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Captured By The Warriors

Page 114

by Daniella Wright

  Hudson didn’t have to bring me to my father’s grave, but he insisted he did, wanting to pay his respects to my father. At first, it was sad; sitting by my father’s grave and knowing I will never see him again, but then Hudson started asking me questions about him. We spent four—yes, four—hours at his grave, trading stories about my father and his mother and eventually, the pain gave away and a new emotion crept into my heart.


  Hudson is the guy I’ve always wanted, but never knew I needed. He treats me with respect, affection, and carefulness. He knows when to push me on certain topics, but also knows when to back the fuck off things. He’s in tune with me and it feels like we’ve known each other all our lives. Not to mention, he’s crazy supportive of my dreams and even created a fashion show for my newest line, which will be featured in his store. Hudson is excited for me, but his sister Laney is even more ecstatic for me. We have only exchanged a few phone calls and texts, but she has been amazing in helping me with this line. I’m glad that things are slowly falling into place.

  Still, I haven’t told Hudson how I feel about him. Yeah, I know, I’m chicken-shit, but do you know how hard it is to put yourself out there for a guy and tell him you’re falling in love with him? What the hell am I saying? I am in love with him. If only telling him was as easy as admitting it to myself.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Hudson’s sleepily voice rumbles out and he pulls me closer to him on the bed. His eyes are studying my anxious ones and he frowns when he sees the worry and fear in my eyes. Hudson always knows when something is bothering me. “What’s wrong?”

  I swallow hard. “Nothing.”

  His eyes narrow at me. “Fay…” he says in warning. A warning I have learned better than to ignore, but I’m feeling defensive right now and terrified, so I ignore his warning and glance away. He growls and rolls us until I’m on my back and he’s leaning above me. His eyes are blazing with need, but also with concern. “I usually love your temper, since it’s so damn fun to take you when you’re mad at me, but not today, Fay. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Tears fill my eyes, but they don’t fall. “I love you.” I blurt out, but my words have an edge to them, showing I’m upset. In fact, I’m pouting, which I hate. Hudson’s eyes widen at my words and he’s now grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Don’t smile! I’m terrified right now. This is not a smiling moment.”

  Hudson holds back his obvious amusement and leans down to kiss me softly on the lips. Pulling back slightly, he’s still smiling and doesn’t seem to be going to stop anytime soon. “I love you too, Fay.” My heart stops and my breath catches at his words. “Damn, I’ve been wanting to say those words for days now, but I thought if I did, you’ll run away from me—away from us.” he kisses me again and I relax slightly, feeling a bit better now that I know he feels the same way. Still, I’m scared and Hudson sees this. His eyes soften and he lays his forehead against mine. “It’s okay to be afraid about falling in love, Fay. I’m terrified every day.”

  “Of things not working out?” I ask, voicing my fear.

  Hudson shakes his head. “Of losing you.”

  My heart melts a bit more. “I’ve never felt this way for a guy before, Hudson. I’m going to be bitchy, and irrational, and some days, you’re going to want to throttle me.” he chuckles and I smile. “But I’m working on taking down my barriers, Hudson. For you.” I whisper the last two words and kiss his lips. “For us.”

  Hudson places his hand on my face and stares intently into my eyes. “For us.” He echoes, and then lowers his mouth to mine for a spine tingling kiss. He nudges both my legs apart and settles in between my legs and I moan. Breaking the kiss, he grins and rubs the head of his shaft against my entrance in a teasing motion. “Loving me has its benefits, Fay. You wake up every morning in my bed, so you have more access to this.” He thrusts up into me and I cry out his name. Hudson chuckles and pulls out almost all the way before he pushes into me harder. I shiver at the feeling of fullness and my eyes are rolling into the back of my head in bliss. “I’ll never get enough of you, my mate.”

  Hudson then proceeds to hammer into me with restless abandon. And when I finally get close to the edge, he pulls out almost all the way, and then the bastard waits until my body has calmed down before he shoves into me again. He repeats this motion several times, and each time he leaves me hanging, I want to kill him. Hudson loves teasing me and I’m afraid this game he’s playing is actually a punishment for ignoring him earlier.

