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The Vorkosigan Companion

Page 43

by Lillian Stewart Carl

  Depressed and despondent while attending trade negotiations on Komarr, Gregor attempts to commit suicide when drunk by falling off a high balcony, but ends up climbing down the vines on the side of the building and running away. He found passage on a ship off-planet, and eventually ended up in a Jackson Consortium prison cell with Miles, whom he grew up with back home. When both men are captured by Cavilo, she tries to seduce Gregor into marrying her for her protection. Gregor plays along with her long enough to escape, then leads the Barrayaran reinforcements back through the wormhole to relieve the Dendarii.

  Through the course of the series from this point onward, Gregor grows steadily more able and mature, and his judgment becomes increasingly acute. When it becomes clear that Mark Vorkosigan will be accepted as the son of Aral and Cordelia, Gregor insists on meeting Mark to take the clone's measure. Satisfied that Mark is a true Vorkosigan, Gregor gives him a comm card that enables Mark to contact the Emperor whenever he wishes. Over Simon's disapproval, Gregor gives Mark the final permission to try to locate Miles on Jackson's Whole.

  He appoints Miles as acting Imperial Auditor when Simon Illyan develops serious mental problems as a result of the failure of his memory chip, turning Miles loose to find out what happened, and who is responsible. He personally interviews General Lucas Haroche after his arrest, and solicits a full confession. Impressed with Miles's work on the case, he calls the other four active Imperial Auditors together to review it, and they all vote to offer Miles the permanent position of Imperial Auditor, with Gregor also promoting Miles retroactively to the rank of captain per his request.

  After Miles returns from his mission to Komarr, Gregor surprises everyone by falling in love with a Komarran, Doctor Laisa Toscane, and asking her to marry him. While going through the amazing preparations for his wedding, Gregor makes time for a meeting with Nikolai Vorsoisson, the son of Etienne, in which he tells the boy as much of the truth of his father's death as can be allowed without compromising security. Later, he also puts Vassily Vorsoisson and Hugo Vorvayne straight as to Nikolai's safety, and assures them of the ludicrousness of Vormoncrief's plot against Miles. Gregor is safely and happily married to Laisa Toscane, and Gregor's heirs, Miles among them, breathe a sigh of relief and wish him many happy years, and even more healthy offspring. He interrupts Miles's own honeymoon to send his Imperial Auditor to sort out the problem of the Komarran trade fleet at Graf Station in Sector V. (All except EA, FF, SH)

  Vorbarra, Kareen:

  The wife of Prince Serg, after his death she becomes Princess Dowager, and mother of the new Emperor, Gregor. She is a thin, strained-looking woman of thirty with beautiful, dark hair. The strain is a result of her marriage—Crown Prince Serg was a monster—and the dynastic politics of the Imperium that threaten her life and that of her child every day. Kareen kisses Cordelia's hand when they first meet, thinking that she killed Ges Vorrutyer. She assigns Droushnakova as Cordelia's bodyguard when Cordelia admits to missing the bright women friends that were so dear to her back on Beta Colony. During Vordarian's failed attempt to take the Barrayaran throne, he claims Kareen as his wife to try to solidify his claim to power. After Cordelia proves to Kareen that Vordarian lied to her about Gregor's death during the coup, Kareen attempts to kill Vordarian. She is shot and killed by one of the Residence guards. (B)

  Vorbarra, Laisa Toscane:

  A woman Duv Galeni is seeing until Emperor Gregor becomes entranced by her and they become engaged to be married. She is short, a bit plump but attractively so, with brilliant blue-green eyes, glowing milky skin, a lovely face, and short, light brown hair with silvery blond highlights. She is a daughter of the Toscane family on Komarr, which cooperated with the Barrayaran conquest, and now holds a lot of influence on the planet. She is a trade lobbyist at Vorbarr Sultana, and has a doctorate in business theory. In an effort to court her, Gregor gives her a horse ride at their first private luncheon. She is appalled by some of the more traditional terms of the wedding contract, but Lady Alys helps reinterpret some old, embarrassing customs to put her more at ease. She marries Gregor, and becomes the Empress of Barrayar. Her family owns a fifty percent share of the Komarran trade fleet impounded at Graf Station in the Union of Free Habitats. (CC, DI, M, WG)

  Vorbarra, Serg:

  The son of Emperor Ezar, he is the crown prince of Barrayar, and the next in line to the throne. He is co-commander of the Barrayaran armada during its attempt to invade Escobar. He is about thirty years old, with a square face, black hair, hooded hazel eyes, and thin lips. A vain, pompous, deviant man, he is goaded into personally leading the attack on the Escobar fleet, and is killed in the ensuing battle. His death is part of a plan hatched by Emperor Ezar, Captain Negri, and Aral to save Barrayar from Serg's insanity, since he is manifestly unfit to rule. After his death he is hailed as a hero on Barrayar. The planet of Sergyar is named after him. (SH)

  Vorbarra, Xav:

  Aral's grandfather, he was the ambassador to Beta Colony when he was a youth, where he met Aral's Betan grandmother. While the assassins sent by Yuri Vorbarra (his half brother) missed him during the Massacre, his wife was killed, leading Xav to side with Ezar in the civil war that resulted in Ezar becoming Emperor. (SH)

  Vorbarra, Yuri:

  An Emperor of Barrayar who went mad in his later years, despite, or perhaps because of, his heroic earlier role resisting the Cetagandan invaders. He is related to Prince Xav Vorbarra (half brother). He was deposed by an army headed by Piotr Vorkosigan and Ezar Vorbarra. During Yuri's ritual death of a thousand cuts, Aral Vorkosigan, though only thirteen years old at the time, was offered the first cut. (SH)

  Vorbarra-Vorkosigan, Olivia:

  Daughter of Xav Vorbarra, and the mother of Aral Vorkosigan, she was killed by one of Emperor Yuri's assassins, who shot a sonic grenade into her stomach in front of Aral when he was eleven years old. (SH)


  No first name given. A count's heir in the southern districts of Barrayar, he is entangled in criminal activity involving Jackson's Whole, including using his private yacht to insert a hijacking team onto the Princess Olivia. He is betrayed when Luca Tarpan sets him up to take the fall for the assassination of Ekaterin. (WG)


  No first name given. A lieutenant in Barrayaran Imperial Security, he is a courier officer who was captured and held for ransom. Illyan sends the Dendarii Free Mercenaries to rescue him. During his rescue, Miles accidentally cut his legs off with a plasma arc while suffering a seizure. Vorberg's legs are fortunately salvageable, though he lost a bit of height in the accident. He later meets Miles back on Barrayar, but doesn't know Miles was the one who maimed him. Understandably, he speaks disparagingly of the Dendarii Mercenaries. While convalescing he is given a job as night guard commander for the security at the clinic where Simon has been placed. When Miles doesn't respond to Simon's repeated requests to see him, Vorberg finds Miles to chastise him, inadvertently letting him know something is wrong, and putting the whole chain of events that leads to Miles's appointment as Imperial Auditor into play. (M)


  No first name given. A lord on Barrayar, he is the head of the Vorbarr Sultana Municipal Guard. He helped Officer Gustioz with obtaining permissions to arrest Doctor Borgos. He is also waiting to arrest Lord Richars when the Council of Counts finishes voting on Lord Dono's claim to his brother's District. (CC)

  Vorbretten House:

  The Vorbretten ancestral manor was so badly damaged during the fighting over Vordarian's Pretendership that the family demolished the remains and built anew. Protected by force screens, the new mansion is modern, light, and airy, perched on a bluff overlooking the river, nearly opposite Castle Vorhartung, and with excellent views of the Vorbarr Sultana cityscape both up and down river. (CC)

  Vorbretten, René:

  A count on Barrayar, he is the epitome of the modern Vor class; tall, athletic, and handsome. He speaks four languages, plays three musical instruments, and has perfect singing pit
ch. His house colors are dark green and bittersweet orange. He is the son of Commodore Lord Vorbretten, who had been a star protégé of Aral Vorkosigan until he was killed at the Hegen Hub during the Cetagandan takeover attempt a decade ago. When his grandfather died, René gave up his military career and assumed the count's duties. He married Tatya, the eighteen-year-old daughter of Lord Vorkeres, in a love match. While the couple was preparing for starting their first child in a uterine replicator, the gene scan revealed that Rene is one-eighth Cetaganda ghem-lord by an alliance of his great-grandmother during the Occupation. This means the seventh Vorbretten count was not the true son of the sixth, which could cut René out of the succession in favor of the true lineage by a descendant of the sixth count's younger brother, Sigur Vorbretten, the son-in-law of Count Boriz Vormoncrief, who has filed claim on Sigur's behalf to the Vorbretten district. With help from Miles and Lord Dono Vorrutyer, René fends off the claim to his district, and is confirmed as the true count by a majority of the Council. (CC)

