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Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings

Page 3

by B. M. Hardin

  I giggled and then I licked my fingers and started to touch all over his face.

  He always harassed me when I was asleep around him, just as he always had since we were kids, so I figured that it was time for a little payback.

  I remembered once when we were younger, he’d tried to burn my toes while I was asleep. I woke up to him with a lighter, sitting at the bottom of my bed, trying to figure out which toe to burn first.

  Drake played too much.

  He was full of jokes and humor which was another thing that I’d always loved about him.

  We played pranks on each other all the time and that was one part of our relationship that I’d always treasured.

  Dray turned over onto his back and I figured that I might as well straddle him.

  I started rub on his chest.

  I wasn’t really in the mood for sex, but I figured that that was the only way to get him up and get some attention.

  He was already sleeping naked, so I started to move back and forth on his Johnson.

  It took a while, but it started to swell and then his lips curled up into a small smile.

  I reached down to put it in, but, unexpectedly he made a comment.


  That was all that he’d said, but that was more than enough.

  The problem was that Naomi wasn’t my damn name…it was his wife’s!

  Wait a minute.

  Did he really just call me her name?

  I was so in a shock or upset that for a second, I sat frozen, in the same position, with Drake’s wood still in my hand.

  He had started back snoring, so I assumed that he had fallen back asleep completely.

  Was he dreaming about her?

  Was he really in my bed, dreaming about another woman?

  I wanted to slap him into a coma, but even that wouldn’t make my ears and mind forget what I’d just heard.

  I’m not gonna cry.

  I’m just not going to do it.

  But I wanted to more than ever before. It only made it all the more real to me that there was another woman in his mind and in his heart, other than me.

  But it just wasn’t fair.

  And still there was nothing that I could do about.

  But there was something that I was going to do and I bet that he wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  Not once I was through with him.

  I got off of him and slipped on some clothes.

  I got my purse and my keys and headed out the front door.

  Drake was parked behind me, so I had to drive through the yard to get onto the road.

  I took my spare key out of my purse, kept the car running, locked the doors and ran back into the house.

  Once in the kitchen, I found the biggest pot that I could find.

  I filled it with cold water and added three trays of ice cubes and stirred it with a spoon to get it colder faster.

  I couldn’t believe that he had called me Naomi.

  He knew better than to even mention her name around me, let alone say it while I was on top of him about to ride him to some place unknown.

  Boy, how I wanted to do something so much more to him, but I figured that this would have to do.

  For now anyway.

  I carried that cold water to the room and stood over him.

  There were still some ice cubes in it, but hopefully one of them would hit him in his stupid mouth for saying what he’d said.

  Ready to take off running, I turned the pot over and dumped the water and ice cubes, all over Drake, and I let the pot fall out of my hands.

  As soon as he jumped up I took off running.

  As I turned the knob I heard him yell.


  But I headed to the car and jumped in.

  As I sped off, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  I was still mad and I couldn’t believe what I’d just did.

  But that was nothing.

  Let him call me his wife’s name again and next time it wouldn’t be a laughing matter.

  And he could bet his life on that.


  “Who is this?” she asked.

  Oh how I wanted to tell her, but instead I hung up the phone.

  I was livid!

  How dare she answer his phone!

  And where in the hell was he?

  I’d only seen Drake’s wife on pictures, but never had I seen her in person and never had she answered his phone before.

  The way he guarded his phone like a watchdog, even though we both knew what it was, I was surprised that she’d even been able to get that close to it.

  And then again, maybe things were different around and with her.

  Or maybe he had been sitting right there beside of her and allowed her to pick it up.

  My phone started to vibrate and I didn’t know whether it was him or her, so I let it go to voicemail.

  And then it vibrated again.

  And then again.

  And soon a text message came through but I didn’t even bother to look at it.

  Nope, I didn’t want to hear it and you know what, the more and more I thought about it, I was way past being logical.

  I was going my ass over there!

  Yep, I was going over Drake’s house and nobody was there to stop me.

  Of course I knew where they lived.

  I’d followed Drake home plenty of times and hell even located him a time or two.

  I also knew what his wife looked like because I’d created fake social media pages and requested her as a friend on all of them.

  I stalked her so much, online that is, that I had to force myself to delete the fake accounts because every time I went looking, I always ended up with my feelings hurt.

  For the most part, she was fairly attractive; but she was the complete opposite of me.

  She was real light-skinned, just as tall as Drake, and she had a lot more meat on her bones than I did.

  I was as dark as creamy milk chocolate, short, and very petite.

  I had enough meat where it matters the most but I’d seemed to stop growing around the age eighteen.

  I was a cutie pie and always had been.

  She was pretty enough, I guess.

  She was nothing like me.

  But she was the one that he’d chosen.