  But what a pleasurable punishment it is.

  When Hudson denies me my orgasm for the sixth time, I grab the back of his head, bend him down to my face, and growl at him. Damn it, his stupid growling is rubbing off on me. “Stop fucking around and let me come! If you don’t, I’m going to make you sleep on the sofa and I refuse to go down on you for a month.”

  Hudson stops his slow thrusting and laughs. He shakes his head and kisses my nose. “As much as I like teasing you, I don’t like the idea of you not going down on me for a whole month. You have such a talented mouth and it’d be a shame if it became enemies with me.”

  I roll my eyes and chuckle, despite myself. “You’re such a doofus, Hudson.”

  He rubs his nose against mine in affection and laughs softly. “I am, but as I said a week ago, I don’t mind being one as long as I’m your doofus.”

  Becoming serious now, Hudson pulls out of me and rams his cock back inside of my soaking heat and my back arches when he rubs against my sweet spot. He continues to rub against that spot and I moan when he kisses my neck—my body hypersensitive from all of his teasing. When Hudson reaches between our bodies and rubs circles over my clit, I’m taken by surprise, and I explode, screaming in delight.

  I’ve never come so hard in my life, so maybe there’s something good that came out of all the teasing.

  Hudson, not slowing down, continues to thrust into me, making my aftershocks last longer. And when his body tenses and he comes, his eyes flash gold and he growls. I jump at the sound, terrified by how animalistic it sounded. It was as if an actual animal growled at me and his eyes, that are now glowing gold, are currently causing my heart to beat in overdrive.

  I wait for Hudson to come down from his orgasm and pull out of me before I freak out.

  “Hudson?” I ask, fear in my tone. He stares at me, eyes still glowing gold, and I swallow past the lump in my throat. For the first time since I’ve known him, I’m scared of Hudson. What’s going on? “Hudson…I’m scared.”

  Hudson growls again, but this time, it sounds more like a whimper of a frightened animal. He closes his eyes and clenches his fists together, seeming to be concentrating. When a few, tense minutes have passed by, Hudson opens his eyes back up, but this time, they’re back to their normal brown eyes.

  “Fay…” he reaches out to me, but I flinch in fear. I instantly regret my reaction when Hudson’s eyes close and he hangs his head in defeat. “I need a minute…just…don’t leave, okay? I need to tell you something, but I need a moment to gather my thoughts.” He leans in, as if to give me a kiss, but stops himself. Shaking his head, he gets off the bed, puts on a pair of sweats, and strides angrily into the bathroom, slamming the door as he does.

  I get off the bed and walk to the bathroom. My fist hovers over the door, wanting desperately to knock, but I ultimately lower my hand and sigh.

  We finally confessed our love, but something is still standing in our way.

  I try getting Hudson’s glowing gold eyes out of my head, but I can’t. When he was hovering over me, eyes glowing, I was scared. I didn’t know what was happening and when Hudson growled like a wild animal, my heart faltered and stopped for a moment. He didn’t look like my Hudson at that moment and I didn’t know who was staring back at me—which freaked me out.

  “I need a drink.” I mutter to myself and jump when I hear someone punch the wall. Hudson curses and I want to go to him, to tell him everything will be okay, but I have a feeling he needs a moment to himself. W
hatever he needs to tell me he needs to work out himself. And if I’m being honest, I need a moment apart myself.

  I head towards the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water, eyeing the wine in the fridge with want, but ultimately close the fridge door without touching it. I need to have a clear head when Hudson and I talk, so no alcohol for me. Taking a sip, I almost choke on the water when a knock comes at the door, startling me.

  Walking to the door, I look through the peephole and see a petite brunette girl standing outside, biting her lip in worry. “Who’s this?” I ask, not wanting to open the door without at least knowing whom this person is.... Please don’t let this be an old girlfriend. I’m already vulnerable right now and don’t need that added to my list.