  Vorbretten, Sigur:

  A descendant of the sixth Count Vorbretten's younger brother, he has had a claim filed on his behalf by Count Vormoncrief on the Vorbretten District due to René Vorbretten's Cetagandan heritage. René wins the vote, and a gracious Sigur accepts defeat with what appears to be relief. (CC)

  Vorbretten, Tatya Vorkeres:

  Countess, and the wife of René, she has bright hazel eyes, wide set in a heart-shaped face with a foxy chin and ringlets of ebony hair. She and Olivia Koudelka went to school together, and Olivia and Martya visit the Vorbrettens during the Cetagandan bloodline scandal to cheer her up. Her cousin Stannis is a directing officer in the fife and drum corps of the City Guard. Withdrawn and depressed about the scandal, she attends the Council of Counts meeting that will decide her husband's fate, unwilling to wait for the news. (CC)

  Vordarian, Vidal:

  A commodore and count of Barrayar, he is a staunch conservative who disapproves of Aral's progressive ideas. About forty years old, he is neither handsome nor ugly, with dark hair and a dished-in face, a prominent forehead and jaw, and a mustache. He told Cordelia during the Emperor's Birthday celebration that Aral was bisexual, making her realize Vordarian was not to be trusted, and resulting in her telling Simon Illyan to watch him. His district has four major manufacturing cities and some military ports, with one being the largest shuttleport and supply depot. After Ezar's death, he attempts to overthrow the current government and install himself as Emperor, holding Kareen hostage in the Imperial Residence and declaring himself Prime Minster and acting Regent of Barrayar. He is killed by Bothari at Cordelia's command. His house colors are maroon and gold. (B)

  Vordarian's Pretendership:

  What Barrayarans call the attempted coup that occurred when Aral first became Regent. (B, WA)


  A Barrayaran count who arrives at Vorkosigan House with Admiral Hessman during Piotr's funeral. Cordelia distrusts him. When he learns of Miles's formation of a mercenary army at Tau Verde IV, he tries to bring charges of treason against Miles to discredit Aral, in hopes of eliminating a potential rival to the Emperor's throne. He is uncovered by Miles, who accuses him at the Council of Counts, and forces him into revealing his sedition. (WA)

  Vorfemme knife:

  A small knife, often decorated, that is traditionally carried by all woman of the Vor class on Barrayar, ostensibly to defend themselves if necessary. Helen Vorthys remembers that she had been carrying an enameled one in her boot, which she had unfortunately thrown at one of the engineers. Ekaterin wasn't wearing hers, in an attempt to appear more modern. Vorthys mentions her grandmother and Ekaterin mentions her great-aunt in reference to the knives, implying that Vor women have used them for more than decoration in the past. (K)


  No first name given. A count on the south coast of Barrayar who started his own political party. He is a man with very few assets, as his family consistently sided with the wrong people at the wrong time throughout the previous century, including the Cetagandans and Vordarian. He currently rents out his family mansion to a prole with ambition, and has only one servant. Lord Dono, Olivia, Ivan, and Szabo all showed up at his flat to gain his vote regarding Dono's suit at the Council when they are attacked by Richars' men, who attempt to castrate Dono. Count Vorfolse is so incensed by the assault happening on his property that he verbally admonishes Richars in the Council chamber before voting in favor of Lord Dono. (CC)


  No first name given. One of the undecided counts that Miles thought he brought to René Vorbretten's side, although not to Lord Dono's. (CC)


  No first name given. A captain in Imperial Security, he is in charge of the Komarr jump station security. He wants to make an aggressive raid to end the hostage standoff with the Komarran engineers, but Miles overrides him in favor of negotiation. (K)

  Vorgorov, Cassia:

  A slim girl, eighteen years old, with dark brown hair, a slightly long face, and pretty eyes. She runs into Ivan, whom she's had a long-standing crush on, and Mark at the Emperor's Birthday celebration. Ivan knows her, as his mother wishes him to consider her as a possible match, but he does not appreciate her as Mark does. She seems unsettled by Mark, however, and when left alone with him, excuses herself and leaves him as quickly as possible. She later marries Lord William Vortashpula, Count Vortashpula's heir, and discreetly rubs it in Ivan's face. (CC, MD)

