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Captured By The Warriors

Page 107

by Daniella Wright

  What was she going to do?


  Lyra ended up sleeping against the wall’s pillar, into the early dawn of the next morning. She was stiff, and hurt as all hell. She briefly wished that a – what was it that Le’on had called it? A Starkee? – had come and eaten her, but that would have done her no good. Her options had quickly run out, and she knew that there was only one solution that would bare much help for her; she had to return to the village, knowing that for better or worse, at the very least there were two people there who had been invested in her.

  She started her trek, limping slowly on the same path that she had taken the night before. When she got to the edge of the forest, and to the slope of the hill that led to the edge of the village, she sat down, choosing to scoot herself down the hill and cause the least amount of strife for herself. Her heart pounded in her chest as she did. Say she returned, and was punished for leaving? She knew what Le’on and Karron had told her of their people, but that didn’t make her an expert. For all she knew, they’d kill her for leaving them – but she knew there was no way in hell she would be able to survive on her own out there. Not by a long shot.

  As the outskirts of the village became denser, and more of the intricate, wood-and-circuit homes came into view, she felt eyes on her. It made her feel self-conscious, as she was watched. It made her wonder what was going through the others’ minds. Did they see her as a dead woman walking? Were they going to approached her? Attack her? She had no idea. She had never felt so surrounded in her entire life, and she wasn’t sure she liked the feeling.


  She started, and turned. There was Le’on – and he looked rather surprised to see her. All she could do, though, was stand there, and stare at him. Her blood felt chilled. This was it. There he was. She shouldn’t have come back – she was going to die, he and his warrior brood were going to kill her –

  Her thoughts raced like this, pounding through her head harder and harder as she watched him approach her, step by step, getting closer and closer to her. She remembered very suddenly, wild stories of alien races that would kill captors that ran away to regain their honor. That’s what was going to happen to her, she convinced herself. They were going to kill her because she besmirched their honor. Why the hell had she come back to them?!

  For the second time, as if a curtain had fallen, everything went black.



  He watched her as she slept, his head tilted as he took in the rise and fall of her chest.

  She was an interesting creature to him. She wasn’t like they were – she wasn’t Ammarok – but she looked like them. The deep russet skin and strong features – though her auburn hair and grey eyes were a captivating, uncommon anomaly. The striking thing about her, though, was the fact that she had a presence about her that was distinctly like them. He supposed that’s what had captivated him about her, and had known when Karron had shared similar intentions with him, that it meant something. When he had discovered that she’d disappeared on them, he thought that perhaps they had both been wrong – but then she had returned.

  It hadn’t been expected, and neither of them had had the intention of hunting her down. Both knew that it was impossible to force a mate-ship. That went against their practices and beliefs, and was not only frowned upon, but forbidden. When she had returned, then, it had been a relief. No one had made his head turn twice the way she had. There was something special about her.

  He only hoped she thought there was something special about them, too.

  It had been about a week since her return, with he and Karron nursing her back to health. She seemed to have had a bit of a panic when she had seen him again, and he had to wonder if perhaps they frightened her. There was little that they knew of each other. He thought that explaining things to her the first morning that she had been there, had been enough, but it was easy to see that… there was a divide between what was custom for her, and what was custom for them. It made him infinitely interested in what things were like for the humans on the other side of those strange holo-walls that they lived behind – but it seemed that, like the Ammarok, the humans weren’t interested in dealing with their neighbors.

  Something pressed against him from behind, and he glanced back. Karron rested his chin on his shoulder, watching Lyra as she slept, as well. She looked peaceful like that, sleeping. Much more so than she ever did when she was awake.

  “Do you think she’ll come around?” Karron asked him. He shrugged.

  “I hope so. I think we should give her the chance to learn about us. Her humans have locked her out of her home… perhaps give her time to come to terms with that before pressing anything further.”

  “Hmm…” Karron seemed to process that, before giving a bit of a comical sigh. “More waiting, how boring. But, I suppose you’re right. Give her time.”



  Time, it seemed, was what Lyra needed.

  There was something insane about her predicament. Not long ago, she had snuck out of the Compound, with the intention of just exploring while she had the chance. She hadn’t planned on making a life outside of the Compound – she wasn’t some great explorer or navigator, she wasn’t a nature-kick kind of woman. And yet… here she was.

  She had apologized, to Le’on and Karron, for leaving. She thought it was the right thing to do, considering they had become her only chance for survival, but there had been that fear that they were going to take her leaving out on her, and against her. It had been her worry when she had finally come-to that they would punish her.

  They hadn’t.

