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The Vorkosigan Companion

Page 39

by Lillian Stewart Carl

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  No first name given. Cordelia tells Simon he is one of three men that could replace Aral as Prime Minister. Racozy assumes the position when Aral retires. (MD)


  A class of animal that lives on Sergyar. One is an aerial, gas-filled jellyfish that lands on the hexapeds and takes blood from them with tendril-like appendages tipped in poison. Others are little, round, underground creatures that move on cilia-like legs. One of the "vampire balloons," as Aral describes them, attacks Dubauer during the trek to the supply cache. (SH)


  No first name given. A lieutenant in the Barrayaran military, he is Aral's political officer on the General Vorkraft, and leads a mutiny while Aral is on the survey planet, later named Sergyar. He escapes capture when Aral returns to the on-planet base, and is brought back to the ship by the crew of the Rene Magritte when they rescue Cordelia. He and his men take over the engineering section, and threaten to turn off life-support unless Aral and his officers surrender. Cordelia stuns him and his co-conspirators with help from Nilesa and Tafas. (SH)

  Radovas, Barto:

  A five-space math engineer, he was hired by Administrator Soudha as part of the terraforming project on Komarr, although he is actually involved in the plan to close the wormhole to Barrayar. After his disappearance, rumors spread that he ran off with Marie Trogir, even though he was married and had three children. He turns up dead in the Soletta Station wreckage, even though he wasn't supposed to be up there. He and his wife are a part of the jump-point plot, and his death was actually part of the Soletta accident, when one of their experiments with the wormhole-closure device caused an ore ship to crash into the mirror array. (K)

  Radovas, Mrs.:

  No first name given. The widow of Barto Radovas, she is in her late fifties, although she appears fifteen years younger, and is slender and well dressed. When notified of her husband's death, she feigns ignorance of what he was doing, and would have been a penniless widow if not for Miles ordering that she receive survivor's benefits even though Radovas resigned his post five days before dying. She is a leader of the jump-point plot, which Miles discovers just before his capture at the Waste Heat experiment station. During the standoff on the jump station, it is her deciding vote that induces the conspirators to surrender and release their hostages. (K)

  Randall's Rangers:

  A mercenary group hired by Vervain for protection, unaware that the group's commander, Cavilo, plans to use the mercenaries to rob the planet after letting the Cetagandans into Vervain space. Cavilo changes the uniforms to black and tan after she has Randall murdered. (VG)

  Rappelling harness:

  A climbing tool consisting of a self-powered spool of drop-wire with retractable handles, a ribbon harness for the user, and a gravitic grappling hook that will attach to just about any surface. Miles uses it several times at the Thames Tidal Barrier on Earth. (BA)


  No first name given. A general in Barrayaran Imperial Security, he is the chief of Imperial Security on Komarr, and is middle-aged, alert, and busy. He dresses in Komarran civilian wear instead of his Barrayaran uniform. Miles calls him at his office in Solstice to discuss the identification of the unknown body found in the solar-array wreckage. (K)


  No first name given. A Cetagandan ghem-captain working with Colonel Millisor at Kline Station, he kidnaps Ethan Urquhart and brings him to the colonel for interrogation. He is so average- looking Ethan has a hard time remembering his face even when Rau is right in front of him. When dressed as a Cetagandan, his face paint is base red with slashes of orange, black, white, and green. He is killed by assassins from Bharaputra House. (EA)


  A plant on Barrayar that is not actually a grass, which Miles sees in a new light in Ekaterin's virtual garden, composed entirely of native flora. (K)


  A prepackaged, self-heating meal sold in Vorbarr Sultana and other Barrayaran cities. Miles lives on them in the first few days after his return to Barrayar before he hires Ma Kosti as Vorkosigan House's cook. (M)


  No first name given. An investigator with Eurolaw in London, he is charged with looking into the attempted murder of Admiral Naismith at the shuttleport. He interrogates Mark while he is in his Lieutenant Vorkosigan persona, and releases him into Ser Galen's custody before Miles can get him. (BA)

  Reformation Army:

  The unit title Miles gives the prisoners on Dagoola IV, once he starts reorganizing them for the coming escape. (BI)

  Rene Magritte:

