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The Vixen Torn

Page 6

by J. E.

  “Something like that,” she whispered, her head tilting into his touch. This was still business for her, she convinced herself. She had to get that will, or, at least, convince this man that he wanted to reward her heavily for being his. That was, at once, more frightening and more exciting than the idea of having Loren pay her off and expect her to stick around after the fact.

  After lavishing his fingers in the smooth touch of her flawless, elven face, he let them dip down, tracing along her neck towards her chest and the heavy chain that supported her new, expensive necklace. “Tell me, Anjasa,” he said in a deep, breathy voice, leaning in so very close towards her.

  The moment was so intimate, so close as he pressed his groin to her, pinning her to the bar and looking like he’d kiss her any second. “Why’d you come here?”

  Her lashes descended once more as she enjoyed his closeness, his touch. His awareness. She licked her lips and left them glossy before she finally raised her emerald eyes back to his gaze. “To meet you,” she answered back, truthfully.

  She registered no surprise there in his steely gaze, just the same calm, cool exterior as he trapped her between his own fearsomely strong body and the sturdy bar. “Good,” he said without explanation, his fingertips trailing down along her collar bones, then tracing the outline of the necklace’s chain towards the fat emerald. “But why did you wish to meet me, hun?” he asked in that same deliciously masculine voice as he slipped his digits in under the gemstone to lift it from her flesh.

  She smirked for a brief moment before her teeth drew in her lower lip and chewed on it for a second. “Because I was curious.” Her heart pounded harder between them and she squirmed to try to alleviate some of her arousal. The threat of him knowing, though, proved far too powerful to still with just a brief press of her thighs.

  Though her movement did have the effect of stirring something in him, it was his groin and not sympathy. For as she felt that familiar swell of manhood bulge against her body, he took hold of that large emerald, clasped it in his hand and twisted the necklace about so that the links bit into her neck.

  He moved in closer to her, their lips nearly touching. “I have a little rule, Anjasa,” he said in a calm voice, but for a slight hiss to his words. “I never repeat my questions. Even if I don’t get the right answer the first time,” and she could read the menace in his eyes, despite his calm facade.

  Her cheeks flushed and she felt the blood flow through the rest of her body with equaled heat. She knew she shouldn’t tease him or delay, but he was making her heart race even if he didn’t realize it. It was probably better that he didn’t.

  His breath watched over her lips and she parted hers, licking them once more. “I was curious about you. After speaking with your cousin.”

  She had felt that chain begin to tight again in that brief moment before her last sentence. He relented then, but only barely. It was still a tight and uncomfortable presence that made breathing difficult, thanks to what was just previously a lavishly expensive gift.

  His own tongue licked across his lips slowly as he watched her with an unblinking gaze. “Tell me more,” he whispered ominously, his cock already swollen to such knee weakening proportions against her.

  “I know what you’ll be soon, after the death of an old man. And you deserve it,” she added on, but her mind was already growing hazy with more lustful thoughts. Her hands gripped the bar behind her and her pinky finger brushed his. “There’s not much to tell. I’m impulsive.”

  The towering thug of a Lord pressed against her harder, the pressure uncomfortable as she felt that necklace tighten about her neck once more. It clenched her throat closed, and she could not force any air through as he stared at her blankly, no sign of disapproval but for the tight hold of the choke chain upon her neck.

  She didn’t move to try to get away, but her hands tightened on the bar, and her pussy throbbed between her legs. It wasn’t until her face began to turn an awful colour that her hand moved into his, her eyes widening in fear. True fear. Not the fear of being with an unstable, cruel man. Not the fear of being punished during sex. This was the fear of the imminent, looming death.

  Without the subtlest of shifts in his demeanor but for the movement of his eyes as he watched her face turn colour, he then released the hold of the chain and she felt her throat open up again. Life giving air rushed in to her lungs in sweet relief.