  The strange thing was, they seemed to understand – or at the very least had chosen to be accommodating enough that they sat her down, and explained her options to her. It had been Le’on that apologized for being as blunt as they had been, making her feel like she had no outs. Karron had apologized, too, though seemed the less serious of the two and had joked that it was okay, because she would see what they meant in time. They had answered her questions after that – explaining to her that yes, they chose her, but ultimately, they couldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. They merely hoped that she would agree to be theirs, willingly. Over time.

  Lyra didn’t know if she wanted to be theirs, the impression that she got from their terms of mating being that it was akin to marriage. She had never even had a long-term boyfriend (friends with benefits, she figured, didn’t count) let alone two alien mates. She did agree, however, to stay. It wasn’t like she could return to the Compound, not at this point at least, and it was better to stay in the company of people who weren’t trying to harm her than out in the wilderness on her own.

  She learned the ways of life for the Ammarok, deciding that if this was going to be a long-term thing, then she would need to know what the hell to do. She had a lot of options, which was comforting to her. Though they were a tribal people, they did have technologies. Ever curious, she explored, asked questions, and catalogued all that she learned. She had always fancied herself a bit of a writer, and took the time to do so now that she quite literally had all the time in the world, in abundance. She got to know one of the tribe’s story-tellers, a man name Tarron, and they often spent time together and spoke numerous times when she wasn’t around Le’on and Karron.

  Those two… were interesting. She couldn’t deny the fact she had found them appealing physically when she had first met them – nor that she thought they were somewhat terrifying on their own. But she had learned that Le’on was quiet, reflective, and liked having long conversations about… well everything. The nature around them, the philosophy of their lives. He liked to explain things to her, like the way they built their homes and how to use the technology of their people.

  Karron, on the other hand, was rambunctious, over-the-top. His personality shone brightly, and Lyra could tell he enjoyed being the center of attention. He liked to tease her, poke at her, but she found it flattering when
she noticed that the bulk of his playful teases were directed towards her.

  Of course, Karron’s playfulness and Le’on’s attentiveness translated into… other things. More interesting things. As she spent more time with them, a mutual interest made itself known. She didn’t know if it was proximity – they all shared sleeping quarters and the two of them had about as much modesty as a someone in a brothel – or just pent up tension, but.

  One night, it snapped.

  It was late in the evening, with Lyra winding down. Karron and Le’on were playing a game of Sar’kat – something like chess, played with the carved bones of the Starkee beasts that the Ammarok hunted rigorously. Her two companions had snuggled down on either side of her – Le’on to her front and Karron to her back. They were warm, so warm… and she couldn’t ignore that the heat was from a little more than just the contact. It wasn’t hard to notice the press of Karron’s interest behind her, and she didn’t stop him when his hand came to her hip, fingers rubbing her.

  A kiss, was all it took. Le’on taking her lips against his while Karron touched her. they lit her body on fire – made it burn in the pit of her belly and warm within her womanhood. They took her, between the two of them. She had felt nearly split in two as they had their way with her, so completely full that she didn’t know what to do with herself. She had never had men like that before… never two at once and certainly never as many times. They seemed to go on and on, never tiring – even when she felt like her body was spent and her mind was so overwhelmed with pleasure that she didn’t know what the hell to do with herself.

  Either way, when she had collapsed against the bed in a heap, she thought that maybe this was the sign she needed to know this was the start of something new.



  “You know, I never thought I would be out here, like this.”

  She strolled through the forest, with Le’on and Karron at her sides. She had been curious (that hadn’t changed in her time with the two of them) about what lay beyond the village, and the two of them had agreed to go with her to explore. They took her fascination with an amused sort of interest. Both of them were already so used to their surroundings that they were almost mundane, but Lyra had decided she was going to make the most of her self-inflicted exhile.

  “What do you mean?” Le’on asked her, sliding aside some brush so that they could pass.

  “I’d always wanted to explore out here,” she explained. “As a child… My father was an Admiral in the Intergalactic Navy, and he was always talking about how wonderful different worlds were… how interesting experiencing other cultures and peoples were. When we were set to come and colonize Earth Two – Ma’terra, sorry – I had been so excited…” She sighed wistfully. “But they told us that we were only to stay behind the holograph walls and we wouldn’t actually be exploring the populated areas; our settlements would be in the areas that had no sentient life. I understand why; no one wanted to do what had been done on Earth to native populations, but still. To be completely cut off from everything so new and wonderful… When my father died, he told me to never let go of the idea of expanding my horizons and getting more out of life. I never thought I would actually be able to do it, even if I always wanted to.”

  She turned her eyes upwards, towards the sky. The unaltered sky of Earth Two was more violet than it was blue, like that of Earth. She couldn’t remember the exact shade of blue Earth had been – she wasn’t sure if the holograph projection of the sky was as accurate as everyone claimed. A smile played up on her lips, and there was a bit of a childish outburst from her before she looked back at Le’on and Karron.

  “Catch me if you can!”

