the both of them stepped out of the ship. The atmosphere was warm, almost tropical. There was nothing around, that Adrien could tell, for miles. Just them… and this beautiful, open expanse of land.

  “I thought you would like it,” Mor’an said. “The only inhabitants are on the other side of the planet, and they keep to themselves as long as visitors do. My people come here from time to time to relax, though they have to receive special permission to do so, and it’s always in small groups.”

  “Would any of your people show up here?” she asked, curious as she walked along the group. The grass felt soft, almost fur-like, and was cool to the touch.

  “No. We’re far removed from anywhere my people would come.” She looked over her shoulder when silence fell, as saw as he tilted his head at her. “Does it bother you, that we’re alone?” he asked her.

  She thought about it. When she had first been captured, her answer would have been yes. She didn’t know this planet, its creatures, the people on it. She was isolated. Now, however, that isolation was nearly a blessing. It gave the two of them more time together… It was odd to think that she actually looked forward to that, but there she was, relishing the thought of having him all to herself, longer.

  Adrien smiled at him, and shrugged.

  “I don’t mind it,” she said. “You’re not bad company, when you think about it. Besides, this is a like a vacation out here. You know how badly I would have killed to know about a hot little vacation spot like this while I was at the labs?”

  He laughed, and walked up to her. They began a trek away from the ship, along the bank of rive beside which the ship had been landed.

  “Do you miss them?” he asked. She didn’t need to seek clarity on the question.

  “I do,” she said, knowing that lying would get them nowhere. “I’m a scientist, after all. I like studying things and seeking new things out, getting answers to questions that have never been solved. But…”

  He allowed her a few moments of thought before he pressed. “But?”

  “But, I think… well I’ve been thinking. If this works out –” She gestured between the two of them “– you know, if we work out the way that I think we could, you don’t plan to go back to your people, do you?” He shook his head. “And I mean… I’ve always wanted to travel. It’s partly why I became a scientist to begin with; seek out new worlds and see things that I never would have, staying on Earth. There’s always so many restrictions, however. Even scientists have to deal with red tape.”

  Adrien stopped, looking up at him. Her brows were a little furrowed, and she bit her lip. Mor’an’s hand came out, though, and cupped her cheek. She leaned into the warmth of his touch as she continued.

  “Honestly, I have no idea how this is going to work between us. I can’t really deny there’s something that pulls me to you. It’s not the way humans work… but the scientist in me wants to see where it goes, as far as it can go. So… I would like to at least stay with you longer. If that means not returning anytime soon, I’m honestly not opposed to that. If we do return, it certainly won’t be to the labs – they’d probably experiment on us to see what the weird connection is and… Well, I don’t want that, even for science’s sake. So yeah. I do miss the labs, but not enough that I’m going to turn down this prospect.”

  Mor’an smiled at her, and leaned down. She was receptive to his kiss, accepting it fully, opening her mouth to the sweet intrusion of his tongue. She nipped at him a little when he finally pulled away, and he laughed.

  “Would you like to go for a swim?”

  VI: Full Circle

  It hadn’t been long into their swim before the light started to fade over the horizon of Pallenor. The water, however, remained pleasantly warm, toasty even.

  They had shed their clothes for their dip, and lounged in the shallows of the river. Adrien couldn’t recall ever seeing such clear, clean water on Earth, and it certainly had never been so naturally warm on its own. It was almost like bath water, warm and lapping at her skin, relaxing every muscle of her body…

  And then there was Mor’an. He stayed close to her, swimming around and with her. Despite his size, he was rather grateful in the water. She enjoyed watching the way that he moved beneath the crystal blue liquid of the water and the ripple of his muscles as he did so. She made a show of it watching him, until his little laps in the water had him coming back to her.

  “Do you not like to swim?” he asked her.

  “Oh, no, I do. I’m just enjoying watching you.”

  He came to stand in front of her, smirking a bit as she did. The expression sent a little thrill through her, and it was only heightened when he came close her to her, his body pressed against hers. She shuddered a little, feeling the interested press of his member against her belly.

  “I enjoy you enjoying watching me,” he said, leaning down to nuzzle his face in her hair. From there, he made his way down, kissing against her temple, the rise of her cheekbone. She eagerly leaned up, standing on her tiptoes as her feet dug into the sand below them to meet Mor’an for a proper kiss.

  She felt that fire in him, that lingering desire that was always there whenever he kissed her. She didn’t pull away, though, when it made its way through her body, down into the pit of her belly to settle within her womanhood. No… not this time. Mor’an seemed to pick up on her eagerness, and she was delighted when his hands slid over her wet skin, slipping over them with ease. Her arms went around his shoulders when he hands made his way to her rear, grasping her there before he hoisted her up.

  They continued to kiss, lips moving against each other as Adrien wrapped her legs around Mor’an’s waist. She clung to him, locking her ankles at his back. She could feel him harden between the press of their bodies, and she shuddered in anticipation.

  Like that first kiss, all she could feel was the encompassing desire to have him. This time, at
least, she was prepared for it. Though she enjoyed the pleasure of it, the intoxicating pull of the way he tasted, felt, her desire to have him claim her, she was also able to consciously enjoy it. She relished in every brush of skin, every nick of his teeth against her lips. She wanted him… wanted him so badly and it felt right, no hesitation.

  She hadn’t realized they were walking back to the shore, until she felt the cool air lick at her newly exposed wet skin. She didn’t protest – Mor’an had his own intentions, and given those included laying her back against the ground to settle between her quivering thighs, she wasn’t going to complain. Her hands settled at his shoulders, her nails digging in as he kissed her deeper.

  “I want you,” she breathed against his mouth. “Now… I need it.”

  And she did. She could feel it within every inch of her. She… she needed this. Every bit of her needed every single sliver of him. Perhaps she always had; though she didn’t subscribe to fate, she couldn’t deny that there was a biology to it. That didn’t make it any less real, any less deep for her. In honesty, it just intensified it. As a woman of science, she felt like she could appreciate that.

  So, that’s what she let herself do. Mor’an kissed his way down her body, making her warmer with each brush of his lips against her flesh. Her legs parted willingly at either side of him, inviting him to her body. She felt a buzz of arousal through her, growing and growing until she practically felt it flood out of her.

  Mor’an’s hands settled at her knees, keeping her legs parted as he moved lower, lower. The lower he went, his tongue darted out across her skin, as if tasting her, and his teeth nipped her skin, making her hips rise off the ground. He kissed all the way down to the apex of her sex, her wetness already evident before he even touched her there.


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