  Vorgustafson, Vann:

  A Barrayaran Imperial Auditor, he was recently appointed by Emperor Gregor. A retired industrialist and noted philanthropist who doesn't dress according to his lofty social status; in fact, his wardrobe lacks color coordination. Shorter and stouter than Vorthys, he has a bristling gray beard and a pink, choleric face that can alarm those who first meet him, since he appears to be on the verge of stroke or heart attack. Along with the other Auditors in attendance, he approves Miles for the eighth Imperial Auditor position. (M)


  No first name given. A count on Barrayar, he is a staunch Conservative, and a linchpin in the party, due to his reputation for integrity. He did not rebel against Aral's Regency government when one of his sons was put to death for participating in an illegal duel. When word of Richars's bungled assault on Lord Dono gets back to him, he leads Counts Vorkalloner, Vorpatril, and Vorfolse in switching their vote against Richars. (CC)

  Vorhalas, Carl:

  Son of Count Vorhalas, Carl is a Barrayaran lord and Evon Vorhalas's younger brother. Early in Aral Vorkosigan's Regency government, he is publicly executed by beheading after he kills someone in a duel. Afterward, Evon Vorhalas attempts to kill Aral because he wouldn't stop the execution. (B)

  Vorhalas, Evon:

  Carl Vorhalas's brother, he attempts to assassinate Aral using the soltoxin in revenge for Carl's execution. During the coup, he escapes to Vordarian's side and is put in charge of commanding ground troops in Vorbarr Sultana. He is shot by his own men when he won't surrender after Vordarian's death. (B)

  Vorhalas, Rulf:

  Admiral in the Barrayaran fleet, he is a friend of Aral's, and brother to Count Vorhalas. Roughly fifty years old, he is subordinate to Prince Serg during the war with Escobar, and is killed when the prince's ship is destroyed. (SH)


  No first name given. One of the counts involved in voting on the René Vorbretten and Lord Dono Vorrutyer cases. His house colors are chartreuse and scarlet. (CC)

  Vorhartung Castle:

  An old, rambling castle located on a bluff above the river rapids that divide the city of Vorbarr Sultana. It is where the Council of Counts convenes to handle the governmental business of Barrayar. It is also the site of Gregor's Imperial offices. It incorporates a museum open to the public when the counts are not in session, containing such exhibits as the preserved scalp of Mad Emperor Yuri Vorbarra. (All except FF, SH)


  No first name given. A Barrayaran Imperial Audit
or, he is the youngest of the seven Imperial Auditors before Miles joins, and one of the best. A cool, lean, sophisticated man, he is the model of the modern Vor lord. He has been a soldier, diplomat, planetary ambassador, and one time assistant to the Minister of Finance. Miles had requested to work with him before Gregor makes him an acting Imperial Auditor. Along with the other Auditors in attendance, Vorhovis approves Miles for the eighth Imperial Auditor position. (M)


  No first name given. A Barrayaran count whose district has remained neutral during the War of the Vordarian Pretendership, and who was heavily courted by both sides. Piotr thinks he is playing both ends against the middle, and wants Aral to hang him if he doesn't choose soon. Cordelia plans to travel through his district during her rescue mission to save Miles. (B)


  No first name given. A Barrayaran count who would be backed by the military right if he ever attempted to claim the throne. Despite his conservative bent, he votes for both René Vorbretten and Lord Dono Vorrutyer at the Council of Counts meeting, thanks to some back-door politicking by Alys Vorpatril. (CC)


  No first name given. An Imperial Auditor in the more traditional mold, having been appointed straight out of the military, where he was an admiral. Tall and thick, he seems to take up a lot of space. He had a long, distinguished military career, is socially bland, and does not affiliate himself with any political party. Along with the other Auditors in attendance, he approves Miles for the eighth Imperial Auditor position. (M)


  No first name given. A Barrayaran count, he is one of the Conservative members who changes his vote from Richars Vorrutyer to Lord Dono Vorrutyer. (CC)

  Vorkalloner, Aristede:

  A lieutenant commander in the Barrayaran military, he is Aral's second officer on the General Vorkraft. Promoted to commander, he is killed during the Escobar conflict. His body is later retrieved by an Escobaran Personnel Retrieval Team. (SH)


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