  She shot forward, running in and out of the trees. She had no fear of losing herself or the men she was with – they were hunters, and she had faith in their ability to keep up with her. It wasn’t like she was particularly athletic to begin with. She was merely blessed with good genes and a Godly metabolism.

  She heard them laughing behind her, and heard the crack of twigs, signaling they were following her. they didn’t catch up to her, and she knew it was because they were letting her get a lead – until she wasn’t.

  Karron caught her first, coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. They toppled to the ground, but he took the force of landing on the ground. His fingers found her sides, and he began to tickle her, ferociously, sending her into a wild fit of laughter as Le’on came upon them.

  “Le’on, help!” She cried out, trying to pry Karron’s hands from her sides. The other merely stood, arms folded, looking down at them. He smiled, leaned down, and Lyra thought he would be her salvation –

  Until his fingers joined Karron’s.

  Her laughter pealed through the air, punctuating high. She caught the startled rustle of bird wings taking flight as she laughed, and tried to roll as both of these men tickled her. And to think, they were supposed to be the best warriors in their village. To think they were acting like this – like children!

  She honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Eventually they let off of her, letting her take in deep, thankful gulps of air Le’on sat down with them, turning to lay down, the three of them looking up at the sky as they did.

  “You two are ridiculous.”

  “You’re the one that decided to play a game of tag,” Korran pointed out, poking her teasingly in the side, making her yelp out.

  “Tag doesn’t mean time to tickle!”

  “It’s called the spoils of the catch.”

  “That is not how tag works.”

  “Is so.”

  They went back and forth like that, poking fun at each other, until Le’on laughed and rolled over, flopping his body on Lyra’s.

  “We should head back soon,” he said. “It will be dark, and the Starkee will come out. Let’s not chance a second encounter with them?”

  Korran, despite being interested in the idea of fighting off a Starkee in front of Lyra, at the very least felt it was better to not tempt fate.

  The walk back was peaceful, the two of them on either side of her, but their hands were in hers. She couldn’t remember when she’d felt so contented – but it was hard to not feel that way when Korran and Le’on were… well just them. They weren’t what she had expected, but she was infinitely grateful for that.



  “Hey! Put me down! Put me down!”

  Le’on looked up, his hands bloody from gutting and cleaning the Starkee he and Karron had caught that morning. He sat in the middle of their home, the fire pit already lit and heating up for the meat to set to cook. Where perhaps weeks ago, the string of words would have been cause of concern, the peal of laughter from Lyra’s lips made his lips quirk in a smile.

  She was over Karron’s massive shoulder, her skin dripping wet. She had been bathing – Le’on could only imagine why – and it looked as though Karron had interrupted her. She had little more than a thin wrap of a fur blanket around her, and she was laughing as she playfully pounded on Karron’s chest.

  He indeed put her down, plopping her beside Le’on before joining them on the floor. She shot him a look, which perhaps would have been annoyed had the flush of arousal not been on her cheeks and her mouth still wide in a smile.

  It had been two months since Lyra had returned to them. They hadn’t properly mated her… not yet. But in their explorations of getting to know each other, letting her come to terms with her life’s new direction, and she learning about them… well. Certain things had happened, things that all three of them were more than eager to indulge in. Karron had obviously done so, or at least had started to do so. Le’on could scent a sweetness from between Lyra’s legs, a tempting one that had him wishing he didn’t need to finish preparing what would be food for the next week. He shot Karron a look, and the man merely grinned at him before he tugged Lyra to him by the ankle. She squealed, the fur blanket that had been around her body sliding off.

She was a beautiful thing to look at, Le’on would admit. If he had to share her, he was glad he at least was able to share her with Karron – he was the only other man he knew who’d appreciate every facet of her body in the same way that he did. He could tell, in the way Karron’s mouth moved over Lyra’s skin, kissing and suckling at flesh to redden it beneath his teeth. Of course, it was part in tease to him, too; Karron looked over at him with mischief in his eyes as he settled between her parted thighs, nuzzling into her skin.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want to be doing right now, Le?” he asked, brow quirked. Le’on rolled his eyes and huffed.

  “One of us has to be responsible and prepare food.”

  Karron laughed, but didn’t further reply to him. Le’on turned his eyes back to the work in front of him, sliding a plasma-knife through the supple flesh of the Starkee. He didn’t need to look to know what was going on; he heard Lyra gasp, suddenly, and moan out Karron’s name. There was a slick slurp, the sound of tongue laving against the sweet folds of pleasure that he knew rested sweetly between Lyra’s thighs.

  That was fine by him; Karron having his fill then simply meant he’d be able to have his own fill later. Of course, that was easier said than done – Lyra’s wailing moans became more and more harder to ignore as they went on, got higher, more needy and desperate.


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