  Not thinking anything more about it, and without trying to talk myself out of it, I got into my car, the one that Drake had gotten for me brand new once I’d come home from prison, and I drove speedily in the direction of his house.

  I didn’t quite know what I was going to do or say once I got there and hell I probably wouldn’t even go through with saying or doing anything at all, but for the time being, it was the only thing on my mind.

  A few minutes later, I pulled up, and that’s when I saw them.

  They were coming out of the house, hand and hand and…

  She was pregnant.

  The bitch was pregnant!

  I couldn’t believe it.

  He was having a baby?

  With his wife?

  No, no, no!

  All of the crap that he’d said about not being ready to be a father right now because his business was taking off, was nothing but a smoke screen.

  I was seeing it with my own eyes and what I saw didn’t make me happy or make sense.

  Drake’s wife was big and pregnant and I was about to set it off!

  At this very moment, I had another morning after pill on my dresser that I had to take by the end of the day, to prevent getting pregnant, all because Drake had wanted some at the spare of the moment the other day, and hadn’t wanted to get up and put on a condom.

  But yet, she was pregnant?

  My feelings were beyond hurt.

  My ego was more than bruised.

  My heart had broken into a million tiny pieces, and I was positive that there was no way to put all of the pieces back together again.

  I guess him not wanting kids was only when it came to having
one with me.

  Apparently she was the exception to the rule.

  I wanted to drive away, I really did, but my foot just wouldn’t press on the gas.

  I wanted to speed down the road and never look back, but my hand put the gear into park instead.

  The hurt and anger that I felt inside just couldn’t be put into words, and you know what, I didn’t want them to be.

  Screw this.

  Today had been the wrong damn day, and Drake was about to see why.

  I opened the car door, marched across the street and immediately Drake noticed me.

  He looked at me.

  I looked at him.

  His pregnant wife looked at both of us.

  I was so mad that I just wanted to start punching folks, but I opened my mouth instead.

  All kinds of words and things just fell out of it, and I didn’t try to bite my tongue, not even once.

  I screamed and cussed, confessed and fussed for all of five minutes and neither of them bothered to interrupt me.

  I told the truth about Drake and my relationship and I also called him things that couldn’t even be repeated and I let him have it about his wife’s pregnancy.

  Some would say that I had no right, and maybe I didn’t.

  But who was going to stop me?

  Who was going to check me?

  Nobody that’s who!

  “Drake, how could you? I hate you!”

  I was still on fire but I could tell that he was furious too by the end of my rant.

  I could have sworn that I saw smoke coming out of his ears, but he kept his cool.

  “Moet, go home…now,” he said calmly.

  His calmness threw me off just a little bit.

  But I knew him and I knew that if I didn’t listen to him that all hell was about to break loose, but for the first time ever, I didn’t care.

  “I’m not going anywhere!” I screamed at him.

  The way that his wife looked at me was starting to freak me out and somewhat even piss me off and it made me want to strangle her.

  She stared at me as though she was amused.

  Or maybe she was disgusted.

  Hell, I was confused.

  But she didn’t say one word.

  Not one single word.

  But I could tell that she wasn’t surprised.

  It was as though she’d known all along about me or as though in reality she really didn’t care who I was.

  She just knew who she was and to her that was all that mattered.

  People had started to come outside due to my screaming and yelling.

  I could tell that the happy little couple was starting to get embarrassed, and my plans were to embarrass them even more.

  I was all the way in my feelings and there was no stopping me until I felt better.

  At least that’s what I’d thought.

  “Moe—Moet, either you get in your car and leave. Or I’m going to embarrass you out here in front of all of these people. And by embarrass, I do mean whoop your ass. Do you follow what I’m saying to you?” Drake growled with authority.

  I knew that he was serious but so was I.

  I fussed a few seconds more, but when Drake reached for my neck, and missed only by an inch, I knew that it was time to get the hell away from him.

  I damn near ran to my car that was parked on the curb across the street and got in.

  I wasn’t scared of him, and he knew that I didn’t mind tussling with him if I had to, but I also knew that I couldn’t beat him.

  And he’d made sure that I’d known that on several occasions,

  But I would still haul off and hit him though and he knew that too.

  Panting, I locked the car doors and watched Drake just stand there in the yard, looking at me.

  His wife turned around and walked back into the house and neighbors approached Drake in concern or out of curiosity.

  But Drake kept his eyes on me.

  Even as he started to speak to them, his eyes were dead locked on me.

  I couldn’t believe that I’d done that!

  Maybe I had gone too far.

  Hell or maybe I hadn’t gone far enough.

  Finally I pulled off and as I drove down the road, I knew that I was going to have to deal with Drake on a whole new level.

  I was sure that I was about to see a side of him that I had never seen before, but it was bound to happen.

