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Fast and Furious

Page 5

by Trista Ann Michaels

Blaine sent one back.

  Got it.

  Logan deleted the text and slid his phone back into his pocket. She’d appeared upset when she saw her text. He’d bet it had something to do with the cartel. Hopefully, Blaine would be able to get something on the people she met up with. In the meantime, he would do his job here and wait to hear from SECNAV on the other info they were waiting on.

  He watched as her car pulled out from the parking lot, then a few seconds later Blaine followed on a motorcycle. She was definitely a pistol. A sexy, provocative, brazen… He drew in a deep breath. He really needed to stop this; stop seeing her as a lay and start seeing her as a job. They were here to keep her safe and hopefully get her out of trouble.

  Unfortunately, just the way she walked across the room sent his cock into immediate attention mode. It did Blaine’s and Chase’s as well. Chase was the only one of them who’d actually acted on it. Logan frowned.

  Lucky ass.

  * * * *

  Blaine walked into the small apartment the three of them shared and sighed tiredly. Chase glanced up from the computer screen he’d been at the dining table staring at and frowned.

  “Were you able to keep up with her?” Chase asked.

  Logan stepped into the room from the back bedroom just as Chase asked his question. They’d both been waiting up to hear what Blaine had found out.

  “Yeah, but it wasn’t easy that’s for sure. That woman can fucking drive,” Blaine grumbled. “I think next time you should go or put a damn tracking device on her car.”

  Chase lifted one shoulder. “I’m okay with that.”

  “Yeah, I bet you are,” Logan drawled, his lips twitching in slight amusement.

  Chase ignored him and returned his attention to Blaine. “Where have you been all this time?”

  Blaine waved his hand toward Logan. “I sent boss man over there a text. After she dropped off the drugs, she went by the parts store, a junk yard a few miles outside Hollywood, and a grocery store. Publix I think was the name. Logan told me to stay with her, so I stayed with her.”

  “Did you find out anything?” Logan asked.

  “She meets up with three other drivers. They split the shipment up, I’m assuming it’s drugs, but I couldn’t get close enough to see. They drive off in different directions. I followed Allie to a dock, where two men took the shipment and transferred it to a yacht. Oh yeah … and we’re not the only ones following her.”

  Logan’s eyes narrowed. “Great.”

  “The cartel again?” Chase asked.

  “Probably. If they’re suspicious enough to park outside her shop, then it stands to reason they would follow her on a drug run too.”

  “That’s not good,” Logan said with a worried frown.

  “Well, didn’t Dray say as much yesterday? He said they’ve put someone outside the shop again. What the hell are they looking for?”

  “They’re onto her. Did they go with her back to the shop?” Chase asked.

  “They followed, but didn’t stay. The other car wasn’t there either. I made sure before I came home. Dray’s there with her right now.”

  Blaine dropped into one of the chairs surrounding the small dining table. “We’re going to have to step this up, aren’t we?”

  Chase nodded solemnly.

  “Sucks for you, huh?” Blaine teased, his lips twitching slightly. “Less time to seduce.”

  Chase snorted. “I don’t need much time.”

  Logan harrumphed. “No kidding. You can seduce a woman faster than I can.”

  “That’s sad, man. I’m not sure I would admit to something like that,” Chase replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement. They loved to pick on Logan, but sometimes Logan didn’t take it very well. It all just depended on his mood, which could sometimes be very sour.

  “Back to our job,” Logan drawled as he shot Chase a pointed look of annoyance. “We heard from SECNAV and you’re not going to like it.”

  “What are we up against?” Chase asked.

  “One of the largest drug cartels in Florida.”

  “Well, we kinda knew that,” Blaine said. “What do we not know?”

  “It’s a Russian cartel,” Logan replied.

  Chase sighed. “Ah, jeez. I think I’d rather go back into Iraq.”

  “The Russians are brutal,” Logan said with nod of agreement. “Which makes getting her out all the more important. We can’t leave her to go against these guys alone.”