  A Betan scientific survey ship with a crew of fifty-two, commanded by Cordelia Naismith and sent to a survey planet that has attracted the attention of Barrayar as well. Her crew risks their lives to free Cordelia, bringing a group of Barrayaran mutineers on board the General Vorkraft. (SH)

  RG 132:

  An obsolete but operational jump-capable cargo ship that Arde Mayhew threatens to destroy at Beta Colony. Miles buys the ship and uses it to transfer weapons to Tau Verde IV. It is damaged beyond repair when Arde uses it to ram the Triumph into the ore refinery, bending the Necklin rods and peeling half the hull off. (WA)

  RG Freighter:

  On Komarr, Nikolai has a model of this antique cargo-hauling jump ship, which reminds Miles of the RG 132, which he owned briefly when he was seventeen years old. (K)

  Rho Ceta:

  One of the eight satrapy planets in the Cetagandan Empire, and Barrayar's nearest unallied neighbor. It would expand toward Komarr, except that Barrayar holds two-thirds of the jump points between the two planets. Its governor is Este Rond, and its unnamed Imperial consort has brown hair. (C)


  No first name given. A Group-Patroller, or civilian peace officer, on Komarr, she accompanies Miles, Vorthys, Etienne, and Tuomonen to inform Doctor Radovas's wife of his death. (K)


  No first name given. The surgeon who performs Cordelia's placental transfer, assisted by Doctor Vaagen and Doctor Henri. Tall, dark-haired, with olive skin and long, lean hands. (B)


  No first name given. A professor of five-space math at Solstice University, she is called in as a consultant by Imperial Auditor Vorthys to help figure out what the Waste Heat engineering group were building with all of the money siphoned off the project. She is about fifty years old, and is a thin, intense, olive-skinned woman with bright black eyes who paces endlessly while solving a problem. Miles interrogates her under fast-penta when he thinks she is withholding information. Her answers let them discover that the engineers have built a wormhole destroyer, and are planning to close the wormhole to Barrayar. She also figures out that there is a very good chance the device will backlash, and destroy whatever vessel or ship it is on, and it is that sort of backlash that caused the solar-array collision. (K)


  No first name given. A commodore in the Barrayaran military stationed in Sector Four, he was concerned with the rescue of Lord Vorvane's wife and children, which Miles handled with the Dendarii a few years earlier. Simon brings it up during one of his flashback moments caused by his malfunctioning memory chip. (M)

  River barge:

  A large, flat-bottomed boat that carries cargo on a river. Used on Barrayar throughout the Time of Isolation, river barges established the location of Vorbarr Sultana, as the rapids there defined the limits of barge traffic. Afterward, a dam and lock system allows barge traffic to continue upriver from the city. (B, CC)


  In most modern cities, a regular city grid of streets provides organized transportation and defines blocks of property. During Barrayar's Time of Isolation, transportation reverted to horses and mule-drawn carts and wagons. In the old part of some cities, networks of winding streets with very narrow lanes and alleys defy modern traffic, such as in Vorbarr Sultana's Caravanserai district. Country and backcountry roads range from pave
d highways to dirt paths. Modern cities use automated traffic grids. Barrayar, barely a century past the Time of Isolation, is still improving its infrastructure. It's not until the time of Gregor's wedding that the capital, Vorbarr Sultana, starts implementing automated traffic grids for groundcars and lightflyers. (All)


  A marginal world, home to GalacTech mining and drilling operations. Its surface consists primarily of harsh desert and mountains. GalacTech owns Rodeo on a ninety-nine-year lease with Orient IV, but large mineral deposits make the planet much more interesting to the Orient IV government. GalacTech had planned to dump the quaddies on planet if they were not profitable. (FF)


  No first name given. An armsman at Vorkosigan House, he usually works the night shift, but is pressed into day duty when Ekaterin first arrives at the house. He is awoken to intervene during the butter bug fight, and greatly embarrassed to be caught in the foyer covered in bug butter and wearing briefs, a backward stunner holster, and nothing else.

  Assigned to assist Taura while she's visiting Barrayar, he is intrigued by her and becomes smitten. He proves his loyalty to Vorkosigan House and redeems his honor, which he felt was questioned during the butter bug battle, when he and Taura figure out the assassination plot aimed at Ekaterin, saving her life and Miles's sanity. As his reward, Pym takes over his night shift duty for the next week, while Roic romances Taura after the wedding reception.