  “Um, sorry to bother you, ma’am, but my car broke down outside your house and I was wondering if I could use your house phone?” The girl looks over to a car that’s smoking and sighs, obviously stressed out. “It’ll only be a moment. I want to call a tow and then my brother so he can drive me to work. If I’m late to work one more time, my boss is going to fire me and I really need this job.”

  I open the door and gesture for the girl to enter Hudson’s home. But when she doesn’t move, I know something is wrong. Especially when the girl holds up a black device and clicks on a button. As soon as the pain registers, I realize that the object she’s holding is a taser and that I’m in big trouble.

  Before I can collide with the ground, the woman catches me in her arms and lowers me down to the floor.

  My body is momentarily paralyzed and my vision is growing fuzzy. The woman quickly puts duct tape over my mouth—as if I can scream—and then drags me out of Hudson’s house, making sure to close the door quietly as she does.

  Then everything goes to black.



  The time has come to play with my little human.

  Fay is tied to the chair in the middle of the warehouse—still knocked out from the taser I used on her earlier—but from the rapid fluttering of her eyelids, I can tell she’s about to wake up at any moment.

  Then, things can get started.

  Not a minute later, Fay’s eyes flicker open and her eyes widen once she’s realized the situation she’s now in. She, as all my previous victims, thrashes from side to side, trying to get free, but all she manages to do is make herself dizzy with all her struggling.

  “Don’t even bother, Fay. The chair is bolted to the floor and those ropes are secure.” I smirk at her as I approach her. I reach out and allow my index finger to draw a line down her cheek and I laugh when Fay flinches away from my touch. “What? I’m not good enough for a girl like you?” I laugh when her eyes widen at me. “Don’t worry, I intend to play with you before I kill you.”

  “Kill me?” she shouts and begins struggling again.

  I roll my eyes at her attempt of escape. “Yes, Fay. After we play, I’m going to kill you and chop your head off. It’ll be the perfect gift to give the Prince.” I say, conversantly and her eyes widen further. “You should have stayed away from Royce, Fay. Because you got involved with the Prince and his clan, you have to die now. So don’t be mad at me, be upset with your mate, who couldn’t keep you safe.”

  “Prince?” Fay questions, seeming confused. “What the fuck are you talking about? Hudson isn’t a Prince! He’s a businessman who owns a boutique with his sister!”

  I don’t laugh often, never finding anything that truly amuses me, but this is rich. My laugh goes on and on and I only stop so I can tell the human just whom she fell in love with. It’d be amazing to watch her realize she fell in love with a man she didn’t even know. God, I love my job. “Royce is a bear shifter, Fay. His father is the clan leader, a shitty one, that keeps his clan limited and useless, so that makes Hudson the Prince. Only when he finds his mate can he take the throne away from his father and make his clan strong again. Obviously, I can’t let that happen. I’m the enforcer to another rivaling clan and my boss has instructed me to kill anyone who can possibly be Royce’s mate. Let me tell you, I have been very busy these last few years. Your boyfriend sure knows how to get around.” I smirk when I see her face redden in embarrassment and anger.

  “You’re…you’re lying!” She spits out, but her eyes show her confliction. “Royce isn’t a bear! He would have told me if he was. We love each other and tell each other everything. He wouldn’t keep a secret like this from me. Besides,” she laughs humorlessly. “There’s no such thing as shifters! They only exist in romance novels.”

  I roll my eyes. “I think you are reading too many novels, Fay. Bear shifters aren’t the sweet, romantic creatures you read about in books. We’re strong, powerful supernaturals who are not to be trifled with. If only you knew this fact before you fucked Royce and sealed your fate.” I grab the knife from my back pocket and twirl it around in my hand, enjoying the way the girl squirms in her chair in fear. “Tell me, has Royce been acting odd? Notice any physical changes when you’re together?”

  Fay’s eyes flicker with an unknown emotion and she averts my gaze. “Glowing eyes? Growling?” She asks, not able to meet my eyes as I question her.