  I didn’t deserve what he was doing to me.

  You don’t just play with people’s hearts; especially the heart that loved you enough to give up their life for you.

  I didn’t belong in somebody’s prison, and in the beginning I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it through, but I did it for him.

  I’d done it just for him.

  Granted I was somewhat at fault because I had been allowing it all for so long, but play time was over.

  I wanted what was mine.

  And he, Drake---Dray, was supposed to be mine.

  And though I was more than upset, in my heart I still wanted what was supposed to have belonged to me.

  I hadn’t saved his ass from prison for nothing!

  It was all so that he could be free and be with me.

  But here he was with someone else and they were having a baby?

  He’d told me that they didn’t even have sex!

  Of course I figured that he was lying, but damn!

  Did he really have to go and put a baby in her?

  And why hadn’t he given her the whole “take the pill and I’m not ready for kids” speech?

  But I was going to show him.

  I was going to show him real good.

  My phone ranged and Drake’s name and picture popped up.

  I knew that by not answering it, and because he had a key to the house that he’d also bought me as a gift, I was sure that he would show up, but I didn’t care.

  I would deal with him then.

  I pulled up at the house, and got out in a hurry.

  It wasn’t until I was safe in the comfort of my bedroom that I began to cry.

  I hated feeling this way.

  I hated feeling unloved and disappointed by the man that I wanted more than anything else in the world.

  I hated feeling like his side chick.

  I was nobody’s side chick, not even Drake’s; but in reality, that’s exactly what I had become.

  No matter what I felt, no matter what I wanted, no matter what I’d done for him, I was just the extra on the side.

  But all of that was about to change.

  One way or another.

  I headed to the dresser, still in tears and grabbed the pill that I was supposed to take to prevent pregnancy.

  I headed to the bathroom, opened the package and dropped the pill into the toilet.

  Staring at it, after another second or two, I cried a little bit harder, and then I flushed it.

  I watched it disappear and then tossed the package in the trash can behind the bathroom door.

  Side chick my ass!

  If I couldn’t be the wife, I would have to settle for baby mama instead.


  Chapter THREE

  Waiting for the lines to show up on a pregnancy test was nothing less than torture!

  I waited.

  And then I waited some more.

  It had only been a few seconds but it felt like forever and the wait was driving me insane!

  I walked out of the bathroom, suddenly afraid of what the test might say.

  Was I pregnant?

  My period was two weeks late and counting, so it was definitely a possibility.

  But the biggest question of all was did I really even want to be?

  Unfortunately things between Drake and I were getting back on track.

  I couldn’t say that I even wanted them to be, but it was what it was.

  As I already knew, Dray just couldn’t leave me alone, and hell dropping him like a bad habit wasn’t all t
hat easy either.

  We just had this connection and this bond that no matter what, it never seemed to be able to be broken.

  And I was yet again in the same situation.

  Side chick status was still in full effect.

  After my little stunt of popping up at his house and exposing our relationship to his wife, I didn’t see Drake for about a week.

  After I hadn’t answered any of his calls that day, he didn’t call me again after that, and I damn sure didn’t bother to call him.

  The pregnancy thing was just too much, and I’d felt as though it was the last straw.

  Hell, I was already allowing her to be his wife; and that was more than enough.

  And he’d actually gotten her pregnant, and he hadn’t even bothered to tell me…

  Yeah, his balls deserved to be cut off with a chainsaw for that one.

  Mad, disappointed, hurt, were all understatements compared to how I really felt, and confessing and embarrassing him just wasn’t enough.

  I decided to go back over to his house, late that same night, to release the additional frustrations that were begging me to set them free.

  And so I did.

  I put a candy bar in his gas tank, flattened his tires and even spray painted “Bastard” on the side of his brand new candy apple red Lexus, that he’d just gotten a month before.

  The only reason that I hadn’t busted out his windows was because I didn’t want to make too much noise, and I was sure that one of his nosey neighbors would have called the police.

  And I couldn’t resist spray painting “Mrs. Bastard” on his wife’s black, matching Lexus that was parked right beside his.

  She hadn’t done anything to me, except unknowingly stolen the love of my life, but I figured that since they had matching wedding bands, and matching cars, they’d might as well have matching Bastards written on them too.

  It was only right.

  But I’ll admit, even after all of that, I still felt like crap.

  Just as I was getting into my car that night, I saw his wife move the blinds and look out, right at me.

  I looked at her as though I was waiting for her next move, but she didn’t do a thing.

  Instead, by the time I was settled into my car, and looked back in her direction, she was gone.

  I expected Drake to come running out of the house screaming, or at least pop up at the house going the hell off and ready to fight, and not just because I had caused a scene, but because I’d messed up his car.


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