  She gulped in the air and coughed, her head lowering as she felt her knees go weak with the sudden rush of oxygen. Stupid, Anjasa, she berated herself. Why couldn’t she stop lusting for these men?

  “You’ve known since I accepted the tea,” she praised him, but her eyes remained locked on his chest as she tried to breathe.

  He stared into her, almost through her, a while longer. The tight press of his body keeping her from slipping down onto the floor as his one arm was about her. He spoke at last, his voice demanding, controlled. “What were you planning?”

  She shrugged slightly, her lids descending, “To do what I always do. Act, then think,” she smiled. “Maybe get the will in return for a reward.”

  Her honesty was rewarded with a gentle, but almost imperceptible loosening of the chain about her neck. His gaze moved up across her face and locked with her own. “And what will you do now?” the question so simple, stated plainly, but she knew the implications of it. There was only one right answer: serve.

  It made her body clench, and it felt so delightful. It was pure pleasure. It wasn’t the uncoiling of an orgasm, it wasn’t the fleeting bliss of sex. It was something more primal, something beaten into her over long, horrible years.

  “Whatever you want,” she murmured obediently.

  The necklace loosened enough to reward her for that, though it remained a leash about her neck as he brought his other hand from the bar up along her back. He grasped hold of her long, dark hair, pulled back on it so that her neck had to arch lest he rip the strands from her head.

  “My cousin is a nuisance,” he husked into her ear, leaning over her shoulder as he let go of the chain and grasped her hip. “Don’t you think?” with a slow, powerful grasp he twisted her about, giving her just enough room so that she was able to turn and face the bar before he pressed her cheek down onto the bar top.

  “He’s useless,” she replied, feeling that cool metal touch her burning cheek. She knew it would come to this. That there was no other alternative but to choose her allegiance between the two sparring relatives. No one liked loose ends, least of all she, but Loren had been a fun time. This man... He would not be sulking in a bar if he lost his fortune. He’d simply make a new one.

  Bent over her backside he spoke in that increasingly low voice right into her ear, “Though he could be a problem for me despite his uselessness.” He retracted from her just a bit, still pressing her head down onto the bar, but the press of that hefty manhood relinquished. “You have your uses though, don’t you?” and she could read the lewd suggestion in that question.

  “Many,” she agreed, and her fingers tightened on the bar. She hated the lack of his body against hers, and her eyes narrowed in annoyance. Who had broken up their moment? Who had interrupted them and turned their relationship into... this.


  She felt the return of his second hand, the fingertips trailing up her thigh, pushing the hem of her dress up slowly higher. “What uses will you offer me, Miss Anjasa?” and he sounded for all the world like the calm, collected man who had treated her so generously all day. The threat was all in his behaviour, in the implicit.

  “Whatever you need,” she assured him. “I’m adaptable.” His fingers were like fire to her, and she both wanted the soothing heat and feared the searing pain it would bring. It was exquisite. Her legs were toned and shapely, her thighs were still thick and powerful beneath his hand, and she pushed into it almost imperceptibly.

  His touch gravitated around her beautiful thigh to its smooth inner flesh. His fingertips glided up to her sex, where he fou
nd her bare, her slick lips delightfully nude so that nothing kept his digits from feeling her arousal. “You’re offering me this then,” it was less a question and more a statement, but with his pause, she knew it required an answer.

  “Yes.” She was too needy to give a smart ass answer, her body so primed for his touch. It was like sparks going through her, everything seeming to be intensified in her high adrenaline state. She couldn’t even bother feeling ashamed that even the top parts of her inner thighs were coated in her feminine cream.

  His hand withdrew from her, and though she couldn’t move her head thanks to his tight hold, she could hear the faint noises with her keen elven ears. The softly moist sound of lips moving upon fingers followed by the noise of a leather belt and fabric pants coming undone. “And you’re offering to help deal with my cousin for me,” the words arriving just as that familiar feel of a man’s bulging crown brushed against her labia.