  I chuckle. “When we’re pissed off or feel any strong emotion, lust, for example, our eyes tend to glow. Annoying habit, but it is what it is. I can’t believe Royce never told you what he is.” I laugh again. “This is rich. I guess he doesn’t love you if he didn’t trust you with this secret.” I study her and sigh. “It’s a shame I have to butcher your beautiful body and face. If I could, I’d keep you as a pet in my warehouse, but my boss would be pissed at me and won’t let me kill anyone for a month if I don’t eliminate you.”

  “Get the fuck away from her!” A male’s voice growls from behind me and I grin. Turning around, I get a kick out of seeing the shock on Royce’s face. “Keith? Is that you?” he shakes his head and walks towards me, looking like he’s seen a ghost. “But…why? Why would you do this?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Why? You honestly have to ask me that?” I throw my knife at Royce but he dodges it, as I expected. I knew I couldn’t hit him, but I had to try because I hate him so much. “I’m doing this because I can’t allow you to gain control of that pathetic clan of yours. Javier is about to take over your territory and he can’t allow you to gain enough power to stop him. But you want to know the real reason I’m doing this, right?” Royce nods his head stiffly. “Because I hate you. Because you shouldn’t be standing there while she lays underneath the earth.” I clench my fists together and I feel a stupid tear fall down my face. “Because you killed our mother.”



  I haven’t seen Keith since I was eight years old and she tried to kill me in my sleep. No, I’m not exaggerating; my sister came into my room on my 8th birthday, while I was sleepy peacefully, and tried to slit my throat. Thankfully for me, my father and little sister heard my cries and came just in time to stop her from causing too much damage. Since I’m a shifter, the wound healed before a scar could form, but the damage was done and I’ll never forget what she did to me that day.

  She had been older than me by ten years then and blamed me for my mother’s death, since she died trying to pick me up from school, and for a little while, I believed her. I thought it was my fault my mother died because, if I hadn’t called her that day, if I had just gotten through the school day, my mother wouldn’t have been on that highway that day and would still be alive today.

  But I know now that what happened was an accident—a horrible accident, but an accident, nonetheless, and blaming myself didn’t change the fact that she was gone. My father blamed himself for not driving to get me himself that day and look at what happened to him—he’s a drunk that is leading our clan into the ground.

  But I have a chance to make things right and re-build our clan to what we once were. I have a chance to get my dad clean. I have a chance at a life, with my mate and hopefully, my future child, so I know what I must do.

  I have to ki
ll my sister.

  “Back away from Fay, Keith. She has nothing to do with our issues.” Keith moves closer to Fay and I see red. “I said, get the fuck away from her! What? You’re too scared to face me now that I’m not a defenseless child?” I taunt her, knowing she couldn’t turn down a challenge or an insult. I smirk at her, knowing I’m getting to her and appearing smug will draw her attention more to me and away from a terrified Fay. Damn, I have a lot of explaining to do, if she’ll even talk to me after today. “Then again, you couldn’t kill me as a child, so how can you expect to kill me now?”

  That last comment pushes her over the edge and she transforms on the spot into her bear. Her bear, which is a deep brown and is ten times the size of my human form, growls at me and she begins to circle around me. I move backwards, attempting to move her farther away from Fay so she won’t get hurt in the crossfire.

  I turn my gaze to Fay, who’s staring at us in shock, and smile sadly. “I should have told you about my other half from the start, but I was worried you wouldn’t accept me. And I should have kept you safe, but I failed there too.” I shake my head and I feel my eyes begin to glow and my body start to change. “But I will not fail you again. You are mine, Fay, and I protect what’s mine.”

  I then shift into my bear form and all hell breaks loose.

  Keith charges at me as soon as I change and we collide against the side of the warehouse, causing the room to echo with our crash. Keith tries to go for my neck, but I claw at her face before her teeth could sink into me. She screams in pain, her left eye now bleeding, and surprises me when she bends down and bites my left leg.

  Instant pain shoots through me and I roar in agony.

  Still, even with my left leg now injured, I have to lead Keith farther away from Fay. I back away from her, luring her towards the entrance of the warehouse, and when we’re a safe distance away, I attack her again, this time, I aim for her other eye, so I can rob her of one of her senses. If I can do that, it’ll be that much easier to defeat her without causing further injury to me or putting Fay at more risk.


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