  “How do we get her out? What about just putting her into witness relocation?” Blaine asked.

  Logan took a sip of beer and let the bottle land back against the table with a thump. “Do we take her kicking and screaming? Because my guess is that’s the only way you’d get her to go. Plus there’s Dray to take into consideration. We can’t leave him here alone. We need to find out where those shipments come in. It does no good to get the drivers. They don’t know anything and all that does is get them jail time. SECNAV says the intel on this group is they inspect every shipment that comes in. That’s when we need to strike; when the head guys are inspecting the goods.”

  “And how do we find that out?” Blaine asked.

  “Who did Allie meet, other than the other drivers?”

  “They met two men driving a black SUV. The drugs were offloaded from the SUV into four separate cars,” Blaine replied.

  “Did you get tags?” Logan asked.

  “Not only did I get tags,” Blaine said as he handed a camera over to Chase. “I got pictures.”

  Logan nodded and pointed a finger at him, smiling. “We can send the pics to SECNAV and they can find out who they are. Once we have an I.D., that’s who we tail. Those guys, hopefully, will lead us to where the shipments are coming in.”

  “Dray says she gets those texts about every other day,” Chase said. “Sometimes more than that, but never less.”

  “So,” Logan began, “we use the next few days, hopefully, to get all our ducks in a row. We use SECNAV to be our go between with Allie’s boss. Let him coordinate the cops, while we work on getting Allie out once the shit hits the fan.”

  “Sounds like a great plan,” Blaine murmured dryly.

  Chase snickered. “Hey, it’s a rescue and rescues are what we Seals do best.”

  Logan shook his head. “And here I thought we were getting out of the Navy.”

  Chase snorted. “No such luck.” He glanced at his watch and pushed back from the table with a sigh. “I’m heading to bed. I’ve got a car that needs to be put on the rack out back because the damn thing won’t fit in the bay, so I want to go in before daylight and try to get it done before it gets hot. These south Florida afternoons are killer, especially when standing on concrete.”

  “You just want to catch a glimpse of Allie in the skimpy clothes she sleeps in,” Blaine teased.

  Chase’s lips twitched. “I’d be willing to bet that hottie sleeps naked.”

  Blaine snickered. “The image of Allie naked is just what I needed to get to sleep.”

  “Yeah,” Logan said. “But it’s a hell of an image to masturbate to.”

  Chapter Eight

  Allie stepped out onto the rooftop party deck of her houseboat and stared toward the sunrise. She hadn’t slept hardly at all the night before and had finally given up and decided to just get up. No sense lying in bed if she couldn’t sleep.

  She couldn’t shake the feeling she’d been followed yesterday. She’d kept a close watch on her rearview mirror, but hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, the feeling never left. Not until she got home.

  Who’d been following her? Was it someone with the cartel? Was her number the next one up?

  She shivered slightly and lifted her coffee cup. It wasn’t cold. The warm, early morning breeze warned of a hot afternoon ahead, but the cold fingers of dread wouldn’t let go of her heart. She really needed to get out, somehow. She’d accepted the fact she wasn’t going to get anywhere wit

h this cartel, now she just needed to figure out how to get out with her life, as well as Dray’s, intact.

  “You look like someone with a lot on her mind.”

  Chase’s voice startled her and she spilled hot coffee onto her hand. She spun around, shaking the coffee from her fingers, and glared at Chase. “What the hell are you doing here? It’s not even…” She glanced at her watch. “God, it’s just after five.”

  She lifted her gaze and despite the anger she felt over being startled, she couldn’t help but stare at his wide chest and muscular arms so nicely encased in the white sleeveless shirt.

  “You startle easily. Everything okay?”

  The way he studied her made her want to run and hide. Why did she have a feeling he knew something about her he shouldn’t? Why did it feel as though he could see right through her?

  She wiped her wet hand on her shorts and shifted nervously from one foot to the other. “Everything’s fine,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry I snapped, but what are you doing here?”