  He accompanies Miles and Ekaterin on their honeymoon as bodyguard and batman. A former municipal guardsman in Hassadar on Barrayar, he assists in the investigation at Graf Station, and helps Miles take the Idris back from the renegade Cetagandan ba that hijacked it. (CC, DI, WG)

  Rond, Este:

  The haut-governor of Rho Ceta, he is middle-aged, tall, heavy, and vigorous, with a bullish demeanor. Miles considers him an early suspect in the plot to overthrow the Emperor, but eliminates him in favor of either Slyke Giaja or Ilsum Kety (C)


  A gentle mare Cordelia rides during Gregor's escape into the Dendarii Mountains. (B)

  Rosemont, Reg:

  A lieutenant and member of the Betan Astronomical Survey team, he had blond hair and a long body. He was killed by the Barrayarans in the assault on Base One. Cordelia buries him on the planet, and is almost unable to imagine her ship operating without him. She makes sure there is a marker placed at his grave on Sergyar. (SH)

  Rotha, Victor:

  Miles's cover name for his mission to the Hegen Hub, posing as a weapons procurement agent from Beta Colony. (VG)


  A male quaddie at Cay Habitat, he is designated to mate with Claire next. (FF)

  Ruey, Anias:

  A feelie-dream composer, she has lank, black hair, alive dark eyes, and soft, pale skin. She lives in a Rio apartment with a good view of the sea. She refers to an ex-husband, an ex-guardian aunt, and an ex-boyfriend who works in journalism. Carlos Diaz commissions a dark, violent feelie-dream from her on behalf of his employer, Doctor Bianca. After it is completed, she learns her dream synthesizer has been sabotaged to kill her, and turns amateur detective to figure out who would wants her dead and why. (DD)


  No first name given. A colonel in Barrayaran Imperial Security, he is a neurologist on the team helping Miles to treat Simon. A short, round-faced man, he provides the initial evaluation summary and assists with Simon's case. (M)

  Rule 27B:

  As defined by Miles: Never make key tactical decisions while having electroconvulsive seizures. (VG)

  Ryoval, Ry:

  The baron of House Ryoval on Jackson's Whole, a rival of House Bharaputra. He inhabits a clone body, and looks to be in his mid-twenties, with smooth, dark olive skin, a high-bridged nose, and long, shining black hair in a braid. He has a large bodyguard who is biologically enhanced to be an unarmed killing machine. His House's specialty is genetically created slaves made to order for whatever illicit pleasure the buyer has in mind. Baron Fell is his younger half brother. Ryoval killed Fell's clone to take over his House. He wants genetic samples from Miles, Bel Thorne, and Nicol, and offers to trade Taura for them. Instead, Miles steals Taura and Nicol, and destroys his vast library of genetic samples as well. Ryoval has sent several bounty hunters after the admiral. He captures Mark, thinking he is Naismith, and puts him through physical, psychological, and sexual torture. Mark gets revenge by killing Ryoval just before he is going to remove one of Mark's eyes. (L, MD)

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  S.A.H. Pesodoro:

  A South American monetary unit. Carlos Diaz offers to pay Anias Ruey twenty thousand pesodoros to make a violent, disturbing feelie-dream. (DD)


  No first name given. A captain in the Felician military, he accompanies General Halify, and is supposed to take the ordnance shipment Miles brought to Tau Verde IV planetside. (WA)

  Saint Simon:

  No first name given. A lieutenant in the Barrayaran military, he is part of the engineering staff on the General Vorkraft. Aral authorizes his plan to stop the mutineers. (SH)

  Saltpetre Plot, The:

  A plot on Barrayar during the Time of Isolation that caused the death of Count Vorvayne, who was hung in stocks until he died. His wife, the sixth Countess Vorvayne, sat at his feet in a hunger strike and died of exposure. Ekaterin remembers this example of a Vor wife's faithfulness to her husband. (K)

  Sanctuary Station:

  One of the few orbital arcologies in the Union of Free Habitats that maintains gravity and deals with galactics. (DI)


