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The Song, The Heart

Page 19

by Jade Winters

  Skye’s dad hadn’t done anything to hurt Morgan or her family. He hadn’t been responsible for Chloe’s death. Like her mother, he was a victim of circumstance. When did I become such a judgemental arsehole?

  Morgan looked up at Chanel and smacked herself on the forehead. ‘I think I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life.’

  Izzy burst into the room with all the energy of a fireball. She glared at Morgan like a wild animal. ‘I overheard you two talking! How could you? Slagging my best friend off. I don’t care if you sack me—’

  ‘Izzy, I—’

  ‘Yes, I know exactly what you think of her now that you know the truth. You hate drug addicts. But do you know what’s worse than them? It’s people who think they’re better than anyone else. Her dad may be a lot of things, but she loves him with all her heart, and she’s loyal … the most loyal and kind person you’ll ever meet.’

  Morgan stood and stepped towards her. ‘Izzy, I wasn’t badmouthing Skye. I just—’

  ‘So, what are you going to do now that you know? Throw away her dreams because she’s tainted? Finish with her and toss her aside?’ She shook her head. ‘Cowards always run.’

  Morgan grabbed her mobile phone and car keys from the counter. Before she left the club she stopped next to Izzy, and took her trembling hand in her own.

  ‘I’m not running away from Skye,’ she reassured her. ‘I’m running to her.’

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Skye stood rigid when she swung the front door open, and then closed her eyes and swallowed hard. Morgan was the last person she’d expected to see. There could be only one reason for her visit, and it wasn’t a good one. Her thoughts spiralled into a chaotic avalanche as she stepped out onto the doorstep.

  ‘This is a surprise.’ Her mouth was dry. ‘Have you come to dump me in person? If so, there’s no need. I’m not coming back to London anyway.’

  Skye somehow managed to get the words out even as her chest tightened. She knew the ‘speech’ was coming, the one that Morgan had no doubt lined up for her about breaking up because of her dad’s addiction. She had probably justified dumping Skye on the grounds of their very different outlooks on life. As much as she loved Morgan, there was no way on earth that she would judge people on the bad decisions they made, just to please her. Not now. Not ever.


  ‘You don’t have to patronise me.’ Her voice came out as a croak, so she quickly cleared her throat. ‘I understand why you don’t want anything to do with me. Not only did I lie, but I lied about something that is important to you. But my dad’s important to me—’

  ‘Can you let me get a word in?’

  ‘No. I can’t bear to hear what you have to say. I’d rather you just left to be honest.’ Having sounded as firm as she possibly could, Skye spun around and moved towards the door. In a way, she was relieved everything was out in the open. She hated lying, especially to Morgan. Well, she wouldn’t have to lie anymore. All she wanted to do was erect a wall between her heart and the pain she knew she’d suffer once she stepped inside her house and Morgan left forever.

  Morgan put a hand on her shoulder, stopping Skye in her tracks. ‘So that’s it?’

  Skye spun around, her heart beating hard. She was angry with Morgan for toying with her emotions. ‘What else can there be? I don’t want to be with someone who hates my dad just because he’s an addict. As much as I love you, Morgan, my family means a lot to me.’

  Morgan gave her a slow, coaxing grin. ‘I’m glad to hear it.’

  Confused, Skye scrunched her forehead. ‘So what are you doing here if you know I’m not leaving my dad?’

  ‘I’ve come to support you.’ She let out a soft sigh. ‘Don’t forget I know exactly what you are going through.’

  ‘Supporting me won’t take an hour, Morgan. You’ve seen him, he’s in a bad way, but he really wants to quit this time. I know he does.’

  ‘You know there are places that can help him.’

  ‘Yeah, if you’ve got the money. The cash I had saved up—’ She stopped short of admitting the truth.

  ‘Your dad spent it, didn’t he?’

  Skye bowed her head, too ashamed to meet her gaze. Not only did Morgan know he was an addict, but she knew he was a thief as well. Not exactly a positive picture she was painting of him.

  Morgan dug her hand into her pocket, brought out a leaflet and handed it to her. ‘That’s a residential rehab place in Yorkshire.’

  After scanning the swanky-looking facility for a few seconds, she snapped her head up, annoyed that Morgan didn’t get it. Hadn’t she heard what she’d said about the money being gone? It would take her a lifetime to save enough money to send Oliver to Clarence Rehabilitation. Morgan was talking as if finding thousands of pounds was a simple matter. If that had been the case, Skye would have enrolled him into rehab years ago.

  ‘Oh, that just looks fabulous. I’ll just nip inside and pack his case. I’ll even order a limo to drop him off, shall I?’