  Chase shrugged. “It’s so damn hot in the afternoon with this heat wave; I thought it would be easier to work on that Honda in the morning while it’s cool, since I can’t get it in the bay right now. I saw you standing up here so I thought I would check on you.”

  “Makes sense,” she said with a nod, trying not to look at his hot body. “About the heat, I mean.”

  God, what she wouldn’t give for a good roll in the hay right now. Sex would definitely help to relieve the stress she felt, if only for a little while. Unfortunately, Chase worked for her and sex with a coworker was never a good idea. But wow, he looked good. Real good.

  Just watching him climb the rest of the ladder had her heart racing wildly in her chest. She could even feel that heartbeat in her pussy as she imagined what he might feel like buried deep inside her. She glanced toward the table just a few feet away. Would he take her there? She liked it on the table, lying on her back, her partner standing and thrusting into her deep and hard.

  She licked her lips and imagined not just Chase, but Chase, Logan, and Blaine. All three of them pleasuring her, filling her, making her scream. Realizing her nipples were beginning to harden, she crossed her arms over her chest to hide the evidence of her arousal. The pressure of her arm over her thickening breasts felt good, so she shifted slightly, messaging her aching mounds with her arm’s movement.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Chase asked as he stared at her with worry in his pretty green eyes.

  She wanted to tell him. She wanted to run into his big, strong arms and confess it all. That would be incredibly stupid, considering she knew they were listening. How often and what they heard, she had no idea, but she could never take the chance, no matter how badly she wanted to unload, to lean on someone else for a change.

  “I’m just tired,” she whispered softly as she let her gaze wander down his tall, hard frame. “And stressed,” she added. “Very, very, stressed.”

  Her gaze shot back to his and the desire she saw building there deepened the color of his eyes and made her body wilt with longing. Could he see? Could he tell how badly she wanted him?

  He took a step toward her, and she stiffened. “This would be so wrong,” she whispered, unsure who she was trying to convince. Him or her?

  “You’re stressed,” he said with a shrug. “I can’t think of any better way to relieve stress than a good fuck.”

  Her mouth dropped open just a little at his straightforward remark. God, she had been easy to read. What was wrong with her? Sex was something she enjoyed, but Chase left her feeling a bit off. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. She’d met so few men who could make her knees weak, but now was not the time to fall for someone. Especially when she’d been lying to that someone since day one.

  He knew her as a shop owner; a street racer. He had no idea she was really a cop and daughter to the Secretary of the Navy. Well, she admitted to herself, illegitimate daughter to the Secretary of the Navy. Very few people knew of her connection to him and to be honest, she preferred it that way. There was no secret service. There was no intrusive press.

  Thanks to her musing, Chase ended up directly in front of her before she even realized what had happened. She stared in stunned silence as he took the coffee cup from her hand and set it on the table.

  Where had her aggressive side gone? Where was her confidence? Her ability to seduce any man? The tables had suddenly turned, and she found herself the seduced instead of the seducer. It wasn’t all that bad. Matter of fact, she actually liked the way he made her stomach flutter when he looked at her as though he wanted to eat her alive.

  He could eat her and take his time doing it.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss the other night,” he murmured as he used the pad of his finger to tilt her face up, forcing her to meet his hungry gaze. “That was a hell of a kiss.”

  She swallowed. “Yeah, it was.” Finding some of her usual bravado, she licked her lips and stepped just a bit closer; close enough that the heat from his body seeped into hers. “Perhaps we should do it again; make sure it wasn’t a fluke.”

  Chase’s lips twitched slightly. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Dipping his head, Chase slanted his lips over hers. There was no slow seduction, no teasing, just a full on, dominating kiss. Her lips parted, and his tongue slipped inside to dance with hers. A flame ignited inside her body and she couldn’t douse it now even if her life depended on it. She wanted him and there was no point denying it.