  Her knees threatened to buckle, but she pushed herself up on tiptoes, trying to beg him in. She felt so warm, and she squirmed trying to force him to fuck her. “Yes.” She was in no position to argue, to try to spare Loren’s life. Not now.

  She got one of her wishes though, for he pressed that bulging shaft into her, spearing open her waiting quim upon his thick girth. He gave but a low ‘umph’ of satisfaction as her tight folds gripped his length. He hilted himself inside her, bending over her as he leaned to her ear, rasping out his words. “And when you’re done all that, you’ll offer your body to me for sale at my club.” The next thrust following immediately after, striking her deep and hard, jarring her core.

  Her fingers dug into the bar, and even in the moment she realized what a harsh bargain she was getting. All for being curious. For not heeding her instincts and just buggering off. She couldn’t say she didn’t know it was coming, though, and she couldn’t help the fact that it made her moan.

  The idea that she’d be only making money for him, though, made her body tense.

  Her thoughts were hard to focus however, for the cruel man’s thrusts came on forceful and increasingly fast. He was pounding into her with a depth and intensity the drunken Loren couldn’t have matched the night before. With a harsh yank on her hair he brought her head back further, his dick swelling inside her canal as he spoke into her ear darkly. “You’ll be my own little pet elf whore. And if you’re a very good girl, I’ll continue to reward you. Wouldn’t you like that?” he asked just before his hand cracked down against one of her ass cheeks in between thrusts of his cock.

  She couldn’t remember ever feeling so primed and needy, but that wasn’t a surprise. Her mind had dimmed considerably as he fucked her so... right. Her body was pressed to painful limits, her muscles cramping as she was thrust against the bar again and again, but it was exquisite. He was so cruel and in control.

  “Yes,” she blurted out, and even she was surprised by the honesty in her tone. For that moment, that heated moment, that was what she wanted.

  The crude slaps of their bodies striking one another, his pale human flesh on her tan elven skin, striking again and again. He held nothing back, showed no mercy, but just as she felt his shaft swell within her, could sense in that practiced manner that he was approaching his own release, he yanked himself from her.

  With a cruel tug, he pulled her off the bar by her hair so she dropped to the floor on her knees. “You’re going to be the most prized bitch in my stable,” he remarked, gripping the base of his dick and taking hold of the thick pole, letting her see it for the first time just as he struck her cheek and lips with it.

  She watched, transfixed, as she lamented the emptiness. Tears sprang to her eyes at his denial and her entire body burned as she opened her mouth, lunging for him. She needed him inside her. She wasn’t ready to lose him already. For this moment, for this to be all over. For him to relinquish her to his patrons.

  For the first time since she’d met the man, there was surprise in his eyes as he watched her swallow his dick. It wasn’t enough to make him delay long though, for soon after he was pumping his shaft into her mouth, face fucking her as he held her hair so that those heavy balls of his slapped her chin. “Maybe you’re more special than I thought even,” he said a bit breathlessly.

  She never slowed down, never stopped, as she licked her own juices from him. She tasted that sweet, elven fluid combining with his human taste, and hungered for more. She didn’t want to be one of his whores. She wanted to be his. At least, for now she did. She felt her throat constrict and protest as she took him deeper and deeper, needing him to fill her.

  She needed him to want her to himself.

  He was breathing heavily over her, watching with such concentration as she struggled to earn his favour.

  Savouring the moment, he licked his lips before finally he pulled his dick out of her mouth again and kept her at bay by his hold in her tresses. He grasped his own shaft and began to pump it in front of her. “This way suits you best,” he grunted out just a moment before the first shot of cum lanced out of his bulging, purple crown across her face.

  She closed her eyes by instinct but her mouth still hung wide open as he defiled her face with his seed. It wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted him, fucking and threatening her, until she couldn’t take any more. She wanted him to punish her, but for him to make it clear that she was his to punish. Instead she felt cheap and low, but that had its own appeal and she licked the cum from around her mouth.