  Morgan took the leaflet back. ‘I didn’t mean it as an insult. It’s a place I once tried talking my mum into going to, but she wasn’t ready.’

  Skye berated herself for her over-sensitivity. She had been quick in forgetting that Morgan had fought the same battle. Sometimes she was just so wrapped up in her own little world. ‘I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t take my frustration out on you.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ Morgan reassured her. ‘Look, what I’m saying is that I want to help you. Emotionally, financially—’

  ‘I don’t want your money. I don’t want to feel obligated to you.’

  ‘You won’t be. If you come back to sing at the club, you can pay me back weekly out of your wages.’

  Skye considered the offer. It would be the perfect solution all round, and her dad wouldn’t have to suffer a day longer.

  ‘I don’t know,’ she said. Could she really afford to let her pride stand in the way of getting her dad help?

  ‘So what’s the alternative?’ Pain flickered in Morgan’s eyes. ‘Unless it’s not just your dad who’s keeping you here.’

  Skye frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Maybe you don’t want to be with me. If that’s the case, all you have to do is tell it as it is. I’m thick-skinned, Skye. I won’t crumble.’

  Skye instinctively grabbed Morgan’s hand. ‘Are you crazy? How can you think that for a second? I love you so much my heart feels like it will burst without you. I just don’t want you resenting me for bringing bad memories into your life.’

  ‘You? Bad memories? Skye, all you’ve brought into my life is happiness. And I want to help because I love you.’

  ‘I’m sorry I lied to you. I wanted to tell you the truth so many times, but I just couldn’t. I thought you’d be disgusted with me.’

  ‘I know, and I’m as much to blame,’ Morgan said gently stroking her hair. ‘If I hadn’t put a wall up in the first place, you could have told me the truth straight away. Skye, if we’re partners, we have to be partners in every sense of the word. Your burden is my burden and vice versa. Your dad needs help, and we’ll make sure he has the best help available to him.’

  Shock rendered Skye silent for a few moments. Can I really turn down this offer? This might be dad’s last chance. Finally finding her voice, she said, ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘Just say yes.’

  A rippling tide of joy rushed through her. ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’

  ‘Good! So does that mean you’re coming back to London?’

  Skye grinned. ‘As soon as my dad’s in rehab, I’ll be there in a shot.’

  Even as she said the words, a sense of sadness overwhelmed her. She couldn’t bear the thought of parting from Morgan again, even for a few weeks.

  Morgan groped inside her jacket until she found her phone. Taking it out, she punched in some numbers.

  Skye peeked over at Morgan’s phone. ‘Who’re you calling?’

  ‘Chanel to let her know she’s the stand-i
n manager until further notice.’

  Skye clasped her hands together and squeezed them tightly. ‘Does that mean you’re staying?’

  ‘It sure does. I’ve already booked a room at the hotel.’ Her smile was full of mischief. ‘I’m at your beck and call, m’lady,’ she said, curtseying.

  Skye laughed as she blinked back the tears of happiness that threatened to fall. They had come full circle, and nothing would come between them again. Any future heartache, pain or struggle would be more bearable, because they’d be facing it together. The invisible thread that had connected their hearts from the start was stronger than before.

  As they held each other in a tight embrace, Skye remembered a quote she had once read about the difference between the love of your life and your soul mate. The answer was a simple one that she now grasped wholeheartedly. She drew back, looked into Morgan’s eyes and saw the beacon of love that shone through them: one is a choice, and one is not.


  ‘You’re shaking,’ Morgan said, taking Skye’s hands in her own and kissing each fingertip.

  ‘I’m so nervous.’

  Despite singing regularly at the club, Skye’s nerves still got the better of her, and especially tonight, as her parents were in the audience. After spending the past six months in rehab, courtesy of Morgan, Oliver was now a free man, left to stand on his own two feet. Her mother had returned to the family home with Zeus, and her parents had rekindled their relationship. Skye’s life no longer revolved around her dad—not that she didn’t care anymore, but she had confidence in the specialists who were trained to deal with him and his addiction.

  Morgan released Skye from her embrace. ‘You’d better go before the crowd gets restless.’

  Skye followed Morgan down the short corridor and waited in the wings of the stage as Morgan walked up to the mike. The packed room quietened as she spoke. ‘I’d like you all to give a massive round of applause to our homegrown talent, Skye. Her new song will blow your minds!’

  Locking eyes with Skye, she left the stage and mouthed the words, I love you.