  With a moan, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He was so tall, her head dipped back as he deepened the kiss, so she balanced on her tiptoes to get them more level. Chase snaked his arms around her back and lifted her so her feet dangled off the ground and her body sat flush against his. The heat of his skin warmed her, and she pressed her breasts tighter against his chest. The pressure against her mound felt good, but she wished it was his hands. Or better yet, his mouth.

  He slid his hands lower, moving along her spine to her ass. Grasping both hands full he lifted her higher. She re-positioned her legs around his hips, holding tight.

  He gave her ass a hard squeeze, forcing her pussy against the ridge of his cock. She moaned and wiggled, rubbing herself along his thick length, increasing the delicious friction. Damn, he was big. Her whole body tingled with excitement and anxious lust as she imagined what he would feel like inside her.

  Never breaking the kiss, he moved her to the table and set her on the cool glass top. Removing his mouth from hers, he stepped back slightly and grabbed the edge of her tank top. With an impatient growl, he roughly lifted it over her head, leaving her chest bare. She sat before him, her breasts exposed to his gaze. Her body heated from the glow of lust shining in his eyes and the warm breeze blowing across her nipples.

  She could feel herself getting wetter. The need inside her grew as blood rushed through her veins with a deafening roar. Reaching out, she brazenly ran her hand down his chest to the waistband of his jeans. She never took her eyes off his as she flicked the button through the button hole.

  The muscle in his jaw twitched as she slowly lowered the zipper and spread it wide, exposing his thick bulge. His cock pressed against the white material of his underwear, and she rubbed along the ridge with the back of her finger.

  Chase moaned and shoved his pants and underwear down, freeing his glorious length. He was long and thick, the head purple and moist. He was perfect.

  “If you don’t fuck me right now,” she growled softly. “I swear I’m going to throw you to the floor and do it myself.”

  Chase grinned as he stepped out of his clothes, kicking them aside. “That might be interesting,” he replied as he put his hands under her ass, pulling her to the edge of the table. “What about condoms?”

  “I’m tested … a lot. I’m also on the pill. You?” she asked as she lifted her ass so he could pull her shorts off.

  “I’m good,” he whispered
. He let his gaze slide over her body. “Damn you look hot.” He rubbed his palm over her wet pussy, and she moaned, lifting her hips off the table to get closer to his touch.

  “Don’t tease,” she whispered.

  “I would never tease,” he murmured as he dipped his head to lick his tongue over her hard nipple.

  Allie sighed and arched her back. Two fingers pushed into her vagina and it felt so good, she thought she’d come right then. That was the last thing she wanted, so she drew in a slow, deep breath trying to calm herself.

  She’d been thinking about this since she first saw him standing in her shop. She’d masturbated to images of him and his friends since that night he’d kissed her at the races. None of it had been enough. No matter which toy she used, or how many times she’d used them, it hadn’t been enough. His touch was what she needed—his touch, his mouth, his cock.

  He pressed his fingers deeper, stretching her walls as he did just what he said he wouldn’t; teased her mercilessly.

  “You’re teasing, damn it,” she groaned.

  He lifted his head and stood straight. With his hands at the back of her thighs, he encouraged her to lie back so he could position her legs over his shoulders. A wicked gleam made his eyes twinkle as he put his hands under her ass, forcing her up at an angle.

  “Let’s see if you think this is teasing,” he growled in a deep, sexy voice that made Allie’s pussy clench.

  He positioned the head of his cock at her entrance and thrust forward, filling her deep. His balls pressed against the opening of her anus, and she moaned, wiggled her hips slightly. That was exactly what she needed, and he felt better than any toy.

  “So much better,” she sighed aloud as he began a hard and fast rhythm that sent her reeling.

  He seemed to know just how she liked it. Deep, hard, dirty. He removed one hand from her ass, then slapped it back down hard. The sting traveled along her hip and settled in her womb.

  “Oh, yeah,” she moaned.

  This was crazy and wild and the last thing she should’ve done. Unfortunately, it felt so good; she couldn’t stop now even if she wanted to.


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