  No first name given. A Barrayaran soldier who thinks Aral is a strategic genius. Carl and Evon Vorhalas refer to his opinion while discussing Aral at the Regent's confirmation ceremony. (B)

  Satrap governor:

  Each of the eight satrapy worlds controlled by the Cetagandan Empire is ruled by a governor, all of whom are chosen from Imperial relations. Each has a haut-lady consort, who keeps an eye on things on each planet for the Empress. They also each have a ghem-general to oversee their planetary armed forces. At the Dowager Empress's funeral, each one has received a copy of the Star Crèche gene bank from the deceased Empress, but none of them has the true Great Key. One governor, Ilsum Kety, had planned to take the throne of the Empire for himself, but his plan is foiled by Miles and Ivan. (C)


  A small, teardrop-shaped vehicle used to travel around Lazkowski Base and Kyril Island. Miles accidentally sinks one in mud when he is given bad directions during his assignment as Chief Meteorological Officer. Recovered by Lieutenant Bonn, Miles is forced to oversee its cleaning as part of his punishment. (VG)


  No first name given. A deputy, he is with Sheriff Yoder at Chalmys DuBauer's house. (DD)


  A low, round Barrayaran plant with a spicy scent and a dull color. Ekaterin includes it in the display garden near Vorkosigan House for its pleasant smell. (CC)

  Seal of the Star Crèche:

  The screaming bird sigil on the end of the Great Key that Miles has Mia Maz identify for him. It is used to seal reproductive contracts between Cetagandan haut-lords, indicating the contract has been approved by the Empress. (C)


  The Barrayaran term for best man or maid of honor at a wedding. Miles serves as Gregor's Second during his wedding. For Miles's wedding, Ivan serves as his second, and for saving the bride's life Taura is elevated to Ekaterin's Second in place of Martya Koudelka. (CC, WG)


  No first name given. A ghem-lady, she is the sister of Lady Benello, and invites Ivan to a court-dance practice during his stay on Eta Ceti IV. (C)


  One of the three men Cordelia tells Simon could be a potential Prime Minister replacement for Aral. (MD)


  No first name given. One of Radnov's mutineers, he is captured during Aral's return to their camp on Sergyar. (SH)


  Barrayar's colony planet, named after the vile Prince Serg Vorbarra, which was first explored by Cordelia and Aral before they were married. Only inhabited for the past thirty years, there are about one million colonists on-planet. Aral is the Viceroy of Sergyar and has requested a separate Imperial Security Office of Domestic Affairs be created for the growing colony. Sharing their dual appointment with equal political authority, Cordelia is Vicereine of Sergyar in her own right; hers is not a mere courtesy title as Aral's wife. The colony had a problem with an infectious worm plague, but that has been brought under control. Aral and Cordelia return home from the planet for Gregor's wedding. Ensign Dmitri Corbeau is originally from Sergyar. (CC, DI, M)


  One of Komarr's domed cities, it is where the investigation into the solar mirror accident takes place. The Vorsoissons live there until Etienne's death. (K)


  No first name given. A Cetagandan, he is one of Millisor's men. Quinn kills him in the shuttle bay by tossing him the booby-trapped reader given to Ethan by a Bharaputran assassin. (EA)

  Seven Secret Roads of Female Pleasure:

  A fictional method of lovemaking Miles invents to prevent Mark from sleeping with Elli Quinn while he's impersonating Miles. (BA)

  Sharkbait One:

  A jumpscout ship with the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet. It scouts for Cetagandans during the Vervain conflict. (VG)

  Sharkbait Three:

  A jumpscout ship with the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet. During the Vervain conflict it announces that help is arriving, and the wormhole must be cleared. (VG)

  Ship knits:

  Casual wear worn on spaceships, they are like sweat suits, consisting of shapeless, loose, comfortable shirt and pants. (All)

  Shock stick:

  A melee energy weapon that imparts an electric shock when it hits a target. Often used as a control or punishment device, it has adjustable power settings that cause varying levels of pain. At higher settings, repeated hits can shock a subject unconscious. Ser Galen used a shock stock to punish Mark during his training, and Miles is hit by them several times, including once to the face on Ilsum Kety's ship during his mission in the Cetagandan Empire. (BA, C, MD, VG)


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