  The man’s seed was slow to taper off, coating her in its rich flow until at last he was done. He pressed the crown to her full lips, squeezing out the last drop before he sighed in conclusion.

  “There,” he said in that familiar voice, pulling her head back so she had to gaze up at him, across his heaving chest. “You’re going to take care of my problem for me. Then you’re going to come back here, fall to your knees and beg me for a place at my feet. Understood?” and his hand tightened on her hair with that last question.

  “Yes,” Anjasa answered simply again, her emerald eyes trained on him as he took control of her body. “I understand.” Her knees ached from the floor, but it was such a comforting feeling. It was right, and she licked around her lips again. “I’m not stupid.”

  Staring down at her he simply said, “Good,” before tucking his impressive tool back into his pants and then reaching down. He undid the clasp of the necklace then yanked it off her rudely. “This shall be yours again once you’ve earned it,” he said. “Now you’re going to go with my compatriot outside and take care of my little problem for me. Show your value in another way,” he said with just the slightest hint of a smirk.

  “I work better alone,” she said as she pushed herself up from the ground. It wasn’t quite embarrassment that burned in her face, but there was some shame there. At being babysat, at having to face someone with cum still lining her cheeks. “And I will earn it back. Quickly.”

  He stared her down a moment, his lip crooking just a bit. “We’ll see,” he said, tossing the necklace aside onto a sofa then going to the door. “He’ll inform you of what is to be done, and how. Plus keeping an eye on you to make sure you follow through,” he added, looking her over before he opened the door.

  Before she could take the exit he slammed a hand to the wall and pinned her there, shoving his face up nearly to her cumstained one. “Do this perfectly, and maybe you’ll be the prize morsel of my home and parties instead,” the promise a perverse twinkle in his eyes.

  Hope crept into her face. And desire. She barely knew what it was, but he made it sound like something she should want, and that was enough to make it so. She wanted to be a highly sought after prize, not just a random girl of his.

  In all things, she strived for the best. “Then that’s what I’ll do.”

  The slightest of smiles crept upon his face before he finally pulled back and relinquished her to the freedom of the hall. Nary a word more for her.

  Chapter 5

  Anjasa saw the dark man watching her over her s
houlder as she cleaned away Zarach’s mess. He had been quiet as he guided her to the washroom, his dark, seemingly black lined eyes glued to her.

  There was no escaping the fact the man was foreign, though he seemed human. His skin was a sandy brown, his clothes, dark leather that covered the whole of his body up to his jaw but for his arms showing signs of some exotic make. He was about the same height as Zarach, but judging by the strong arms he sported, he had to have been stronger still.

  About his head he had on a hood and face mask that covered all but his eyes. Those curiously exotic eyes that bored through her as if surmising her very soul. They weren’t right. And though they should’ve looked appealing to her, instead she got some strange feeling that she was in danger. Danger beyond that of the mortal, as if her very soul were in peril.

  She’d been in trouble like this before. Rather, she’d gotten herself in trouble, just like this, on multiple occasions. One of the downsides of living so long was being able to make and repeat so many mistakes. Anjasa knew why she did the things she did. After all, her time at the hands of the man she only knew as ‘The Jailer’ were filled with training.

  Still, it always surprised her just how deeply he’d affected her very mind and soul.

  Yet he still couldn’t touch her like the strange man behind her, and as she finally put the washcloth away, she didn’t speak to him. She didn’t see the need.

  Normally she’d be coy, playful even. She’d get herself in more trouble, and love the punishment she received after. With him, however, she was obedient in a way she’d never known herself to be.

  Done with her cleaning, he quietly led her back out into the candlelit hallway and down to the front exit. He paused long enough for her to get shoes and claim one of the coats, though as soon as she had pulled it on, he had opened the door and was standing outside waiting for her.


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