  The audience cheered as Adrian played the intro to the new song Skye had written. Without a second thought, Skye drew in a deep breath, strode onto the stage and took the mike in hand.

  ‘I’d like to dedicate this song to the woman I love. It’s called, “About you”.’

  Glittering like a cosmic star on earth, Skye overpowered the stage with her appearance alone. When the verse kicked in, her nerves and apprehension dissipated.

  Skye put her all into the performance. When the song ended, she executed her signature move of falling to her knees, victoriously thrusting her fist into the air. The audience rose to their feet, clapping and cheering with the intensity of a crowd at a football stadium.

  After bowing repeatedly and saying her thanks, she joined Morgan at the bottom of the stage stairs and followed her to the table where her mother and father sat. Upon seeing her through the crowd, Oliver stood and hugged her like never before, his chest heaving with sobs. With a deep, calming breath, he pulled away and held Skye at arm’s length.

  ‘Look at you,’ he said. ‘My baby girl was meant to be a star.’

  He turned his attention to Morgan, who stood by Skye’s side. ‘Thank you for helping my daughter realise her dream.’ He paused, clearly deliberating his next words. ‘I wish I had been brave enough to follow my own.’

  ‘What do you mean? You wanted to be a singer as well?’ Skye asked, trying to picture her dad strutting his stuff on stage

  Oliver chuckled. ‘No. A writer. When I was sixteen, I wanted nothing more than to be a famous author. I’d write any chance I could. I wrote on napkins, on tabletops, on my hands. I was just dying to get my stories out. When I got the opportunity to join a creative writing course in London, my parents wouldn’t let me go. I had to get a proper job, as my dad said.’

  The disappointment of a lost opportunity was still clear in his eyes. She took his hand and squeezed it, encouraging him to carry on.

  Lately, her dad had been opening up to her more and more, and his support worker said this was a good thing.

  He shrugged nonchalantly. ‘I agreed to stay at home, but all it did was cause resentment. I rebelled. That’s when I started using drugs. I know it’s a lame excuse, but it was something to fill the empty void left in me. I am so glad you’re stronger than me, Skye.’

  ‘You know, it’s never too late, Dad. I think if you wrote about your experience, it could help a lot of people.’

  Oliver looked at May. ‘I know. That’s what I’ve been doing while in rehab with the help of your mum.’

  ‘That’s amazing!’ she exclaimed, hugging him tightly. ‘Everything will be alright, won’t it?’

  He put his hand on his chest. ‘On my life. Now get back up there and sing me another song!’

  ‘Oh gosh, no. I’ve already blown everyone’s minds with my first song. If I do another, I’ll probably give them a heart attack!’ Skye boasted sardonically, and Morgan and Oliver shared a heart-warming laugh.

  ‘Oh trust me, Oliver,’ Morgan said. ‘I’ll get her back on stage without causing any unwanted deaths. Could you imagine the headlines? I’d never be able to keep this place open.’

  Skye glanced across the room at Izzy, tongue deep inside Mr Thighs. They had been inseparable, so much so they were engaged to be married. She was happy Izzy had finally found her Mr Right.

  Skye pulled Morgan aside. ‘I still can’t believe this is all happening.’

  ‘I can,’ Morgan said, drawing Skye into her arms. ‘Are there any more dreams you want to fulfil? The sky’s the limit.’

  Skye looped her arm around Morgan’s neck. ‘Only—’

  ‘Shh.’ Morgan pressed a finger to Skye’s lips and inched her face closer. ‘Close your eyes and make a wish, and I promise it will be granted.’

  Skye squeezed her eyes shut and blocked out the noise inside the club. She realised her wish had been granted already. She opened her eyes to find Morgan staring at her intently.

  ‘Are you up to something?’

  ‘I was going to give this to you later,’ Morgan said, taking an envelope from her pocket and handing it to her.

  Skye turned it over in her hand. ‘What’s this?’

  ‘Open it,’ Morgan urged.

  Skye tore the envelope open, withdrew the official-looking piece of paper and frowned when she saw the heading: Star Maker.

  Her breathing became laboured as she took in the full meaning of the words.

  ‘I had a friend record one of your performances, and I sent it to Star Maker’s audition department,’ Morgan said. ‘From the look on your face, I can see it’s good news.’

  ‘Good news? It’s amazing news. They want me!’ Skye jumped up and down on the spot several times, drawing laughter from onlookers. ‘Star Maker wants me on their show.’

  ‘Is that what you wished for?’ Morgan asked.

  Skye took a deep breath and shook her head. ‘I didn’t ask for anything. There wasn’t any point. Why wish for true love when I’ve already found it with you?’




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